A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age - Cover

A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 17: Properly Oriented

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 17: Properly Oriented - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Polygamy/Polyamory   First  

February 13, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Jesse

My first thought was ‘Are you kidding?’, but I knew that was the wrong response! My second thought was about birth control, but I’d made sure I had a pair of rubbers with me. My third thought was about an STI test. My fourth thought was to wonder why the hell I was thinking about anything other than seeing the cute Japanese girl naked!

“Yes, I would,” I replied, wondering how I could bring up the STI test.

“Wait here, please,” Akiko said.

She left the room and I heard footfalls on the stairs, then water running. About five minutes later, Akiko came back into the room and I stood up. She bowed slightly and extended an envelope with both hands. I went to take it but she pulled back slightly.

“Both hands is polite, Jesse-san,” she said.

I remembered, somewhere along the way, hearing that, but had forgotten. I used both hands to accept the envelope from her, and as I’d guessed when she had first proffered it, my concerns about the STI test were resolved once I reviewed the contents of the envelope. I handed it back to her with both hands, she smiled, and beckoned me to follow her.

We went up the stairs, and I was surprised that she led me to the bathroom, where the tap was open in the bathtub, which was about half full. She turned off the water, then turned to me.

“Undress please,” she directed, “and get into the tub.”

I knew that bathing was a cultural thing in Japan, but even if it weren’t, I’d have happily complied. I quickly undressed and got into the tub. Once I’d sat down in the warm water, Akiko quickly removed her dress, revealing plain white cotton panties and a matching white cotton bra.

Akiko moved to the side of the large tub, picked up a pitcher, filled it under the tap, then poured it over my head. She then grabbed a large sponge and a bar of soap, and began washing me, starting with my hair, pouring water from the pitcher over me to rinse off the soap as she worked her way down my body until she reached the water level.

“Stand, please,” she directed.

I did and Akiko quickly washed my butt and legs, and then my groin, doing so in a matter-of-fact way that surprised me. What also surprised me is that as sexy as it was, it didn’t cause me to get hard. She used the pitcher to wash off the suds, then had me step out of the tub.

Akiko dried me with a fluffy white towel, hung it up, then quickly removed her bra and panties and stepped into the tub. I moved to help her, but Akiko shook her head, speedily washed herself, then got out of the tub. She opened the drain, dried herself, then used the pitcher to rinse the tub. Once she was finished, she took my hand and led me to her bedroom, closing the door behind us.

“There are sheaths in the drawer next to the bed,” Akiko said. “You know how to use them, right?”

I was confused for a second, and then it dawned on me what she meant. I walked over to the nightstand, pulled open the drawer, and extracted a box of Trojans.

“Yes, I know how to use them,” I replied.

“Good! Get into bed, please.”

She had turned down the bed at some point, so all I needed to do was get in and lie on my back, putting the box of rubbers on the nightstand. The way Akiko had approached things so far gave me the strong impression that she was not a virgin, though I realized that appearances could be deceiving and perceptions could be wrong. Akiko climbed into bed, straddled me, then leaned down for our first kiss.

As our tongues tangled, Akiko began moving her hips, and the touch of her labia on my dick quickly caused me to get hard, allowing Akiko to slide her now slick labia along my shaft. I knew we had to be very careful, because the last thing I wanted to do was get a girl pregnant! I broke our kiss and reached over to get the box of rubbers. I opened it, extracted one, and tore open the packet. Akiko moved to straddle my thighs and watched as I unrolled the rubber over my boner, making sure I left enough room at the top.

When my dick was fully encased in the sheath, Akiko moved back to straddle my hips, leaned down so we could kiss, and once again began sliding her labia along my shaft. I was enjoying the kissing, and the friction, even through the latex, so I simply let her set the pace. After a short while, Akiko shifted and squirmed so that the head of my dick was between her labia.

Akiko wiggled and squirmed, then pushed against me. My glans popped into her and she moaned softly as we continued to kiss as she slowly worked my shaft into her very tight confines. I wished I could have felt her silky folds directly on my skin, but that was a risk I couldn’t take, no matter how pleasurable it might be and how much I wanted it. Akiko worked me completely inside of her, then broke the kiss, and put her head next to mine, breathing hard.

After she caught her breath, Akiko sat up, let down her long black hair, and began gently riding me, flexing her hips and grinding against my pubic bone. I slid my hands up her sides and used my thumbs to tease her small brown nipples. She whispered something in Japanese, which I took to approval, something confirmed when she began moving faster. She leaned down for a kiss, then began sliding up and down my shaft, grinding each time she had me fully inside her. She moved faster and faster, then moaned into my mouth as her pussy spasmed around my latex-covered shaft.

Akiko sat up once her orgasm had passed and began gently riding me again, which she did for several minutes before leaning down again to hump harder and bring herself to a second orgasm. When it passed she sat up again.

“It hasn’t happened for you yet?” she asked, sounding a bit concerned.

“No,” I smiled. “But keep doing what you’re doing and it will!”

“Oh, yes!” she sighed.

She came twice more before I groaned and filled the rubber with cum. Remembering what both Dad and Bethany’s book had said, I gently helped Akiko from me, got a tissue from the box on the nightstand, removed the rubber, wrapped it in the tissue, and deposited it back on the nightstand. I carefully maneuvered Akiko to her back, moved between her legs, lowered my mouth to her pussy, and began pleasuring her with my lips and tongue.

Akiko had two more orgasms before I was hard enough to put on another rubber and slowly enter her tight pussy. I started with slow, gentle thrusts and Akiko wrapped her legs around me, meeting them by flexing her hips. I gradually increased the speed and force of my thrusts, and Akiko matched my movements. We fucked for a solid twenty minutes before I came, after giving her four good orgasms. Once again, as soon as I had finished cumming, I carefully pulled out and disposed of the rubber, then licked her to one more orgasm.

“That was wonderful!” she whispered when I pulled her to cuddle me.

“For me, too!”

“I am a woman now,” she declared, resting her head on my chest.

That answered THAT question, though I would never have guessed based on how she had taken the lead, and had known pretty much exactly what to do.

“Do you wish me to suck you?” she asked a minute later.

“Only if you want to do it,” I replied.

“I want to, and I know how I’m supposed to do it, but I’ve never done it before.”

She slid down and gently grasp my semi-flaccid shaft and took my glans into her mouth. She proved very quickly that she did know what to do, and her lips and tongue soon caused me to be rock-hard. Having cum twice already, I could have held out for a long time, but I didn’t want Akiko to think she was doing anything wrong, so after about five minutes I simply allowed the pleasure to build to a point of no return, making no attempt to use my breathing or muscles to stave off the inevitable. I groaned, pulsed, and cum shot from my dick into Akiko’s soft mouth. Her tongue teased my glans as she sucked, draining me of every drop of cum, before I felt her swallow. When she released me, she turned to lie next to me, and we exchanged a deep French kiss.

“Would you like to have tea again next Wednesday?” she asked.

“I’d like that very much!”

? Birgit

“I want a prescription for the Pill,” I said to Aunt Sofia when she finished my exam.

“Normally,” Aunt Sofia said, hanging her stethoscope around her neck, “I’d have a discussion with a girl your age before prescribing it, but I think you might actually be able to teach ME something!”

I laughed, “You had sex with my dad, so I doubt that! Not to mention you’re Swedish!”

“I’m an American citizen and have been for four years!”

“OK, fine,” I replied, rolling my eyes, “you were raised in Sweden!”

“True. You aren’t sexually active yet, are you?”

“I’m not stupid!” I protested.

“Excuse me, Miss ‘I am a woman’, but you know there are other methods of birth control AND you know that people can make mistakes!”

“Sorry,” I replied. “No, I’m not. I’ve had exactly one kiss.”

“Anyone I know?” Aunt Sofia asked with a smirk.

I laughed, “I am SO tempted to say it was Stavros, but that would be mean.”

“He does NOT have the freedom your father has, young lady! And you don’t have to tell me.”

“It’s OK. It was Kjell, last night. But just one kiss.”

“And that was enough to make you want to go on the Pill?”

I laughed, “I planned to ask, even before that kiss.”

And it had been just a regular soft kiss, not a fancy kiss. But it had been enough to convince me that I was going to do it with Kjell, though I still had my plans to try to get Dad to make love to me on my birthday.

“And you know it takes at least a month to be effective? Starting from your period?” Aunt Sofia asked.

“Yes, Mom,” I replied rolling my eyes.

Aunt Sofia shook her head, but she was smiling.

“Even though I know you know, I have to ask, because it’s my job to make sure. Do you have any questions about sex?”

I couldn’t help but start giggling, and it turned into a giggle fit I couldn’t control for at least two minutes.

“Living in my house?” I said when I finally stopped giggling. “Is that a serious question?”

“Never mind,” Aunt Sofia said, laughing and shaking her head. “I’ll write the prescription for you. Do you want me to do an STI test?”

“Yes, please. That’s dad’s rule, which he got from Mom.”

“You mean Jessica, right?”


“Are your parents aware you’re asking me for the Pill?”

“Again, is that a serious question?” I asked, rolling my eyes. “They know! And you know if I had gone to Dad and said I wanted to go on the Pill so I could fuck, he’d have sent me to see you! Oh, wait, that’s basically what happened!”

Aunt Sofia laughed, “Something which could only happen in your house! Do they know who you intend to be with?”

They had a good idea, but I didn’t need the Pill to be with Dad, because he’d had a vasectomy. Of course, I couldn’t say THAT to Sofia.

“No. Nobody knows I kissed Kjell except Ashley, and she’s the best secret-keeper on the planet!”


“She knows EVERYTHING! I think she might know more than I do, but it turns out she doesn’t say anything, so nobody knows! But every time I talk to her, I find out she knows way more than I thought she did!”

“I’ll remember that! Do you have anything else you want to ask before I ask your mom to come back?”


“And it’s OK to tell her about the prescription and the STI test?”

“She made the appointment for me!” I replied. “She knows. I’m her daughter, after all!”

“And Steve’s, which ought to scare Kjell Kjellson!”

I giggled, “I think he will be a very happy boy when I visit Sweden this Summer!”

“Does he know?”

“«Jag sa till honom att jag skulle be om «p-piller»!» I said with a smirk. (“I told him I was going to ask for birth control pills!”)

“«Din lilla lurare!» Aunt Sofia said, laughing.

“I don’t know that word,” I replied.

“I think the best word in English is ‘scamp’! Your Swedish is getting better and better! Let me get your mom.”

Aunt Sofia left the exam room and was back a minute later with Mom.

“Birgit and I discussed her request for birth control pills, and I’ll write the prescription,” Aunt Sofia said. “Because she’s under sixteen, you have the right to say ‘no’.”

“Excuse me?!” I protested, outraged at the idea that it was up to anyone but me.

“That’s what the plurality of court cases in Illinois have said,” Aunt Sofia said. “It’s the same with abortions — under sixteen and we can, if we feel it’s safe, inform your parents and they get to make the decision. For abortions, anyone can go before a judge on that topic, and a judge will decide if you can have one without telling your parents. It’s called ‘judicial bypass’.”

“It’s the same old story,” I groused. “Old men deciding what women are allowed to do with their own bodies!”

“You won’t get an argument from me,” Aunt Sofia said. “But I have to follow the law or I could lose my license. Kara, I’ll send the prescription to CVS in Hyde Park, and call Doctor Robertson to let her know so that it’s in Birgit’s OB/GYN records as well as mine.”

“How long will you see her?”

“I usually send patients to internists or family practitioners at sixteen, and encourage girls to see an OB/GYN starting at age twelve; sooner if they have their first menses before then. When Birgit turns sixteen, I can give you the name of someone if Jess doesn’t have someone she prefers.”

“I’m pretty sure Jesse is seeing Doctor Kulczycki, who is Steve’s physician.”

“I want a lady doctor,” I said. “They know better about the female body than any man!”

“Except maybe your dad,” Mom smirked.

“You may have a point, Kara!” Aunt Sofia said with a silly smile, then turned to me. “Birgit, you need to be religious about taking your pills. You cannot miss a day. If you do, double up the next day, but use condoms until after you’ve had your next period.”

“There is NO WAY in this universe that I’m going to risk getting pregnant!” I declared. “Not until after college, at least!”

“That’ll be the only thing she does religiously, except worship the ground on which Steve walks!” Mom said, and both Sofia and I laughed.

“I love my dad!” I declared. “Even when he’s a «jävla idiot»!”

Aunt Sofia laughed, and took her prescription pad from her pocket and wrote out the prescription for birth control pills, then called the nurse to draw blood for the STI test, and said I could call on Monday to get the results. Mom and I thanked her, and we left the office.

“Can I ask a question I’ve never asked before?” I inquired.


“What’s it like to be with Mom?” I asked, meaning my other mom.

“You mean two girls together?” Mom asked.


“I’m not sure how to describe it other than to say I love her and enjoy having sex with her. Is that something you’re curious about for you? Or just in general?”

“I think in general, but I’m not sure. I mean, I know how everything works, but obviously, I’ve never done anything.”

“Talking or reading about it is very different from doing it,” Mom said. “In the end, you do what you want to do, what you’re comfortable with doing, and what makes you feel good and makes your partner feel good.”

“Are the books right?”

“That’s an interesting question,” Mom replied. “The answer is ‘yes’, I think, if you’re referring to Aunt Bethany’s book. But nobody can actually describe it for you, you have to do it to find out what it’s really like. Does that make sense?”

“I think so.”

“Just remember to never be afraid to tell your partner what feels good or ask them what feels good. Sex will be WAY more enjoyable if you do that.”

“Why do I get the idea you and Mom didn’t need to tell Dad anything?”

Mom laughed, “Melanie, Jennifer, Anala, and a few other girls trained him VERY well! But even then, I had to tell him what I liked and how I liked it done. Just because you know your tongue is supposed to go someplace, doesn’t mean it’s identical for each person. It sounds as if you’re planning on being with someone.”

“Maybe,” I said, not wanting to reveal my plans to anyone other than Ashley and Aunt Sofia.

“You’re entitled to your privacy,” Mom said. “Though I’m pretty sure you’ll tell your dad.”

“And give a ‘blow-by-blow’ description!” I giggled.

“You are absolutely his daughter!”

“And yours!”

February 14, 2002, Chicago, Illinois

? Jesse

Kenzie, who was, I almost laughed out loud at the thought, my ‘Thursday girl’ arrived to have dinner with us just as she had the previous week. So far, everything had fallen into place perfectly — Angelina on Mondays, Riya on Tuesdays, Akiko on Wednesdays, Kenzie on Thursdays, CeCe on Saturdays, and Brooke on Sundays, leaving Friday open. It was crazy, but it was fun, too. Summer was going to mess up the schedule, and I was reasonably sure at least one of the girls would start dating.

That list didn’t include Macrina, who I could be with only when her parents allowed, or Adi, who had made it as clear as possible that after the dance we’d be at on Friday night, she wanted to go to bed together. My only concern with her was that I felt she wanted more than just a casual relationship, and that was something I’d have to make sure we talked about before we actually went all the way.

“Where are your moms?” Kenzie asked after I let her into the house and we exchanged a quick kiss.

“They went out to dinner for Valentine’s Day,” I said.

“Duh! I should have remembered! So we have the entire house to ourselves again!”

“We do. I’m just putting the finishing touches on dinner.”

I moved back to the stove to finish making dinner.

“Wait! You cooked?”

“Last I checked, you don’t need a vagina and breasts to be able to cook!”

Kenzie laughed, “Sorry, that was dumb of me. What are you making?”

“Blackened chicken and steamed broccoli.”

“Broccoli?” she replied, making a face. “Seriously?”

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