A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 62: Got Him!

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 62: Got Him! - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

June 8, 2002, Kohler, Wisconsin

? Steve

I dragged myself out of bed late on Saturday morning and took a joint shower with Elsa and Nickie. I’d only had about three hours of sleep, with the girls finally giving up when they couldn’t get me hard despite a valiant effort. Fortunately, we’d have breakfast, and I’d have had more than four hours to recover, as we’d need to stay out of the room long enough for the housekeeping staff to clean, change the sheets, and provide fresh towels.

We left the room, putting out the ‘Maid Service’ placard, ate a leisurely breakfast, then went for a walk around the grounds. When we arrived back at the suite, we all took off our clothes per the rules Suzanne had made.

“May I make another special request?” Tessa asked.

“What did you have in mind?” Suzanne asked.

“It’s a two-part request,” Tessa said. “If Steve is amenable, I want to peg him while he fucks Nickie, and then I want him to fuck me in the bum.”

“Whoa!” Nickie gasped. “Have you done those things before?”

“No, but I want to try them and Steve is the right guy to try them with. If he’s willing, of course.”

“I don’t object,” Kim said. “I want to see both of those!”

“Same here!” Elsa exclaimed.

“Steve?” Suzanne inquired.

“That’s within the limits you and I agreed,” I replied.

“Is that a ‘yes’?” Tessa asked.

I nodded, “It is. May I make a suggestion?”


“That Nickie put on the harness and you ride her while I do what you requested.”

“Double penetration!” Suzanne exclaimed.

“That’s crazy!” Nickie protested. “But I’m game!”

“Both ways?” Tessa asked with a smirk.

Nickie was quiet for a moment, obviously considering.

“Yes,” she agreed. “I’ll try it, too.”

“I’m on the sidelines for this one!” Kim declared. “But I’ll watch!”

“OK to use the time this way, Suzanne?” I asked.

“Are you kidding?” she smirked. “Kara’s not the only one who likes to watch! And I have my plans for our wedding night!”

I was sure she and Kara had cooked up some over-the-top plan for Stockholm, though I hoped they had taken Jessica’s views into account. But that was something to worry about in the future. For the present, I had to focus on initiating Tessa and Nickie in something they’d never done, taking their remaining cherry.

Nickie and I got into bed and I used my mouth to get her wet while Suzanne assisted Tessa in putting on the harness and the smallest of the rubber dildos. As soon as I penetrated Nickie, Tessa straddled us, and I felt the tip of the cold, lubricated, rubber dildo pressed against my hole. With guidance from Suzanne, Tessa penetrated me, and after a bit of experimentation, we developed a slow rhythm as I fucked Nickie and Tessa fucked me.

With all the times I’d cum the previous day and night, and the fact that I could really only take about five minutes of pegging, I didn’t cum, but Nickie did, and Suzanne, having pity on me, had Tessa pull out. I pulled out of Nickie, and Suzanne helped her into the second harness with the dildo that approximated my length and girth, and then had Nickie lie on her back.

Tessa mounted her and began riding while I slathered lube on my shaft and glans. I spread some lube between Tessa’s cheeks, positioned myself, and with a firm thrust penetrated her bum.

“Ungh!” Tessa groaned.

“You OK?”

“Don’t ... stop...” she gasped.

It took four firm thrusts to fully embed myself in Tessa, and I could feel the dildo moving in her pussy. I began slow, deliberate thrusts, matching Tessa’s movements as she rode the dildo and French kissed Nickie. The hot, tight confines of Tessa’s bum created delicious friction, and I knew I could cum easily. I didn’t want to overdo it for Tessa’s first time, so I let the pleasure build, and managed to time it perfectly — when she had an orgasm, I had mine, and pumped cum into her tight bum as she shuddered and moaned from her own release. I carefully pulled out and the three of us went to the shower to thoroughly wash ourselves while Suzanne cleaned and sanitized the dildos.

When we were clean, I fucked Tessa while Nickie pegged me, then we switched so she could ride Tessa. Nickie gasped as I pushed into her extremely tight butt, needing six thrusts to get fully inside her, because she was tighter than any girl I’d been in. She grunted and groaned as I moved in her, and my pleasure quickly built.

“Don’t ... cum ... too ... quickly,” Nickie gasped as she shuddered from an orgasm.

“So long as you’re OK,” I said.

“Just ... don’t ... stop!” she gasped, shuddering again.

Amazingly, Nickie was having almost continuous orgasms, totally getting off on being double penetrated. It brought to mind my first time with Jennifer, when she’d had a series of small orgasms, though these seemed much more intense. Despite the intense pleasure, I had no trouble delaying my release, but was concerned about how Nickie would feel afterwards.

“You still OK?” I asked a few minutes later.

“Keep ... fucking ... me!” she demanded, gasping for breath.

We continued for another fifteen minutes, until she had a much larger orgasm, and I sped up my thrusts, fucking her through her orgasm and then filling her butt with hot, sticky cum. When the pulses stopped, I gently pulled out, Nickie rolled off Tessa, and closed her eyes, breathing hard. Tessa and I got out of the bed and went to the shower to clean up.

“There is one more thing you and Nickie could do,” I said as Tessa carefully washed my groin.

“What’s that?”

“Tit fuck,” I replied. “And I either cum in your mouth or on your face.”

“I think Nickie is out of action for a while!” Tessa said mirthfully. “She really got into that.”

“And you?”

“It was OK, and something to do occasionally, but I think Nickie might be addicted! Is that something you like?”

“Neither of those is my preferred activities, but I do them when girls ask me to.”

“But do you get off?”

“On being pegged? No; but that’s not about me, that’s about the girl.”

“Do you have any limits?”

“Yes, of course. Nothing that leaves permanent marks, no scat, no urine play, and only light bondage.”

“What’s it like to be tied up?” Tessa asked, as I soaped her body.

“It can be exciting, but I’m very careful about it because I had a pair of close friends who were raped. I have no problem if people want to do it, but it’s a fine line for me.”

“But you’ve done it, right?”

“Yes, on occasion. But I have turned down what was, in effect, a rape fantasy.”

“I don’t think that’s for me,” Tessa replied. “I mean a rape fantasy. I had a friend who was raped when we were fifteen.”

We finished in the shower and went back to the bedroom where Nickie was still lying on the bed, her eyes closed, but her breathing had returned to normal. And she was smiling.

“Kim, Elsa, what would you like?” I asked.

“Threesome?” Elsa suggested.

“Let’s go to the other bedroom,” I said.

[Chicago, Illinois] ? Birgit

“Do you need any help, Birgit-chan?” Yuriko asked as I packed for my trip to see Katy.

“Thanks, but no; I’m a pro at this! I travel by myself to see Katy every year.”

“How did you meet her?”

“Dad met her when they were in college here in Chicago. They dated, but Katy is bisexual and prefers to have a girl as her life partner. She and Dad are really close, but Katy and Amy are really happy together, and they adopted a boy, Davey, a few years ago. You leave on Monday morning, right?”

“Yes. It’s a long trip! First to San Francisco, then to Tokyo, then a train to Oguni. You should come to visit sometime! I am sure Sakurako would like to meet you!”

“And I’d like to meet her!” I declared. “Maybe someday.”

“Perhaps you and Jesse could travel together. He could see Akiko and you could come to Oguni.”

“But I wouldn’t be able to practice at the dojo there, would I?”

“No. Boys only. They are very traditional.”

“I know,” I replied. “I don’t like it, but as Dad says, it’s up to the Japanese people how to run their country the way they see fit.”

“I think you would like Japan, though you would need to be, well, more subtle.”

I laughed, “Dad says I’m about as subtle as a hurricane!”

He’d said ‘nuclear bomb’, but I knew that was a very sore subject for the Japanese, and I actually agreed with them. I agreed with Dad that nuclear weapons were weapons of terror, and nobody should have them.

Yuriko smiled, “I think you will have much more success if you use the advantages of being a woman, rather than trying to force things to happen. Women are VERY powerful if they are subtle!”

“Dad’s women are NOT subtle! Aunt Elyse, Aunt Penny, Aunt Cindi, and Aunt Julia are like me!”

“Yes, but Natalie is more effective with your dad, I think. I don’t think he’s ever disagreed with her and she always gets her way.”

“You might have a point,” I allowed.

“What do you do in Vermont?”

“Help with the bed-and-breakfast. I make ice cream, bake pies, clean, and watch Davey, though he’s old enough to watch himself most of the time.”

I finished packing, and we went downstairs so that Yuriko, Ashley, and I could begin working on dinner.

[Kohler, Wisconsin] ? Steve

“That was awesome!” Kim exclaimed when she, Elsa, and I got out of bed after two hours of fooling around.

“I agree!” Elsa declared.

We went into the other room and found Suzanne and Tessa engaged in sixty-nine, with Nickie looking on.

“I need a nap,” I said.

“Mmph!” Suzanne said, which I interpreted as ‘OK’ as she had a mouthful of Tessa’s pussy.

“OK to lie down with you?” Nickie asked.

“Sure,” I agreed.

We went back to the other room and got into the king-size bed on the opposite side from the large wet spot Kim, Elsa, and I had left. Nickie cuddled close, gave me a kiss, I wrapped my arms around her, then quickly fell asleep.

I woke just before dinner, with Nickie still cuddled next to me.

“Can we do what we did with Tessa again before we go home tomorrow?” Nickie asked.

“If the other girls don’t object, yes. It’s close to dinner time; shall we dress?”

We got out of bed and joined the others who were in the sitting room, confirmed our dinner plans, and then everyone dressed. On the way out, we stopped at reception and asked for clean sheets and towels, and the clerk promised to have it taken care of right away. We got into Kara’s van, which we’d borrowed, and headed for a restaurant Liesel had recommended.

“What did you do while we were napping?” Nickie asked the other girls.

“Perfected our oral skills with each other!” Elsa exclaimed.

“I’m curious,” I said. “Is this something you’ll do again? Or is this just a special weekend?”

“Just a special weekend for me,” Kim said. “No regrets and no concerns, but this isn’t for me, except as an experimental wild weekend.”

“Maybe,” Tessa replied. “I’m not sure. I think it would have to be the right circumstances.”

“I will,” Elsa said, “though eventually, I’m going to settle down with a guy in a traditional relationship.”

“I need to find a boyfriend AND a girlfriend!” Nickie declared.

“Obviously!” Elsa exclaimed. “You were really into it!”

“I couldn’t stop cumming!” Nickie exclaimed. “And that is NOT a complaint! I asked Steve to do that again, and he agreed, so long as none of you objected.”

“No objections here,” Tessa said, “though I do want to try something Steve suggested earlier — a tit fuck. I think Nickie could do it, and maybe Elsa, but Kim and Suzanne are too small.”

“Bite your tongue!” I declared. “They have my preferred body shape! Not that all of you aren’t gorgeous!”

“Too small to do that!” Tessa exclaimed. “I know your opinion — more than a mouthful is wasteful!”

I chuckled, “Not that I let it go to waste, mind you!”

[Rochester, Minnesota] ? Jesse

“Jesse, you have a visitor!” Doctor Mary called out after dinner on Saturday evening.

I went to the foyer and saw a familiar face.

“Hi!” Joy exclaimed.

“Hi!” I replied, holding out my arms.

We hugged.

“Doctor Mary told me you’d be here,” Joy said. “But I wasn’t sure my dad would be OK with me seeing you, so I didn’t get in touch. He and Mom agreed I could come over, so long as I’m home by 11:00pm.”

“Well, come on in,” I said, then turned to Doctor Mary, “We’ll go to the basement.”

“OK,” Doctor Mary replied. “We won’t bother you.”


Joy and I went to the basement and I walked over to the shelf with the DVDs.

“What do you want to watch?” I asked.

“Don’t I get a kiss?” Joy asked, hands on her hips.

“I wasn’t sure, given everything that’s happened.”

I walked back to where she was, took her in my arms, and we exchanged a soft kiss. When she broke the kiss, she put her lips close to my ear.

“I’m still on the Pill and I had an STI test last week,” she whispered. “If you aren’t steady with anyone...”

“I’m not.”

“Then we should skip the movie!” Joy exclaimed.

“I think I need to check with Doctor Mary,” I said. “I’m not sure what she might have promised your parents. And we have to think about them coming here.”

“They’re out. They just told me I wasn’t allowed to have you in the house, but that we could go out, or spend time here, so long as Doctor Mary and Don were home.”

“Let me go check,” I said.

I went upstairs and found Don and Doctor Mary in the great room.

“Doctor Mary, did you promise Joy’s parents anything?” I asked.

She laughed softly.

“Just that we’d be home all night,” she replied.

“So, if we happened to go upstairs...”

“You’re an adult, Jesse, and you make your own decisions. Joy is seventeen, and old enough to decide that for herself as well.”

“Thanks,” I said.

I went back to the basement to let Joy know, but decided to tease her.

“They promised to make sure we didn’t,” I said.

“What?!” Joy exclaimed in outrage. “I’m going to KILL my parents!”

“Oh, wait, they didn’t promise any such thing!” I grinned.

“Jesse Block, I’m going to use my teeth!” Joy threatened.

I took her hand and we went up two flights of stairs, and into the room I was using. I shut and locked the door, then took Joy in my arms.

“Teeth, huh?” I asked with a smirk.

Joy rolled her eyes, “Boys will put up with ANYTHING to get a girl to give a blowjob!”

“Including licking you until you can’t stand it anymore!”

“As if!” she giggled. “Challenge: accepted!”

“We have about three hours,” I said. “So it’s up to you!”

“Let’s make love, then you can lick me until I can’t stand it any longer!”

“And you’ll do the same for me?”

“If you succeed!” she giggled.

We quickly got undressed, got into bed, kissed, and touched until Joy was wet and I was hard, then had a long, slow screw. As soon as the last spurt left my dick, I pulled out, slid down, and worked on meeting the challenge. What Joy hadn’t anticipated was that I could bring her very close, then switch to kissing her thighs or mons, never letting her have an orgasm. I kept that up for nearly twenty minutes until she begged me to let her cum.

“I win!” I grinned, moving up and pushing my dick into her pussy.

“You don’t play fair!” she complained.

“All’s fair in love and war!” I chuckled.

“Just shut up and fuck me!” Joy demanded.

I did, and when we finished, she gave me an excellent blowjob, though she got even by not swallowing before we French kissed. I wasn’t going to let her ‘win’, so I went for it, and didn’t complain. After the kiss, I licked her to two orgasms, we screwed once more, then went to the shower.

“You know,” I said, as I started soaping Joy’s body, “I should have asked this before, but are you seeing anyone?”

“What would happen if I said I had a boyfriend?”

“I’d be very disappointed,” I said warily. “You know how I feel about cheating.”

“There’s a guy I’ve been seeing, but it’s not official and we aren’t a couple.”

“Let me guess — your parents don’t know.”

“Correct! He’s a First Year medical student; well, Second Year as of next week.”

“So, how do you see him?”

“By going out with friends. He comes along, and the other girls all have boyfriends, so it works out. My parents think I’m just out with the group.”

“He’d be, what, twenty-three?”

“Twenty-four in August. My dad is six years older than my mom.”

“I wasn’t objecting, just asking! My first was thirty-four, and I was fourteen!”

“Whoa!” Joy gasped. “Seriously?”

“Yes. It was a total surprise when she offered, but I wasn’t going to say ‘no’!”

“What fourteen-year-old boy would?”

“No straight one, that’s for sure! How did you meet this guy?”

“His name is Tom, by the way. I met him when he was interviewing for med school. We hit it off, but obviously, we couldn’t go out. When he started school last August, I got in touch, we got together, and we’ve been secretly seeing each other since.”

“Do Don and Doctor Mary know?”

“Yes. And my friends, obviously. You aren’t upset, are you?”

“No. If you aren’t cheating, then it’s not a problem.”

“He knows I go out with other guys to stuff like dances and football games. It’s a cover. Once I graduate next June, then it’ll be up to me, not my parents. I plan to go to U of M Rochester, so I’ll be here. He’s hoping to Match at Mayo.”


“Doctor Mary said you’re staying here on the 22nd. Can I see you again?”

“Of course!”

[Kohler, Wisconsin] ? Steve

When we returned from dinner, the room had been made up, and there were fresh sheets on the beds, and fresh towels in the bathrooms. The girls agreed that I should fulfill Nickie’s request, so she, Tessa, and I repeated our earlier activities, though this time, after a couple of minutes of slow thrusts, Nickie begged me to fuck her harder. I obliged, and she had another seemingly endless string of orgasms. When we finished, we showered to clean up and then, totally spent, Nickie and I got into bed and fell asleep entwined in each other’s arms while the other girls went to the other bedroom.

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