The Cartel
Copyright© 2022 by The Blue Light Boy
Chapter 8
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A young girl and her family are taken by cartel members as payback for their fathers actions.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft Fa/Fa Fa/ft Lesbian BiSexual Fiction Sadistic Torture Anal Sex Double Penetration First Fisting Massage Masturbation Oral Sex Squirting Amputee
The next morning I woke up late so had to rush around to get ready for work, which made me regret leaving my wheelchair in the car, especially when I opened the front door and found it was raining. I grabbed my jacket, put some gloves on and hand walked as quickly as I could to my car, lifted myself into it before starting it up and driving to work. Thanks to the rain the traffic was heavier than normal which meant I pulled into the mall parking lot with only a few minutes to spare. I quickly got my wheelchair out, lifted myself into it, grabbed my bag, locked the car and wheeled myself inside, down the elevator and into the store. I left my jacket and bag in my locker and headed out to the shop floor where I started helping restocking shelves and drawers and helping customers throughout the day. It was mid-morning, I was out the back, sitting on a table, unpacking some boxes when the manager called me on the radio and asked me to come to Pink. I scooted to the edge of the table, dropped myself into my chair, wiggled about to get comfortable then wheeled myself onto the sales floor and over to the Pink area where I found Anna, the manager standing with a mum and daughter. What struck me was that the daughter was in a wheelchair too. As I got close I could see that she was mid-teens, maybe 14 or 15, really cute with light skin and dark blonde hair, and she was missing both her legs about mid-thigh. As I wheeled over the girl’s face lit up.
‘Madison, this is Peyton, she would like a bra fitting, I hope you don’t mind but as you have something in common I thought you’d be the best person to help her.’ Anna the manager said.
‘Hi Peyton, I’m Maddie, I’d be more than happy to help you.’ I replied.
‘Thank you, Maddie.’ The girl replied sweetly.
‘Thanks, Madison.’ Anna said before turning to Peyton and her Mum. ‘I’ll leave you to it.’
‘Thanks’. Her Mum said to Anna as she left.
‘So, Peyton, what size are you wearing right now?’ I asked.
‘Well, I’m not wearing a bra right now.’ Peyton replied sweetly, taking me literally.
‘Ok, is this your first bra then?’ I asked.
‘Oh no, I used to wear a 30a, but I was in the hospital for nearly 6 months and apparently I’ve grown in that time.’ Peyton replied.
‘Oh, ok, well, follow me, your Mum can come too.’ I said turning my wheelchair and heading towards the changing rooms. I watched as Peyton started wheeling her chair behind me, it was clear she was even newer at this than I was, she was a little slow and unsure.
‘Do you want me to come with you Peyton?’ Her Mum asked.
‘No, it’s ok, Maddie can help me.’ Peyton replied, clearly wanting to assert some independence.
‘There are some seats just outside the changing area if you like.’ I said to her mum.
‘Ok, thanks.’ She said following Peyton and I. As we reached the changing rooms her mum took a seat while I unlocked the much larger disabled changing room, let Peyton wheel herself in front of me before following in behind her and closing the door.
‘Well, first things first, I need to measure you, if that’s ok.’ I explained.
‘That’s cool.’ Peyton said, she took the hem of the little t-shirt dress, paused for a moment before deciding to start pulling the dress up. I was honestly a little surprised that she had worn a dress for a bra fitting, but I guessed she hadn’t thought about it. She awkwardly wiggled the dress between her butt and the cushion of the chair, using her short stumps to lift herself a little, then over her hips before sliding it a little more easily over her waist and stomach, before having to wiggle it a little over her boobs. One it was off she reached up and hung it on a nearby peg then relaxed back into the chair, awkwardly deciding what she was going to do with her arms for a moment, before deciding to rest her hands on the base of her chair next to her hips. I took the tape measure from my pocket and leaned towards her to measure her but realized with both of us in wheelchairs it was going to be awkward.
‘This would probably be easier if we were both sat on the floor, is that ok?’ I asked her.
‘That’s fine.’ She said wheeling her chair back slightly so that it was against the wall and putting on the brakes.
‘Do you need me to get your mum to help you?’ I asked.
‘No thanks, I’ll be fine.’ She replied as she placed her hands onto the front edge of the chair, wiggled herself forward a little until her stumps were pointing down and her butt was right on the edge of the chair, she then slowly lowered herself to the floor, using her stumps to ease her decent. As she hit the floor she bounced around a little to get comfortable making her boobs jiggle, before sitting with her stumps spread for balance. I watched her get comfortable, she had a very cute, pretty face with shiny dark, blonde hair and stunning green eyes, her skin was flawless with just a small amount of make-up, the appropriate amount for a cute teenager like her. Her breasts were pert and firm and well rounded, almost looking like they were still too high on her chest, she had few, faint stretch marks where they had grown quicker than the skin could stretch, but nothing that detracted from them. She had soft, delicate curves of a developing teenager with her chest gently curving into her slim waist before her hips curved subtly outwards. Her stomach was flat but not toned, covered in a little teenage puppy fat that would soon disappear as she matured, there was a horizontal scar that would have sat below the waistband of her panties, but they had slipped down slightly. The panties she was wearing were a pair of cute yellow, cotton, boy shorts with daisies on them. Below those, her hips continued curving into her thighs before they abruptly ended in two, symmetrical stumps, about 8 inches long, each nicely rounded with angry looking, dark pink scars on the ends, I noticed that the scar on her right stump was shaped like a smile and there was a slight indent above the outer edge of the scar that looked like an eye. Once she was settled, I slid from my chair and sat in front of her, I could smell her shampoo and delicate perfume. I asked her to put her arms out to the side and wrapped the tape measure around her chest, making sure it went under her pert, firm breasts, then asked her to drop her arms down by her side. I held the tape measure tight and took note of the measurement before having her hold her arms up again, I then pulled the tape measure up onto the fullest part of her breasts over her nipples, which the cool AC and light stimulation made harden. I got her to put her arms back down, held the tape measure tight again and took note of the number and pulled the tape measure out and placed it around my neck before making a quick calculation.
‘So, you’re a 32c, have you thought about what styles of bra’s you’d like?’ I asked.
‘Wow, I knew I’d grown but I hadn’t realized how much.’ Peyton replied smiling.
‘Ok, well, I’ll go get you a selection of styles and you can decide what you like.’ I replied.
‘If that’s ok.’ Peyton said. ‘I don’t want to take up too much of your time.’
‘It’s fine Peyton, I’ll spend all day with you if I need to.’ I replied as I lifted myself back into my chair and started wheeling myself toward the door. ‘I’ll be right back, you can get back into your chair if you like.’
‘No, I’m good thanks.’ She replied still smiling, she had a typical cute, teenage, singsong voice, still full of hope and optimism, despite the obvious trauma she’d been through. I opened the door, wheeled myself through it and closed it behind me ensuring Peyton’s privacy. As I wheeled to the shop floor I stopped alongside her Mum.
‘Well, Peyton measures a 32c so I’m going to get her a selection of styles so she can decide what she wants, any price range in mind?’ I asked.
‘Oh wow, she did grow then.’ She replied with a smile. ‘No price range, she can have whatever she wants.’
‘Ok.’ I said, as I wheeled onto the sales floor. I wheeled myself around and gathered up a collection of different styles for Peyton, placing them all in front of me on my chair, before heading back to the changing room, as I opened the door I found Peyton stood on her stumps with one of her hands against the wall while cupping a breast with the other, and admiring herself in the surround mirrors, the position she was in also showed her very tight, pert butt, clad in her tight, yellow panties. As soon as she heard me she dropped onto her butt and looked embarrassed.
‘Oh, I was just ... err... ‘ Peyton stammered.
‘It’s fine.’ I said with a laugh. ‘You’re entitled to admire yourself, you’re beautiful.’
‘No, I’m not, not anymore anyway.’ She scoffed before looking down at her leg stumps.
‘Hey, those don’t stop you being beautiful ok, don’t ever let anyone make you think that, ok.’ I said trying to reassure her.
‘Hmm.’ Peyton replied.
‘Don’t you think I’m beautiful?’ I asked.
‘Of course you are, just I’m not, never really was before ... before I lost my legs.’ Peyton replied sadly.
‘Peyton, you are beautiful, honestly.’ I replied as I touched her cheek. ‘Beauty is in how you hold yourself and your confidence, if you believe you’re beautiful, then other people will see you as beautiful.’
‘Really?’ Peyton replied looking up at me with her big, innocent, doe eyes.
‘Yes, really.’ I said suddenly remembering I was talking to an almost naked teenager.
‘Thank you, Maddie.’ She replied still looking up at me.
‘You’re welcome, Peyton.’ I replied. ‘Do you want to try these bras on now?’
‘Yes, in a minute.’ She said then paused a moment as though she was thinking. ‘Maddie, what happened to your legs?’
‘Oh, erm.’ I was surprised, I didn’t want to lie to the girl that had been through some serious trauma, but I also didn’t want to tell a stranger what had happened to me, especially one so young and vulnerable. ‘I was in an accident.’
‘How old were you?’ She asked.
‘I was 14.’ I replied, not knowing the true answer but I’d guessed that was about right.
‘I was in a car accident too, it was my fault, I snuck out to a party with a friend, afterwards, we got into a car with someone I shouldn’t have, someone that I knew had been drinking. He lost control and slid off the road into a ravine. The boys climbed out of the car and left me and my friend trapped inside. They were scared about getting into trouble as they were drunk, so they didn’t call for help. It was probably 8 hours later when we were found.’ Peyton tearfully explained.
‘Oh my god, Peyton.’ I said sliding from my chair, shuffling close to her and putting my arm around her.
‘By the time we were found, Brooklyn had died and I had something called compartment syndrome, as my legs had been trapped for so long, the paramedics had to call a Dr out to amputate my legs there so that I could be freed without releasing them, causing toxins to get into my body.’ Peyton explained.
‘Wow Peyton, I’m so sorry.’ I said trying to comfort her. It was a few minutes before either of us said anything.
‘My parent’s insurance paid the hospital fees but say prosthetics are a luxury, not a necessity so won’t pay for them and my parents can’t afford them, so I’m stuck in this chair for the rest of my life.’ Peyton said.
‘It’s not all bad having to use a wheelchair.’ I said trying to comfort her.
‘I guess I should try those bras on.’ Peyton said looking over at them all sitting on my chair.
‘Yeah, I got you a selection of styles, each comes in a range of colours and have matching panties.’ I explained. I spent the next 30 minutes helping Peyton try on all the different bras and wheeling out to the sales floor to get different sizes for her. Peyton seemed to be enjoying herself.
‘Have you got any lacy ones?’ She asked after trying on nearly all the bras I’d got for her.
‘Yeah, sure, I’ll go find you some.’ I said as I lifted myself back into my chair and wheeled out the changing room. This time I wheeled onto the Victorias Secrets sales floor and selected a few lacy bras, ones that I didn’t think were too sexy and inappropriate for Peyton. I wheeled back and helped Peyton try each one on, then admire herself in the mirror so she could see how good she looked in them.
‘What do you think?’ I asked.
‘My boobs look awesome don’t you think?’ She asked bouncing up and down.
‘You look good Peyton.’ I replied.
‘Thank you Maddie for all your help today.’ She said taking the final lacy bra off. ‘Can you pass me my dress please.’
‘Sure.’ I replied getting her dress off the hook and passing it to her, Peyton took it, slid it over her head, wiggled it over her now naked breasts, slid it down to her hips, wiggled it over her butt then carefully stood on her stumps while leaning on the wall with one hand and using the other to pull it down onto her stumps, she then sat back down, wiggled over to her chair and pulled herself up into it before turning around and shuffling about to get comfortable.
‘Which ones are you taking then?’ I asked. Peyton rifled through choosing 10 or so to take with her, I collected up the rest and started to wheel out the changing room with Peyton following. I left the bras on the rack to put them back out later and joined Peyton, who was now sat by her Mum and was telling her that I’d been in an accident when I was 14.
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