A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 27: Bewitched
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 27: Bewitched - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
March 7, 2002, Rutherford, Ohio
? Steve
I’d sat in the circle drive of my old house for a minute, thinking, before I’d responded to Tabitha and had agreed to head to Rutherford. Before I pulled away, I called the Star Light Motel and was happy to find they had a room available for the night, and that it was one of the larger suites. The clerk had made it clear I’d have to be out by 10:00am Friday, with no exception, as the room was promised for noon. That accomplished, I’d texted Kara, Jessica, and Suzanne that I’d be home on Friday. I also texted Birgit, knowing she’d be miffed about me not coming home, and wanted her to take it out on me, not on her moms.
I arrived in Rutherford just after noon, checked in, received my key, then went to Kroger to get some food and drinks so that Tabitha and I didn’t have to leave the room. I returned to the motel and took everything into the room, then left to pick up Tabitha at the address she’d provided. She was obviously watching for me, and hurried out to the car as soon as I pulled into the driveway.
“Hi,” she said after she opened the door.
“Hi,” I replied. “Hop in.”
She climbed into the car, closed the door, and tossed a small overnight bag into the back seat. Once she’d buckled herself in, I backed out of the driveway and headed for the Star Light Motel. Tabitha fidgeted a bit in the seat, but didn’t say anything during the drive. I parked in front of the room, we got out of the car, and I used my key to let us into the room. I shut the door behind us and kicked off my loafers, with Tabitha following suit.
“How are you explaining being out overnight?”
“I’m house-sitting for a couple from church for three nights. Nobody will check on me.”
“What about work?”
“I have today off, and I start at 10:00am tomorrow.”
“OK. Will you tell me why you want to do this?”
“Tomorrow, before you leave,” Tabitha replied. “If that’s OK.”
An evasive answer, or perhaps a ‘temporizing’ one, was another indication, at least in my mind, that this was exactly what I thought it was — her way of escaping the life her dad had planned for her, in a way, that once revealed, would very likely permanently burn the bridge he was trying to build. I wondered what her ultimate plan might be, but I likely wouldn’t get her to tell me before morning, if even then. I trusted she’d tell me ‘why’, but I had no idea if she’d tell me her plans.
As I considered going through with my stated plan, I remembered several women making a point to me that if a young woman not only consented, but insisted she wanted to have sex, it wasn’t my place to second guess them, though obviously, I had to be attracted to them in some way. Normally, that involved some period of getting to know them, but in this case, the attraction was purely physical.
I remembered Katt arguing with me about fucking ‘just to fuck’, and how I had struggled with it. I also remembered what Abbie had said, and what she’d reinforced when I’d debated whether or not to go to bed with Winter. Abbie’s phrase had been ‘fuck for the sheer pleasure of it’, and she’d blamed Michelle for my reluctance. I was past that, and I’d finally agreed to give Katt what she’d wanted for years, and unless I missed my guess, would do so again when we were in Sweden.
I couldn’t think of a single good reason not to give Tabitha an expert deflowering and to enjoy her very sexy body. If she truly wanted what I’d offered, I’d give it to her.
“You’re absolutely sure you want to go through with this?”
She blushed deep red, nodded, and replied, almost inaudibly, “Yes.”
I could just ‘take’ her, but I felt it better to give her an idea of what to expect. I took her hand and led her to the couch and encouraged her to sit next to me, which she did.
“How much do you know about what you want?” I asked.
She blushed crimson and looked down.
“Uhm, the man puts his thing between the girl’s legs and moves until he shoots his seed into her.”
“Those are the basic mechanics,” I replied. “And unless you use some form of birth control, you can get pregnant anytime you have sex, including the first time.”
“I, I,” she stuttered, “uhm, thought you would take care of that.”
“That’s a bad assumption,” I said. “In this case, it works out because I had a vasectomy. Do you know what that is?”
I stifled a groan and fought the urge to bang my head on the coffee table.
“It’s a minor out-patient surgical procedure to make it so that there is no ‘seed’ to shoot into you, as you put it. In medical terms, it’s a severing of the vasa deferentia to prevent sperm from mixing with seminal fluids in ejaculate. Or, in more common terms, no sperm when I cum. That last word means have an orgasm, or ‘shoot’ as you called it.”
“Uhm, why do that? Don’t you want to have babies?”
I chuckled, “You haven’t asked the main question I expected you to ask.”
“What’s that?”
“Whether or not I’m married.”
“I, uhm, well, uhm, once you said what you wanted, I thought you weren’t.”
“Oh, come on!” I said reflexively. “You honestly think a married man wouldn’t try to have sex with you?”
“It would be adultery!” she protested.
“It sure would!” I replied with a grin, holding up my left hand. “Did you miss this?”
“I, uhm, didn’t notice,” she replied, recoiling just a bit.
“May I point something out?” I asked.
“I guess.”
“The difference between fornication and adultery is, in my mind, inconsequential, at least as you see the world. Either one turns you immediately reprobate, right?”
“But there’s something to consider, and that’s the fact that I’m married and I have children, but I would not be committing adultery. And neither would you!”
“What?! How?”
“My marriage allows for sex with partners other than my legal wife.”
“What?!” she gasped.
“Remember what I said about the world not being anything like you thought it was? I wasn’t kidding when I said it. I’m not going to be upset if you change your mind, and I have people here with whom I can spend time. You have to decide if you want to engage in raw, animalistic, mattress-pounding, headboard-banging, multi-orgasmic fucking with a married man.”
She didn’t respond immediately, and I would have paid to know her thought process. About two minutes passed before she spoke.
“Uhm, I want to take a walk,” she said quietly.
I nodded, “Go ahead. I’ll be here when you get back. And, if you want, I’ll take you back to the house you were sitting. It’s totally up to you.”
She nodded, grabbed her shoulder bag, and left the room. I went over to the window and looked out and nearly bust a gut laughing — she had pulled out her Bible and was clutching it to her chest. Once again, I was reminded of Kara, and, to some extent, Becka. The difference was that with Tabitha, the time from meeting to potentially having sex was compressed into about twenty-four hours, rather than six months for Kara, or around nine months for Becka.
I moved from the window, retrieved my laptop, and plugged into the available phone line. I looked up the WAN dial-up number local to the area code and entered it into the dialer. A minute later, after buzzes, beeps, and chirps, I was online to the corporate WAN, which was still provided by InfoNet.
I checked my email and saw nothing that needed my immediate attention. I sent Kimmy an email saying that I wouldn’t be in the office on Friday, and then sent emails to my Managed Services team saying the same thing. That accomplished, I checked the news, and there wasn’t much of note, other than the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia was effecting repairs and upgrades of the Hubble Space Telescope.
I disconnected from the network, shut down the computer, and went to the bathroom to empty my bladder. I washed my hands and returned to the sitting area, wondering if Tabitha had decided to walk back to the house where she was house sitting. It was only about a fifteen-minute walk, at most, and it was entirely possible she’d simply walked away. I decided to give her a total of thirty minutes before I made a call to Vickie and Martin. I made a mental note I’d need to drop Tabitha’s overnight bag at the house where I’d picked her up.
I retrieved the book I was reading — The Universe in a Nutshell, something which Neil, Mitsuko’s husband, had recommended. It was basically a sequel to A Brief History of Time, which I’d read when it came out in the late 80s. So far, I felt he was making a solid attempt at achieving his goal of unifying Einstein and Feynman, but it was also the case that I wasn’t convinced that was possible.
The next time I checked my watch, thirty minutes had passed from the time Tabitha had left, and I decided to give her until I finished the final two pages of the chapter. I had just closed the book and was about to go to the phone when there was a knock at the door. I got up and let Tabitha into the room.
“Do you want me to take you home?” I asked.
She shook her head, “No.”
“What do you want to do?” I asked.
“What you said,” she replied quietly. “What I asked for.”
“Have you ever kissed anyone?”
“No. Kissing can lead to ... what we’re going to do.”
“Do you know why fundamentalist Christians don’t have sex standing up?” I asked.
“Uhm, no.”
“Because it might lead to dancing!”
Tabitha laughed nervously, “That’s too funny!”
“You’ve never danced, have you?”
I was going to give Tabitha what I’d promised, but I decided it was better to ease her into it. I walked over to the shelf stereo and consulting the small card, tuned to an ‘easy listening’ station. I smiled when I heard the first notes of She’s Always A Woman, then walked back to Tabitha and put my hands on her shoulders.
“Let’s dance,” I said.
“I don’t know how.”
“Just put your arms around me, put your head on my shoulder, and sway.”
Tabitha tentatively put her arms around me, and I lowered mine from her shoulders to her back and pulled her gently against me, and she responded with a sharp intake of breath. I pulled her more firmly against me, which caused her pulse to quicken and her nipples to harden.
“I feel strange,” Tabitha whispered.
“That’s your body telling you what it wants,” I replied, squeezing my arms more tightly around her.
Tabitha put her head on my shoulder and sighed deeply as our bodies began swaying, our dance pantomiming what we’d soon be doing, though I’d promised much more vigorous movement for that. I kissed Tabitha’s neck, and she shuddered, partly a recoil in surprise, and partly, I was sure, from the sensation of my lips on her skin.
“I’m going to kiss you everywhere,” I whispered.
To show what I meant, I rubbed my chest against hers, then lowered my hands to her sexy butt and pulled her jean-covered mons against me, resulting in another sharp intake of breath and a small shudder.
“But...” she protested.
I was sure her mind and body were engaged in a fierce debate, as despite her naïveté, she was aware that certain things were ‘dirty’ and that ‘good girls’ didn’t do them. At nineteen, which I assumed was her age, she was certainly old enough to have heard about Bill Clinton’s behavior with Monica Lewinsky, when parents suddenly had to explain to their pre-teens what a ‘blowjob’ was, what Clinton had allegedly done with the cigar, and why there was a stain on the blue dress. My kids had laughed at the entire situation, and rolled their eyes when they heard parents complain about ‘ruined childhoods’.
“If you want to be a ‘good girl’,” I said quietly, “you should leave now. If you want to be a ‘bad girl’, then I’ll help you be very bad.”
Given how her body was responding, I was absolutely positive she wasn’t going to leave. I was sure that if I checked, she’d be soaking wet, and if I asked, she’d tell me about the very strange sensation she was having in the pit of her stomach, both strong signs of what her body was now demanding, struggling against nineteen years of what I considered brainwashing.
“I, uhm, I want to, but...”
I let my arms go a bit slack, and Tabitha lifted her head from my shoulder and made eye contact. I saw burning desire, but also nervousness, and even fear. But I was sure those would be overcome by desire. The true source of her hesitation was the brainwashing about sex.
“You think what I suggested is gross or disgusting, right?” I asked.
Tabitha bit her lip, the way pre-teens often did, and nodded.
“The concept you have of sex in your mind is very, very limited,” I said. “Not just in what to do or how to do it, but why to do it. It’s not just to make babies or do your ‘wifely duty’. And it’s certainly not just intercourse in the missionary position, under the covers, at night, and with the lights out. And you only ever do it with your husband. That is what you’ve been taught, at least indirectly, right?”
“Yes,” Tabitha admitted, blushing.
“If you stay, you’ll discover what great sex is truly about. Do you want me to tell you what will happen?”
Tabitha bit her lip again and nodded.
“First, we’ll undress, then I’ll kiss you here,” I touched her lips. “Then here,” I touched her nipple, and she sucked in her breath. “Then here,” I ran a finger along the seam of her jeans, and she gasped.
“But it’s ... uhm, dirty.”
I shook my head, “No, it’s not. I like how it tastes, and I promise you’ll like how it feels.”
“Right here is the center of pleasure,” I continued, as I moved my finger to the spot where Tabitha’s jeans covered her clitoral hood and pressed gently.
She gasped and squeezed her arms around me, then moaned softly.
“It gets better,” I promised as I gently rubbed her through her jeans.
“I feel like ... like ... I’m on fire!” she whispered huskily.
I smiled, “Good. Do you want to hear more?”
“Yes,” Tabitha said, exhaling strongly as I gently fingered her through her jeans.
I wondered if Tabitha even knew the vocabulary of sex. Kara really hadn’t, nor had Becka. I’d taken care of that in both instances, though with Becka I’d had help from Abbie. I had a ‘teaching moment’ with Tabitha, and I decided to use it.
“After I kiss you, I’m going to put my penis in your vagina, which will mean you’re no longer a virgin, and we’ll have intercourse. Or, to put it in more common terms, I’m going to put my dick in your pussy and fuck you.”
“I, uhm, heard it hurts and you bleed.”
“Mostly an old wives’ tale,” I said. “Well, that’s not quite true. First, not all girls have a hymen, what’s colloquially called a ‘cherry’. As you get older, especially into your late teens, it can either disappear on its own, or be torn by athletic activity, including riding a bike or running. For most girls, it’s just a thin ring of flesh, or a thin, perforated bit of flesh. It can’t be a complete barrier because otherwise, you couldn’t have your monthly period.”
“How do you know all of that?” Tabitha asked nervously.
“Experience,” I replied, as I continued to rub her, “And reading. And talking to girls about it. I am married, remember?”
“Uh, yeah,” she replied, breathing heavily.
“Do you want to hear more?” I asked.
Tabitha nodded, then gasped and shuddered.
“Wow!” she breathed. “That was...”
“Your very first orgasm. And it was a small one.”
“Small?” she asked, her eyes wide.
“Small. When I put my tongue there, you’ll see what I mean.”
She made a face showing she still felt it was ‘dirty’, but she didn’t pull away.
“At some point,” I continued, “You’re going to take my penis into your mouth and suck me until I cum, that is, shoot my seed. And you’re going to swallow it.”
Tabitha turned bright red and made a face that implied she was about to throw up.
“No...” she protested. “I can’t.”
“The door is right there,” I said, gesturing with my head.
“Why?” she pleaded.
“Remember what I promised? That’s part of it. I like it, and I want you to do it. You don’t have to, of course. I’ll take you home right now, if that’s what you want.”
Tabitha didn’t move away from me, so I simply continued gently rubbing her through her jeans. A minute later, she squeezed her shoulders, gasped, moaned, and shuddered as she had another orgasm. I wasn’t surprised, really, because even though she hadn’t known it, there was pent-up desire just waiting to be released. Once again, it reminded me of Kara, though minus the whole ‘falling in love’ bit.
“I want to stay,” she said when the orgasm passed.
“Tell me what you want to do,” I prompted.
She blushed again, though not as deeply, which I felt was a good sign. She had to overcome her inhibitions and the lifelong brainwashing by Tim Saddler. With Tabitha, it was the opposite of most of my encounters — opening minds, then opening thighs. For Tabitha, it needed to be the opposite — a virgin Tabitha could never come to terms with the world the way I felt she needed to. A Tabitha who had participated in raw, animalistic, mattress-pounding, headboard-banging, multi-orgasmic fucking, and who had given a blowjob, could.
“I want you to undress me,” she whispered, looking into my eyes. “And kiss me all over.”
“I want you to...” she took a deep breath and let it out, “fuck me.”
She lowered her eyes, and didn’t say anything for close to a minute. Then she looked up, and I saw something new in her eyes — a sense of confidence and determination.
“I want to suck you and swallow your seed.”
She giggled for the first time since I’d met her, “I want to suck you and swallow your cum.”
I nodded and released her from my arms, then turned on every light in the suite, including the bathroom, and turned down the comforter on the bed. Nothing was going to be hidden, or in the dark, or under the covers, except perhaps when we slept, if we actually did. I went back to Tabitha, took her hand, and led her to the bedroom. We stood at the foot of the bed, and I moved my hands to the hem of her fuzzy yellow sweater. Tabitha lifted her arms and allowed me to pull the sweater over her head, and then from her arms. I tossed it onto the chair and moved my hands to the top of her blouse, which was buttoned all the way up to her neck. Tabitha’s hands quickly covered mine, preventing me from unbuttoning the top button.
“Nobody has seen me naked since I was a toddler,” she said.
“Doctor? OB/GYN?”
She shook her head, “Mom said I didn’t need a female exam until after I was married.”
“Your mom is a moron,” I declared reflexively, unfortunately breaking the spell.
“Why?” Tabitha asked, a concerned look on her face.
“Because being a virgin and a Christian has ZERO to do with proper medical care, including ensuring proper development and checking for all manner of possible problems. Sure, they’re rare, but for Loki’s sake, standard medical exams have ZERO to do with sex. ZERO.”
“The Norse god of change, sometimes called the ‘trickster’, or the god of chaos.”
“You believe he exists?!”
I shook my head, “It’s the personification of a concept. Most likely, there are no gods of any kind, Christian or otherwise.”
“What?!” she gasped.
“I’m agnostic,” I said. “But we can discuss that tomorrow. I want to see you naked.”
Tabitha nodded and dropped her hands, allowing me to unbutton the top button of her white blouse. I continued from top to bottom, then pulled the hem of her blouse from her jeans, moved behind her, and took off her blouse, dropping it on top of her sweater. I put my arms around her, my palms resting on her flat stomach, and kissed her neck. Tabitha shuddered and breathed in sharply, then let out a long breath.
I moved my hands to her jeans, unbuttoned them, then drew down the zipper. I breathed deeply and caught the first whiff of her womanly scent, and I was sure that if I moved my hand down between her legs, I’d find her panties soaking wet. I decided to test the theory, and slid my fingers down over her cotton panties, finding a large wet spot, proving my surmise to be correct.
I gently massaged her clit through her panties while kissing her neck. I moved my free hand over her breast, still covered by her soft cotton bra. Using my thumb and forefinger, I tweaked her nipple, while continuing to rub her clit and kiss her neck. It didn’t take long before she gasped, shuddered, and moaned, as her body responded to my touch.
When Tabitha’s orgasm had passed, I took a small step back and unhooked her bra, then pushed the straps down over her arms. Unsurprisingly, she crossed her arms over her chest, even though I was behind her and couldn’t see. I let that be for a moment, and moved my hands to her jeans and pushed them down over her sexy butt.
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