A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 5: Visitors

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 5: Visitors - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

January 25, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I said, “Was this your idea?”

Suzanne shook her head, “No. The five of us were joking and teasing, and Tessa jokingly suggested the five of us try to completely wear you out. That led to a silly discussion of what we’d do, though I pointed out that both Tessa and Kim were dating seriously enough that it would violate your rules for them to be with you. Tessa acknowledged that and challenged the three of us.”

I chuckled, “I thought it was only guys who fell for the ‘double dog dare’ challenges!”

“You do realize that girls’ locker rooms are at least as bad as guys’, right?”

“So I’ve been told. Despite having the lifelong ambition of being in a girls’ locker room, it’s never happened!”

“Of all men, YOU would be the one to be able to pull that off, not only not being arrested, but getting laid!”

“Perhaps,” I grinned. “But it’s never been worth the risk of finding out.”

“It doesn’t hurt that you have access to more pussy than any man I know!”

“No, it doesn’t.” I agreed. “But how does this fit within my revised attitude?”

“Well, first of all, you’ve been with both of them before, which means it conforms to your limited times with new girls; second, you set up a regular thing with Maya; third, you were with that girl in Boca; and fourth, you haven’t had an actual foursome in a long, long time! It will be fun.”

“What did you tell them?”

“That all I could do was ask, and that there was a very good chance you’d say ‘no’.”

“I’m curious, and you know this has no direct bearing on my decision, but how involved?”

“Probably just some kissing with each other, nothing more. You know I’m OK if it goes further than that.”

“Back in November, when I used innuendo to suggest a threesome, Elsa’s response was ‘in your dreams’. What changed?”

“I don’t know that anything changed, really. If you’re worried about her thinking it through, the silly conversation was before the movie, so she had plenty of time to think about it and back out.”

“Peer pressure can be pretty strong,” I replied.

“If that is your objection, you should have raised it in Saint Martin!”

“Point taken,” I replied. “And Nickie?”

“Is the one I’m sure would want to kiss me!”

“On a scale of one to ten, how much do you want to do this?”

“Is that important?”

“Yes. And I mean for you, not for me.”

“I’m not sure I can separate those at this point,” Suzanne said. “I have to consider our relationship in everything I do, the same as you do with me. And the same as you do with Kara and Jessica, and they do with you and each other.”

“A valid point,” I replied. “And you took that into account before suggesting it?”

“Not specifically, but what I’m suggesting doesn’t violate your agreement with your wives, doesn’t violate your New Year’s resolution, doesn’t violate any of your rules, and would be lots of fun.”

“How much would it bother you if I declined?”

“I love you, Steve. If you don’t want to do it, just say so. The girls will go back to their dorms and I’ll have you in my bed.”

“Do you know my real concern?” I asked.

Suzanne was quiet for a moment, “That I’m procuring for you. But that’s not what this is. It wasn’t even that when we went to Saint Martin. If you want to be completely accurate, I was procuring for the girls, not for you!”

“And now?”

“I’d call it spontaneous, actually. I don’t think anyone planned this, we just kind of joked and teased our way into it. And it was actually Tessa’s silly comment that started the whole thing, and she’s not participating.”

I took a deep breath and let it out.

“I’m inclined to say ‘no’, at least for tonight. If it’s something you really want to do for you, then we can discuss it further.”

“May I ask why not tonight?”

“Mostly because I want more time to consider if it fits with what I meant when I made my resolution. From a practical point of view, I have to be up early in the morning to walk Jess to work, and I need my sleep, as you know. Add in what happened with Birgit tonight, and I think, if this is going to happen, it shouldn’t be tonight. As I said, we can discuss it, and plan it, if we decide to do it.”

“I need to let the girls know.”

“OK. We should walk them back to the dorms.”

“Or they can sleep in the other bed in my room.”

“Then you and I will just sleep,” I replied.

“I believe you’ve reminded me that sex isn’t just for bed and just at night! We’ll have other opportunities this weekend!”

“Then let’s go to bed.”

January 26, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

“Suzanne, Elsa, and Nickie proposed a foursome last night,” I said after Kara, Jessica, and I left the house on Saturday morning.

“And?” Kara asked.

“I said ‘no’, at least for now. I’m not sure it fits with my ‘new era thinking’.”

“You’ve been with all of them before,” Kara said.

“Yes, and that particular exception could apply to literally scores of girls, which is not what I intended. When I made that exception, it was basically for Katy and a few others, but very limited, not the entire list of nearly two hundred girls. And I did leave things open for occasional new girls, and Wendy Cobb is one of those.

“I suppose the short answer is I have you two, Suzanne, Natalie, and, for a short time, Hope. And you know where that might lead. There’s also Kristin in the offing, should that happen. And you both know there will be others from time to time. I suppose one way to say it is that I got it out of my system in November and December.”

“I’m not trying to encourage you,” Kara said, “just trying to understand your thinking.’

“You aren’t upset with Suzanne, are you?” Jessica asked.

“Not at all,” I replied. “It is a tempting offer, and one I could see myself doing, but I also know myself well enough that it would be easy to let things get crazy, given all the opportunities which seem to present themselves. Heck, the cheerleaders were interested in repeats, and several of them offered to introduce me to friends! It could be like High School all over again if I let it! Honestly, I feel like it’s time to settle down, so to speak. We have a stable situation with the three of us and Suzanne, and I don’t want to mess that up in any way.”

“Was she upset?” Kara asked.

“Not at all. She might ask again, and I’ll consider the request if and when she does.”

“Invite her to sleep with us tonight,” Jessica requested.

“OK,” I agreed.

“Speaking of requests,” Kara asked, “will you fulfill Hope’s, if she makes it?”

“She spoke to you, right?” I inquired.

“Yes,” Kara replied. “I’m pretty sure she’ll ask. I think that her curiosity has got the best of her, so to speak, and having you with her will allow her to tell herself that it was just an experiment. I think she just has to know, and I don’t think it’ll harm her in any way.”

“Has to?”

“She sees Jessica and me and wonders,” Kara replied. “And the three of us know that doing something is very different from talking about it. Not to mention her desire to offend her grandfather as much as possible.”

“OK. That gives me a pretty clear idea of what to do — say ‘yes’ and be there to support her, assuming Kailey is interested enough in guys to do it.”

When we reached the hospital, Kara and I both kissed Jessica, and after she had gone into the ER, we turned for home.

“I’ll have my chat with Birgit while you’re at breakfast with the men,” Kara said.

“She’s really a good kid,” I said. “She just thinks she needs more space than she believes you’re willing to give. I’ve pointed out to her that she’s not nearly as mature as she thinks she is, though I’d recommend you not say something like that to her.”

“I feel as if I’ve done something wrong, because she’s OK with you saying those kinds of things.”

“You haven’t, Honey,” I replied. “And one day soon, I’m going to be on her shit list.”

“She’ll get over that pretty quickly.”

“Yes, and THAT is when she’ll stop competing with you, because she can’t win. Right now, she thinks she can gain the upper hand, but it’s illusory. I’d confront her now, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. She has to come to me, and I have to rebuff her, and she has to believe that I’m the one who is saying ‘no’, not you or Jess.”

“She’ll blame us.”

“It’s on me to make sure that does not happen. Ultimately, your opinions don’t matter because I wouldn’t do it, even if you both gave your blessing. Not after what happened with my sister.”

“May I say something about that? I know it’s generally off-limits.”

“Off-limits only because we’ve put the whole thing behind us.”

“Had your sister not wanted to marry you and have your children, it might actually have turned out OK. In the end, what messed her up was the expectation that somehow you two could have what amounted to a marriage. And THAT is Birgit’s desire as well.”

“So if she just wanted an expert deflowering and to fuck a few times, THEN it would be OK?” I asked.

Kara laughed, “I didn’t say that! I want to say something which I know Jess would disagree with, so can we keep this conversation between you and me?”


“My thinking has evolved and I believe you and Stephanie mutually consented, and without her expectation of a lifelong relationship, would have been the beautiful thing you thought it was, and I don’t have a problem with that.”

“You’re OK with incest?”

“No, I said I don’t have a problem with it. It’s a nuance, similar to your thinking about acquiescence and consent. Obviously, in the case of you and Stephanie, you couldn’t consent to what she truly wanted, so you agreed to be with her on your terms, but didn’t foreclose what she wanted firmly. Had you talked about it, set boundaries and limits, and had she understood it was for a limited time, it wouldn’t have ended in disaster. I’m not blaming you, by the way, because you were both teenagers without the wisdom we have now.”

“Interesting. I see your point, and it makes some sense, but it doesn’t change anything about Birgit.”

“Nor should it,” Kara affirmed. “It would be the same catastrophic result, and probably worse.”

“Do you have any limits?” I asked.

“You know I’ve said that no man will ever touch me the way you do, nor any woman, the way Jessica does. Beyond that, no. You know I’m a voyeur and an exhibitionist, and I get off on watching you deflower girls, but I understand the limits there. As for what other people do, including you, it’s up to them. Our only actual limit is that our physical sexual activity is exclusive to our trio, though voyeurism and exhibitionism are OK.”

“Where would you draw the line?”

“Between consenting partners? I wouldn’t. And, in the end, you wouldn’t either. To use Birgit as an example, you can’t consent to what she wants, so it can’t happen, even IF you didn’t have the history with your sister.”

“May I have your honest opinion on my ‘new era thinking’?”

“If you’re happy, I’m happy. I mean that.”

“Would you change anything?” I asked.

Kara laughed, “You know what really turns me on, so if you ever decide it’s OK for me to bring you virgins to deflower while I watch, and then have you fuck my brains out in front of them, I won’t object! And you know Jess is OK with my sexual expression. She’s OK with fooling around in front of Suzanne, or watching you and Suzanne, but she doesn’t get excited the way I do.”

“Is that what you want?” I asked.

“I don’t want you to do something that goes against who you want to be.”

“Who I want to be is your husband, and Jessica’s husband. I’d give up everyone else for you two.”


“If I were forced to choose, I’d choose you and Jessica. Period. But I can’t see that choice ever being forced by either of you.”

“And Elyse? Didn’t you promise her you would never say ‘no’?”

“I did, and of all the people who would understand, it would be her, and she’d release me from my promise. So would Suzanne, for that matter. Going back to your desires, if you want to do that on occasion, then I will. For you. Because I love you. But they would have to be at least seventeen. I can’t make exceptions to the age rule for what you want.”

“You’re sure that’s what you want to do?”


“I love you, Snuggle Bear! I promise not to be outrageous or too demanding!”

“Just one at a time, too, please.”

“I won’t go crazy; I promise. And it’s not like finding girls who are willing to do that will be easy.”

“I know you’ll find them,” I chuckled. “You’re highly motivated!”

“Now, if I could just get you to agree to make Abbie’s movie!”

“That’s not going to happen.”


? Birgit

“Are you doing OK?” Dad asked when I climbed into the chaise after he walked Mom to the hospital.

“Yes,” I replied. “He didn’t scare me, he was being dumb. But I told him to stop, twice, and he wouldn’t.”

“Did you consider walking away?” Dad asked.

“No,” I admitted. “Sensei Jim is going to be upset.”

“That’s between you and him,” Dad replied. “You do need to tell him because you used your karate outside the dojo and not in a competition.”

“Ugh,” I groaned.

“Being an adult means accepting responsibility for your actions. And being able to discuss what you did and why you did it. Your mom is going to speak to you later this morning.”

“Not again!” I complained.

“Birgit Adams! You do NOT whine!”

“Sorry, Dad,” I said. “But everything is fine!”

“Then explain that to your mom the way a mature young woman would. If you treat her as the enemy, the only thing she’ll ever be is an enemy. And she’s not, Pumpkin. She loves you and cares about you, and is looking out for you the way I do.”

“Not even!” I protested. “You just ask me about stuff and let me handle it my way, and guide me when you think I’m wrong.”

“Because you actually talk to me,” Dad said. “You don’t talk to your mom.”

“She doesn’t understand!” I protested.

“She understands far more than you think. Believe it or not, your mom and I were both teenagers, with our own struggles and our own conflicts with our parents. We understand.”

“You do,” I admitted.

“And so long as you are convinced that your mom doesn’t understand, the conflict will continue and get worse. Only you can fix this, Pumpkin. I want you to fix it. If you don’t, I’ll be very unhappy and very disappointed.”

“It’s not that easy!”

“Yes, actually, it is,” Dad said firmly. “You can fix it anytime you want.”

“But it’s so easy to talk to you! It’s different!”

“Why?” Dad asked.

“Because you don’t judge me!”

“You think your mom is judging you?”

“And controlling!”

“Oh, give me a break!” Dad exclaimed, sounding upset. “That is pure BS and you know it, young lady! You’re just TRYING to piss her off and I won’t stand for it!”

“Sorry,” I said.

“Sorry that you said it? Or sorry that you thought it? Be honest, please.”

“Sorry that I said it,” I replied grudgingly.

“Tell me what’s bothering you, please?”

I couldn’t, because right now, if I told him, he’d say ‘no’ because he was upset with me. But I knew if I didn’t say something, he’d continue to be upset.

“Katy thinks it’s hormones,” I said. “She says it’s part of adolescence, and it makes girls crazy and turns boys into sex fiends!”

Dad laughed, which was a good sign.

“That does sound like Katy!” he said. “And I accept that’s a large part of the problem, but you need to find a way to deal with it so that it doesn’t turn you into a bitch.”

“Dad!” I protested, feeling like I was going to start crying.

“I didn’t say you were one, but you could turn into one if you don’t find a way to manage your emotions. If you don’t, you could turn into an adult like the ones you detest so much.”

“Why are you saying these things?” I asked as tears ran down my face.

“Because I love you, Pumpkin, and I want to see you be the wonderful young woman I know you can be. And that starts with fixing things with your mom.”

“I’ll try,” I said, sobbing softly.

“Good,” Dad said.

“Cuddle me until you have to leave?”

“Yes, but go get some tissues and blow your nose and wipe your cheeks, please.”

I reluctantly got up from the chaise, took some tissues from the box and blew my nose, wiped my cheeks, and dabbed my eyes. I tossed the tissue in the small trashcan, then got back in the chaise with Dad and snuggled close.

“I’m really sorry, Dad.”

“This time I believe you,” he said.

“Thank you,” I replied quietly. “Do you still love me?”

“Always! You should never, ever doubt that.”

“I was afraid you might hate me,” I said.

“There’s no chance of that,” Dad soothed, squeezing his arms tightly around me. “I might be disappointed, though.”

“Same thing,” I said.

“It’s not, but I understand what you mean.”

We cuddled until Dad had to leave for his breakfast with the men. I had breakfast with my mom, Suzanne, Natalie, and my siblings, and while Ashley and Albert washed dishes, Mom asked to go to the ‘Indian’ room. She closed the door, and we sat side-by-side in two basket chairs.

“Tell me about last night, please,” Mom said.

“We were looking in the windows of The American Girl, and were about to go in, when this guy came up next to me. He told me I was very pretty, and I told him he was older than Dad. I wasn’t rude or anything, I just said it in a normal voice. He said that an older guy was just what I need, which isn’t wrong.”

Mom laughed, “I’m not surprised you believe that.”

I remembered what Dad had said and decided I could change things with Mom by talking to her the way I talked to Dad.

“So you’d be OK if I went to Uncle Kurt?” I asked with a smirk. “Trading daughters for deflowering?”

“You little ... so and so!” Mom exclaimed. “I don’t think Kathy would be very happy, because Kurt does NOT have the freedom your dad has!”

“I’ll have to think about how Aunt Kathy might react and then decide,” I said primly, the way I often heard Mom respond to Dad. “Anyway, the jerk said I needed an older guy and he would make it really good for me. I said ‘Give me a break!’ and told him he was too old, too fat, and worst of all, too rude. I told him to walk away before he got arrested, got hurt, or both. He said I didn’t know what I was missing and touched my shoulder. That’s when I turned and kicked him hard in the groin.”

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