A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 23: Metamorphosis

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 23: Metamorphosis - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

March 3, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Jesse

“Sorry about the mess,” CeCe said as we got out of bed on Sunday morning.

“First of all, it’s just blood; second, I’m probably almost as glad to see it as you are!”

“I’m glad you were right and I’m sorry I kind of freaked out yesterday.”

“It’s OK,” I replied, kissing the top of her head, which was resting on my chest. “Let’s get cleaned up, eat, and get the sheets in the washer before we leave for the rink.”

“I’m really happy you stayed overnight,” CeCe said, snuggling close. “Sleeping in the same bed with you was awesome!”

“Unfortunately, we have to get up for hockey,” I replied.

CeCe sighed, and we got out of bed.

“Well, it’s not as bad as Woltz’s bed,” I chuckled.


“He’s the guy who woke up with the horse’s head in his bed in The Godfather. He was drenched in blood.”

“I never saw it.”

“Then I know what we’re doing one time we get together. It’s an awesome movie.”

“How did the horse’s head get into his bed?”

“You’ll have to watch the movie to find out! No spoilers!”

We stripped the sheets from the bed and CeCe took them down to the washing machine, then came back to join me for a shower. After we were clean, we dried off, dressed, and went downstairs to have our breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. I put the dishes in the dishwasher while CeCe washed the two skillets, and when everything was clean, we headed out to her car for the drive to Johnny’s Ice House, picking up Libby and Karli on the way.

“Have fun last night?” Libby asked.

“Libby, you HAVE to keep it to yourself,” CeCe said sternly. “Don’t even mention it in private! If it ever got out, I’d be in huge trouble!”

“Sorry,” Libby replied. “I didn’t think it was a big deal with just the four of us.”

As much as I liked Libby, and as close as we were, it seemed she had a serious problem with keeping things to herself, which meant I couldn’t share things with her that I didn’t want to get out, and that was a huge problem.

“It’s better just to say nothing,” CeCe said.

And that was one reason I was concerned about the softball team — there was too great a chance that one of the girls would talk, and that could lead to a complete disaster. I’d had a bit of concern about Kelly, but she’d apparently kept her mouth shut once Angelina had let her know she could come to the Memorial Day party. I made a mental note that I needed to mention that to Dad, so he wasn’t surprised.

That effectively killed the conversation, and we rode in silence until we reached the rink. Libby and Karli went into the rink while CeCe and I walked to where my moms had parked Mom One’s Lexus.

“The softball thing might not be a good idea,” CeCe said. “I just realized how much trouble it could cause. Not being in the sauna, but fooling around.”

“I had the same thought,” I said. “I’m curious who knows about us.”

“Nobody except Libby and Karli, as far as I know. Even though Kenzie, Riya, and a few other girls heard from Libby about how awesome you were in bed, I haven’t talked to any of them about us. The girls on the softball team know we’re seeing each other, but they can only guess about what we do, if anything. When I mentioned the girls who might be interested, it’s the ones who hinted at it. As I said, I didn’t talk to them about it. You know I think it was mostly just talk that day in the sauna.”

“Let’s keep the plan,” I said. “I’m curious to see what happens.”

CeCe laughed, “And if they’re serious?”

I chuckled, “I and my testosterone will have a VERY difficult conversation!”

We walked up to my moms, I hugged them because I knew they appreciated it, then got my gear from the trunk and headed into the rink.

“No letting up today, guys!” I declared as I dropped my gear by one of the benches in the locker room.

“We’re going to kick some North Shore ass today!” Kwame declared.

“What was that, Mr. Yakubu?” Coach Nelson asked, coming into the locker room.

“Some butt, Coach! Some butt!”

“Remember, swearing doesn’t make you cool, it makes you sound ignorant! I know you hear those words on TV and in movies, and they play up the ‘cool’, but it’s not cool. You’re all gentlemen and you remember that!”

“Yes, Coach!” everyone responded.

“Which does NOT mean we don’t kick their butts!”

“Rah!” everyone shouted.

And that was what we did. We beat the team from Glencoe 5-1, giving us a perfect 4-0 record in our group, and with a sufficient goal differential that St. Rita had to win by at least three goals to be first seed, but no matter what, we’d start on opposite sides of the bracket, setting up for an epic final.

? Steve

I had to leave the ice rink basically the second the final buzzer sounded to get home to meet Zoë, bringing Suzanne, Natalie, and Birgit with me. The previous evening had been enjoyable, but, in the end, I elected not to have the foursome with Suzanne, Tessa, and Nickie. I was pretty sure that pre-propranolol, I would have done it without much of a second thought, but now, for some reason, it just didn’t seem right.

I certainly wasn’t having second thoughts about Kristin Jaeger, and I knew that no amount of drugs, short of ones that put me in a coma, would deter me from fulfilling her request. I also felt comfortable seeing Audrey and Leilani, as well as fulfilling Kara’s fantasy with the Swedish figure skater. I’d been a bit unsure about Zoë, but Kara’s change of heart had put me at ease, and I felt Zoë was going to become a good friend and would be a good addition to the Philosophy Club.

And then, of course, there was Avanti. There was a clear destination, but I felt it was important to enjoy the journey, not rush ahead to what seemed to be a foreordained outcome. The real question was what lay beyond what amounted to a waypoint. Whatever it was, it was in the future, and yet to be discovered.

In a way, the more interesting thing would be Anala’s participation in Philosophy Club. She was, without a doubt, my ‘guru’, or at least she had been, had I actually put into practice what she’d taught me at the time. It had taken more than a decade, which included a month of reflection in Japan, for me to ‘get with the program’. I was now teaching much of what she had taught me, and her participation had the potential to open a whole new dimension for the group.

I had just taken off my jacket and hung it in the coat closet, and put my hat on the shelf, when the doorbell rang. I took two steps to open the door, greeted Zoë, and invited her in. I took her hand and led her to my study, and shut the door.

“There’s been a bit of change of plans,” I said,


“Kara decided to give us privacy.”

“Wait! I thought the entire point was for her to watch!”

“It was, but after you and I met, Kara and I discussed it, and she elected to give us privacy. Well, unless you had your heart set on her watching.”

“I was expecting it, as the price, so to speak, but I wouldn’t say I had my heart set on in by any means. Why did she change her mind?”

“I think you have all the information necessary to deduce what she’s thinking.”

Zoë was silent for a moment, then nodded, “Once you invited me to your Philosophy Club, it changed the circumstances. Instead of just a random fuck, you want me to be a friend and participate in your subversive cell.”

“I don’t recall using that term.”

“Kara did when she described your general outlook on life. And I think I understand things better now than when I rang the doorbell.”

“Do you still want me to relieve you of your terrible burden?” I asked with a grin.

“Yes!” Zoë declared forcefully. “I mean, it’s the only thing I could think about for the past few weeks!”


“I tried, but when I’m reading about the Coefficient of Friction and that it’s about surfaces of two bodies in contact, and that it acts to resist relative motion between the bodies, and I can only think of fucking, what does that tell you?”

I laughed, “That you’re a bit preoccupied AND that pretty much anything in the English language can be turned into a sexual innuendo.”

“Including Disney films! In The Little Mermaid, the song says ‘darling, it’s better, down where it’s wetter’!”

“True! My favorites are in the recent Bond flicks. ‘You always were a cunning linguist, James’ from Tomorrow Never Dies.”

“Are you?” Zoë asked.

“I have superior oral skills,” I smirked. “As for cunnilingus, you’re the only one who can judge if I’m good for you!”

“That doesn’t bode well...”

“What do you mean? I can be supremely confident in my skills and abilities, but if I can’t get YOU off, then it doesn’t matter, does it?”

“No, I guess it doesn’t. I hadn’t considered that.”

“As with just about anything you can name, not everything works for everyone. And in the case of sex, the participants have to work together to achieve their mutual goals.”

“Normal people would say ‘partners’!”

“First, I’m not normal. Second, there is no such thing as normal, only typical. Fitting within some arbitrary category does not make something ‘normal’, just potentially statistically significant.”

“This is ‘mindfuck light’, isn’t it?”


“I’m curious; why are we talking instead of doing what I came here to do?”

“You tell me,” I said slyly.

Zoë looked at me curiously, “Because the parameters changed, and you needed to make sure I was OK with the change.”

“That’s part of it.”

“I’m going to guess the other part is that you’re giving me a chance to back out, even without the change in parameters.”

“Give the girl a cookie,” I grinned.

Zoë was quiet for a few seconds, then smiled, “I want you to take me somewhere and fuck me, please.”

“I knew you were smart!”

“Because I figured out I needed to ask directly, or because I want you to fuck me?”

“The former. The latter might just qualify you to be committed!”

“Is that where the phrase ‘fucked her brains out’ comes from?”

I chuckled, “That’s after sex, not before!”

I got up and took Zoë’s hand and led her to the bedroom off the kitchen, closing and locking the door to the kitchen so we could have complete privacy.

“You said you’d never kissed, right?” I asked.


“Ever seen a guy naked?”

“Adult? No. I changed diapers when I babysat, but not the same thing, obviously.”

“Any preferred order?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, traditionally, it’s the bases, though I know that has kind of fallen out of use — kissing, touching, oral, intercourse. I have had girls who were virgins decide they wanted their first real kiss after they lost their virginity, and a few who chose to wait until after losing their virginity and giving their first blowjob. There’s also the question of undressing — we undress each other, undress at the same time, or take turns.”

“I didn’t realize it was this complicated!” Zoë laughed.

“Only because this didn’t progress along typical lines — dating, kissing, and so on, working our way up to the main event.”

“You’re the master! What do you suggest?”

“The difficulty in answering that is based on something you might find strange — I truly get off on giving the girl pleasure, so knowing what she wants is paramount to my enjoyment.”

“I swear, this is WAY more complicated than I thought!”

“We can just strip off our clothes and go at it, and you tell me what feels good and what doesn’t.”

“Given I’m not sure what I like, you lead.”

“Then let’s get undressed.”

I began by pulling my rugby shirt over my head, and Zoë unbuttoned her blouse.

“I need to lose some weight,” she said.

“That’s actually easier than you think — no soda, no candy, and a twenty-minute walk every morning will do wonders.”

“It can’t be that easy!”

“Actually, it can,” I replied. “The key is establishing an exercise routine, even if it’s just walking. And cutting out as much sugar as possible from your diet, including being careful with carbohydrates unless you get a LOT of exercise.”

We continued undressing and two minutes later, we stood naked, facing each other. Kara’s assessment had been correct — Zoë had the ‘Freshman Fifteen’, but she was quite attractive. I wasn’t a fan of large breasts, and hers were full, similar to Liz’s. Zoë had nice curves and had adopted something that was becoming more and more common — a neatly shaved mons.

I held out my arms, and she took a few steps forward, accepting the embrace. I ran my hands over her back and butt, and Zoë followed suit. Given she’d told me she wanted me to lead, I decided to start with a kiss. I moved one hand from her butt, used it to gently lift her chin, and kissed her softly. When I kissed her a second time, her lips parted, and her tongue hungrily sought mine.

We kissed for a bit, then I carefully directed her towards the bed and had her sit. I knelt down in front of her, lowered my mouth to her large, erect nipple, began suckling gently, and teasing her nipple with my tongue. Zoë groaned deeply and her breathing quickly became heavy, which told me that I was on the right track. A few minutes later, I switched breasts, and after a few more minutes, I felt her shudder and gasp as she had a small first orgasm. I took that as my cue to start kissing my way down Zoë’s stomach, over her smooth mons, and then along the insides of both thighs, finishing with a kiss on her clitoral hood.

“Jesus!” she gasped.

I closed my mouth around the upper portion of her labia and sucked gently, probing with my tongue, enjoying her musky flavor, which, as it always did, produced a raging erection. When the tip of my tongue touched Zoë’s clit, she gasped and jumped, but her hand quickly went to the back of my head, pulling me into her. My oral skills were obviously sufficient, because less than two minutes later, she had her first big orgasm.

“Fuuuuuccckkkkk!” she groaned, then panted, “Don’t stop!”

She squeezed her thighs hard against my cheeks and pushed her hips forward while pressing on the back of my head. Her orgasm lasted a good minute, and I continued after it subsided, bringing her off for a second time a few minutes later. When I tried to lift my head, Zoë resisted, so I gave her a third orgasm with my lips before pulling away. I got onto the bed and sat cross-legged, deciding to use the ‘adulting’ position that I liked so much.

“Sit in my lap and face me,” I directed with a soft voice.

Zoë moved quickly onto my lap, wrapping her legs around me and resting her arms on my shoulders, trapping my dick between us. I put my hands under her butt and encouraged her to lift up, which she did, using her arms for leverage and leaning against me. I moved one hand to my shaft, rubbed my glans along Zoë’s slick labia, then positioned it at the entrance to her tunnel.

“Just lower yourself slowly,” I said.

Zoë nodded, bit her lower lip, then slowly lowered herself onto me, my glans splitting her labia and sliding into her slick tunnel.

“Holy shit!” she gasped as she sank down and her labia reached the base of my shaft.

“Move however feels good,” I suggested. “Up and down, back and forth, whatever.”

“Yeah,” she gasped, as she began grinding her clit against my pubic bone.

Two minutes later, she groaned deeply, her body shook, and I felt spasms up and down my shaft. Zoë obviously had quite a bit of pent-up sexual desire which needed to be released, and I was happy to provide a way for her to do so.

“How ... long ... can ... you ... go?” she gasped after the orgasm passed.

“At least twenty minutes, sometimes a lot longer.”

“Oh, God!” she moaned. “I might die!”

“They do call orgasms «la petite mort» — the ‘little death’!”

“How ... can ... you ... even ... think ... now?” she gasped.

My answer was a kiss, though we couldn’t hold it because she was breathing so heavily. I regulated my breathing to delay the inevitable, but each of Zoë’s orgasms was stronger than the previous one, and the spasms around my shaft brought me closer and closer to the point of no return. About twenty minutes after we started, Zoë had a seventh orgasm, which caused her to scream, and for her pussy to clamp down on my dick, the strong spasms pushing me over the edge. I groaned and pumped cum deep into her pussy, as she ground hard against me, prolonging her orgasm until after the last spurt of cum had left my dick.

“God damn!” she gasped, putting her head on my shoulder, and breathing very hard.

We stayed in the ‘adulting’ position for several minutes, while Zoë recovered and her breathing became less ragged.

“Is it always like that?” she asked.

“Every girl is different,” I replied. “You seem to have orgasms very easily.”

She laughed, “The ones from my fingers are nowhere near as good, and take a lot longer than from your tongue or from fucking!”

“Well, if you want to move off, I’d be happy to give you as many more as you can stand!”

“Oh, God, yes!”

She lifted off, and I felt a gush of her juices mixed with my cum run down my shaft and onto my sack. Zoë lay back, and I moved so I could suckle her breasts, repeating what I’d done earlier, though she was lying down rather than sitting on the edge of the bed. As it usually did, cunnilingus decreased my refractory period, and when I was hard, we ‘adulted’ for twenty-five minutes before Zoë had a crushing orgasm, which brought me off as well.

“Round three?” I asked when her breathing had returned to a semblance of normal.

“You don’t have to ask!” she gasped.

The third round was just as awesome as the first two, but after we had our orgasms, she moved off and we lay side-by-side on the bed.

“How much longer do we have?” she asked after about five minutes.

“A couple of hours, minus time to shower and grab a quick bite to eat.”

“Can you cum twice more?”


“Then I owe you a blowjob, and after that, you can fuck my brains out.”

“You don’t owe me, because you can’t. That said, I’d be happy to have a blowjob!”

“What do you mean?”

“Nobody can owe anyone anything with regard to sex. You decide what you want to do, and if your partner is willing, you do it. Nobody owes the other person anything other than doing their best to please them in mutually agreed upon activities.”

“Husbands and wives?”

“Not even then. Nobody owes anyone sex, nor can anyone commit irrevocably to sex. You can always say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ at ANY time.”

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