A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 45: That’s On Me

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 45: That’s On Me - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

April 19, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

“Steve? Do you have a moment?” Aisyah asked on Friday morning.

“Of course. Penny, would you excuse us, please?”

“I’ll go to the playroom! I hear they have Krispy Kreme today!”

“Just half of one of those would likely trigger a manic episode!” I said, shaking my head.

“Hmm...” Penny smirked.

“Behave, Penelope!”

“Sorry,” she said, sounding chagrined.

She left and Aisyah and I sat down at the low table where I had a pot of tea, which Kimmy had made earlier. I poured some for each of us.

“Hassan asked me to marry him last night,” she said. “He said you had given your blessing.”

“I have. I spoke to your father last night as well, and he has no objections, though he had given me the final say as «wali mukhtar», so it was just a courtesy call. Did you discuss the «nikah»?”

Aisyah nodded, “We did, and the terms are acceptable, including the «mahr».”

“Good. Now the real question, do you want to marry him, and give yourself to him, for the rest of your life?”

“I don’t think I could find a better match without seriously compromising my principles.”

“Which wouldn’t be a better match,” I replied. “A faithful Muslim man, with traditional values, but not fanatical, strikes me as exactly the kind of man you should marry. The question I have for you is, is Hassan that man.”

“I believe he meets all my needs,” Aisyah replied. “He is kind, considerate, and a good father to his son, Jamal. He was married until his wife died of cancer, so he is not clueless about women.”

“I have three wives and three daughters, and I’m clueless about women!” I declared, interrupting her.

“That is not true, and you know it!” Aisyah declared.

“Well, someone should explain that to my eldest daughter, then!” I retorted.

“Your relationship with her is quite interesting.”

“That’s one way to put it,” I chuckled. “I’m sorry for interrupting you.”

“What I meant,” Aisyah said with a sly smile, “is that I will not have to train him!”

I laughed, “Now YOU sound like my daughters!”

“That is a good thing! For this purpose, I am your daughter, or at least your ward. And I trust your judgment in this matter.”

“I have seen nothing that gives me pause when viewed from an Islamic perspective.”

“I am aware of your difficulties with some of the cultural and religious practices, but I embrace them, at least until they become fanatical.”

“And wearing a scarf at work?” I asked.

“Do you object?”

“It’s not up to me,” I replied. “Is that a compromise you can embrace?”

“I feel it’s a minor concession, really. Ultimately, he won’t object to my interactions with men, something I know you struggled with when your Saudi friends were here.”

“It was Birgit who was beside herself on the topic,” I replied. “In my mind, it was up to Fatimah and Nada, and neither of them objected to the rules Amir asked them to follow. Birgit tried everything she could think of to change Fatimah’s mind, but was completely unsuccessful in her endeavor. What is your decision?”

“I intend to say ‘yes’.”

“Then I’ll sign the «nikah» when Hassan presents it and let Imam Iqbal know I’ve given my blessing. The «walima» will be at my house, which will be your father’s house, for the purpose of the celebration, and we’ll have it immediately following «zawāj». Did you decide where Hassan should take you on your honeymoon?”

“I want to take a Caribbean cruise, but I don’t know of any company which offers «halal» food.”

“How about a compromise?” I asked. “A private home in Saint Martin, with a private jet to take you there and back? I’m positive the house and food could be completely «halal». And it would be my treat.”

“That is too much!” Aisyah protested.

“It’s my gift to you and Hassan. Let me know when you intend to have your ceremony so I can plan the celebration and make arrangements for the honeymoon.”

“We’ll speak to the imam as soon as you sign the «nikah».”

“Then I’ll wait to hear from Hassan.”

“Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”

“You’re welcome. I’m happy for you!”

She left, and I went back to my workstation. Penny came in about ten minutes later.

“I saw Aisyah in the Annex, so I figured it was safe.”

“You need to be careful of the teasing when others are around Penny,” I said gently.

“I know. I’m really sorry. It just kind of slipped out.”

“You and Birgit both need to learn to control your tongues. And before you say it, yes, I did like how you controlled your tongue at fifteen!”

Penny winked, licked her lips suggestively, then sat down at her workstation.

? Birgit

“Hassan Khaled asked for my permission to marry Aisyah,” Dad said at dinner. “I gave it.”

“What?!” I gasped, outraged. “How can you participate in that?”

“First of all, because Aisyah asked me to. And second, because that is how it is done, per their tradition. That used to be the tradition here.”

“Count me out!” I declared.

“Chill, Birgit!” Albert declared. “It’s the gentlemanly thing to do to ask her father first!”

“Oh, bullshit!” I declared, shaking my head.

“I think I have to agree with Birgit,” Ashley said. “I mean, Dad, I love you, but no way!”

“All boys are dumb and useless!” Stephie declared. “Maybe I’ll marry a girl like Aunt Jennifer did!”

“That’s up to you, Little Bunny Rabbit,” Dad said. “If that’s what you want.”

I knew she didn’t mean it, because she liked boys, but she was so ticked at Nicholas that she said that to try to bother him. Her problem was, Nicholas didn’t give a fuck, and just ignored her. I could see in his eyes what he thought, but he wasn’t about to give Stephie the victory of him responding.

“Dad,” I asked, “even if Aisyah asked you, how could you do that?”

“Because it’s what she wanted. And even with my permission, she has the right to say ‘no’.”

“Wait! Fatimah had the right to say ‘no’ to her arranged marriage? Why didn’t you tell me?!”

“Because she didn’t want to say ‘no’,” Dad replied. “She wants to marry Ibrahim just as Aisyah wants to marry Hassan, and Sakurako wanted to marry Hideki. But in each case, their guardian was asked and gave his blessing. Remember, Fatimah chose to marry Ibrahim for reasons with which you disagree. But guess what? Your reasons for marrying are yours alone, and only matter to your future husband or wife.”

“I’m as straight as you are, Dad!” I declared. “But it just seems wrong that he wouldn’t ask her without your permission.”

“That was his choice. Are you seriously telling me that if a boy you want to marry asked me for your hand, you’ll say ‘no’ because he asked?”

“Any boy I would be willing to marry would know better than to ask!” I declared.

“I feel sorry for whoever he is!” Albert declared.

“Just being in my presence will be the greatest pleasure in his life!” I declared.

Dad, my moms, and everyone else suddenly seemed to choke on their food! I was sure that meant they knew I was right!

April 20, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Jesse

My moms left for the day at 8:30am, and promptly at 9:00am the doorbell rang. I went to answer it, and as I’d expected, it was Xaviera.

“Hi, Jesse!” she exclaimed.

“Hi! Come on in.”

She stepped inside and I shut and locked the door.

“Nobody else is here, right?” she asked.

“Right. My moms won’t be home until after dinner, and Angelina said you needed to be home by 2:00pm so your parents don’t get suspicious. Do you have your test paper?”

She smiled, opened her purse, and handed me a folded piece of paper, along with a prescription form.

“My licenses!” she giggled.

I checked the forms, checked her birthday, which confirmed she was sixteen, and handed them back.

“Everything appears in order, Miss Díaz!”

“I’m ready!”

I took her hand and led her up to my bedroom, then shut the door to make her comfortable even though nobody else was home.

“Did you have a specific request?” I asked.

Xaviera giggled, “I want you to fuck my brains out!”

I had assumed she would be shy and tentative based on how she’d acted at Angelina’s house, but that assumption was most decidedly wrong.

“Well, in that case, we’re wearing WAY too many clothes!” I declared.

Xaviera giggled and started taking off her clothes. She didn’t hesitate or blush, and within a minute I saw gorgeous breasts, a flat, toned stomach, and a vee of neatly trimmed pubic hair. I was naked by the time she pulled off her socks, which she’d left for last, and I held out my arms and she practically leapt into them.

Xaviera wrapped her arms tightly around me and I savored the skin-to-skin contact. She rested her head on my chest and sighed contentedly. I tightened my arms, and she raised her head, presenting her lips for a kiss. I lowered my head and as soon as our lips touched, she parted hers, inviting a French kiss. I slid my tongue into her mouth and she kissed me hungrily, our tongues twisting and twirling around each other. We kissed for a good minute before she broke the kiss.

“My first kiss!” she declared. “And it was awesome!”

We kissed again, and Xaviera’s hands roamed over my back and butt and she wiggled, creating delightful sensations as her nipples rubbed me just below my rib cage. Given our height difference, it would be better for her to be on top, but given she’d asked me to fuck her brains out, I’d do that first. Well, after I explored her body with my lips and tongue.

I broke the kiss after about a minute, then scooped Xaviera into my arms. She squealed with excitement and I put her onto my already turned-down bed. Far from being shy and tentative, I was positive Xaviera was going to be an absolute wildcat. It hit me that she’d basically been horny for a year, if not longer, and that anticipation was going to result in some amazing sex for both of us.

I French kissed Xaviera, then moved so I could suckle her right breast while caressing her left breast. I teased one nipple with my tongue, and the other with my thumb, and Xaviera wriggled and squirmed and moaned while running the fingers of her right hand through my hair.

Xaviera had spread her legs, so when I switched breasts, I moved between them, and she took advantage by wrapping her legs around me and grinding her mons against my stomach. I wasn’t surprised when, just a minute later, she shuddered and groaned. Taking a cue, I released her breasts, slid further down, and pressed my tongue between Xaviera’s labia, then closed my mouth and sucked on her clit.

“Unnnnnnggggggghhhhh!” she groaned a minute later, clamping my head in her thighs.

She was soaking wet, and I was hard as steel, and I saw no point in waiting. I shifted up so that my glans was lodged against her labia, rubbed it up and down to ensure it was lubricated, then looked into Xaviera’s eyes.

“Yes!” she exclaimed, pushing her hips up firmly, causing my glans to enter her.

I pushed my hips forward, and she bucked hard, allowing me to slide nearly all the way in with a single thrust. One short thrust later, I was buried inside her tight, silky tunnel.

“Fuck me, Jesse!” she demanded.

I began thrusting, and she began bucking her hips with wild abandon. We fucked hard, and Xaviera had what seemed like one continuous orgasm that lasted nearly ten minutes. A few more minutes of fucking and another seemingly endless one began, reaching peak intensity about ten minutes later when I groaned as cum blasted from my dick into her spasming pussy.

“How soon can you go again?” she asked, breathing heavily.

“Soon!” I promised.

? Steve

“May I speak privately with you, Sensei?” Miyu asked when she arrived at the dojo on Saturday morning.

I nodded, and with Sensei Jim’s agreement. Miyu and I went into the office, closing the door.

“What can I do for you?” I asked.

“You’ll need to find someone else to help you tomorrow.”

There was only one possible reason Miyu would refuse a request, well, one beyond an injury, which she clearly didn’t have.

“Congratulations! When are you due?”

“Now I understand why your wives and daughters find you so annoying! How did you know?”

“Well, you obviously aren’t injured, or you would have called to tell me, and you wouldn’t be wearing your gi. I also know that there is nothing I would possibly ask you to do which you wouldn’t do. That leaves one possibility.”

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” Miyu said. “Sherlock Holmes!”

“Exactly what I was thinking, though it doesn’t quite apply, because it’s not improbable for a twenty-four-year-old married woman to be pregnant. In fact, it’s not just probable, but likely!”

“I missed my period, so I used an EPT test yesterday. It was positive, so I would say I’m due mid-December, but I need to see my gynecologist to confirm. I have an appointment after work on Tuesday.”

“My guidance for you, Miyu-chan, is no sparring and no throws until you’re cleared by your doctor after you deliver.”

“Yes, Sensei.”

“Who’s your OB, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Fran Fredericks. She’s relatively new to the area. Her husband is a research biochemist and recently accepted a position at Abbott Labs. They moved from Ohio just over a year ago, and she joined the practice to replace my former gynecologist, who was retiring.”

“I haven’t met her,” I replied, “but then again, I don’t have much call to meet OB/GYNs. I do know quite a few trauma docs.”

“That’s no surprise, given your wife is a trauma surgeon!”

“If you and Hisataka need anything, please let me know.”

“I will, Sensei. Thank you.”

“Also, let me know when it’s OK to share the information.”

“Once I see Doctor Fredericks, and she confirms my pregnancy, I’ll let everyone know.”

“I’ll let Rachel know you aren’t available, and have Birgit stand in for you.”

“Are you sure you want to do that, Sensei?” Miyu asked with a smirk. “She’s more of a troublemaker than I was when I was fifteen!”

“Now that you mention it,” I chuckled. “But I think it would be good for Birgit.”

“It will,” Miyu agreed. “She just needs a bit of self-discipline. Fortunately, she has a good relationship with you, unlike mine with my parents when I was a teenager.”

“You’ve developed into a wonderful young woman who I am proud to have as my senior student.”

“Thank you, Sensei!”

We both stood, bowed, then left the office to join the rest of the regular class.

? Birgit

“Yes!” I exclaimed. “Yes! A thousand times, yes!”

Dad laughed, “All I asked was for you to allow Ms. Kealty to throw you and to throw her!”

“But you asked ME to help teach!” I declared. “That means you think I’m ready to be a black belt!”

“I asked you to be a tackling dummy or cannon fodder,” Dad chuckled. “I’ll do the teaching!”

“Hah! You still wouldn’t ask a brown belt to do it unless you thought they were ready to be a black belt!”

“Remind me why I put up with you?” Dad asked.

I knew it was rhetorical, but I was going to answer, anyway!

“Because you love me and you know I’m really, really good!”

I was positive I’d be really, really good at what I really wanted to do with him, and him asking me to help showed he believed I was mature enough to teach, which meant I certainly was mature enough to decide when I was ready to have sex and who I wanted to do it with!

“And modest, too,” Dad replied.

“Oh, please!” I protested. “It’s not arrogant if you can back it up! You’ve said so!”

“My daughter with an ego that has enough mass to be the center of the galaxy!”

“Universe, Dad! Center of the universe!”

“If that’s true, the universe is horribly off-axis!”

“Hey!” I protested.

“We need to be here at 7:00am tomorrow,” Dad said, ignoring my protest.

“At least that’s a good reason to have limited cuddles!”

“Hmm,” Dad replied, rubbing his chin. “So there ARE good reasons to limit cuddles.”

“Uhm, forget I said anything! Rewind the tape! Erase!”

Dad laughed, “You’re a goofball, Pumpkin.”

“So are you, Dad! So are you!”

? Jesse

Xaviera and I had a second round where she was on top, and she had done her best to fuck my brains out! After that, we’d switched to sixty-nine, and she hadn’t hesitated to take me into her mouth almost immediately after she’d lifted off me. It took her a bit to get a hang of giving a blowjob, but she did, and it was fantastic. I rewarded her with a sloppy, sticky kiss, me with my face covered with her juices and she with some of my cum still on her tongue.

We skipped lunch so that we could fuck three more times before we went to the shower where we washed each other and she gave me another blowjob. After we dried off and dressed, she helped me change the sheets on the bed and get them into the washer. We went back up to my room so I could light some incense, then I walked her to the front door.

“It was amazing, Jesse! Just like Angelina promised!”

Amazing was right! She was fun, adventurous, and enthusiastic, and her pussy fit my dick like a glove. I absolutely wouldn’t mind being with her in the future.

“It was! If you ever want to do this again, just let me know!”

“It’s difficult to arrange, but I’m absolutely going to! I LOVED having you fuck me! I LOVED fucking you! I LOVED when I sucked you while you licked me. And the orgasms were awesome!”

I held out my arms, and we hugged each other tightly, exchanged a soft kiss, and then she left so she could go to Angelina’s for a short time before going home. I made myself something to eat and had just finished my late lunch when CeCe arrived. She wasn’t banned from the sauna, so we went to the main house so we could use it.

“No privacy sign?” she asked.

“I’m not sure I could perform right now,” I chuckled.

“Who?” CeCe asked.

“I can’t say because it has to remain completely secret. I promise we can fool around before you go home tonight.”

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