A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 37: Quartet
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 37: Quartet - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
March 30, 2002, Chicago, Illinois
? Jesse
On Saturday morning, CeCe and I got together as we usually did, and after spending a couple of hours fooling around in my room, we went to the sauna in my dad’s house.
“Were you disappointed on Monday?” she asked.
“No, because what happened was exactly what I expected. Did the girls say anything?
“Just Shelly, who was unhappy, but I think most of the other girls were relieved. You were right about how strong the peer pressure was. They all talked big in the meeting, though Shauna made a strong point about not coercing anyone. Unfortunately, the team didn’t listen to her. But then when you basically backed her up, the pressure to do it basically subsided.”
“I figured. But it’s for the better, even if I could have had sixteen or more cherries on the same day!”
CeCe laughed, “I think you’ll get some of them, anyway. Unless I miss my guess, at least two of the girls will approach you.”
“Please don’t encourage them,” I said. “If it happens, it happens.”
“I remember what you said originally, and I haven’t. I’ve answered questions they’ve asked, but that’s it.”
“Are you coming to our first game next week?”
“It’s on Thursday after school, right?”
“Yes. At our school. We’re playing Maria.”
“Cool. I’ll be there.”
“Maybe we can sneak you into the locker room!”
“That would be a VERY bad idea,” I chuckled. “First of all, I’ve seen most of you naked; second, if I was caught, I’d be kicked off the hockey team, suspended, and possibly expelled!”
“Grownups are WAY too uptight!” CeCe protested. “I wish my parents were more like yours, so we could actually spend the night together more often.”
“That would be awesome, but I don’t see your parents agreeing to that.”
“I’ll have a bit more flexibility over the Summer, but you’re going to be gone a lot.”
“Two weeks in June and three weeks in July, but I’m home all of August.”
“Our vacation to Florida is in June, basically the same time when you’ll be at hockey camp. Hopefully, my parents will take their usual anniversary weekend at the end of June. We could have at least two nights together.”
“Just keep me posted.”
“I will!”
When we finished our sauna, we showered together, and after we dressed, CeCe headed home. I went to the main house, retrieved the keys to Dad’s BMW, and then headed to Viktoria’s house to pick her up for our date. Deacon John greeted me, but I didn’t get the third degree, just a reminder to not be late for Vespers. Once I’d assured him we’d be there, he called Viktoria to the door. She said ‘goodbye’ to her dad, and we walked out to the car.
“Where to?” I asked after I helped her into the car and got into the driver’s seat.
“There’s a park about a mile from here. Just follow my street until it comes to a T, turn right, and then the park is on the left.”
I did as instructed, and three minutes later, I parked in the small lot. We both unbuckled our seat belts, and instead of getting out, Viktoria turned to me, clearly wanting a kiss. I obliged, and Viktoria parted her lips so our tongues could touch. As she had in the theater, she grasped my wrist and moved my hand to her sweater-covered boob. I rubbed her nipple with my thumb, causing it to harden, and Viktoria moaned softly into my mouth.
Our tongues tangled for two minutes while I rubbed her nipple before Viktoria broke the kiss, breathing hard. I let my hand fall away from her boob and turned to face forward again. I really liked the kiss, and I SO wanted to get my hand inside her sweater, but even with her moving my hand to her chest, I wasn’t going to go further without some kind of express invitation.
“Whew!” she said through heavy breaths.
I waited for a couple of minutes before I spoke.
“Now that we’ve said ‘hi’,” I grinned. “Where do you want to go for lunch?”
“How about Chinese?” she asked. “I can get some kind of shrimp stir fry, and not have to worry if my dad asks about it.”
“Sounds good to me. Where?”
“There’s a place on Butterfield Road in Downers Grove.”
She gave me directions and after we buckled in, I headed for the restaurant.
“What did you do this week?” Viktoria asked.
“Mostly I hung out with friends,” I replied. “But also did some stuff with my brother and sisters.”
“Do you do much with your dad?”
“We play poker together, and he comes to all my hockey games. Mostly, though, he lets me decide when to involve him in my life and when not to.”
“I wish!” Viktoria exclaimed. “Dad thinks he’s in control of every little thing I do! How is it for your sisters?”
“The same as for me,” I replied. “Dad is totally consistent with allowing all of us to do what we think is best. He’ll give advice, and there are some simple rules to follow, but that’s it.”
“What kind of rules?”
“No drugs, period, and we have to always let them know where we are and who we’re with. But they don’t control it, we do. Mostly, it just means writing on the calendar where I’m going to be.”
“So you wrote our date on the calendar?”
“Yes. As for where, I just let my moms know we’d be having lunch and then find something to do in this area. I have my mobile phone if they need to get in touch with me.”
“You have your own mobile phone?”
“I have for a few years. So do all my siblings.”
“I don’t think my dad would ever allow that unless he had some way to record my calls!”
“Does he do that at home?”
“No, but I know he can pick up the extension at any time, so anything important I say face-to-face to my friends.”
“Has that happened?”
“Not to me, but to my brother. Dad overheard him talking about doing something my brother wasn’t permitted to do and he got into serious trouble.”
“That seems wrong,” I said. “Spying on your kids?”
“Dad claimed he picked up the extension to make a call, but I’m not so sure.”
“Your brother is fourteen, right?”
“Yes. Dad wants him to go to seminary, but Evgeni is not interested.”
“I don’t think there’s anything in this world that would convince me to be a priest!”
“Girls can only be nuns, and there is no way I’m signing up for that!”
“Being a monk would be even lower on my list than being a priest!”
We continued chatting and when we arrived at the Chinese restaurant, Viktoria sought another kiss and once again moved my hand to her boob. The kiss was hot and steamy, and the windows in the car fogged a bit before Viktoria broke the kiss, panting. We sat for a minute, then got out of the car and went into the restaurant where we were seated right away. The waiter brought green tea, and after a quick review of the menu, we both ordered shrimp with pea pods.
“Do you know how to use chopsticks?” Viktoria asked.
“Yes. Dad taught all of us to use them. He spent time in Japan, but I know he knew how to use them before that.”
“Japan? For work?”
“The second time. The first time was so he could get his karate instructor’s license.”
“Your dad is a black belt?”
“6th Dan, which is basically the highest you can go. Anything above it is honorary and rarely conferred.”
“Do you know karate?”
“No. I started playing hockey when I was really little and never had time. My sisters all take it, though.”
“What does your dad do?”
“He started a computer software company with a bunch of friends from college and they still run it together. Well, my Aunt is the CEO, but my dad is the main stockholder. What does your dad do?”
“He’s a CPA. What about your moms?”
“Mom One is an electrical engineer; Mom Two is a civil engineer. What about your mom?”
“Kindergarten teacher.”
The service was quick, and the waiter brought our meals less than ten minutes after we ordered. We ate, both using chopsticks, and when we finished, I paid the bill and left a good tip.
“Now what?” I asked. “We have about five hours before Vespers.”
“Remember, we have to go back to my house so I can put on a skirt. Dad would NOT be happy if I show up in blue jeans.”
“OK,” I said. “I have slacks in the car, along with my dress shoes. Where to?”
“Why don’t we go to Churchill Woods? It’s nice enough out that we can walk without being cold. But it’s early enough in the year that it won’t be too crowded.”
“Sounds good to me,” I said. “Which way?”
She gave me directions, and about fifteen minutes later, I parked and we got out of the car.
“There are some really nice spots overlooking the river. If you have a blanket, we could find a sunny spot and sit there for a while.”
“Let me check,” I said. “I’m almost certain there are blankets in the emergency kit in the trunk.”
I opened the trunk of the car and then unzipped the duffel bag that held the Winter emergency kit which included a small shovel, a small bag of sand, a toolkit, some chemical warmers, and a box of energy bars, as well as two heavy blankets. I got one of them, then closed the trunk. Viktoria took my hand and led me along a footpath towards the river, and when we got there, to a small crest where she had me put down the blanket. We sat down cross-legged next to each other.
The spot was somewhat secluded, and to see us, someone would have to walk off the path at least to the base of the small rise where I’d spread the blanket. That observation made what Viktoria did next not come as a surprise. She turned and presented her lips for a kiss, and once again, as our tongues tangled, she moved my hand to her chest so I could fondle her boob through her sweater.
After a few minutes, I felt Viktoria lean back, and we continued kissing as we stretched out on the blanket, with Viktoria on her back and me on my side, leaning against her. We made out for about ten minutes before she broke the kiss and tried to catch her breath. I moved to lie on my back next to her, our shoulders touching lightly.
“I really like kissing you,” she said a few minutes later. “A lot.”
“I like kissing you, too,” I replied.
My concern, of course, was that if things went any further, it would complicate my life in a serious way. That meant I had to talk to Viktoria before that happened, because I wasn’t ready to be a couple with anyone, even CeCe, who, if push came to shove, would be the girl I chose. The complication with her was that in a little over a year, she’d be going to Arizona State, and a year after that, I’d probably be at UW Madison with Jerry and Mia. A long-distance relationship wasn’t interesting, especially if we were a couple, and both in college.
“We should talk,” I said a minute later.
“About?” she asked.
“Us, I guess is the right way to put it.”
“Is there something wrong?”
“No, nothing is wrong, it’s just that I’m seeing a girl from school. We’re not a couple, and she knows I’m seeing you. I just want to make sure you knew that, because I’m really not ready to make a commitment to anyone because I’m only sixteen. I’m pretty sure your dad is already planning the betrothal and crowning.”
“He would,” Viktoria groused. “Of course, he’s going to lose it when he finds out about your family.”
“And then what?”
“Good question. I think I should speak with Father Basil about it before Dad finds out and get some advice. You want to keep seeing me, right?”
“Yes, I do, but, and please don’t take this the wrong way, I want to keep it casual, at least for now.”
Viktoria laughed softly, “Do you want to do that with me?”
“On the advice of counsel, I exercise my Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, on the grounds that any answer I give might lead to an immediate and painful death!”
“You’re goofy!” she said, laughing softly, then turned on her side. “Why say that?”
I chuckled and turned on my side to face her.
“Because saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ could offend you, depending on what you’re thinking! And I don’t know what you’re thinking, so the wisest course of action is to keep my mouth shut!”
“You can be very difficult!”
“I certainly can!” I replied smugly.
“YOU!” she screeched, but then started laughing. “Well, if you aren’t going to talk, you may as well kiss me!”
I turned to kiss her, and this time, I simply moved my hand to her chest and gently fondled her breast while running my thumb over her nipple. Viktoria moaned softly into my mouth a few times as our tongues danced with each other. We kissed for several minutes before she broke the kiss.
“Jesse,” she whispered, “touch me.”
I knew what she wanted, but I was worried about what she was thinking. Fortunately, we were basically in a public place and things couldn’t go ‘too’ far. I had told her about seeing CeCe, and she hadn’t objected, which implied she accepted the situation. Earlier, I’d said I’d only go further if she asked, and she had asked, so I did the only thing a red-blooded American hockey player could do — honored her request.
We kissed again, and I slowly slid my hand from Viktoria’s boob, across her rib cage, and onto her stomach. I paused for a bit to give her a chance to change her mind, and when she didn’t break the kiss or grab my hand, I traced a finger along the cloth that covered the zipper of her jeans, applying slight pressure when I reached the seam which I knew was basically over her clit. I pressed gently and Viktoria groaned into my mouth, pushing her hips upward to increase the pressure of my finger.
Using my index and middle fingers, I gently massaged Viktoria’s clit while she gently bucked her hips. Three minutes later she tensed, clamped her legs together, trapping my fingers, and groaned deeply into my mouth. She broke the kiss and gasped for air, panting hard. About twenty seconds later, she relaxed and blew out a big breath.
“That felt really good,” she whispered.
I felt her hand on my hip, and then her fingers traced the outline of my boner through my jeans.
“Unreal,” she said, her voice barely audible.
My problem was that there was literally no way I could have a release, because I’d make a complete mess and have no way to clean it up. Reluctantly, I moved to my back, and I was relieved that Viktoria’s hand didn’t follow.
“I think the answer is obviously ‘yes’,” she said impishly through labored breathing.
“Obviously,” I agreed.
Viktoria didn’t reply, and we lay quietly, side-by-side for quite some time, before she sat up. I sat up next to her, and when she stood up, I stood up. We moved off the blanket and I folded it, then took her hand so we could walk back towards the car. Viktoria appeared to be deep in thought, and I felt it was better to just let her think about what had happened and what she wanted to do, than try to discuss it with her before she was ready.
When we reached the car, I put the blanket in the trunk, making a mental note to wash it, then helped Viktoria into the car. I got in, and after we buckled in, I started the car, intending to head in the general direction of her house.
“What’s it like?” she asked quietly as I turned out of the parking lot.
The question implied I knew, which implied she somehow knew, or had guessed, that I had experience, but admitting that to her could open a can of worms. With a bit of quick thinking, I found an escape route.
“I don’t think I can answer that question because I’m not a girl,” I replied. “I think you need to ask one of your friends.”
“Most of my friends are from church and probably know only as much as I do. I think you know more, because you knew exactly where and how to touch me to make me feel really, really good.”
And that made perfect sense. I couldn’t imagine that Macrina had said anything, and nobody at church had any idea I was having sex except Father Basil. And THAT brought to mind a potentially serious problem — if I went to confession during Holy Week, which was the norm, and I was seeing Viktoria, the confession was going to be VERY uncomfortable because I’d have to reveal I was having sex, and whichever way Father Basil took it, it would be a problem. In his mind, I’d either be cheating on Viktoria, or I’d have helped lead her into sin. The easiest solution was to simply skip confession, but THAT would also have implications for me with Father Basil.
The immediate concern was how to respond to Viktoria’s comment. I couldn’t really deny it or call it beginner’s luck, or anything like that, because that would be a lie. I could refuse to answer, but she’d assume it was true.
“I do know more,” I said. “I’m not a virgin.”
Probably about a thousand times over in the course of two years and two months! I almost laughed at that thought, because it meant, on average, more than once a day, every day, since my fourteenth birthday.
“I think I understand,” she said.
“Understand what?”
“Why you don’t want to stop seeing the girl from school?”
I was unsure how to respond to Viktoria’s comment, because CeCe and I were having sex, but it was way more than that. But I couldn’t really acknowledge that.
“Please do not make any assumptions,” I said, trying to deflect away from my sexual activity. “All I can say is that I have done it at least once before. Beyond that, it’s completely inappropriate to say anything.”
“What about Macrina?”
“What about her?”
“Are you still going to see her?”
“I believe that would get me in serious trouble with your dad and he’d probably tell us we couldn’t see each other again.”
I’d had a brief conversation with Macrina, and she’d been unhappy, but I’d reminded her that we’d agreed it was just a casual thing, and that it had really been about sex, not about trying to have a relationship. What I didn’t say to her was that she took a serious backseat to CeCe, and to me that meant it was a bad idea to pursue anything with Macrina beyond her requests that I poke her with my big stick.
“I’m sure that would be the case,” Viktoria agreed. “So, the girl at school, what’s she like?”
“She’s a Senior, and she plays first base for the softball team.”
“She’s older than you?”
“Yes, but just by a year-and-a-half.”
“How did you meet?”
“She came up to me in the hall and asked me on a date,” I chuckled. “The public High School equivalent of what you did in the nave!”
“How did she know you?”
“She’d seen me play hockey, and she was also a friend of my best friend, Libby.”
“You have a girl as a best friend?” Viktoria asked, sounding surprised.
“Yes. She helped me get through a bad situation with my first girlfriend. It’s a long, long story, and before you say anything else, Libby is dating a girl.”
“A girl? She’s lesbian?”
“She likes boys and girls, but she prefers girls.”
“That’s weird.”
“No, it’s not,” I countered. “And if you want to apply the teachings of the Church, her doing stuff with a girl without being married isn’t really any different from me doing stuff with a girl without being married, like what we just did.”
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