A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 34: A Sympathetic Ear?

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 34: A Sympathetic Ear? - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

March 18, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Jesse

“What did you decide about Inez?” Angelina asked.

I actually hadn’t thought too much about it after Angelina had first asked. She had shown me a picture of Inez who was a gorgeous Hispanic girl with light brown skin, black hair, brown eyes, full lips, and a really nice figure. I couldn’t imagine a sane guy who would turn down a request to have sex with her. I knew quite a few people who would insist I wasn’t sane, and being a goalie provided plenty of evidence for that claim!

Ultimately, I couldn’t think of any reasons NOT to do it, assuming she had her STI test. I was confident that Angelina had informed Inez of the requirement, but I had to verify. Beyond that, it was simply a matter of meeting her and making a final decision. I’d had my best luck with very intelligent girls, and if she was a total airhead, I’d likely decline. I almost laughed because Dad had similar tastes — for him, the smarter the girl, the better, and I wholeheartedly agreed.

“If she’s had her STI test, then yes, let’s have lunch.”

“Is that a ‘yes’?”

“It’s a ‘probably’. We might not like each other after we meet.”

“You’ll like her, I’m sure! She had her test, and she also went on the Pill at my suggestion.”

“Even without me saying ‘yes’?”

“She wants to have sex, so if you don’t, I’m sure she’ll find a guy. But she really wants a very experienced guy for her first time. I’m happy I had one!”

“You’ll forgive me if I block that out of my mind,” I said dryly.

Angelina laughed softly, “I prefer you!”

“My ego and I thank you!”

“Take me upstairs?”

“Let’s go!”

? Matthew

“Did you give your mom the flight information?” I asked Chelsea when I called her after school.

“Yes. We’ll see you at Greater Cincinnati at 8:45pm on Friday! I can’t wait!”

“Why is that?” I asked, smirking, even though she couldn’t see.

“Because I want to sleep with you!” Chelsea insisted.


“You know what I mean!”

“Are you sure?” I teased.

“Matt Clarke, I’m going to get one of my dad’s belts and whip you if you aren’t careful!”

I laughed, “You know I love you and you know I’m just teasing you. I’ve missed spending time with you, and I’m not just talking about sex.”

“Same here.”

“What are we doing while I’m there?”

“I figured we’d go to the Cincinnati Nature Center, the Zoo, and the Art Museum.”


“What are you doing tonight?”

“Homework. I have a paper due on Friday for world history on the Mongol invasion. You?”

“We have a physics midterm on Friday, which I’m studying for. The other exams have been fairly easy, as have the papers. Physics is a bear.”

“Freshman biology is pretty easy. My toughest class is philosophy, though I have a leg up because of my dad.”

“Mom was always impressed with him, even when he was your age. He’s a great guy!”

“I think so, too! Your dad is pretty awesome.”

“We’re lucky! I’ll let you go so you can work on your paper and so I can study. Call me from Midway on Friday?”

“Will do! I may call before, too, just to talk.”

“I love our chats! Can’t wait to see you on Friday! Love you!”

“Love you, too!”

We said ‘goodbye’ and hung up, and then I opened Word on my Mac to continue working on my paper.

? Jesse

After Angelina left, I called Macrina to let her know I was going to see Viktoria.

“What?! Why?” she protested.

“Because I couldn’t think of a reason that would pass muster with her dad and Father Basil. And before you have a complete fit, just how do you think she’s going to react when I tell her about my moms and my dad?”

“Not well!”

“And so, then what happens?” I asked.

“She decides she can’t see you! But doesn’t Deacon John know?”

“No. Father Basil hasn’t said anything to anyone, and neither have Zeke, Natalya, or Paul. I suspect Deacon John believes my parents are divorced and that Mom Two is actually my aunt.”

“She’s going to lose her mind!” Macrina said with a soft laugh. “And tell her dad.”

“And what will he do?” I prompted.

“Forbid her from seeing you, no doubt! Ditto if you let on to her dad that you are very good at using your big stick!”

I laughed, “That I’m not going to share. Father Basil and I have discussed it, but only in confession, so it’s totally private.”

“And he’s cool with it?”

“Not a chance! But he is practical about it. And it’s not like I tell him details or who or anything. All he knows is I’m in an intimate relationship with a girl. And that’s sufficient for him to counsel me.”

“As in, telling you to stop?”

“Of course. But let’s not worry about that. I just didn’t want you to be surprised if you hear I went out with Viktoria on Monday.”

“Maybe we can get together next week, too. Are you doing anything on Wednesday?”


“Nobody will be home, so you can come to visit. I’ll let Mom know we’re going out to lunch and a movie. She doesn’t need to know the other thing I want to do!”

“And what might that be?” I asked with a smirk I was certain she could hear.

“Have you use your big stick to score in the five-hole!” she giggled. “See you at church?”


March 19, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

“How do we handle a repeat suggestion?” Samantha asked on Tuesday afternoon as we walked from her office to the building where the Lundgren Foundation had its offices.

“You agree she wasn’t being ‘silly’, right?”

“I’m positive she intended it as a real offer, but couched in a way that she could pass it off as ‘silly’ if you objected, which you quickly did.”

“I think if she does say something, I have to tell Howard,” I said.

Samantha frowned, “I hate that, but I agree with you. It’s basically similar to the John Lentz situation. Howard is your friend, and you owe it to him to let him know if his wife is trying to cheat on him. I’d expect you to do the same with Brian.”

“But you’d never make the offer!”

“No, I wouldn’t, despite very much wanting to, and even teasing about it. Does that make sense?”

“Kathy Jaeger,” I chuckled.

“You or her?”

“Both! Kara and Kurt, too. Things have toned down, but the desire is still there on all our parts. But their relationship doesn’t allow for anything like that.”

“Nor does Kara’s view on heterosexual sex.”

“I think that might be the one exception, just as Jorge would have been Jessica’s exception. The real question with Jeri is what she wants.”

“She’s still a manipulative bitch, despite you suggesting she had moved past that.”

“I’d say, certainly, that there is evidence of that, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. The question is what I do if I conclude she is behaving according to her old pattern.”

“Take it up with Ben?” Samantha suggested.

“I’m not sure that’s right,” I replied. “I think my first instinct was correct — to tell Howard what happened and let him deal with it. Ben is not going to fall for any of her crap, and I’m positive if she tries anything that comes to his attention, he’ll let me know immediately. What I don’t want to do is harm any of the groups we’re supporting by causing problems for the Board of Directors of the Foundation.”

“I agree with you. She really is the image of her mother, both in looks and personality.”

“It’s hard to escape that,” I replied. “There’s a lot of your dad’s personality in you, along with his keen knack for understanding and predicting the markets.”

“You really only hold one thing against him, and that was that he didn’t treat me the way he would have treated a son.”

“Actually, it was the idea that you were bait for a son-in-law to take over Spurgeon Capital that offended me. Well, that and the sheer stupidity of making videotapes of his conquests. That said, it was those videotapes that allowed you to take over Spurgeon.”

“You do NOT believe the ends justify the means!”

“No, of course not, but Loki has some strange ways of getting things right!”

“Dad was right about one thing — we would have been THE power couple in Chicago.”

“If I’d been willing to divorce my wives and marry you, which was not going to happen. Not because being married to you would have been anything other than wonderful, but because I’d already made that lifetime commitment.”

“Brian, as much as I love him and would never leave him or cheat on him, isn’t you. In fact, I’d say the only thing I can say is that he isn’t you, not that there is anything wrong.”

“So we do the ‘power couple’ thing without sex,” I replied.

“So, just like my mom and dad!” Samantha smirked.

“Nice,” I chuckled as we entered the building for the meeting.

March 19, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Birgit

“Smooth, Birgit,” Ashley said. “Very smooth.”

“Jesse was right,” I sighed.

“How bad is it?”

“Not too bad. Dad just got on my case about telling Tabitha about some of the girls he’d been with.”

She rolled her eyes, “You would think by now you knew the family rules! All of us pretty much know, but everyone except you keeps their mouth shut! You’re digging your own grave!”

“It’s just that Dad always says we should speak our mind!”

“Yes, of course, to HIM and our moms. To anyone else, you have to be careful what you say. And you aren’t.”

“I know,” I sighed. “I have to try harder.”

“It’s not difficult!” Ashley declared. “Go thou, and sin no more!”

I laughed. Ashley always knew how to make me laugh, which was one reason I loved her to pieces. We hugged, and I went to my room and turned on my computer. I was really happy to see Katy online.

DadsPumpkin: Hi!
AppleOrchardKaty: Hi! How are you?
DadsPumpkin: I managed to disappoint Dad again!
AppleOrchardKaty: Now what?
DadsPumpkin: I mentioned the names of some girls Dad had been with to someone outside the family.
AppleOrchardKaty: You would think you would have learned by now!
DadsPumpkin: I know. (sigh)
AppleOrchardKaty: You are the smartest girl I know, Birgit! Use those smarts.
DadsPumpkin: Jesse said I need a filter between my brain and tongue.
AppleOrchardKaty: Jesse is probably right. What did your dad say?
DadsPumpkin: That he was disappointed. I was crushed.
AppleOrchardKaty: Did you apologize?
DadsPumpkin: Yes, but I still feel about two inches tall.
AppleOrchardKaty: Then resolve to do better. And do it!
DadsPumpkin: That’s what Ashley said.
AppleOrchardKaty: She’s pretty smart.
DadsPumpkin: I know.
AppleOrchardKaty: Any changes to your plans for the Summer?
DadsPumpkin: No. Just Sweden.
AppleOrchardKaty: May I give you some advice?
DadsPumpkin: Yes.
AppleOrchardKaty: Your dad does not need any details. Or even to know what you’ve done.
DadsPumpkin: But I tell him everything!
AppleOrchardKaty: And?
DadsPumpkin: Never mind. I get it.
AppleOrchardKaty: It’s just advice. It’s up to you.
DadsPumpkin: I know.
AppleOrchardKaty: Then what happens now is up to you.
DadsPumpkin: It’s just ... no, never mind. You’re right.
AppleOrchardKaty: You know you can call anytime.
DadsPumpkin: I know. Thanks!
AppleOrchardKaty: You’re welcome. Chat later?
DadsPumpkin: Yes.

March 20, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

“I’m really sorry, Dad,” I said when we cuddled on Wednesday morning.

“You already apologized, Pumpkin,” Dad replied, squeezing his arms around me. “You need to do better.”

“I know,” I sighed. “Ashley and Jesse said the same thing. Mom told me that in High School none of the guys knew you were having sex with half the girls in the school!”

“Because I wasn’t having sex with half the girls in the school!” Dad said, laughing. “Not even close!”

“Mom may have exaggerated a bit,” I allowed.

“Do you want your siblings or me to talk about who you have sex with when the time comes? And for everyone at school to know?”

“No,” I admitted.

“Then apply the same thinking to what you say about others. You’ve stumbled a few times.”

“I know,” I sighed. “I promise to try to do better.”

“Good. Remember the lessons from karate — strive to improve a little bit every day.”

“And have self-discipline. That’s my problem, I guess.”

“Well, if you know the problem, you’re way ahead of the game.”

“I’m glad you still love me!”

“I’ll always love you, no matter what!”

I snuggled closer and Dad held me tightly until it was time for breakfast.

? Jesse

“Are we set for Tuesday?” CeCe asked at the end of the school day.

“Yes. My Dad and aunts will be at work, and my brother and sisters are all going to be out.”

“Shall we make a bet?” she asked.

“Which side do you want?”

“That they chicken out.”

“Then we can’t bet because I suspect that’s what’s going to happen, too.”

“Want to know what I think will happen? I mean the alternative?”


“I think Luna and Shauna will ask you privately at some point after the sauna.”

“I don’t know them well enough to know. But I’ll worry about that if it happens.”

“We need to find another night when we can sleep together!”

“That really depends on your parents,” I said. “You know my moms are OK with it.”

“Let me see what I can come up with, without risking getting in serious trouble.”

We hugged, and I headed home to do my homework, then have my evening with Akiko. I decided of all the girls, except maybe CeCe, Akiko was the one I would miss the most when my ‘girl of the week’ situation had run its course.

March 22, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

Late on Friday afternoon adium dinged to get my attention.

Etheldred: Hi! Leaving for Chicago in five minutes!
NIKASteve: Cool!
Etheldred: I can be at your place any time after tomorrow morning.
NIKASteve: I arranged for Monday and Tuesday off work. I’m all yours!
Etheldred: Awesome!
NIKASteve: And you’re welcome at the house anytime. Just show up whenever.
Etheldred: I’ll probably hang out with my friend Saturday and Sunday, then stay at your place the rest of the week, if that’s cool.
NIKASteve: It is.
Etheldred: See you Monday morning!
NIKASteve: Looking forward to it!
Etheldred: Eat your Wheaties!
NIKASteve: Will do!
Etheldred: Oh, almost forgot — I updated my STI test.
NIKASteve: Good!
Etheldred: Bye!
NIKASteve: Bye!

“Steve, Penny is here,” Kimmy announced.

“Send her in,” I replied, turning to see that Penny had simply walked in.

“Hi,” I said.

“April 15th!” she said. “The project should wrap up on the 8th, and I’ll do the closeout the following week. That also gives me an extra week in case something goes sideways.”

“Your desk is here waiting for you. Just arrange with Kimmy to have Brock move your computer and reconfigure the VLANs to put you into our group.”

“You really went paranoid on security.”

“Not me! Sure, I signed off on it, but Brock and Sam came up with the VLAN segregation to limit access to various systems.”

“What access do you have?”

“Only to the managed services resources and the general corporate resources. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”

“What will I work on?”

“The full web interface to NIKA Legal. Every feature has to work in a browser. We’re making good progress, but it’s taking longer than we’d hoped. I really need your help.”

“No shit!” Penny smirked.

“Get out of here!” I chuckled.

She winked and left, and I returned to my PHP coding.

[Greater Cincinnati, Ohio] ? Matthew

“Matt!” Chelsea squealed when I walked through the security doors to the arrival hall.

She hurried to me, I dropped my bag, and we hugged tightly, but didn’t kiss, as part of our new plan for how to behave in public.

“How was your flight?” Aunt Jennie asked.

“Fine. We were ten minutes late leaving, but otherwise, no problem.”

“Do you need anything to eat?”

“No. Mom drove through Arby’s on the way to the airport.”

We left the terminal and walked to Aunt Jennie’s car. Chelsea got into the back seat with me for the ride to her house. When we arrived, we went into the house and finally could kiss properly.

“Mom,” Chelsea said, “we’re going upstairs. We’ll see you for breakfast!”

“Good night,” Aunt Jennie said.

Chelsea took my hand and led me up to her room, closing the door behind her.

“Now we can have the best kind of kisses!” she declared, quickly removing her clothes.

I set my bag aside and began undressing.

“What did you have in mind?” I asked.

“Kiss each other everywhere, make love, and then fall asleep in each other’s arms.”

“I like that idea!” I declared.

Once I was undressed, we got into bed and began kissing.

March 23, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

“Sensei Steve?” Avanti said at the end of the afternoon class for my private students. “Do you have a moment?”

“Yes. How about we go into the office?”

She followed me to the office and shut the door. Instead of going behind the desk, I sat down on the small couch that Marcia had suggested to replace a small credenza that Sensei Jim had used for his personal trophies. Avanti sat down beside me, though with some space between us.

“What can I do for you?” I asked.

“A dangerous question!” she laughed.

“You sound very much like your mother when I first met her!”

“As she says, I am her daughter, just as Abi is my dad’s son.”

“So?” I asked with a grin.

“Well, the answer to the question you aren’t asking me is whenever you believe I’m ready.”

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