A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 25: Troublemakers

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 25: Troublemakers - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

March 6, 2002, Greater Cincinnati, Ohio

? Steve

“Sorry about having to be up so early,” Aurora said on Wednesday morning. “But I can’t miss my 8:00am class.”

“I’m usually up early,” I said. “I’ll run on the treadmill after you leave. My meeting doesn’t start until 9:00am.”

“You know, if we skipped breakfast, we could stay in bed for another thirty minutes.”

“Good,” I replied, rolling over. “I can use the sleep.”

Aurora laughed, “As if THAT is what I meant!”

“It wasn’t?” I asked.

“You know it wasn’t! You are such a boy!”

“No kidding,” I chuckled. “What is it you had in mind?”

“You know very well I want you to fuck me! And then I’ll give you a blowjob in the shower as a reward!”

We did both of those things, and reluctantly, Aurora dressed and I walked her to the door.

“I’d skip class if I could, but I have a presentation. What are you doing tonight?”

“Dinner with Connie’s sister, Joyce, and her family. I’m staying at their house tonight.”

“And you’d prefer to keep this discreet.”

“I would.”

“OK. When will you be back in Cincinnati?”

“Probably not until the Fall.”

“Let’s keep in touch and if you come back or I end up in Chicago, I’d like to get together again. You are damned good in bed!”

“Thanks. I very much enjoyed myself!”


We exchanged a soft kiss, and she left. I took off my robe, put on briefs, shorts, a t-shirt, socks, and running shoes and headed to the hotel gym to get in my morning run. When I finished, I returned to my room, showered, dressed, packed my overnight bag, and went down to the lobby to check out. That completed, I walked to the offices of van Hoek, Mills, and Rice.

“Hi!” Becky said when I walked into the lobby.

“Hi, Becky. How are you?”

“Good. Dad let me know you were going to come by and I wanted to say ‘hi’ and see how you were doing.”

“Things are going really well for me, the family, and my business. How are Andy and the kids?”

“Andy is doing well. The kids are great; Jack is ten and Mary is eight. You look great.”

“Thanks. So do you.”

She did. She’d be forty in September, but was in great shape and didn’t look her age any more than Kara did.

“Aren’t you teaching today?” I asked.

“Yes, but I got someone to cover for me for my first two classes so I could come to say ‘hi’. I’d have asked you to have breakfast or lunch, but I wasn’t sure how Kara would feel about that.”

“What’s in the past is in the past,” I said. “She wouldn’t be upset.”

“Next time?”

“I’m not sure when I’ll be back because I’m so busy, but I’ll make sure your dad knows.”

“Thanks. OK to hug you?”


We exchanged a nice hug, with Becky squeezing her arms tightly and pressing her still-firm body against mine. She kissed my cheek, winked, and left the office just as Deborah came in.

“Hey there!” Deborah exclaimed.

We exchanged a hug, this time both of us squeezing our arms tight, then exchanged a quick peck.

“Come on in. Ben and Jocelyn are probably already here.”

I followed her to her office, where she dropped her satchel, and then we went to Ben’s office, where Jocelyn and Ben were waiting.

“I take it you saw Becky?” Ben asked.

“Yes. She seems to be doing well.”

“Very! I have to say that being a grandpa is a lot less stressful than being a dad!”

“Especially a dad whose daughter was dating ME!”

Ben laughed, “Let’s just say that I have a few gray hairs from some of those incidents!”

“I can’t imagine my dad would have let Steve live if he’d caught him in my bed!” Deborah laughed.

“Are you sure?” I chuckled.

“Well, given his complete disapproval of the sex of my partners, you might have a point!”

“I think ALL dads disapprove of their daughter’s sex partners, at least before marriage,” Jocelyn observed. “Though it was actually my mom who was more of a problem.”

“Who told?” I asked Deborah.

“Becky. We exchanged stories.”


“Hang on!” Jocelyn exclaimed. “Are you saying you...”

“What?” Deborah asked with a smirk. “A girl can’t have an interest in the strange?”

We all laughed.

“Excuse me for being clueless!” Jocelyn declared.

“Join the club!” Ben agreed, shaking his head. “Anyway, down to business.”

“My analysis is that VLC could win their case against their customer,” Jocelyn said, “but we’re all in agreement that they can’t win against NIKA. Ben disagrees about VLC being able to win, and Deborah is basically in the middle.”

“So, a crapshoot, like just about any trial, right?”

“It all comes down to the jury,” Ben said. “Especially in cases like this. But I think the defense team will convince the jury that the contract terms are unconscionable and unenforceable.”

“Based on?” I asked.

“If VLC were to win, all public reviews, including things like Consumer Reports, would be at risk. Think about manufacturers slapping labels on every product, giving them the right to spike any unfavorable reviews. Granted, we’re talking about a license versus a sale, and the ‘first sale’ doctrine would make that difficult, but not impossible, to enforce. One way would be licensing, which is already used with the computer code that runs in your DVD player. Your license to use that code could include the terms, and by using copyrights and patents, might be enforceable on resale. We don’t know for sure, and legal opinions are all over the place on that.”

“And I think the jury will be swayed the other way,” Jocelyn said, “because the license terms are clear, were properly communicated, and were agreed to. I think that will carry the day with the jury. Deborah thinks it’s a crapshoot as to which way it goes.”

“Me, too,” I said. “But I’m not an expert in legal analysis.

“In this area, as with the DMCA, nobody is,” Ben replied. “We’re in seriously uncharted territory. If I were defending the case, I’d offer some small amount of cash as liquidated damages, but with no admission of guilt just to make it go away in a way I could predict.”

“I, on the other hand,” I said, “would proceed so as to get a definition, good or bad, from the courts, so that I knew what I could and couldn’t do.”

“That is one approach,” Ben said. “I prefer to avoid the bad, but I understand your point of ‘just tell me the rules so I know what to do’. That’s good business practice, as you certainly aren’t in a position to out-lobby big firms with vested interests that aren’t as nimble or flexible as NIKA.”

“Cindi is predicting a Chapter 11 filing by VLC in the next six months,” I said. “Word on the street is that Braun the Lesser is looking for venture capital, which I don’t think he’ll find.”

“What’s your move?” Deborah asked. “Buy them out of bankruptcy?”

“Oh, hell no,” I chuckled. “Stephanie will go to all the creditors, arrange a pre-packaged plan which sees the creditors, except the Brauns and any investors, get a hundred cents on the dollar. And that plan will be proffered within seventy-two hours of the formation of the creditors’ committee.”

“Damn,” Ben said, shaking his head. “That’s ruthless. How sure are you?”

“Cindi is very sure. She’s done her usual oppo research, including using an outside investigator, and VLC is highly leveraged. They’ve also spent heavily into their line of credit, and are paying at 120 to 180 days for most bills. Cindi figures they’ll hit the limits of their line of credit and slow-paying vendors around September. Basically, they can’t service their debt and continue operations, and because of that, I’ll own VLC for a song.”

“You don’t think one of them will put up the cash at that point?”

“The fact that Braun is looking for venture capital, which, as I said, he won’t get, tells me there isn’t any money available. Think about what your former law partners must have spent to date and tell me you’d throw more money into a money-losing company.”

“What’s your plan at that point?” Deborah asked.

“Convert all the Simply Legal clients to our system, and likely sell Virtual Law Clerk. It’s a niche product targeted at intellectual property firms and others who practice before the Federal Circuit. You can certainly use our system for that, but Knowles and Jackson built a boutique firm by specializing in that area and Virtual Law Clerk had an unassailable position, at least until Braun took over. Trying to run it separately is something we don’t think would be wise, with the only less wise approach being trying to convert their users. Cindi thinks we could sell it to an LLC owned by some of the big firms, who would run it for their mutual benefit. NIKA gets new customers, I get back most of what it cost me to buy, and I remove a stone from my shoe that’s been there for over fifteen years!”

“You don’t think the Brauns will come gunning for you?” Ben asked.

“With what and over what? If they do, I’ll get the NDA quashed and they’re ruined.”

“You’re that confident you can get the NDA quashed?”

“Ned Jenkins and his top litigators think so. Jamie is less sure, but he leans towards a federal judge agreeing that I can use the information covered by the NDA to defend myself if they sue.”

“They’re probably right,” Jocelyn said. “I’ve won a couple of rulings on those specific grounds. If you bring suit, you can’t tie the hands of your target by claiming all YOUR bad behavior is subject to an NDA. Courts are looking more and more askance at NDAs which they feel violate the public interest, rather than protect trade secrets. They still lean heavily towards enforcing NDAs, but the ground is shifting. And in a case where the NDA is covering malfeasance by an attorney? I think a judge will quash the NDA in a heartbeat.”

“Let’s hope they aren’t foolish enough to test it,” I said.

“If you need someone with bankruptcy expertise,” Ben said, “a former law school classmate of mine practices in Maryland.”

“I’ll let Liz and Stephanie know when the time comes.”

We spent close to an hour socializing, but then Ben had to leave for court and I needed to leave for Rutherford, so after hugs and handshakes, I headed to the parking garage to retrieve my car.

March 6, 2002, Rutherford, Ohio

“Interested in some police brutality?” Sheriff Emmy asked with a smirk when we sat down at Lou’s for lunch.

“Sure, but you’re seeing someone, so I have to pass.”

“I know that’s your rule, and I understand your thinking, but it’s still strange.”

“I get called ‘strange’ or ‘weird’ a lot, and I own those terms! In the end, it comes down to facilitating cheating. If you aren’t cheating, it’s a different story. Would it be cheating?”

“We’re not engaged.”

“OK, but if he decided to bed the cute waitress who’s about to come to our table, would you consider it cheating?”

Emmy laughed, “She’s got her knees pressed so firmly together, I’m not sure they’ll ever open! She’s a member of Irreverend Saddler’s flock. Hell, I’d offer you a thousand bucks if you could get into THOSE panties.”

I laughed, “An interesting challenge, and one I actually accomplished when I was in High School!”

“And Vickie.”

I shook my head, “No, Vickie basically threw her panties at me without me lifting a finger! The one in High School was a long pursuit. In fact, the ONLY time I actually seriously pursued a woman rather than the other way around.”

“Talk about an ego!” Emmy said, shaking her head. “Flirt with her!”

I laughed and rolled my eyes and a few seconds later, the pretty waitress, who was about eighteen, came to our booth.

“Hi, Sheriff,” she said.

“Hi, Tabitha. This is my friend, Steve Adams, from Chicago.”

I smiled, “Hi Tabitha, pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“Hi,” she replied. “What can I get for you to drink?”

“Sparkling water, please.”


“A Coke, please.”

“Coming right up!”

She turned and left.

“Coward!” Emmy teased. “That braggadocio before was BS, right?”

“Actually not. Kara, my senior wife, is the only girl I’ve ever expressly pursued. She was the leader of the ‘Holy Rollers’ and I set out to get her cherry. It was supposed to be a brief, torrid affair, but I ended up with a whole lot more than I bargained for!”

“What happened?”

“Once I’d gotten her to the point of giving in, we realized we were in love with each other. Instead of fucking her brains out, I made love to her.”


“And as for my comment about not pursuing girls, you do remember who came on to whom when we got together, right?”

“Oh, shut up!” Emmy laughed. “I blame Mike! After being with him, I was addicted, and when I met you, I’d gone without for WAY too long!”

“Before I forget, Clark said to say ‘hi’ to the ‘Sweet Thing’.”

Emmy laughed hard, “I’m going to kill him if I ever see him!”

“How long did you date?”

“Maybe a year or so, then stuff happened, and we didn’t see each other very often. How are he and Amy doing?”

“They’re good. He’s working for another firm now, but we stay in touch.”

Tabitha brought our drinks, and I smiled at her.

“What can I get you?” she asked.

“Tell Lou that Steve Adams is here, and he’ll take care of my order.”

“Uhm, OK.”

“Trust me,” I said. “Lou will know exactly what to do.”

“I’ll have the BLT and chips,” Emmy said. “Extra bacon.”

“OK,” Tabitha said. “Let me go speak with Lou.”

I watched her walk away and enjoyed the view.

“I see those eyes,” Emmy teased. “But the chances that you’ll see that ass uncovered are zero!”

“You’re baiting me, Sheriff,” I declared with a grin.

“Of course I am!”

“How’s Carrie?” I asked.

“A holy terror at twelve!” Emmy said ruefully.

“In other words, a typical pre-teen girl!”

“That’s right, you have three, if I remember correctly.”

“I do. Birgit will be fourteen in a few months, Stephie turns twelve this year, and Ashley turns eleven. Stephie is the holy terror at the moment, though Birgit is the one who would give most dads gray hair!”

“Not you, of course!”

“You know my thinking, and I still suggest it’s the right course for you and Carrie.”

“I’ve mostly followed your advice, but every time I let up the reins a bit, she seems to tug harder.”

“Which is also normal. Let her have her freedom, within the bounds of being responsible, and I think you’ll end up with a mature young woman who has a good relationship with her mom. Birgit and Kara have locked horns, so I think what you’re experiencing is pretty common.”

“With all the freedom you give your kids?”

“It makes those areas where we do exercise parental authority a starker contrast, and that annoys my eldest daughter to no end! Think back to when you were a teenager.”

“I am, and that’s what scares me!”

“From our talks, I have the impression that you went after Mike with a very specific result in mind.”

“Why do you think it scares me?” Emmy said, laughing.

“Now, let me ask you another question — what if the waitress were your daughter?”

“You fight dirty!”

“Not an answer.”

“My daughter isn’t a religious fanatic!”

“OK, but would you be OK with someone offering a guy $1000 to bed her?”

“Well, no.”

“Thought so.”

“And if it were your daughter?”

I laughed, “They have to make those decisions for themselves, and I daresay they won’t let just any guy talk them out of their panties. And neither should Tabitha. Or Carrie. Virginity isn’t important to my daughters the way it is to Tabitha. When, and with whom, to have sex is a very personal question. You agree, right?”

“I do.”

“And would you be happy if, say, Tim Saddler offered me $1000 to seduce your daughter when she’s sixteen?”

“Hell no!”

“So don’t let your obvious distaste for the man cause you to behave improperly with regard to one of his flock. Now, we can agree she’s misguided and probably needs her eyes opened, but that’s an entirely different topic altogether. And in the end, she would have to make the first move. In this situation, I’d have to agree with my friend Bethany that the power and experience disparity is such that I could likely manipulate her the way Sebastian manipulated Annette in Cruel Intentions.”

“But they fell in love.”

“Mirroring Kara and me in many ways, minus me dying soon after we consummated our relationship! Though our situation was a bit more complicated because, unlike Annette, Kara was looking for a way out. Perhaps Annette was, too, but that wasn’t stated clearly.”

“You’re that confident?”

“History indicates that I’d be successful, but to what end? Unless she wants to completely revise her worldview, there’s a very good chance I’d hurt her in the process, and I’m not going to do that. It would be an entirely different thing if she initiated things. That’s what happened with Vickie. She showed up at my door and asked for sex lessons, if you remember from when you questioned her.”

“I do.”

“Think Tabitha will make a play for me?”

“Not a chance.”

“How goes law enforcement?”

“This is a pretty quiet county and not much really happens. Mostly drunk driving and domestic violence. The last murder was right before the election, and the one before that was three years ago.”

“Let’s hope it stays that way.”

Tabitha brought our food, and Lou had made me pork medallions in white wine sauce, and broccoli with cheese and bacon. The food was excellent, and when Emmy and I finished eating, Tabitha brought the check.

“Lou said to just go to the kitchen,” Tabitha said when I handed her my credit card.


She ran my card, brought a copy of the receipt for me to sign, and after I received a quick hug from Sheriff Emmy, I went into the kitchen to meet with Lou. He greeted me gregariously, as he always did.

“How are things?” I asked.

“About as close to perfect as I could ask for, minus having a pair of teenagers!”

I chuckled, “I have three at this point, so I understand!”

“Every day is a new challenge!”

“Which is what makes life interesting,” I declared.

“And gives me gray hair!” Lou laughed. “I see a hint for you, too.”

“More white than gray,” I replied. “But I’m pretty sure that’s genetics, not having teenagers!”

“You stick to your theory, and I’ll stick to mine!” Lou said, and we both laughed. “How about you?”

“Everything is good. I have no concerns here, as the financial reports you send each month along with the checks tell a good story.”

We chatted for about ten minutes before he had to return to work, and I left the kitchen so I could head across the street to meet with Paul and Liz Reynolds.

“Do you have a sec?” Tabitha asked, blushing slightly, when I was passing the hostess station.

“What can I do for you?” I asked, wary that Emmy had instigated something.

“Sheriff Emmy said you were a very interesting person and I should talk to you.”

Sheriff Emmy was a troublemaker, something which Clark had asserted had been true from the time she was a teenager.

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