A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 4 - Coming of Age
Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions
Chapter 11: Who Is the Bigger Bitch?
Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 11: Who Is the Bigger Bitch? - Unlike the earlier books in A Well-Lived Life, where Steve Adams' life is the primary focus of the story, this book is really all about his kids. Puberty has now overtaken more than half the Adams kids, and the consequences have all turned out differently for each of them. Birgit, being the oldest daughter of Steve and Kara, is a force all her own. This book, more than any other (so far), is HER book. When Birgit sets her mind to getting what she wants, Birgit WILL get what she wants!
Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Polygamy/Polyamory First
February 3, 2002, Chicago, Illinois
? Steve
“Hi, Hope; hi, Kailey,” I said in response to Hope’s greeting.
I saved my game and quit, then got up from my chair and moved towards the door.
“Steve,” Suzanne said, coming up behind Kailey, “I hate to interrupt, but Stephie had some kind of meltdown. I’d get Kara, but I think she’s the enemy right now, along with me, Jess, Kara, and Ashley.”
“And you think I’m going to be able to make any headway?”
“Maybe not, but I think she needs you right now, not one of the girls.”
I suppressed a sigh.
“OK,” I said. “Hope, let me go see if I can help my daughter.”
“Go,” Hope said. “We can wait.”
I went upstairs and stopped outside the door to the room Stephie and Ashley shared and heard sobbing. I knocked and waited, but Stephie didn’t answer, so I knocked again.
“Stephie, it’s Dad. I just want to make sure you’re OK.”
“You don’t sound fine, Little Bunny Rabbit,” I said lovingly. “Please, may I come in?”
I struggled with the important rule of not going into any bedroom without permission, but there were exceptions in ‘emergencies’ and I honestly felt, with what had been going on, that this qualified. I tried the lever-handle and found it unlocked, so I pushed the door open, stepped into the room, and closed the door. Stephie was on the bed curled in a ball, cuddling her two favorite stuffed bunny rabbits.
“Hi, Bunny Rabbit,” I said. “You look like you could use a hug.”
“GET OUT!” she screeched.
“I’ll go,” I said. “But only after you tell me what’s wrong.”
“Everyone hates me. Now go!”
“Everyone does NOT hate you,” I said in as soothing a voice as I could. “We all love you.”
“No, you don’t!” Stephie sobbed.
I walked over to her bed, sat on the edge, and put my hand on her shoulder.
“You know that’s not true,” I said gently. “What happened that has you crying?”
“Everyone is being mean!” she sobbed.
“I’m sure it seems that way, but you’ve been very emotional the last two months, and that’s made you oversensitive.”
“Now you’re being mean!”
I wasn’t going to make any headway now, so I stood up.
“I think you need to have a good cry, then talk to me or your mom about how we can help you.”
“By leaving me alone!”
“Then I’ll go back downstairs,” I said. “I love you, Little Bunny Rabbit.”
I waited for a few seconds and when she didn’t respond, I left the room, closing the door behind me.
“I take it I should stay out of my room?” Ashley asked, coming down the hall from the stairs.
“Just give her ten or fifteen minutes to calm down. Do you know what happened?”
“She went to play with Amber and I guess Amber told her to come home because she wasn’t fun to play with anymore because all she does is complain about Nicholas.”
“Just give her a bit of space, then when you do go in, please don’t rile her up.”
“I’ll try not to, but she’s being a bitchier bitch than Birgit can ever hope to be!”
I laughed hard, “That is a pretty high bar!”
“I HEARD THAT!” Birgit exclaimed, coming out of her room.
“Deny it, Pumpkin, I dare you!”
“Hey, I’ve tried hard NOT to be a bitch!” Birgit protested.
“Keep trying!” Ashley teased.
“Go have fun, Dad!” Birgit smirked. “I have an idea about Stephie.”
“Just be cautious, please. And sensitive.”
“Well, she can’t do what Aunt Penny said she wanted to do when she was about to get her period!”
“And what’s that?” I asked warily.
“Fuck!” Birgit declared, giggling.
That did sound like Penny, but I decided to let it drop.
“Just be kind, please.”
“We will,” Ashley said. “I’ll keep Birgit in line!”
“A division of Marines couldn’t keep Birgit in line!” I countered.
“No,” Birgit smirked, “but I bet they would line up for me!”
I just shook my head and went downstairs to find Hope and Kailey.
“Crisis averted?” Hope asked.
“She just needs to cry it out,” I said. “Birgit and Ashley were going to try something, which hopefully won’t make things worse.”
“What’s wrong?” Kailey asked.
“Hormones, I’m pretty sure. She had her first period in late December, and she’s had mood swings ever since.”
“Sounds like my little sister,” Kailey said. “She turned into a raving lunatic when she got her period when she was thirteen. Nobody could be around her for almost a year, then she finally calmed down.”
“I’m sure Stephie will get over it,” I replied. “It’ll just take some TLC.”
“Where are we going?” Hope asked.
“The bedroom off the kitchen.”
“Servants quarters?”
“Yes. Our live-in nannies used them, as did our domestic. A bedroom with enough room for a couch, small desk, and an entertainment center, and private bathroom.”
“With mirrors on the ceiling!” Hope declared mirthfully.
“OK, I didn’t expect THAT!” Kailey said with a laugh, “but cool!”
We walked through the kitchen and I closed and locked the door behind us, then went into the bedroom.
“What’s the bag on the bed?” Hope asked.
“Open it,” I replied with a smile.
She walked over to the bed and unzipped it and gasped, then started laughing.
“OK, and I didn’t expect THAT!” she said.
“What?” Kailey asked.
“A pair of dildos, a pair of vibrators, and I’m going to guess this other thing is a harness.”
“Good guess,” I replied. “Given hints from Kailey yesterday, I thought a subset of toys was probably appropriate. We don’t have a double-headed dildo.”
Kailey laughed, “Neither do I! That was just a question! I’ve never actually used one. And I have never pegged a guy!”
“Me either,” Hope declared.
“That makes it unanimous!” I chuckled. “Neither have I!”
“Is he always this goofy?” Kailey asked.
“This is tame,” Hope replied. “He’s usually worse!”
“Great,” Kailey said sarcastically, but she winked at me to show she was teasing. “Well, this is your experiment, Hope, how do we start?”
“I suppose you have to answer the question about what you’re willing to do.”
“Anything you are, I suppose.”
“Suppose isn’t enough,” I said, keeping my voice friendly. “I have a saying that applies — acquiescence is not consent.”
“Positive consent, not just passive acceptance. I had an encounter where I managed to get the girl so worked up that she went much further than she’d intended, and regretted it the next day. I resolved at that point to make sure where the limits were. It’s something that has served me well.”
“How old were you when that happened?”
“Sixteen. And it wasn’t the first time I’d made an error in judgment. So, with that in mind...”
“I say then the thing to do is for the three of us to get naked, for you to ... fuck me, and then, with that accomplished, we can have a free-for-all.”
“Hope?” I inquired.
“I’m on board with a free-for-all once you two ‘do the dirty deed’!”
I laughed, “Cute.”
“Mirrors?” she asked.
I chuckled and took down the silk cloth that hung above the bed covering the mirrors, and wasn’t surprised when Kailey simply shed her clothes without any fanfare.
? Ashley
“What do you think?” Birgit asked.
“I think we need to talk to Nicholas and get him to talk to Stephie.”
“He’s over her,” Birgit said. “I mean, seriously over her. She pushed him too far. She’s only eleven, so it’s not like she could use sex to control him.”
“That’s downright nasty!” I declared.
“I didn’t say I would do that, just that she can’t do that.”
“Boys will be breaking down doors to get to us, so we actually DO get to control it!” I giggled.
“But if he’s over her, then how would it work?”
“SHE doesn’t know it; she thinks he’s just being difficult. I’m sure I can get him to cooperate.”
“Didn’t you just say you wouldn’t control a guy with sex?” I giggled.
“I’m not ready for that! When Kjell is here next week, we’ll talk about it.”
“Seriously. But we won’t do it. Not yet. Where’s Nicholas?”
“Probably Albert’s room.”
“Let me get him,” Birgit said. “Meet in my room.”
? Birgit
Albert’s door was partway open, so I stuck my head in and saw Nicholas.
“Nicholas, can Ashley and I talk to you, please?”
“About what?”
“Just two minutes, please.”
“I’m watching the Super Bowl pre-game show with Albert.”
“I need your help!”
“Go,” Albert said to Nicholas. “Help her, please. The game is still hours away.”
I was pretty sure Albert knew what the problem was, because we had talked about Stephie. Nicholas got up and followed me to my room, where Ashley was waiting.
“We need you to talk to Stephie,” I said.
“You know how she’s treating everyone,” Nicholas said. “I told her I didn’t want to marry her if she was going to treat people this way.”
“Shit!” I swore. “No wonder she’s so upset!”
“Would you talk to her?” Ashley asked.
“Why?” Nicholas asked. “She’s just going to be a b ... word my mom does NOT let me say!”
I laughed, “Aunt Jennifer and Aunt Josie hate that word. Me, I own it!”
Ashley and Nicholas laughed.
“I think Stephie has you beat,” Ashley declared confidently. “At least in the past month.”
“Then I’m just going to have to try harder!” I giggled. “But seriously, Nicholas, just talk to her, please. Be sweet, tell her you want to help her, and then spend some time with her. Just give it a few days, OK? I think I know why she’s so emotional this week.”
“Why?” Nicholas asked.
“You’ve read your mom’s book, right?”
“Sure. But Stephie is only eleven and I’m only twelve!”
“I meant the puberty part of the book. She didn’t tell you that she got her period, did she?”
“Uhm, no.”
“That’s the problem! She got hers WAY earlier than I got mine, and I get bitchier than normal around that time of the month.”
“Really?” Ashley teased. “I didn’t notice you were LESS bitchy at times!”
“Just you wait!”
Ashley smirked, “I like being a girl! Just like Kara Mom!”
“Me, too! But NOBODY likes periods!”
“Kara Mom doesn’t mind them!”
“Can we PLEASE stop talking about girl stuff?” Nicholas begged.
“Sorry,” I said. “But get used to it! Every girl around you will get her period in the next two or three years if she hasn’t already got it!”
“Kill me now!” Nicholas groaned.
I laughed, “That’s what Tom says when girls talk about stuff like that!”
“I really don’t want to talk to her,” Nicholas protested.
I frowned and wondered what I could do to get him to at least talk to my sister. If we were a bit older, and he really had broken up with Stephie...
“Ashley, could you excuse us for a moment? I want to speak privately to Nicholas.”
“Uhm, sure,” Ashley said.
She left my room and shut the door. I went over to Nicholas and put my hands on his shoulders and leaned close.
“Do this for me,” I said invitingly, “and if you two aren’t together on your fourteenth birthday, I’ll make it one you’ll NEVER forget!”
Nicholas’ eyes went wide and his mouth opened, but he didn’t say anything for a minute.
“You mean...” he finally managed to say.
“You can’t tell ANYONE, but anything you can think of...” I said, licking my lips.
“You, uhm, er, have done it?”
“Not yet,” I replied saucily. “But by then, I’ll be an expert!”
? Steve
Seeing Kailey naked was disconcerting, as she had shaved her mons, and with her flat chest, she looked like she was twelve, despite being twenty-one, and having two small butterfly tattoos on either side of her clitoral hood, and matching ones above each small nipple. Birgit, who would be fourteen in a few months, was more physically developed. I wasn’t sure if I could actually go through with it.
I tried to quickly work through the concern in my mind. I knew she was twenty-one, as the STI card she’d proffered had listed her birthdate and name, but the situation was disconcerting. I knew it wasn’t Kailey’s fault, nor did I think she should do anything to change who she was, as she seemed as self-aware as anyone I knew. I also wondered if it was the reason she’d never been penetrated — that it wasn’t by choice, but by guys having the same reaction I was having.
I didn’t think quickly enough, because Kailey noticed my hesitation.
“You aren’t the first to have that reaction,” she said, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“What reaction?” Hope asked.
“Tell me, truthfully, how old do I look?”
“Uhm,” Hope replied hesitantly, “eleven or twelve, I guess.”
“And now you know why I’ve never been penetrated. Girls don’t seem to freak out about it, but guys? That’s a different story. The oral sex I’ve performed has been in situations where I had at least my panties on at that point. And you can imagine guys mostly don’t hit on me because I’m not overtly female. The one guy at Starbucks who did, seemed WAY too interested in the fact that I looked very young, if you get my drift.”
“I never thought about it,” Hope replied. “I mean, I liked you for you, and didn’t even think about your, uhm, body type.”
“Because you were looking for a friend, right?” Kailey asked.
“I think so, yes.”
“It was when you got to know me that you decided you wanted to have sex with me. No offense to Steve, but guys often think the other way around — they get to know a girl because they want to have sex with her. You wanted to get to know me and then thought about sex.”
Hope nodded, “That makes complete sense, and I have to say it fits my experience in High School and college, even though I wasn’t allowed to date in High School.”
My insistence that attraction was based on intellect was being put to a severe test, because what my eyes were telling me was at odds with everything else I knew. I kept coming back to the notion that it wasn’t Kailey’s fault, and that she shouldn’t be treated differently because of something over which she had no control. I had been with girls in the not too distant past, who were more than seven years younger than Kailey, and it just didn’t seem right to reject her simply because of her looks.
“So, should I get dressed?” Kailey asked matter-of-factly.
I shook my head slowly, then began to undress. Hope followed suit, and soon the two of us were naked, just as Kailey was.
“Sit down,” Kailey said, pointing to the love seat.
I sat as she directed, and she knelt on the floor in front of me. She grasped my shaft, opened her mouth, and slowly took me in. Her tongue felt wonderful, and combined with her stroking me, got the result we both wanted. Kailey released me from her hand, then ever so slowly took me completely into her mouth, her lips encircling the base of my shaft. She sucked for a short time, then released me.
Kailey got up and moved to the bed. I followed her, and when she spread her legs wide, I moved between them and lowered my mouth to her thin labia. She was wet enough that I didn’t think I’d need the KY-Jelly which I’d put in the bag with the toys, so I moved up, positioned my glans against her labia, and looked into her eyes.
“You sure?” I asked.
“Are you?” she countered.
I answered by pushing my hips forward, her labia parting before my glans, allowing me to enter her. I stayed propped over her and continued pushing, sliding into her silky tunnel while she watched in the mirror above us. When I was completely inside Kailey, I ground gently against her mons, and felt her move her ankles onto my calves, and her hands on my lower back. Taking that as a positive sign, I began screwing her with slow, gentle thrusts, and on the fourth thrust, she raised her hips to meet me. A few more thrusts, and she moved her legs around my thighs and her hands to my butt.
“Hard,” she demanded. “Really, really hard!”
After one more gentle thrust, I pulled back, then pushed forcefully into her. I pulled back and on the next strong thrust, Kailey strongly pushed her hips up to meet me and we began fucking hard. She squeezed her muscles on each thrust, and despite the intense pleasure for me, I had a very strong suspicion she wasn’t going to be able to orgasm. I did my best, but never seemed to get her even close. Remembering her question about eating pussy I had just fucked, I decided she had been trying to communicate what she needed. We kept fucking, but I didn’t try to hold back and a few minutes later pushed deeply into her, groaned, and came, hard.
Kailey ground against me and squeezed her muscles, milking cum from me. When the last jet of cum had spurted from my dick, she still hadn’t had her release, so I pulled out and quickly moved down to lick her and suck her clit. That was all she needed, and two minutes later, she moaned loudly and used her hand to pull my face against her groin. When that orgasm passed, I continued and brought her off a second time before moving up, planting a soft kiss on each small nipple, and then kissing her for the first time, exchanging a nice French kiss.
“Thank you,” she said breathlessly when we broke the kiss.
“You’re welcome!”
I moved next to her and lay on my back, looking up at the mirror.
“You paid attention,” she said through labored breaths.
“I’m not completely clueless,” I chuckled.
“Not completely,” Hope teased.
Kailey and I both laughed, and we lay together for a couple of minutes before she spoke.
“Steve, would you fuck Hope, and then you can watch while she and I explore each other’s bodies? And after that, could we try some threesome configurations?”
“I’m OK with that if Hope is OK with it.”
“I am,” Hope said. “I’m basically dripping!”
Kailey laughed and slid down, and took me into her mouth again. It took a few minutes, but she got me hard and cleaned all of her juices from me. When Kailey released me, Hope got into bed, straddled my hips, and quickly impaled herself on my raging erection. She rode me with wild abandon, having three orgasms before I had my second of the day.
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