A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 42: Caught!

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 42: Caught! - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

April 7, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Jesse

“That was amazing,” Luna declared as I soaped her firm, muscular body after three hours of fun, enthusiastic, energetic sex.

“I agree!”

“You wouldn’t be free next Sunday, would you?” she asked, taking the soap from me.

“I should be here all afternoon.”


We finished our shower, and I offered to walk her home, which she accepted. When we reached her house, she hugged me, and put her lips close to my ear.

“Thanks for an awesome first time!” she whispered.

She gave me a quick kiss and went into the house. Once she was inside, I turned and walked home.

“Which position does she play?” Mom Two asked.

“Catcher,” I replied. “I’m going up to my room for a bit, then I’ll go over to Dad’s for dinner.”

“OK,” Mom One said.

I went up to my room and changed the sheets on the bed, then took the dirty ones to the basement and put them in the washing machine. Once that was done, I headed over to the main house for our Sunday dinner.

April 8, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

“Steve, Agents Bressler and Briggs from the FBI are here,” Kimmy said over the intercom. “Lucas has them in the Tretiak Room.”

“Thanks. Let Liz know, please.”

“Already handled,” Kimmy said. “Lucas called her first.”


I got up, walked out of the office, changed from my soft-soled shoes into street shoes, and went down to the lobby.

“Liz just went in,” Lucas said.


I went into the Tretiak Room and introduced myself to the agents, each of whom handed me a card in exchange for one of mine.

“We’re here to discuss a complaint from Ms. Barbara Jaworski in your Denver office about corporate espionage. What can you tell us?”


She slid a document to the two agents.

“This is a letter from the US Attorney stating that nothing communicated in this meeting may be used against Mr. Adams or NIKA, nor may anything developed from anything which is discussed be used against Mr. Adams or NIKA. In addition, all information revealed is confidential business data, and may not be revealed to anyone not directly involved in the investigation without clearance from the District Attorney.”

“We were informed this morning by our AIC,” Agent Briggs said. “What do you have for us, Mr. Adams?”

I laid out my suspicions about the younger Braun, EB Systems, and Knowles and Jackson. I then shared the results of Katya’s investigation, albeit as suspicions, not facts, naming the LLCs controlled by Volstead and Braun.

“I suspect,” I said, “but can’t prove, that you’ll find transfers in amounts which match the deposits made to Clay Gowdy’s accounts from one of those LLCs. From there, you’ll be able to trace the funds through any intermediate accounts they might have used.”

“You seem awfully certain,” Agent Bressler said.

“I can’t think of anyone else who might engage in corporate espionage. We have good relationships with our other competitors, at least so far as business rivals can have without running afoul of antitrust regulations. Liz will provide you with a list of our competitors, as well as a list of former employees and anyone who has sued us over the years. Feel free to run them down if you must, but I strongly suspect what you’re looking for is in Cincinnati.”

“You can prove the initial events?” Briggs asked.

We could, and after a lengthy conversation between Liz, James Schaefer, and Bob Goodman, they’d decided on a course of action which would protect NIKA while exposing the unethical behavior of Volstead and Braun, and giving the FBI ostensible reasons to request subpoenas for banking records.

“Yes,” Liz replied, “but we’ll need a subpoena to share anything other than the fact something occurred which is under an NDA. And please, when you apply, make sure you inform the judge that the materials you’re seeking are under an NDA. He or she may, or may not, schedule a hearing giving Volstead and Braun a right to argue against disclosure, or might appoint a Special Master.”

“We’ll make the application today,” Agent Bressler said. “You wouldn’t mind telling us exactly what to ask for, would you?”

Liz slid another sheet of paper, containing a list of what she considered responsive documents, to the agents. They would have been able to construct a list of documents on their own, but that would have required giving them access to things we preferred they didn’t see, and the US Attorney had agreed.

“We’ll have all of these documents ready for you as soon as you present the subpoena.”

“We really appreciate the cooperation. Let us get to work on this.”

They left, and Liz and I went to her office.

“What’s your prediction?” I asked.

“It’s an alleged criminal conspiracy, so I’m confident a judge will issue a subpoena, though there may be conditions that nothing can be used unless they find those transactions.”

“Which they will,” I replied. “It’s a chain, right? Our documents to give the FBI probable cause to ask for banking records for the LLCs, which they can get via subpoena due to the bullshit ‘third-party’ rule. The government should have to get an adversarial warrant to get my banking records, not just ask for a subpoena, which is so much easier to get.”

“I don’t disagree, but unless the Supreme Court overturns that precedent, or Congress passes banking secrecy laws, we’re stuck with it.”

“Congress will NEVER pass banking secrecy laws!” I retorted. “In fact, they’re doing the opposite. The financial system is set up so that third parties hold ALL records and the government can basically ignore the Fourth Amendment, which says I should be secure in my ‘papers’, which has to include those held by others. I mean, they can’t get any records from any of my attorneys.”

“That’s not quite true, but it does effectively work that way, as an ethical attorney won’t knowingly store records which are evidence of a crime. Any actual evidence CAN be seized from an attorney in most, if not all, cases. Granted, it’s a very high bar to get that warrant, and usually involves a Special Master, but you won’t get away with giving incriminating evidence to your attorney for any purpose other than having him or her turn it over to the government.”

“You just need the right friends,” I replied with a grin.

“Yes, but they don’t hold evidence against YOU,” Liz declared.

That wasn’t quite true, but Liz didn’t know that. I’d committed to paper all the details of the situation that had resulted in Theo being shot, and I was, because I’d driven him to and from the location, an accessory. But, I had something to trade which would guarantee that I was never charged if the police or FBI were to ever discover my involvement.

“Is there anything I need to do at this point?”

“No. In fact, it’s better from this point if you do nothing at all in this regard. You’ve fed the FBI what they need to get the records they need to nail Volstead and Braun. Leave it to Cindi and Stephanie to execute the business plan.”

I left her office and went back to mine to meet with my team.

? Jesse

“There’s a problem,” CeCe said, coming up to me after school.

“What?” I asked.

“Some parents of girls on the softball team found out about the naked sauna.”

“Wonderful. Do you know who blabbed?”

“No, but Jazlyn’s parents found her birth control pills, and they talked to Luna’s parents, who then found hers.”

“Wonderful,” I said again. “And?”

“I don’t know anything more. Luna told me after lunch, and I wanted to make sure you knew.”

“Well, both of them are seventeen.”

“Sure, but some of the girls on the team are fifteen.”

“And I’m sixteen, and we were just naked. The parents can have a fit, but they can’t really do anything.”


“Nothing happened at school, and unless Luna or Jazlyn say they had sex with me, it’s just about being in the sauna. My dad can take care of that, I’m sure. I mean, nobody can reasonably say I forced the entire team to use the sauna naked, and I know you’ll back me up.”

“I’m not sure how my parents will react to the naked sauna,” CeCe said. “But I do know there is ZERO chance they’ll find my birth control pills.”

“There’s never a zero chance of anything that’s possible, just a low probability. Why do you think it’s zero?”

“I have a secret place I keep them that nobody knows about except me. Honestly, they wouldn’t even know the hiding spot was there if they searched.”


“Not to mention I’m eighteen, so, really, what are they going to say or do? I have a full athletic scholarship to Arizona State, too. If I was going to be in any real trouble, it would be from your moms or your dad because you’re sixteen, and I know that won’t happen!”

“True. But your parents would have a fit, right?”

“My dad? Sure. But as I said, I’m eighteen, so really, other than a lecture, which I want to avoid, obviously, nothing would happen. My mom would be a bit more mellow, though she wouldn’t approve.”

“What do you think will happen?”

“I have no idea. Are you seeing Angelina today?”

“No. She has a dentist appointment.”

“OK if I come over?”


We walked to my house and when we went inside, I saw the light flashing on the answering machine. I walked over and pressed the ‘play’ button.

“Ms. Block, this is Mrs. Alonso, Luna’s mom. I need to speak to you urgently. Please call me. 708-555-7876.”

A tone marked the end of the message.

“This is Mr. Jefferson. I need to discuss something with you immediately. My number is 708-555-9212.”

A double tone marked the end of the messages.

“Well, this is going to be fun,” I sighed. “Not.”

“I can take your mind off it!” CeCe offered.

“Let me call my dad first,” I said.

“Not your moms?”

“It’s dad’s sauna, so that means he’ll end up involved and I want to warn him.”

I used my mobile phone because I knew Dad would answer basically no matter what.

“Hi, Jesse,” Dad said. “What’s up?”

“I’m pretty sure some of the parents on the softball team found out about the sauna. Two of them left messages asking Mom One to call them back right away.”

“I haven’t heard anything, but I’m sure I will, either from your moms or from those parents. No details, but did anything happen in the sauna?”

“Other than everyone being naked, no. The girls teased each other and basically dared each other, but nothing happened in the sauna.”

“Some of those girls are Freshmen, right?”

“Yes. Three of them are Freshman, five are Sophomores, and the rest are Juniors or Seniors.”

“Given where we are in the school year, that means around eight or so are under seventeen.”

“I’d guess that’s true; I don’t know for sure about anyone except CeCe, who’s eighteen.”

“What about the girls whose parents called?”

“Luna is a Senior and Jazlyn is a Junior.”

“I know we don’t usually discuss this, but...”

I couldn’t reveal either confidence, so I signaled to CeCe to stay in the kitchen, and I quickly went up to my room and shut the door.

“Sorry. CeCe is here. But, yes. Both girls’ parents also appear to have found their birth control pills.”

“Well, the parents of the Senior girl need to be very careful, because if she’s over eighteen, she could theoretically be charged, but I think the chances are ridiculously small given how close you guys are in age.”

“So what do I do?” I asked.

“For now? Let your moms return the phone calls and see what the parents say. How public is your relationship with those two girls?”

“It’s not. Even CeCe doesn’t know. She might suspect, but the entire team went on the Pill before the second sauna, if they weren’t already on it.”

Dad laughed, “You are my son!”

“Yeah,” I chuckled. “Loki smiles on both of us in that regard!”

“Just relax, enjoy your afternoon, and I’ll discuss this with your moms after they get more information.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

We said ‘goodbye’ and I closed my phone. I went back down to the kitchen.

“So Luna and Jazlyn?”

“You know I can’t say one way or the other,” I said. “And this situation is exactly why we shouldn’t discuss it. I mean, sure, if girls tell you, OK, but otherwise, no. I’ve probably told you too much as it is.”

“Actually, except for Angelina, I know from the girls themselves or Libby.”

“Libby needs to keep her mouth shut, too!” I groused.

“I do know for sure about Shelly, because she talked to me both before and after. But she’s the only one on the team who said anything to me about being with you.”

“How are you going to handle this with your parents? I’m positive those two parents will tell all the other parents, if they haven’t already.”

“Well, they haven’t said anything to my parents yet, though I guess they could have left a message this afternoon. I’ll just tell the truth — we decided to use the sauna and everyone agreed to not wear bathing suits. I can say that’s normal at your house.”

“No, you don’t want to do that,” I counseled. “That might lead someone to ask questions about my family that could lead to problems.”

“OK, but the girls won’t have a straight story to tell, so I suspect it will come out.”

“I suspect so,” I replied. “I just wish parents would chill.”

“Nobody is as chill as your moms and your dad!”

“A few of my dad’s friends are. You’ve heard us refer to the ‘cousins’, which are the kids of parents who are basically just as chill.”

“I suppose it’s not a good idea to use the sauna today.”

“Probably not.”

“Let’s go up to your room.”


? Steve

“How bad is it?” I asked when Josie and Jennifer came to the house after I arrived home from karate.

“Bad enough,” Jennifer replied. “They spoke with the softball coach and she called a meeting of all team parents to discuss, and I’m quoting, ‘completely inappropriate behavior’.”

“That’s not surprising,” I said. “Any idea of the fallout?”

“No. Jesse thinks they might suspend the entire team, which would mean forfeiting their final five games.”

“That would be an overreaction for something that occurred off-campus,” I said. “It’s not drinking or drugs, both of which would be illegal, and are against published rules. Show me a rule that says the girls can’t be in a sauna naked.”

“You know there’s no rule like that!”

“Which is my point. You just need a sympathetic parent to make that point to the school. What about CeCe’s parents? They know she and Jesse are seeing each other.”

“Literally,” Josie smirked.

“I got the impression from Jesse that CeCe’s parents know about our relationships here at the Compound, though probably not in any detail.”

“I’m positive they know Josie and I are together,” Jennifer said. “And I am sure they at least know the rumors about your marriage.”

“What did the parents want from you?” I asked.

“To know why we allowed such inappropriate behavior. The two girls aren’t allowed on our property, and I suspect other parents on the team will say the same thing.”

“What’s Jesse’s take?”

“The same as it usually is with parents who interfere with their teen’s lives. He’s not surprised, and he does differentiate between Carla and Carol and the other parents.”

“Do you think CeCe’s parents will try to stop them from seeing each other?”

“I have no idea,” Josie replied. “We’ve met them, but haven’t spoken much with them. We know the hockey parents pretty well, but that’s it.”

“I suppose all we can do at this point is wait for the meeting and the outcome. My concern, of course, is if one of those girls says something about our usual practices here.”

“You’re concerned about DCFS?” Jennifer asked.

“Of course. There is really no way to prevent them from sticking their noses into our business on their own say-so.”

“And they’d determine that nudity is ‘abusive’,” Josie said, shaking her head.

“And that would create a nightmare,” I replied. “I think we’d win on the testimony of the kids, but DCFS could take them away until everything is resolved, and they’d drag it out forever.”

“So what are you going to do?” she asked,

“Nothing right now, because there is nothing to do. Well, that’s not true. I think I’ll speak with Birgit, Ashley, Stephie, and Albert, and explain that someone might ask about the sauna.”

“What will you tell them to say?”

“The truth, of course. You’ve seen ‘Birgit versus the FBI’!”

Jennifer and Josie both laughed.

“That was awesome!” Jennifer declared.

“Let me know if you need anything from me, otherwise, I’ll leave it in your capable hands.”

They left, and I went to find my wives to let them know what had happened.

“Can people please just chill?” Kara groused.

“That’s how both Jesse and I responded,” I replied. “The answer is a resounding ‘no’.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Warn the kids that someone might ask them about it.”

“DCFS?” Jessica asked.

“Most likely. Jesse is sixteen, so there is no problem with him being with girls his own age from a legal perspective. The girls who are Seniors might be at risk, but a consensual relationship between two High School kids two grades apart is not going to be on any prosecutor’s radar. Other than finding the girls’ birth control pills, nothing direct has been said about sex, though I’m positive the parents equate nudity and sex.”

“Are you going to change the house rules?” Suzanne asked.

“No. First of all, the girls have all started wearing bathing suits, which is the norm when they hit puberty...”

“Except Birgit,” Kara said.

“She’s our daughter,” I chuckled. “And has bought into the entire program. Her sisters are a bit more modest. All the cousins are, too, except Amber. So, as I think about it, there really is nothing there for DCFS with our kids or the cousins. And you know Birgit actually wears a bathing suit with her friends because of Tiffany’s mom.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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