A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 22: And Follow Your Guidance, Wherever it Leads

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 22: And Follow Your Guidance, Wherever it Leads - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

March 1, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Steve

“I’m here to see Ms. Hernandez,” I said to the secretary in the office at the grade school.

“She’s waiting for you. I’ll buzz you through, then it’s the second door on your right.”

“Thank you.”

She buzzed me through the security door and I went down the hallway to the second office and knocked on the open door.

“Steve Adams,” I said.

“Come in,” Ms. Hernandez said, “and please have a seat.”

I did as I was asked and sat down across from her at her desk.

“First, I want to say thank you for coming in. But I also need to say that the school has rules for a reason.”

“Of course,” I interrupted her. “Just as I have rules for my children for a reason.”

“I’m sure you do, as do all parents. But when the children are in our care, it’s our rules that apply.”

“Rules which cannot be made in a vacuum, nor which can violate my children’s, or my, civil rights. Look, we can argue about this all day, get lawyers, go to court, and make life difficult for everyone, or we can find some kind of mutually agreeable solution. I’d much rather we worked out a compromise, rather than fight. I know CPS policy is that rules on electronic devices are left to the individual school principals, so you have flexibility here. May I propose a compromise?”

“I’m not sure that Principal Ahern will accept any changes to the policy.”

“Sue Ahern is friends with my son Jesse’s moms, and I’ve found her to be perfectly rational and reasonable.”

“I didn’t make the connection between you and Jesse Block.”

“He uses his mother’s surname, not mine, so you would have no way of knowing. My suggestion, which I’ll make to Principal Ahern if necessary, is that the policy be modified to permit receiving calls on mobile phones in an urgent situation, and making calls in an emergency situation which doesn’t permit coming to the office. I realize that requires subjective judgment calls on your part, but it also gives you flexibility. I don’t recall anyone objecting to the use of mobile phones on September 11th.”

“That was different! It was an emergen ... uh, well, I think I just made your case for you, didn’t I?”

“Yes. In this situation, and I think this justifies the call, we’re working with the State’s Attorney to put a forty-eight-year-old man in jail for soliciting sex from Birgit.”

“What?!” Ms. Hernandez gasped.

“Nothing happened, except for Birgit delivering a swift karate kick to his gonads after he touched her shoulder, which I’m sure has him regretting he chose Birgit as his target.”

“She’s OK?”

“Birgit? Yes. She felt she handled it appropriately, and I can’t argue with her solution to the problem. I’d say what she did is a more effective deterrent than any punishment the State of Illinois can mete out. My call to her was about the plea deal which would result in eighteen months in prison, which seems appropriate given the facts.”

“I’d expect you to be angrier.”

“Getting angry doesn’t help a thing; calm, cool, rational thinking always does. If more people did that, we’d have fewer problems in society. Can we agree that emergency situations warrant an exception?”

“I believe Principal Ahern will agree with that.”

“Thank you.”

“We’re sad that we’re losing your children to the Lab School.”

“That decision was made by their mothers, both of whom work at the University of Chicago.”

“Can you tell me why?”

“The major drug bust and the activities of the street gangs at Kenwood Academy,” I said. “I have a difficult time arguing with their logic.”

Ms. Hernandez sighed, “Sadly, the problems are getting worse, not better. We’ve always prided ourselves on being a very integrated school, but the number of non-Hispanic whites is dropping, and more of them are attending parochial schools or schools like the Lab School.”

“Fundamentally,” I replied, “unless something is done with the gangs at the High School, the trend will continue, and you just acknowledged that the problems will become worse. And it’s a problem the schools can’t solve by themselves. I wish I knew of a way to solve it that would be acceptable to a majority of voters, but I can’t think of one.”

I had quite a few ideas, but none of them were politically possible in Chicago, and I wasn’t interested in getting into a political debate with Ms. Hernandez.

“Anyway,” I continued. “I need to get to work. If there are any concerns about Birgit, or any of my other kids, please let me know.”

“I will. Thanks for coming in, and I’m sorry for yesterday. I had no idea that Birgit had been assaulted.”

“It’s OK,” I said. “You and I have discussed the situation and we’ve resolved it to both our satisfactions.”

I thanked her, then left her office. As soon as I was outside, walking towards the house, I called Birgit.

? Birgit

“Hi, Dad!” I exclaimed. “How did it go?”

“Fine. Ms. Hernandez agreed that using your phone in an emergency was OK. Just remember to keep it in your pocket, purse, or bag when you’re in class.”

“She’s usually really nice,” I said. “I’m sorry you had to go talk to her.”

“It’s my own fault, Pumpkin! I texted you the emergency code and called you, knowing you’d be in class. You were just following my instructions.”

“How do I get YOU to follow MY instructions?” I teased.

“In your dreams!” Dad laughed. “You’ve tried that with your brothers, sisters, and moms and it hasn’t worked!”

“Yes, but you’re my dad and you love me!”

“I do! But I’m still your dad, and that means I’m in charge!”

“Yes, Father,” I said in a robot voice. “I hear and obey!”

Dad laughed hard, “THAT’LL be the day!”

“Are you coming into the house when you get home?”

“Yes, for a few minutes, why?”

“So I can get my hugs before I leave for school, of course!”

“See you soon, Pumpkin!”

We said ‘goodbye’ and I hung up, then went back to eating breakfast.

“Dad took care of it?” Ashley asked.

“Of course!” I declared. “You know how awesome he is!”

“But he’s not going to do what you say, is he?”


Mom laughed, “You realize that your dad doesn’t do what ANYONE tells him to do, right?”

“Except Liz!” I protested. “She can get him to do anything!”

“I’d say it was her boobs,” Ashley giggled. “But we know dad prefers them small like Mom’s!”

“What IS it with guys and big boobs?” Stephie groused. “That’s all they talk about now that girls are getting them!”

“They have no idea what they’re missing!” Suzanne declared.

“They’re just dumb!” Stephie groused. “ALL of them!”

I knew she meant Nicholas, who was sitting at the island eating with Albert. He ignored her, but scarfed the last of his breakfast and left the kitchen in a hurry.

“You need to chill, Stephie,” Ashley counseled. “If you want Nicholas’ attention, you have to be nice to him.”

“What-ever!” Stephie exclaimed.

I finished my breakfast just as Dad came into the kitchen. I rinsed my plate, got a really, really nice hug from him, then went to get my things for school. I waited for my sisters, Albert, and Nicholas, and we all started walking to school together, picking up our friends along the way.

“Did you get in any trouble, Birgit?” Tiffany asked.

“No. Dad was his usual awesome self and took care of it!”

“Cool! What are we doing tonight?”

“Going to Rachel’s place. Samantha has some kind of work function and Aunt Stephanie is going to watch Benjamin and Nicole, so we’ll have the run of the condo.”

“Who all is coming?”

“Everyone except Leslie. She has to do something with her parents.”

“Pizza and movies?”



? Steve

Katy called on Friday afternoon to let me know the results of Amy’s procedure.

“The surgeon said there were very good margins, and he’s confident they got it all.”

“That’s great! Any chemo?”

“Three months, and it’s optional, but we agreed she should take it. We can handle the side-effects for that period.”

“If you need outside help, get it. Please use the next three months of my profit-sharing to cover the costs.”

“You don’t need to do that!” Katy protested.

“You’re right, I don’t need to, but I want to.”

“You once taught me that it’s harder to accept gifts than to give them.”

“It is. How is Davey holding up?”

“He’s doing OK. He and Don have spent a lot of time together. I didn’t think it was a good idea for Davey to wait around the hospital during the procedure, so Don took him for a couple of days.”

“And you?”

“Better. I was completely exhausted from stress, but once the oncologist gave us the results, it was like a huge weight was lifted. Amy is in really good spirits, all things considered. It could have been a lot worse.”

“Oh, I know,” I replied.

“Stephie was an amazing young woman.”

“That she was. Tell Amy we’re thinking about her, and if there’s anything you need that any of us can do, please call.”

“Thanks, Steve. I love you very much.”

“I love you, too, Katy. Call with updates, please.”

“I will.”

We said ‘goodbye’, I hung up the phone, and got back to work.

? Jesse

“Unfortunately, I have hockey games both Saturday and Sunday mornings,” I said to Macrina when she called after school on Friday.

“I haven’t seen you in ages!” Macrina protested.

“I know, but hockey playoffs are important. Can you come to our Hangout on Sunday afternoon? I could probably drive you home if your mom or dad could bring you to my house after church.”

“Let me ask! One sec.”

I continued walking with Libby towards her house, as we’d just dropped Adi at hers. Macrina was back after a minute.

“Dad said he’d bring me into the city, but you have to have me home by 9:00pm because it’s a school night.”

“OK. I can drive you right after our family dinner, but I have to double-check with my dad that it’s OK to use the car. He’ll most likely say ‘yes’, but I have to ask. I’ll call you later and let you know for sure, OK?”

“Yes! Will you be able to poke me with your big stick?”

“I think we can find time for that!” I chuckled.

That would mean not being with Brooke, but she knew about the Hangout and I’d said it was likely I wouldn’t be able to see her. I’d invited her, but she didn’t want to be with a group that large, so she’d declined.

“See you at dinner?” Libby asked as we reached her house.

“Absolutely!” I said.

We hugged and after she went inside, I hurried home so I could do some homework before going out with my friends.

? Steve

“Tessa and Nickie asked if you were interested in them staying over tonight,” Suzanne said as we did dishes after dinner on Friday evening.

“Is that what you want?” I asked.

Suzanne laughed, “You always turn things like that around on me!”

“You say that what I want factors into what you want, and the opposite is true.”

“Good point! Tessa suggested that the Coven meet here, we hang out, have a sauna, and see where things lead. She suggested inviting Natalie and Yuriko to hang out with us as well. I’d invite Estrella, but I don’t think we can do that without causing you trouble at work.”

“And exactly where do you expect things to lead?” I asked.

Suzanne laughed again, “Well, knowing that you’re taking your propranolol, it won’t get crazy, and you’ll reserve any physical intimacy for the bedroom, if then.”

“Did you just politely say that I’m no fun?” I asked.

“That’s Penny’s complaint! I get to make love with you at least a couple of times a week!”

“So, taking the propranolol into account, what is it you want?”

“To make you happy, the same as always. And you want the same for me.”

“And me fooling around with Tessa and Nickie would make you happy?”

“That question isn’t as easy to answer as it seems.”

“And why is that?” I prompted.

“Because you’re different from when I met you. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing at all; in fact, it’s good. But it makes it more difficult to figure out what you want and need. It’s like Kara with her request and Zoë — things have changed.”

“Yes, they have, and I’m getting used to the ‘new normal’ just as the rest of you are.”

“Do you have any unfulfilled fantasies?” Suzanne asked, then smirked, “Besides Kristin Jaeger?”

I laughed and shook my head.

“Not really, no. I’ve kind of lived most guys’ fantasy lives and done pretty much anything I can think of that I’m willing to do. I have three wonderful wives, Natalie, and Maya. What more could a guy ask for?”

“Virgin teenage girls begging him to pop their cherries!” Suzanne teased.

“OK, besides that!” I replied. “Don’t forget that I’ll be seeing Audrey and Leilani.”

“You haven’t heard from Anita, have you?”

“No. And I may never hear from her. She has my number, and she’ll call if she needs me, or I might run into her randomly.”

We finished the dishes, and I took the dishtowels to the basement and tossed them in the basket with the other towels, then went back upstairs to my study, where Suzanne was waiting for me.

“I think I know the right answer,” Suzanne said. “I’ll let Estrella go out with the Coven, and Natalie, Yuriko, and I will spend the evening with you. When it’s bedtime, we’ll sort out the sleeping configuration. We’ll have the house to ourselves, right?”

“Yes. Kara and Jess are out with some friends from UofC, and the kids all have their plans.”

“So, what do you think?”

“An evening with the three of you would be wonderful.”

“Cool. Let me talk to Estrella, Natalie, and Yuriko.”

? Jesse

“Fuck me, Jesse!” Adi demanded as I pushed deep into her slick tunnel.

I kissed her, she wrapped her legs and arms around me, and we began moving, Adi’s muscles creating delicious friction as I slid in and out of her. She had three really good orgasms before I had mine, then, unfortunately, we had to go to the shower so I could get her home on time.

“I wish we had more time,” she complained as I washed her gorgeous body. “But Dad is a stickler about me being home by curfew and not being alone with you after school.”

“Just be glad he doesn’t say you have to come straight home from the movies!”

“Ugh. Don’t give him any ideas!”

“I’m not going to say anything!” I declared.

I finished washing her and after she rinsed, she washed me. When we finished, she used Mom One’s hairdryer to ensure she didn’t get caught with wet hair, then sprayed her body spray so that there wasn’t any evidence of soap. I’d laughed so hard I’d nearly cried when Aunt Kara had told me that story, and I was determined not to have that happen to me! Somehow, I didn’t see Adi’s parents reacting the way Aunt Kara’s mom had!

I finished drying off, and she finished drying her hair, then we went to my bedroom to dress.

“What’s going on with your dad and thinking we’re boyfriend and girlfriend?” I asked.

“I spoke with my mom privately and let her know that we’re both happy with going out with the group and to dances, and that I’m still a Freshman, and it’s too soon to get that serious with a boy.”

“Says the girl standing half-naked in my bedroom!”

Adi laughed softly, “But my mom doesn’t know about this! She’s just asking about being a couple.”

“Not ‘coupling’?” I smirked.

“She’d be VERY disappointed; my dad, on the other hand, would be very upset and angry. So it’s actually best to just keep the story about going out with the group and to dances. He won’t be suspicious then. And, truthfully, I know there’s a problem because to be your girlfriend for real, I’d have to be a Christian. It’s something I’ve thought about, but I’m not sure I could ever do. But who knows what will happen in the future, and I really, really like what we do together! And not just the sex!”

We finished dressing, and I walked her home where we hugged on the front porch, both suspecting her dad was watching. I said ‘good night’, then headed home so I could get to bed and get a good night’s sleep before my Saturday morning hockey game.

March 2, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

We won our game on Saturday morning fairly easily, with the score ending at 3-1, with their only goal coming on a late powerplay due to Tim getting his stick caught in one of their player’s skates while trying to get the puck along the boards. The win meant we had nine points, and even a loss in our Sunday game would send us to the knockout round, as the team we were playing had lost two games, and we’d beaten the other three teams in our group, giving us all the tiebreakers.

I decided to go with dad after the game because he’d let me drive. My moms were still funny that way, even though Dad said I was a very careful, conscientious driver. It didn’t bug me, because I would much rather drive Dad’s BMW with its manual transmission and sporty performance.

“I heard from Katt this morning,” Dad said when we got into the car with Birgit and Suzanne.

Yuriko, Natalie, Libby, and Adi were getting rides from either my moms or a teammate’s parents.

“Oh?” I said, starting the car.

“Just a slight change of plans. Katt wants us to see her skating students, so we’re going to fly to Östersund for a couple of days.”

“OK. That doesn’t really affect anything else, does it?” I asked as I turned out of the parking lot.

“No. Tentatively, four nights in Stockholm, two nights in Östersund, two nights in Stockholm, five nights in St. Petersburg, then back to Sweden for six nights, though we’ll take the train to Göteborg and spend a couple of days there.”

“I’m not sure Marta wants to see me,” I said.

“That’s a problem for Pia to deal with,” Dad replied. “It’s up to Marta what she wants to do, and for Pia to decide how to handle, but we’re not changing plans because of her.”

“OK. Did you hear back from Vanya?”

“Yes. Anya is doing much, much better, and he’s making arrangements to ensure that «полковник» Dezhnyov and «подполковник» Konovalov will be available.”

“Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel,” I said for Birgit’s and Suzanne’s understanding. “I take it Lucy Alexa will meet us?”

Dad laughed, “Yes, though she’s a thoroughly modern Muscovite at this point. No more California Surfer Girl persona for her! Did I tell you that she and Yuri are expecting in August?”


“It must have slipped my mind,” Dad said. “Sorry.”

“It’s pretty slippery,” I teased.

“Just watch the road, Little Duck!”

“Unlike penguins, ducks are perfectly capable of multitasking!”

My mobile phone rang, but it was in my pocket and I was driving, so I couldn’t answer it. A moment later, I felt it vibrate to say that I had a message. I continued driving, and when I pulled into the driveway, I was sure I knew who had left the message, because Francesca was standing in the driveway with a girl I didn’t recognize.

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