A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 33: A Filter Between Her Brain and Tongue
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 33: A Filter Between Her Brain and Tongue - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
March 14, 2002, Chicago, Illinois
? Birgit
“The Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, is now in session!” the bailiff called out. “The Honorable Charles Monroe, presiding. You may be seated.”
“State of Illinois versus Arnold Gardner, case number 2002CF001239,” the clerk called out.
“Ken Atherton, for the State.”
“Joel Peterson for Mr. Gardner, who is in the custody of the Sheriff.”
“The bailiff will bring in the defendant,” the Judge said.
The bailiff went to a locked door, used a key to open it, and a minute later, they brought in the man who had ‘solicited’ me. He was wearing an orange jumpsuit and his hands were shackled.
“Mr. Gardner is before Your Honor,” Mr. Peterson said.
“Your Honor, we’ve reached a plea agreement with Mr. Gardner,” the State’s Attorney said.
“What are the terms?”
“One-year confinement, less time served; two years mandatory supervised release; $1712 in court costs.”
“Is that your understanding of the deal, Mr. Peterson?”
“Yes, Your Honor.”
“Mr. Gardner, has your attorney explained the terms of the plea agreement?”
“Yes, Your Honor,” Mr. Gardner said.
“I need to ask you several questions before I enter your plea. First, has anyone offered you anything besides the terms of the plea agreement in order to induce you to accept this plea?”
“No, Your Honor.”
“Has anyone threatened you?”
“No, Your Honor.”
“Do you understand that by pleading guilty, you are waiving your right to a trial before a jury, and your right to confront witnesses against you and present evidence of your innocence?”
“Yes, Your Honor.”
“Do you understand that by pleading guilty, you waive your right to appeal?”
“Yes, Your Honor.”
“Do you understand that if you enter a plea of guilty, you may only withdraw it by applying to the court for permission to do so, and the court is not obligated to grant permission?”
“Yes, Your Honor.”
“Do you understand that by pleading guilty to a felony, you may permanently lose your right to possess a firearm?”
“Yes, Your Honor.”
“I am required to inform you that in addition to the penalties imposed by the court, there may be additional administrative restrictions imposed by the state as a result of sex offender registration. Those administrative restrictions may be changed by statute, and will apply to you, even if passed after the date of your plea. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Your Honor.”
“Are you under the influence of any drug or alcohol which might impair your judgment?”
“No, Your Honor.”
“Then, Mr. Gardner, how do you plead?”
“Guilty, Your Honor.”
“I accept your plea. If the victim is present, she has the right to make a statement before I impose sentence. Is she here?”
Dad nudged me.
“I am, Your Honor,” I said. “Birgit Elizabeth Adams.”
“Do you wish to make a statement?”
“Yes, Your Honor, I do.”
“Is that your father with you?”
“Yes, Your Honor.”
“Mr. Adams, do you give permission for your daughter to speak?”
Dad nodded, “Yes, Your Honor. We discussed it, and she elected to make a statement.’
“Then, Miss Adams, please come to the witness stand and make your statement.”
I walked through the gate on the bar that separated the room and went to the witness stand.
“Go ahead, Miss Adams,” the judge said.
I stared Mr. Gardner in the eyes and began speaking.
“The day it happened, my two sisters and some friends were at Water Tower Place. My parents were in the movies, but there was nothing we girls wanted to see, so we were window shopping and minding our own business when that creepy man came over to us. He told me I was very pretty. When I told him he was older than my dad, which was my polite way of telling him to leave me alone, he said an older guy was ‘just what I needed’ and that he’d make it ‘really good for me’.
“I know about sex, because I had health class and my parents gave me the book Smart Teens; Smart Choices, but I’m only thirteen. I don’t even have a boyfriend, and have never been on a date. I didn’t want to do what he was asking with anyone. I told him he was being rude and requested he walk away before he was arrested, because being polite hadn’t worked.
“But even then, he didn’t give up. He said I didn’t know what I was missing, which was not just creepy, but gross, and then he touched my shoulder. I was afraid he was going to touch my private parts, or grab me and kidnap me and rape me. My parents enrolled me in karate classes for self-discipline, fitness, and self-defense, so I did what I was trained to do — I defend myself.
“We’re taught that you only use force when necessary, and Mr. Gardner touching me made me very scared of what might happen, so I used a karate kick to make him stop, because I was sure he wasn’t going to stop just because I asked him to. He needs to go to prison for as long as possible to protect girls like me. The detective I talked to implied Mr. Gardner had done this before and gotten away with it. I feel sorry for those other girls, and that’s why I want him locked up to keep me, my sisters, my friends, and all little girls safe.”
I looked over at the judge to let him know I was done.
“Thank you, Miss Adams, you may step down.”
“Actually, Your Honor, I need a note for school for an excused absence.”
He laughed, “I’ll write one out. You can get it from the Clerk five minutes after we’re finished.”
“Thank you!”
I got up and walked back to sit with my parents and Suzanne.
“Does the defense have any witnesses or does the defendant wish to make a statement?”
“Your honor, we object to Miss Adams’ reference to unfounded and unproven accusations of alleged past criminal acts, and ask your honor to ignore those statements.”
“Mr. Gardner was arrested on two occasions for similar charges, but the State declined to proceed due to reluctant or unreliable witnesses.”
“Does the defense have anything else?” the judge asked.
“No, Your Honor.”
“Mr. Gardner, please stand,” the judge said.
Both attorneys and Mr. Gardner stood up.
“Arnold Gardner, this Court, having found you guilty of solicitation of a minor under the age of fourteen for sex, sentences you to two years confinement, with no credit for time served, and two years mandatory supervised release upon completion of that confinement. You are ordered to undergo sex offender counseling, and per Illinois statute, are required to register as a child sex offender. I also impose a fine of $2000, as well as costs of $1700.”
“Objection, Your Honor!” Mr. Peterson exclaimed. “That was not the agreement.”
“As I stated to your client, and to which he agreed, I am not bound by the plea agreement. You’re welcome to file a request to have the plea set aside and proceed to trial. You have thirty days to do so. Mr. Gardner, you are remanded into the custody of the Sheriff until such time as you are transferred to the custody of the Attorney General.”
The bailiff took Mr. Gardner’s arm and began to lead him away. The judge banged his gavel and everyone stood while he walked out. Once he was through the door behind the bench, everyone began leaving.
“He threw the book at him, basically,” Dad said.
“But now he can try again, right?” I asked.
Dad nodded, “Technically, but if he goes to trial, it will be with this judge, and I can’t imagine a jury finding him ‘not guilty’ if you and your friends get on the stand and tell what happened. They have security video which matches your story.”
“The judge basically dared him to go to trial,” Suzanne said. “If he does, and he’s convicted, he’d get six years, or maybe more.”
“He won’t appeal,” Dad said. “It’s too risky. Well, maybe he appeals just the sentence, but that’s risky, too, because the Appeals Court would just order the same judge to think it over. The worst-case scenario is it’s reduced to one year.”
“Mr. Adams?” the State’s Attorney said.
“Yes?” Dad responded.
“Thank you.”
“You should thank Birgit,” Dad said.
“Thank you, Birgit. We’re sure he’s done this more than three times, but we’ve never been able to catch him. You helped put away a dangerous man who preys on little girls.”
“You’re welcome,” I said.
“Mom is going to drive you back to school,” Dad said. “I need to get to work.”
“OK,” I agreed reluctantly.
He kissed my forehead, kissed his wives, then left. We had to wait for the note from the judge, which the Clerk brought to us a few minutes after Dad had left.
? Steve
The hearing had required missing the morning sessions of the User Group meeting, but my presentation about NIKA’s vision and the future had been scheduled for right after lunch, so it didn’t interfere. Turnout was good, as people had become willing to travel, and everyone had adapted to the new security rules, all of which I considered as ‘theater’, as I could imagine so many ways to avoid detection, that I was positive that anyone who had ill intent could imagine the same things.
I skipped karate to attend dinner, as Cindi felt it was very helpful for me to mingle with clients, even if I wasn’t the official face of the organization. It gave me an opportunity to speak to people who I no longer saw face-to-face very often, including Megan Burch and Ned Jenkins. Cindi also made the point of introducing me to several important clients who I’d never met.
“Hi,” a pretty girl with long black hair and piercing green eyes said, coming up to me. “I’m Kristy Benton with Schaffer, Searle, and Benton here in Chicago”
“Nice to meet you,” I said. “I believe this is your first User Group.”
“It is.”
“Where did you go to school?”
“Loyola, then UofC.”
“When did you become a name partner?”
“About three years ago. I specialize in defending medical malpractice claims.”
“Well, then I’m thankful I don’t know you!” I chuckled. “My wife is Doctor Jessica Adams.”
“The trauma surgeon from UofC. I’ve never met her, but I know of her. I’ve read several of her papers which have helped me understand the doctors and hospitals I represent.”
“You would have been at Loyola in the early 80s, right?” I asked.
“Then I suspect you know Doctor Allyson Crowley and Doctor Lucy Knight?”
Kristy laughed, “You have NO idea! Allyson was my best friend in High School and we had a lot of fun. I met Lucy at Loyola.”
“It sounds as if there are stories there.”
Kristy nodded, “Some you probably wouldn’t believe!”
I chuckled, “And I suspect I could tell you a few as well. Are you married?”
“Yes, to a guy I met during my gap year. He’s a currency trader and fund manager.”
“I’m friends with Samantha Spurgeon,” I said.
“The enemy!” Kristy laughed. “Well, her dad, anyway.”
“Then your husband must work for Clermont Capital.”
“And right there is where I think I need to shut up! I didn’t know you knew people in that industry.
“Sorry if I pried,” I said, wondering if she was married to Jonathan Kane, or to his partner.
“It’s just that my husband and his business partner are very, very tight-lipped and you are friends with the competition, so to speak.”
“No worries at all,” I replied. “Enjoy the evening.”
? Birgit
“So you and my dad are no longer lovers?” I asked Tabitha when she let me know she’d spoken to Jesse.
“You know about that?” Tabitha asked, blushing slightly.
I laughed, “Everyone knows! Nothing like that is secret in this house! Don’t worry, though, because nobody really cares. I was just curious.”
“Well,” I smirked, “if you follow the pattern, you’ll start dating one of the Navy officers or someone from Dad’s work or from the hospital or university where my moms work, or from the dojo or Philosophy Club.”
“How often has that happened?”
I laughed, “I can’t even count! But Samantha, María Cristina, Hope, Sarah, Holly, and Jeri, for sure. Well, I think he was with Jeri, but I’m not absolutely sure. He was with almost every girl you’ve met, maybe even all of them.”
“And that doesn’t bother you?”
“Why should it? He made the agreement with my moms before I was even born.”
Not to mention that I wanted to be one of the girls, but there was no way I was going to say that to Tabitha. I’d already made it clear to too many people, and I was positive Ashley was right that because of that, there was no way I could convince Dad, but that wasn’t going to stop me from trying!
“I guess it’s just weird that a thirteen-year-old would know about their parents’ sex lives.”
“Not in this house! And I’m on the Pill.”
“You?!” Tabitha gasped.
“Me. I haven’t done it yet, but I will, and probably this Summer. Did you read Smart Teens; Smart Choices?”
“Yes. Hope gave me a copy of the book.”
“Then you know that sex is healthy and a normal part of life!”
“But you’re thirteen!”
“And I’ll probably wait until I’m fourteen, but it’s up to me to decide that, not anyone else. And you obviously don’t think you need to be a virgin on your wedding night or you wouldn’t have fucked my dad!”
“This is all very, very strange.”
I giggled, “And you haven’t seen anything yet...”
March 16, 2002, Chicago, Illinois
? Steve
On Saturday morning, I was sitting in Sensei Jim’s office, having just met with a prospective student when a woman about my age with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes walked in.
“I’m looking for the, uhm, head instructor of the school, I think,”
“I’m Sensei Steve Adams, the second-ranking black belt, and a Senior Instructor. How can I help you?”
“The daughter of a friend of mine took a self-defense course here, and I wanted to get some information and sign up.”
“We usually run the courses beginning in September and February to coincide with the university, and they run ten weeks.”
“Oh,” she said, sounding disappointed. “I was hoping for something sooner than September.”
“What’s your name, please?”
“Rachel. Rachel Kealty.”
“If I may ask, did something happen that led to you ask about self-defense?”
“Some muggings and assaults very close to where I live. It used to be a really nice neighborhood. I considered a gun, but the city makes that impossible, and when I talked to my friend, her daughter said the self-defense course here is very good. Who teaches it?”
“I do, along with one of the female black belts.”
“The sign in the window said that you offer private lessons. Does that include self-defense?”
“Yes, and we can tailor it to your individual needs.”
“Who would teach that?”
“Any of our black belts who have an instructor’s license. It would depend on their availability and your judgment of who would be best for you.”
“You said you’re the second-ranking instructor. Who’s higher?”
“Our «shihan» — that word means ‘master’ — but he’s moving to Japan in two months.
“Then you,” she said. “I want the best instructor.”
“You wouldn’t feel more comfortable with a female instructor?” I asked.
“No. I want the best. That’s you, right?”
“I am the highest-ranking instructor available. Best is a relative judgment I prefer not to make. I only compete against myself.”
Rachel smiled, “That’s actually a good thing. I’m tired of macho BS. I’ve dealt with it at work for my entire life.”
“What do you do for work?”
“I’m a paralegal. My first job was with an investment company.”
“May I ask which firm you work for?”
“Nichols and Nichols,” she replied. “All male attorneys. It’s almost as bad as Spurgeon Capital was when I worked there.”
“I know both firms,” I said. “I’m one of the Founders of NIKA Consulting, and Nichols and Nichols are one of our clients. And I’m friends with Samantha Spurgeon.”
“I worked there when her dad was running the place, and it was horrid. Lawyers aren’t much better. I hear your company is basically run by women.”
“It is. My sister is CEO, and our CFO, CTO, Head of Marketing and Sales, and in-house legal counsel are all women.”
“So, what do I need to do to sign up for lessons?”
“Fill out the ‘New Student’ form and have what’s normally referred to as a sports physical.”
“Why a physical?”
“Karate, and that includes our self-defense course, can be strenuous. Our liability insurance provider requires a physical, though if you’ve had one recently, you can have your personal physician sign the form.”
“I had my annual physical three months ago, is that OK?”
“Yes. Your doctor will just need to certify there’s nothing medical that would interfere with strenuous exercise. May I ask how old you are?”
“Have you done anything like this before?”
“My last organized exercise was High School gym class at Mother McAuley. I use my dad’s treadmill and resistance machine at home.”
“Let me give you the forms, along with the dojo rules, and you can bring everything back once you have your doctor’s signature. I’m here most weeknights except Fridays, as well as Saturday morning and Saturday afternoon. If for some reason I’m not here, speak to either Sensei Jim or Sensei Will, and they’ll help you. What day would be good for you?”
“It has to be a time when there’s no other class, right?”
“That’s easiest, but it’s something we can work around.”
“I know this might be weird, but what about Sunday mornings, if you don’t go to church?”
“I don’t. And Sunday mornings are usually free. We’ll set a time when you come back.”
“Will I need a uniform?”
“No. Just workout clothes. Our self-defense students usually wear sweatpants or shorts and t-shirts or sweatshirts, depending on the weather. We have small locker rooms and showers.”
“Can we just set a time for a week from tomorrow?”
“Sure. I’m an early riser, so I can meet as early as 6:00am.”
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