A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 43: A Dangerous Situation

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 43: A Dangerous Situation - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

April 9, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Jesse

“Tina, you know Jesse; Jesse, you know Tina,” Riya said when we met on the sidewalk after school.

“Hi, Jesse. I know you play hockey; do you play chess?”

“My mom taught me how to play when I was little and we play a few times a week. I play against my dad sometimes, too. Do you play hockey?”

Tina laughed, “No, but I’m willing to learn!”

I laughed, “Stripes?”

“No questions, please. I just want to go to your room and have some really serious sex!”

Another Stripes reference!

“Did someone tell you about how we use movie quotes at my house?” I asked.

“Brooke Stephenson is my best friend after Riya!”

And another piece fell into place.

“Shall we?” I asked.

Riya grabbed my left hand and Tina my right and we began walking towards my house.

“What did Riya tell you?” Tina asked.

“Just that you were attracted to both boys and girls.”

“I am!”

“How long have you known?”

“Since a chess tournament in Janesville a year ago. A girl flirted with me and I let her kiss me and I liked it. We ended up making out quite a bit. I’ve made out with guys before her and since, and I liked that, too!”

“How did you do in the tournament?” I asked.

“I won Class A. This year’s tournament is in two weeks, here in Chicago. I’m ranked Expert now.”

“What’s your Elo?” I asked.

“2120,” she said. “Did you ever play in a tournament?”

“No. But Mom One and my dad did. That’s how they met, in eighth grade.”

“So she likes boys and girls?”

“No. It just took her a long time to figure things out. It was really difficult to be out back in the 70s in Ohio, and she and my dad dated, but it didn’t go well. It was when Mom One met Mom Two at Stanford that she figured it out, and they’ve been together ever since.”

“Do you know their chess ratings?”

“I think maybe Class B, but I’m not sure. They had a friend who became a master-level player.”

“Riya told me your mom and dad invented ‘strip chess’!”

I chuckled, “Actually, Mom One invented it and used it on Dad!”

“Just being a girl psychs out most boys,” Tina said. “They can’t handle playing against a girl!”

“Still?” I asked. “Mom said that was a thing in the 70s.”

“Boys are still boys! They can’t stand losing to girls!”

“I’ve heard the same thing from girls who play on boys’ teams,” Riya said. “She said some boys completely lose it if a girl scores on them or beats them!”

“True,” I agreed, remembering how things were for Nicole.

We reached the coach house and I let us in the back door.

“I need to verify your STI test results,” I requested.

Tina pulled a folded paper from the back pocket of her jeans and handed it to me. It was clean, as I’d expected, and I handed it back.

“Riya said you’re on the Pill,” I said.

“Yes. I had bad cramps when I first got my period, and my gynecologist prescribed them. They work, and they also mean no rubber for my first time with a guy!”

“You’ve been with a girl?” Riya asked.

“Yes. I met the girl from the tournament back in February and we both had sex for the first time. You haven’t been with a girl, right?”

“Right,” Riya confirmed. “Just with Jesse.”

“Let’s go up to my room,” I suggested.

The three of us went upstairs and into my room. I closed and locked the door, though my moms wouldn’t be home for about three hours, and even when they came home, they would never come in without knocking first.

“Did you have a plan, Riya?” I asked.

“Let’s get naked!” she exclaimed, pulling her polo shirt over her head.

Two minutes later, all three of us were naked, and I got a good look at Tina’s body. She was nerdy, but also cute, and her body was what I would call ‘soft’, not toned like CeCe or the other athletes. She also was completely shaved, which, combined with her smallish breasts, made her look a bit younger than seventeen, which I knew she was from the birthdate on her test form.

“This is up to the two of you,” I said. “I’m game for almost anything!”

“Well, unless either of you objects,” Riya proposed, “we take turns — Tina and I do you, you and Tina do me, and you and I do Tina.”

“Who goes first?” I asked.

“Tina?” Riya asked.

“You and I both have some firsts today, so how about we start with those? You and I have sex, then Jesse and I have sex. After that, we can just play.”

“You guys can go first,” I said. “I’ll watch!”

Both girls laughed.

“Fantasy of yours?” Tina asked.

“Perhaps,” I grinned.

“Have you ever had a threesome?”

“No. I was about to, but we were interrupted by one of the girl’s grandmothers.”


“That won’t be a problem today,” I said. “My moms won’t interfere at all, even if we’re still in my room when they get home.”

“I need to be home for dinner as usual,” Riya said.

“Then we should get started!” I grinned.

? Ashley

“What did Dad say?” I asked Birgit as we walked into the house.

Birgit giggled, “I told him what happens when the bikini gets wet!”

“Newsflash! Dad has seen you naked!”

“But he made the point that being naked isn’t about sex, and he was sure I bought the suit because it would look sexy!”

“Wait!” I protested. “He said that wearing something is sexier than not?!”



“Not really,” Birgit replied. “You know why I bought it!”

“To give Kjell a preview of coming attractions!” I giggled. “Or is it ‘cumming’ attractions?”

“Ashley Francesca Adams!” I said gruffly, trying to sound like Dad.

“Not even close! It’s just strange to think that putting on clothes would be sexier than taking them off!”

“As Dad says, context is important. Taking off your clothes to go into the sauna is different from taking off your clothes alone in a boy’s bedroom!”

“But what about my one-piece I wear in the sauna?”

“What about it? You know I think it’s silly.”

“It’s just with my body starting to change and stuff, I didn’t feel comfortable.”

“And that’s what Dad would say is most important. It’s like Bo and Brian not wanting to be naked when kids were in the sauna, and Uncle Dave not wanting Petey and Nicky to be naked if there are girls in the sauna.”

“And Tiffany’s mom!” I added.

Birgit smirked, “Tiffany’s mom would flip if she knew what Tiffany was planning!”

“The Twister party?” I asked.

“Yes! On her fifteenth birthday! And I bet she invites two friends!”

“And Dad will go for it?”

“So long as she keeps her mouth shut! You heard what Suzanne said.”

“Well, with your big mouth, you’re screwed, Birgit! And not the way you want to be!”

“We’ll see!”

? Jesse

“That was hot!” I declared after watching Riya and Tina fool around.

“Your turn!” Tina declared.

I got into bed and moved between her spread legs and kissed her, tasting Riya on her lips. Tina was sopping wet from Riya’s tongue and fingers, so I simply rubbed my glans along her slick labia, then pushed into her while we French kissed. I easily slid completely into her and Tina groaned into my mouth when my pubic bone pressed on her clit.

Tina wrapped her legs around my upper thighs and began squirming, so I began slowly fucking her. She met each thrust, and we developed a good rhythm, French kissing while I fucked her. She was super-enthusiastic and had three really strong orgasms before I had mine.

“Jesse,” Riya urged, “move off!”

I did, and Riya got between Tina’s legs to lick her. I watched, and was not surprised when I started to get hard again after only a few minutes. I had an idea, and moved to the foot of the bed, put my hands under Riya’s hips, and encouraged her to move to her knees. She did, and I pushed into her from behind as she continued licking Tina. The girls each had multiple orgasms before I pushed deep into Riya and had my release.

“That was wild!” Riya exclaimed a few minutes later when we’d all caught our breath.

We rested for a bit, then the girls gave me an amazing joint blowjob before they took turns with one riding my dick and the other riding my tongue. By the time Riya had to leave, we were a sweaty, sticky mess, and went to the bathroom for a three-way shower.

“Can I come over to play again next Tuesday?” Tina asked.

“If Riya is OK with it, sure.”

“Yes!” Riya exclaimed. “The rest of this school year is going to be AMAZING!”

I didn’t disagree at all!

? Steve

“I had a call from CeCe’s mom,” Jennifer said when she and Josie came to the house late on Tuesday evening. “They suspended the entire team for ‘inappropriate behavior’.”

“Foolish,” I replied. “But not surprising. CeCe’s parents didn’t forbid her from seeing Jesse, so this won’t really affect him, right?”

“Directly? No. Jo Carpenter tried to be the voice of reason, but didn’t have much luck. She said some of the dads are going to come to talk to you.”

I grinned, “I’ll invite them to join me in the sauna.”

Josie rolled her eyes, “You would, but that’s not a good idea.”

“I know. They’re welcome to voice their opinions. My response will be that I wasn’t here, that Jesse has permission to invite friends to use the sauna, and that I don’t see the big deal. They’ll be suitably outraged because their daughters were, gasp, naked in front of a boy, and I’ll point out that they made a free choice to do that before they came to the house, which they did. I won’t be a prick, but I also won’t back down. I will say that they need to tell their daughters their rules, and I’ll comply, but I won’t make a rule for their kids.”

“I doubt that works,” Jennifer advised. “But I understand you have to do it that way.”

“Seriously — they make rules for their kids; I make rules for mine. With Jesse, you two make the rules, and if he has concerns, he comes to me, which rarely happens. They don’t get to make rules for my kids. Period. And I know you both agree.”

“We do,” Josie confirmed. “There is one other thing.”

“What’s that?” I inquired.

“Jo said one of the parents mentioned a rumor that there was a contest amongst the cheer team to lose their virginities, complete with handing out V-cards. The Principal promised to look into that.”

I suppressed a groan. Jennifer and Josie knew nothing about that, though Jesse knew a bit because of his relationship with Angelina.

“Is Jesse still seeing the cheerleader?” I asked.

“Yes. She actually invited him to dinner at her house on Sunday. He’s going to ask you if it’s OK to skip the family meal.”

“I’d prefer not, but I won’t tell him ‘no’,” I said. “If I know one thing about teenagers, it’s that making them do something is the surest way to ensure they don’t want to do a thing.”

“Or forbidding something, which makes them determined to do it!” Josie declared.

I nodded, “Absolutely. And that’s why we give our kids broad freedom to make their own decisions on nearly every topic, including being naked in the sauna and when, and with whom, to have sex. Anyway, did you ask Jesse about the alleged contest?”

“No. You know that’s none of our business, and she’s the only cheerleader he’s been out with. He prefers athletes! Especially tall, blonde girls who play first base!”

“How serious is that?”

“It’s not,” Jennifer replied. “She has a full-ride scholarship to Arizona State, and Jesse is planning on UW Madison, so they’re just keeping it casual. I think she really likes him a lot, but she’s also realistic that she’ll be gone for at least four years. He likes her, too, but he’s having too much fun to want to get tied down.”

“Unless the girl is into that!” Josie smirked.

“Any idea when the ‘outraged dads’ will show up?”

“No. Jo called as soon as she arrived home from the meeting.”

“OK. I’ll wait for them to get in touch.”

April 11, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

The ‘outraged dads’ had called on Wednesday afternoon and agreed to meet on Thursday evening, after karate. Willis Jefferson, Joe Marks, and Roman Alonso arrived at the appointed time and we went to my study. Joe was Paige’s dad, and, as it turned out, it had been his wife who had raised the concern about the V-cards. Their daughter Brenna, a Freshman who played right field, was the cheerleader Paige’s little sister.

“You know why we’re here,” Mr. Alonso said.

I nodded, “I do. Jesse’s moms informed me. I want to begin by saying that Jesse didn’t break any house rules by using the sauna when I wasn’t here.”

“You know full well that’s not the point!” Mr. Jefferson growled in a menacing voice.

“Let me clarify,” I said. “Jesse didn’t break any house rules by using the sauna when I wasn’t here.”

“You just said the same thing!” he objected. “And you know it was about him getting the girls to take off their clothes!”

I shook my head, “I know no such thing. A member of the team made it absolutely clear to Jesse’s moms that the girls decided to be naked in the sauna before they came here the first time, then came back a second time. Did Jesse tell the girls that he and his friends have used the sauna naked? I’m sure he did, because that’s true. My friends and I have used the sauna naked together since High School.

“That’s normal in Finland, Sweden, and Russia, where the steam baths originated. I spent a year in Sweden as an exchange student, and I’ve been back many times. I’ve been to Russia several times as well. And our rules say that if a single person objects, then everyone has to wear bathing suits or cover themselves with towels. Jesse knows that, and would never try to force anyone.”

“You don’t see a problem with your son being naked with twenty girls?” Mr. Marks asked.

“No. Because he’s been taught, from the time he was little, that nudity does not imply sex. Nothing happened in the sauna, Mr. Marks. Not even a kiss or a hug. They sat in the steam, talked, and that’s it. Period.”

“You believe your son’s version of things?”

“Of course! Because he’s telling the truth. Did your daughters say anything happened?”

“They’re not going to admit that!” Mr. Jefferson declared. “And you know it!”

“I know no such thing,” I replied. “Jesse and the rest of my kids would give honest answers. They have nothing to hide.”

“I beg to differ,” Mr. Alonso said. “Willis and I both discovered our daughters have birth control pills! Explain THAT!”

“Of all the things in the universe I can think of, the answer to that question is less my business than just about any other!”

“You know why they have them!” he protested.

“I do not,” I replied. “I’m married to a medical doctor and I know a number of reasons why teenage girls would be prescribed birth control pills that have nothing to do with being sexually active.”

“Oh, come on!” Mr. Marks said, shaking his head. “You don’t believe that for a second!”

“Yes, I do,” I replied firmly, “because it’s true. They are prescribed for, among other reasons, painful menstrual cramps, irregular periods, and hormone regulation. The reasons your daughters have them are none of my business.”

“I found a God-damned sex manual in her room!” Mr. Jefferson growled. “Are you really that dense?”

“Which book?” I asked.

Smart something.”

Smart Teens; Smart Choices. All of my kids have read it. It’s an excellent book that explains puberty and adolescence, and provides excellent information on sexually transmitted infections and birth control that kids need to know.”


It did, along with a number of other things.

“You let your daughters read that?” Mr. Marks asked incredulously.

“Yes,” I replied. “Of all the decisions that anyone can make in their lives, when, and with whom, to have sex is the most personal, private decision anyone can make. And if my information is correct, Mr. Alonso’s daughter is a Senior, and that means she’s at least seventeen, and it’s most likely that Mr. Jefferson’s daughter is seventeen, as she’s a Junior.”

“What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?” Mr. Marks asked.

“That means that the state of Illinois has decided they are able to consent to sex, and it’s their decision.”

“You have daughters,” Mr. Alonso protested. “How can you be so relaxed about this?”

“Because I would never interfere in my daughters’ decisions to use birth control pills nor their decisions to have sex.”

“ARE YOU INSANE?” Mr. Jefferson demanded.

I shrugged, “I simply acknowledge the reality of the situation. The kids will all decide for themselves and there is literally nothing we can do to stop it.”

“You make rules!” Mr. Alonso said. “That’s how!”

“And how is that working out for you?” I asked snarkily, having had enough.

“Why you...” he growled, balling up his fists.

“I’m a 6th Dan black belt and a senior karate instructor at a dojo on Hyde Park Avenue,” I said. “I strongly suggest you relax.”

His eyes went wide, he sagged back in the chair, and unclenched his fists.

“You’re seriously OK with your daughters having sex?” Mr. Marks asked, shaking his head.

“I seriously understand that it doesn’t matter if I’m OK with it or not. It’s not up to me; it’s up to them.”

“My daughters are not allowed in this house,” Mr. Marks declared. “Period.”

“You make your rules and you enforce them. I make mine, and I enforce them. I do not control who Jesse is friends with, nor do I control who he invites here. If you tell your daughters not to come here, or not to talk to Jesse, that’s on you to enforce, not me.”

“You’re a smug bastard,” Mr. Alonso declared.

I shrugged, “Maybe, but everything I’ve said is true. Now, if you are that interested in your daughters’ sex lives, I suggest you discuss it with them, not me, because I have nothing to say on the matter because they’re your kids. I will tell Jesse that your three daughters are not permitted in the sauna without bathing suits, and he’ll abide by that. But that’s it.”

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