A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 85: Summer Vacation, Part I

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 85: Summer Vacation, Part I - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

July 13, 2002, Stockholm, Sweden

? Birgit

“«Hej, Birgit!»” Kjell called out as I walked into the arrivals hall at Arlanda Airport with my dad, moms, Suzanne, Jesse, Ashley, and Nicholas.

I hurried over to him and we exchanged a hug while Dad greeted Karin and Kristian, and Aunt Bethany pulled Nicholas into a tight hug. The look on his face was priceless because it was obvious he didn’t appreciate it.

“«Hur var flyget?» Kjell asked, holding me in his arms. (“How was the flight?”)

“«Långt!»” I groused. (“Long!”)

“Let’s go get our bags,” Dad said.

Kjell took my hand, and we walked with our families to the baggage claim, and we continued speaking Swedish.

“Is everything set for your party and camping trip?”

“Yes. Are you going to Göteborg with your family when they come back from Russia?”

“No. I thought I’d stay with you, if that’s OK.”

“It is. Mom made up the spare room for you.”

“You didn’t tell them...”

“No. Did you?”

“Only Ashley and one friend know.”

“Only my friend Anna knows, because she helped me plan the camping trip and it’s her dad’s boat. She really wants to meet Jesse!”

I laughed, “And if she’s a tall blonde, I guarantee Jesse will want to meet her!”

“Tall, gorgeous, and could be a Viking shield-maiden! She plays football.”

“Prettier than me?” I asked.

“Nobody is prettier than you, Princess Birgit!” Kjell declared.

“That’s Empress Birgit to you!” I giggled.

“Does that mean I have to do everything you tell me?”


“Your Swedish is really good!”

“Dad’s been teaching me and we practice almost every day and I still make lots of mistakes. I’m reading «Hundarna i Riga», but it takes me a long time and sometimes I have to look up words or ask Dad.”

“That’s like when I was learning English in school. What did you plan to do after dinner?”

“Sleep!” I giggled. “I’m seriously tired from the flight and my body does not know what time it is!”

“OK. You, Jesse, and I are supposed to meet my friends tomorrow at 10:00am. Nicholas and Ashley are invited if they want to join us. If you come to our apartment by 9:30am, we can make it with no trouble.”

“I’ll tell Dad.”


? Steve

“Any change in your plans?” Karin asked as we waited for our bags.

“No. Dinner tonight, as we agreed, then we’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

“Kjell made plans to meet with his friends tomorrow morning. Birgit, Jesse, Nicholas, and Ashley are all invited. They’re going to have a picnic in the park and play football.”

“That’s fine with me,” I replied. “Do you know what time the kids need to meet?”

“Probably about 9:30am at our place. They can take the «Tunnelbana». I’m sure your kids can navigate from the InterContinental to our apartment.”

“Birgit’s Swedish is very good,” Kristian observed. “She’s just chattering away!”

I chuckled, “English or Swedish, it doesn’t matter!”

“She’s still planning to be an exchange student?”

“Nothing has changed in that regard. If everything goes according to plan, two years from now. And Ashley two years later.”

“They’re both welcome to stay with us if YFU will allow it,” Karin interjected.

“Birgit will start the application process in just over a year, so we’ll see what the rules are. I really haven’t kept in touch with them, though I did read the news about their bankruptcy and reorganization. Hopefully, that won’t interfere with Birgit’s plans. If there are problems, we’ll look at AFS, or possibly some kind of private arrangement.”

“Just let us know what we can do,” Kristian said. “I have plenty of contacts in the government here, and I know you have a friend in the State Department.”

“Hi, Steve!” Bethany said.

We hugged, and she kissed my cheek.

“Hi, Sweetheart! You finally let Nicholas go?”

She laughed, “I’m a mom! I missed him!”

“Will we see you tomorrow?”

“Yes. Nicholas and Bobby will hang out with Kjell and his friends, but Tom and I will see you tomorrow afternoon.”

“Great! I’m looking forward to talking about your year here now that it’s nearly over.”

“We haven’t spoken much for the past year,” Bethany observed.

“That’s true, but I think that was for the best. Things weren’t going so well between us. Anyway, how’s your Swedish?”

“I can get by at the store and in very basic conversations, but nearly everyone with whom I interact speaks English, including at the university. Tom’s Swedish is better, as he took the intensive course, but his brigade uses English when he’s on shift, as all the firefighters and paramedics speak English. Bobby speaks like a native!”

“Where are Tom and Bobby?”

“Bobby is playing soccer, and this is the second to last match before we go home. His team is throwing a ‘goodbye’ party next Saturday. Tom and Bobby will meet us at the restaurant.”

Our bags arrived, and after we collected all of them, we headed for the cars. Nicholas, Jesse, and Ashley went with Bethany; Birgit, and Kjell went with Kristian, and Kara, Jessica, Suzanne, and I went with Karin.

Just over an hour later, we walked into the InterContinental Hotel and I registered for our two suites — one for Ashley, Birgit, and Jesse, with the girls sharing one of the two rooms, and one for my wives and me. Once we had all our things in our room, we went downstairs to join the others for the walk to the restaurant where Tom and Bobby were waiting, having just arrived.

We were seated in a private dining room which Kristian had reserved, and had a very nice meal. When we finished eating, we headed back to the hotel so the kids could get some sleep and my wives and I could celebrate our marriage to Suzanne.

[Madrid, Spain] ? Matthew

“This is so cool!” Chelsea gushed as we made our way along the platform at the train station. “It’s almost like a honeymoon!”

“Oh, good! That’s going to save me a fortune in a few years!”

Chelsea laughed, “WHERE we go isn’t as important as WHAT we do!”

“We’re already doing that!”

“Matt Clarke! If you take me for granted...”


“You guys should keep the mushy stuff private!” Michael declared. “I do not want to know!”

“Not with Andi?” Chelsea asked.

“She’s a friend!” Michael protested. “We play video games and build robots!”

“Kids...” Mom warned.

We found the correct car, boarded, and took our seats in a private compartment. About ten minutes later, the train pulled out of the station for our journey to Cádiz.

[Stockholm, Sweden] ? Steve

“What’s your pleasure?” I asked the three beautiful women who stood naked before me.

“Unless you object,” Kara said, “Jess and I would like to make love with Suzanne, then the three of us can see if we can wear her out!”

“Knowing you, I’m more likely to be the one who’s worn out!”

“Perhaps,” Kara replied, her eyes twinkling. “We did bring all the toys!”

“Of course you did! May I suggest not bringing them to Russia? Swedish Customs and Immigration would have a laugh; I’m not quite sure how Russian border guards would react! And no, I don’t object!”

I moved to sit on the love seat and watched my three wives climb into bed and begin making love to each other. There was no doubt in my mind that I was the luckiest man in the world to have found three women who could love each other and love me, and we could express our love not just emotionally or spiritually, but physically as well. Watching them made me extremely hard, and when they’d each had a pair of orgasms, I climbed into the bed.

Kara and Jessica smirked, got out of bed, and opened the toy bag.

“We’re going to triple team her! We bought a second harness!”

“Oh, God,” Suzanne moaned. “Yes!”

Fortunately, we were all flexible enough to make it work, with me in Suzanne’s mouth and Kara and Jessica using their harnesses to fill Suzanne’s pussy and butt. After Suzanne had several good orgasms, and I had cum, Kara, Jessica, and I did our best to wear out Suzanne, culminating with me fucking Suzanne for as long and hard as I could, then Kara and Jess orally pleasuring her, before the four of us fell asleep in a sweaty heap.

July 14, 2002, Stockholm, Sweden

? Birgit

“Dad, our moms, and Suzanne looked awfully tired this morning!” Ashley smirked as she, Jesse, and I walked to the «Tunnelbana» after breakfast.

“Duh!” I giggled. “It was their honeymoon night!”

“Are you guys going to call Suzanne ‘Mom’?” Jesse asked.

“No,” I replied. “She’s like a big sister, only she couldn’t do what they did last night if she were a sister!”

“The places your mind goes frightens me!” Jesse said, shaking his head.

“You have no idea!” Ashley teased.

“And I don’t want to!” he replied.

We arrived at the «Tunnelbana» and I paid our fares, and we went to the platform to wait for the train. It arrived less than ten minutes later and whisked us to the stop near Kjell’s house. We left the station, walked to the apartment building, and I pressed the button next to their name so they could buzz us in.

“Hi!” Kjell exclaimed in English when we walked into the apartment.

We hugged, and I saw a tall, pretty blonde girl, who I was sure was Anna, come up behind Kjell.

“Jesse, this is my friend Anna,” Kjell said. “She helped plan our camping trip.”

“Hi!” Anna said, smiling.

It was immediately obvious to me that they found each other attractive, which was no surprise. They were both just over six feet tall, both athletes, and good looking, though I’d never tell my brother that because he’d never let me forget!

“I have a picnic basket with our food and drinks,” Kjell said. “We can leave right away for the park. The rest of the gang will be there about 10:00am. Ashley, Anna’s younger brother will be there, as will a couple other girls your age.”

“How many altogether?” Jesse asked.

“About twenty, because there will be younger brothers and sisters, so we have some in each age group. Nicholas will meet us there with Bobby. I need to tell my mom we’re leaving, then we can go.”

? Jesse

“You play «ishockey», right?” Anna asked.

“Yes. I’m a goalkeeper.”

“So crazy, then!”

I laughed, “Yes! What sport do you play?”

“Football, but I think you call it ‘soccer’.”

“My friends and I call it football. We like it better than the American kind.”

“That game seems so silly! Put on armor, run with the ball right into the other players, or throw it down the field even past the last defender, then have everyone end up in a big pile!”

“I agree. That’s why we prefer to watch real football! Unfortunately, we don’t get too many games in the US, so we mostly see games from South America on the Spanish language channels, though they did cover the World Cup.”

“Do you have a favorite team?”

“Tottenham in the Premier League plus Real Madrid and Ajax. You?”

“Chelsea and Real Madrid. What team do you play for?”

“My High School. You?”

“Same. You’re sixteen, right?”

“Yes. You?”

“Fifteen,” Anna replied. “I’ll be sixteen next month, and I start «gymnasiet», like your High School. What grade are you?”

“I’ll be a Junior. That means I have two more years before college.”

“And I have three. Kjell said he doesn’t think you have a girlfriend.”

“He’s right,” I said. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No. We usually go out as a group.”

“Same here.”

“You’ve been here before, right?”

“Yes, a couple of times. My dad was an exchange student, which is how he met Kjell’s mom.”

“I was surprised your sister can speak Swedish.”

“Dad taught her. She wants to be an exchange student here in two years. You know, you never said what position you play.”

Anna laughed softly, “Keeper! So I’m crazy, too!”

[Cádiz, Spain] ? Matthew

“Wow! We can walk right out of the villa onto the beach!” Chelsea exclaimed.

“Did you decide about your bathing suit?” I asked.

“I’ll wear my bikini and decide when we get to the beach.”

“Eduardo says most girls don’t wear tops once they fully develop, and you are absolutely fully developed!”

“Brat!” Chelsea exclaimed mirthfully and smacked my arm.

“Mom said she’s going to wear just a thong!”

“Your mom is beautiful! I hope I look as good as she does when I’m that old!”

“I am hardly ancient!” Mom said, coming into the room.

“I didn’t say that, Aunt Elyse!” Chelsea said quickly. “Just that you’re older than I am! You’re gorgeous!”

“I agree!” Eduardo said, joining us. “Are we ready to go?”

“Where’s Michael?” I asked.

“He went down to the beach with my niece and nephew about twenty minutes ago,” Eduardo replied. “He thought we were taking too long!”

The four of us left to head to the beach to join Marco and Maria, who were children of Eduardo’s brother Tomás, who had married an Italian lady. They were twelve and ten, and were going to be at the villa until the day before we left to go home.

When we got to the beach, Mom took off her lightweight robe, and I rolled my eyes because she had on the smallest thong imaginable. It had the effect she wanted, because every single guy on the beach noticed her!

“You’re prettier,” I whispered to Chelsea.

“Uh-huh,” she replied skeptically.

“You are. And when you take off your top, every single guy at the beach will notice you and I’ll have to fend them off!”

“I’m here with you!”

“Obviously! But I bet they all think I’m your little brother. You’ll see!”

“You’re OK with guys ogling me?”

“Can I stop them?”

“Probably not.”

“And do you want anyone but me?” I asked.


“And do you see me looking at any other girls?”


“I’m not worried! But I still bet you get hit on!”

“You are such a goofball!” Chelsea declared.

“You love me anyway!”

“I do!”

[Leeds, England] ? Albert

“Fill me in on the past year!” Amanda requested as we drank tea on Sunday afternoon.

“I flew a lot with Aimee, but otherwise, just the normal stuff a twelve-year-old boy would do!”

“You’re thirteen now.”

“But I was twelve most of the last year!”

“You are nothing if not pedantic!”

“Thank you!”

“When can you get your pilot’s license?”

“When I turn seventeen.”

“Mom?” Kara called out.

“Yes, Honey?” Amanda replied.

“Can I go with Albert and Jane after dinner?”

“If they invited you!”

“Jane said it was OK. Albert, is it OK?”

We were going to visit some of Jane’s friends and going to a park.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Thank you!” she exclaimed, then scampered off.

“She’s getting big!”

“She’ll be five next month,” Amanda said. “Thank you for allowing her to go with you. It makes her feel grown up.”

“Jane says she’s not difficult, and listens. How are things going here?”

“Jon is busy at the hospital, of course, and Karen is busy with her dental practice. And you know I watch the kids and maintain the household, which is something I very much enjoy! I do miss all you guys, but I love Jon and Karen so much!”

“We miss you, too!” I declared. “But we don’t really need a nanny, and except for the Summer, Yuriko is helping out.”

“Another one of your dad’s girls?”

“What do you think?”

“I think your dad is incorrigible! But you’re devoted to Jane.”

“And Matthew is devoted to Chelsea. Stephie and Nicholas had a fight because she was being WAY too bossy. She got her period and turned into a witch!”

“Except with a ‘b’, right?”

“My mom does not like that word any more than Aunt Jennifer does!”

“Albert?” Jane called out. “I’m ready!”

“Coming!” I called out.

“Have a nice time!” Amanda said.


[Stockholm, Sweden] ? Steve

“What have you learned?” I asked Bethany as we sat on a park bench and drank sparkling water.

“I completely understand how you developed your views on sex, teenagers, and sex with teenagers!”

I chuckled, “Which you already knew, but now were able to see firsthand.”

“I think the countries are so different that what works in Sweden won’t work in the US.”

“True or not, that’s no reason to perpetuate the idea that teenagers are toddlers! What’s next? Declaring anyone under twenty-one a child?”

“Hyperbole, Steve.”

I shook my head, “No. If the drinking age is twenty-one, and they pass the legislation to restrict sales of tobacco to only people over twenty-one, and they prohibit anyone under twenty-one from buying a handgun, the seeds have already been sown. Then it’s just a matter of what’s next. We’re already seeing it become more and more difficult to get a driver’s license before you turn eighteen, or if you can, it’s so heavily restricted as to not be worth it.”

“Sweden set the driving age at eighteen!”

“Yes, but I can also get to nearly any place in the country, including many places in the middle of nowhere, by public transportation! I couldn’t even get around the Chicago suburbs that way! Driving is a necessity and gives kids freedom. But even then, they have to contend with curfews and other restrictions.”

“Your real concern is sex.”

I shook my head, “No, it’s not; at least not the way you mean. Remember the genesis of arranging for you to come to Sweden.”

“Our discussion about Jesse.”

“Yes. You, in effect, declared that he could never be with anyone because, by all the rules you had in your head, he would either be abusing the girl or an older girl would be abusing him. Following your thinking to its logical conclusion, only two completely inexperienced and completely ignorant virgins could ever have consensual sex. That’s nuts, Sweetheart. That is exactly the same result as the religious fanatics want, albeit for different reasons. If you haven’t seen how wrong your new approach is while living here, well, the only thing left for me to do is throw up my hands in despair.”

“You know I’m not ever going to approve of you being with teenage girls.”

“Again, that’s not the issue. The issue is my kids and the cousins and society not treating them as if they were adults and capable of making decisions for themselves. Sex is a proxy for everything else. I fear you’ll have a reaction like Francesca’s mom when Nicholas and Stephie finally figure out they don’t actually hate each other and prove it repeatedly!”

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