A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 12: Sauna Shenanigans
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 12: Sauna Shenanigans - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
February 5, 2002, Chicago, Illinois
? Jesse
“I passed my test!” Riya whispered urgently in the hallway outside Spanish class on Tuesday.
“I’m free on Tuesday evenings when my Dad does tutoring. I could come to your house after dinner today and stay until 9:30pm.”
“You’re sure?” I asked.
“Yes!” Riya exclaimed, “Kenzie told me how awesome it was! I’ll be at your house at 7:00pm!”
“See you then!”
After Spanish class, I joined my friends for lunch and Riya sat with us. Libby smirked, but didn’t say anything until after lunch, when we headed to our lockers.
“Enjoying your new friends?” Libby asked.
“I’m just wondering how this is all going to blow up in my face!”
“Why would it? None of the girls is going to complain, and that includes Adi. She knows you’re seeing other girls, and she was hanging on you on Friday night like she wants you in the worst possible way! And your church girl can only see you once or twice a month, and you said she just wanted you to poke her with your big stick!”
“My dad’s history,” I replied. “Mom One said that just when it looked like Dad had everything perfectly arranged, Loki threw in some kind of monkey wrench!”
We reached our lockers, which were just across the hall from each other, and just after I opened mine, the next puzzle piece fell into place.
“Hi, Jesse,” Akiko Fujisaki, a very pretty, short Japanese girl with long black hair, said.
“Hi,” I replied.
“Would you like to have tea with me tomorrow after school?”
I didn’t know whether I should laugh, cry, bang my head on the locker, or say ‘yes’, so I did the only thing a red-blooded, teenage American hockey player would do, taking into account CeCe’s plans for the softball team.
“I would,” I replied, “but I’m busy tomorrow. How about a week from tomorrow?”
“OK,” she replied. “That would be lovely.”
She handed me a piece of paper with her address, then simply walked away. I shook my head, grabbed my books, closed the locker, then waited for Libby so we could walk together to our next class.
“Five down, one to go?” she teased.
“I have to ask, but did you say anything?”
“No, but I guarantee you that she and Brooke both checked with one of the other girls who was in that original conversation.”
“I almost think I have to put some kind of time limit on this.”
“Because even YOU have to admit it’s a bit crazy! I think maybe I can end it when I go to hockey camp in June, because then in July I’ll be going to Sweden.”
“And then you can start with a whole new group for the next school year!”
“Not even!”
“You can’t deny you’re having fun! At least not with a straight face!”
“Possibly,” I said neutrally.
“Seven virgins in two months? That’s WAY more than ‘possibly’!”
“You’re assuming that Akiko wants to do more than to drink tea and that Brooke will ask.”
“I’d say the odds are extremely high for both, wouldn’t you?”
“Is that your answer for everything now?”
“Possibly,” I replied deadpan.
Libby smacked my arm as we walked into the classroom and I just laughed.
? Steve
“Steve, Penny is here to see you,” Kimmy announced after lunch on Tuesday.
“Send her in, please.”
Penny came in and closed the sliding Japanese door behind her.
“What can I do for you?” I asked.
“Would you let me move back in here when my project is completed in mid-April?”
“That was my promise. I’ll make sure Eve and Bob are aware. Leading a team is not your cup of tea?”
“Partly, but mostly it’s because I liked working with you and we worked so well together. To be honest, I miss you, and I’m not happy in the Annex. And I’ve learned my lesson.”
“Good. Make sure you speak with Dave and Julia. Let me know when you’ve done that, please.”
“I will. You wouldn’t happen to have a spare hug lying around, would you?”
I stood up and extended my arms to Penny, who rushed into them. I put my arms around her as she hugged me tightly, resting her head on my shoulder. I held her for a couple of minutes, then she loosened her arms, raised her head, and kissed my cheek.
“Thank you,” she said quietly.
“You know I love you, Pretty Penny.”
“I know,” she sighed. “And I messed up. I’m sorry.”
“Forgiven and forgotten.”
She smiled, I kissed her cheek, and she stepped out of my arms. She opened the Japanese door, and when she had left, I went out the other way to see Liz.
“Bob will not be happy,” Liz said after I told her.
“No kidding. As soon as Penny tells Dave and Julia, I’ll let Eve and Bob know, but if necessary, I’ll put this to a shareholder vote.”
Liz laughed, “Tsar Stephen I!”
“Yes, but I don’t make use of that power except in extremis. And I did commit to Penny she could return, so she’d actually have a legitimate complaint to take to my sister and the Board. And seriously, we have two situations of which Bob doesn’t approve — Dave and Julia, and Elyse and me, but given we founded the firm with Cindi, and the fact that the Board would never contemplate a change to either of those, Bob is stuck.”
“Two things he knows about,” Liz countered.
“Yes, fine. If he finds out about The Club, he’ll likely quit, but none of the girls is going to say a word, and you know it.”
“That was about my situation with my wives, not about The Club, per se. Anyway, in April, Penny will move back to her desk.”
“OK. I’ll do my part to try to keep Bob onside.”
“Thanks. As I’ve said many times, he has a thankless job. You do, too, to some extent.”
“Working for you is my reward!” Liz said brightly.
“I’m glad you’re happy. Has Julius given any consideration to Mike’s offer?”
“He’s thinking about it, but I’m not sure McCarthy/Jenkins can meet his request for about a quarter of his work to be pro-bono for cases he thinks the Public Defender’s office is giving short shrift.”
“I’ll give Ned a call,” I said. “It’s something that Kassan, Spencer & Associates does. Heck, Julius refers capital cases to them.”
“The criminal practice is new at McCarthy/Jenkins.”
“Nah,” I chuckled, “criminal practice is the norm for lawyers!”
Liz laughed and shook her head, “You do NOT believe that!”
“Actually, I do. The way the law is practiced IS criminal, especially when we’re talking about personal injury specialists or prosecutors. Not to mention attorneys who make their money from filing bullshit suits against companies like NIKA.”
“Point taken,” Liz replied. “But they do put food on your table.”
“Oh, I know,” I replied. “But NIKA could make money if we reformed the legal system; many of those bottom-feeders could not. And TRUE justice reform would limit the power and number of prosecutors simply by eliminating laws against behavior which is considered ‘immoral’, but causes no direct injury to another. The other thing is to stop collective punishment for the sins of a few. That’s led to over-regulation and over-criminalization.”
“Well, when you actually become Tsar, you can change that! For now, I think you’re supposed to be coding!”
I laughed, nodded, and headed back to my office.
[Aurora, Illinois] ? Matthew
“My flight arrives at 8:15PM a week from Friday!” Chelsea said when I called her right after school let out on Tuesday.
“OK. I’ll put it on the calendar. Mom and I will pick you up and she’ll take us to Dad’s house. He and his wives will be in Vermont, and Albert and Nicholas will be flying with Albert’s Navy Commander friend, so it’ll just be the two of us and my sisters. Well, there’s a Japanese girl who might be there, and the girl from Argentina. But they won’t bug us.”
“Cool! The bedroom with the mirror on the ceiling is AWESOME! I do need something from you.”
“What’s that?”
“The address for Eduardo’s townhouse. I need to put it on the registration forms.”
I gave it to her.
“Thanks!” Chelsea said after repeating it back. “I was thinking the best plan is for you to come into the city most weekends, because then we don’t have to rely on anyone to drive us around. That lets us hang out with Jesse and Birgit, too.”
“I talked to Mom about that and she’s cool with that. Obviously, the weekends when we have play performances, you’ll have to come out to the burbs.”
“Obviously! Do you have your tickets for Spring Break?”
“Yes. Let me give you the flight information.”
I did that.
“OK to set stuff up during Spring Break with Pavel and Lara? And Marcie and Linc? And Brenda and Chris, her new boyfriend?”
“Whatever you want! Your friends are all pretty cool.”
“Just ‘pretty cool’?”
I laughed, “You know what I meant! Do you have a passport?”
“No. Why?”
“Eduardo arranged a trip to Cádiz, Spain, and you’re invited, but you need to get your passport.”
“OK. I’ll talk to Mom about doing that as soon as we hang up. How is the play shaping up?”
“Great! Nick and I are working on our sword-fighting skills. Unfortunately, Mr. Fruits won’t let us build a set that allows us to mimic the sword fight in The Princess Bride! And we only get about twenty seconds.”
“Poor baby! Wish I could be there this weekend to see it.”
“Me, too! But I’ll see you next weekend.”
“I can’t wait!”
“You don’t have any choice!”
“You’re a brat!”
I laughed, “But you love me anyway!”
“I do!”
We said ‘goodbye’, I hung up, and then headed to play practice.
[Chicago, Illinois] ? Jesse
“You seem to have had a change in philosophy,” Mom Two said at dinner. “Another new girl?”
“I’m still WAY behind Dad,” I smirked.
Mom Two laughed, “I’m not sure that’s the best measurement to use!”
“I’m not really, I was just being silly. The opportunity is there and as a red-blooded, teenage American hockey player, I see no reason not to take advantage of it!”
My moms laughed.
“You’re following the rules?” Mom One asked.
“Yes. All the girls have had their tests and are on birth control. Is there a problem?”
“No,” Mom One replied. “We just noticed that you changed your approach once Libby decided to start seeing Karli.”
“Part of it is that a lot of the girls aren’t allowed to go steady,” I said.
“Which doesn’t appear to preclude having sex!”
I laughed, “Well, not counting Grandpa and Grandma Block, and Melanie’s parents, how many parents were OK with their daughters having sex with Dad?”
Mom One laughed, “There were a few, but not many. That hasn’t changed, for sure. Does this have anything to do with Francesca?”
“Not really, unless you mean the fact that her mom forced us to break up.”
“She hasn’t tried to get in touch with you?”
“No. I’m not sure she will after she hung up on me when I told her to go home.”
“I think if her dad wins custody, her attitude might change,” Mom Two said.
I shrugged, “I have no idea, and honestly, hanging up on me crossed a line. And she ended up having to do what I said, which proved me to be right.”
“By ‘crossed a line’ you mean something that would permanently prevent you from getting back together?”
“You two keep telling me how important communication is to a good relationship and hanging up sure isn’t ‘communication’ the way you mean it.”
“A good point,” Mom One said. “May I ask how many girls you’re juggling now?”
“Eight,” I chuckled.
“I think your dad at fifteen would have been jealous!” Mom One declared.
“That’s HIS problem!”
“Not to cause trouble,” Mom One said, “but how are you going to handle Larisa’s possible visit in August?”
“I told Libby that going to hockey camp and then Sweden was kind of a natural time limit. I’ll evaluate things in the Fall. Macrina will be allowed to see me more often then, too.”
“Would she be your choice now?”
“Her or Adi,” I replied. “Though I really like CeCe a lot!”
“So does Mom Two!”
We all laughed.
“You aren’t telling me to change what I’m doing, are you?” I asked.
“No,” Mom Two replied. “So long as you’re being honest with the girls and following the rules, you’re free to conduct your life as you see fit. Well, you have to keep up your grades, of course.”
“School is really easy right now, even Spanish. I’ll easily have all A’s this quarter.”
“Good. What time is your friend arriving?”
“7:00pm,” I said. “I have time to help with the dishes.”
“I do have one question,” Mom Two said. “What is the ‘Softball Sauna’ notation on the calendar?”
I smirked, “CeCe and the softball team are coming here after practice for a sauna.”
“Does your dad know?” Mom One asked with a smirk of her own.
“He’s taking his three wives out to dinner,” I replied with a grin. “I believe the temptation of a sauna full of naked High School girls might be too much for him if he were home!”
“Melanie’s sauna could only hold five or six, and it would be close quarters!”
“Dad only has himself to blame for building a sauna that can hold the entire softball team!”
“Are they all participating?”
“I think it’s fifteen out of twenty. A couple of them had plans, and a couple of them were uncomfortable with me being in there with them.”
“Just be smart, Jesse.”
“I always am!” I said smugly.
? Steve
The phone in my study rang just as we finished dinner, so I excused myself and went to answer it.
“It’s Ivan,” Ivan Voronin said.
“Hi, Vanya! How is Anya?”
“Doing much better. I called to thank you again for the help, and to let you know we’ll be returning to Russia tomorrow. I would love to come to visit, but Anya isn’t up to it.”
“We completely understand, and I’m glad she’s recovering.”
“We hope you’ll come to visit soon.”
“We’re going to be in Stockholm in July. We could probably come to Saint Petersburg for a couple of days. I’m positive Jesse won’t object!”
Vanya laughed, “Of that I am sure! Let me know the dates, and I’ll arrange a dinner in the Officers’ Mess. Will you see Lyusya?”
“I’ll send her an email with the dates and ask her to meet us in Saint Petersburg.”
“Excellent! I look forward to it!”
“Me, too!”
We said ‘goodbye’ and after I hung up, I went to tell my family of the news, then went to the coach house to let Jesse know.
“That’s cool, Pops!” he declared.
“I thought you’d agree! I just wanted to let you know, but I need to get to the dojo.”
I left the coach house and headed back to the house to get ready for karate.
? Jesse
Riya arrived a few minutes early, which didn’t surprise me, given how much she was obviously anticipating doing what she’d made absolutely clear she wanted to do. After introducing her to my moms, I decided we should go to the basement, at least at first.
“Not your room?” Riya pouted.
“Nobody will bug us down here,” I said.
I turned on the stereo, put in a CD, then turned up the volume. I took Riya’s hand and led her to the couch where we sat down.
“I need to see your test paper,” I said.
Riya opened her clutch purse and took out the test results which she showed me, then I showed her the card for mine. She put hers back into her clutch and I put mine back into my wallet.
“I did lots of research!” Riya said.
“Books?” I asked.
“I read the one all the girls have read, but I got WAY more information from the internet! Dad doesn’t have a filter on the computer, so I could watch ‘instructional videos’.”
I laughed, “You mean porn!”
“Duh,” Riya giggled. “I promised you it would be good, and I’ve never done anything more than kiss, so I wanted to make sure I knew how to give you a good blowjob! I could demonstrate!”
“You could,” I said with a grin.
“You’re sure nobody will come downstairs?”
Riya smiled, then took a ponytail holder from her pocket and tied her long red hair into a ponytail. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips, then started unbuckling my belt. She pulled it from the loops in my jeans and tossed it aside, then unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans.
“Lift up,” she said.
I did, and she pulled my jeans and briefs down to my knees. She grasped my dick, which was quickly filling with blood, and swirled her tongue around the head while she started sliding her hand up and down my shaft. I leaned back and watched as she ran her tongue along my shaft and planted a soft kiss on the head of my dick. I was soon rock hard and Riya parted her lips, took the head of my dick into her mouth, then closed her lips around my shaft. She sucked and stroked me while she ran her tongue along the groove.
I groaned because she was REALLY good! A minute or so later, she began bobbing, taking me about halfway into her mouth while continuing to stroke me with her hand. After a few bobs, she lifted her head, stretched up to kiss me, then returned her mouth to my dick. For the next five minutes, after every ten or so bobs, she French kissed me, then returned her attention to my dick. When I twitched, she stroked and bobbed faster, sliding her tongue and sucking hard, bringing me over the edge. I groaned loudly as my cum spurted into Riya’s mouth. She stroked, bobbed, and sucked until the spurts stopped, released me, and then French kissed me, thankfully having swallowed before she did that.
“Good?” she asked when she broke the kiss.
“Very!” I exclaimed. “What else did you study?”
“Something you can do to me! Will you lick me?”
“Then we can fuck!” she declared. “I know lots of positions!”
“Let’s switch places, then.”
I stood up and decided we should both be naked, so I tugged at the hem of Riya’s sweater. Two minutes later, her gorgeous body was on display, and I admired her really nice boobs, her flat stomach, curvy hips, and a tangle of red pubic hair. I grabbed a blanket from the table next to the couch and had Riya sit on it, then moved between her legs. We French kissed, then I licked and sucked her nipples for a few minutes before kissing my way down to her pussy, savoring the coppery taste of her juices when I ran my tongue between her pussy lips.
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