Punishing Sally - Cover

Punishing Sally

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

BDSM Story: She was late for her appointment with the Master and he was not pleased. She wondered what her punishment might be but she knew he wasn't going to be easy on her...

Caution: This BDSM Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Masturbation   .

Naked woman’s back, has welts on her ass and holding a cane in her hands

“You know what you have done wrong, don’t you?” Master said, holding onto her leash close to her thick leather collar. Sally was naked, kneeling in front of him between his knees as he sat forward on the sofa. He was dressed in his usual tight black jeans, tight black muscle shirt, heavy square-toe biker boots, and mirrored aviator-style sunglasses. The whole picture would normally be very sexy had it not been for the circumstances she was in.

Earlier that week, Sally had had an appointment with Master and had shown up a half hour late. She had been running behind most of that day already and she just wasn’t able to catch up, so she was late to his appointment as well. She tried to explain the situation, but his only reply is that she should have budgeted her time better. Master was nothing if not punctual, and he expected nothing less from his submissive. “To be late for an appointment,” he had told her, “was to show disrespect for the other person’s time.”

He had told her then that she would be getting punished for her disrespect, but not that night as they had already wasted enough time. Besides, he wanted her to think about what she had done and stew over what her punishment might be. The reality was that he didn’t want to punish her when he was angry – he wanted a chance to cool down and be level-headed before he took to her punishment. After his brief but effective scolding, he had not said anything more about it and his silence on the matter had only heightened her anxiety over what was to happen to her. Master was not one to trifle with and she knew that all too well!

Now he she was kneeling in front of him once again, wondering what this night would bring. Sally knew she was in for a long night at the hands of Master. As he held her chin up by the leash, she tried to look past the mirrored glasses for any sign or indication what he had in mind. But his glasses only reflected the fear on her own face.

“Answer me! You know what you’ve done wrong, don’t you?” he repeated the question sternly, jerking her leash for emphasis.

“Yes, Master. I was late to our appointment and disrespectful of your time,” she said. She was about to add that it wasn’t her fault ... that the whole day was a fiasco, but she knew that excuses wouldn’t do any good and may even anger him. So she kept silent.

“That is right. I had plans for that evening but you showed up a half hour late. Then I had to waste more time finding out why and scolding you, so we didn’t get to what I wanted to do that night. And now tonight, I have to waste even more time punishing you for your lack of common courtesy. You really are a thoughtless and inconsiderate little slut, aren’t you?”

“I am sorry I am such trouble Master,” she said, looking away from him, not wanting to see the disappointment that might show in his face.

“Well, we’re just going to have to do something to make you more mindful of your Master’s needs and time, aren’t we?” he said.

“Yes Master,” Sally replied quietly.

“Then go upstairs, put on your wrist and ankle cuffs and blindfold and wait for me,” he instructed.

“Yes Master,” she said, “May I be excused?” she asked, remembering his rule about asking to be excused before leaving.

“Yes, go,” he said. Sally rose to her feet and left, trotting up the stairs to get ready for him. Sally went straight into the bedroom to get ready. She was thankful that she had gone to the bathroom just prior to his arrival and didn’t have to waste any time there. She went immediately over to the cedar chest under the window and opened the padded top. She knew that this is where Master kept all of his bondage equipment and he had already unlocked it in preparation for her. She looked in the chest at the assortment of gear inside and smiled as she fingered a couple of her favorites. There had been a lot of good times and pleasant memories that had come out of this chest.

But she snapped back to the present ... she had been sent up here to get ready for her punishment and she couldn’t afford to loiter. She was in trouble enough already, there was no need to throw gasoline on the fire!

Sally pulled out the heavy leather wrist and ankle restraints that Master had called for and laid them on the bed. Then she pulled out the blindfold that he requested and set it next to the restraints. Closing the lid to the chest she moved to the end of the bed and began putting the restraints on her ankles and wrists, buckling them securely. Then she stood beside the bed and put on the blindfold, using the bed as something to steady her in the blackness that now enveloped her.

Sally wasn’t sure how long she stood there next to the bed. The only clock in the room was a digital alarm clock and there were no other sounds, only black, empty silence. It could have been only a moment or it could have been longer. It felt like ages to Sally and when she did hear the bedroom door open, she was dripping wet and ready for any punishment Master wanted to mete out on her!

Sally listened intently as Master’s heavy boots clunked across the wooden floor, coming closer and closer. Her breath caught in her chest and she shivered with anticipation at the first touch of the evening. Master had not allowed her the customary hello kiss that normally greeted him and had not up to that point touched her. Sally sensed that Master was standing right in front of her and she trembled. She dare not speak, although she wanted so much to ask him just to touch her. Her skin ached for him to touch it, to show her some kind of gentle caring. She longed to feel his caress even just on her cheek or arm. Anything please!

Suddenly he was gone again. Sally heard the sound of his footsteps headed for the window and the cedar chest. She assumed that he was getting a few things of his own out of the chest. She tried desperately to hear some indication of what he was after, but he was very careful not to make any noises that would give his plans away. Once he had what he needed, she heard the chest shut – he intentionally let the top close with a loud thunk just to see the reaction from her. Sally jumped and gasped at the sudden noise and then she heard his footsteps returning.

Once again, Sally felt his presence in front of her. She thought it funny that she could sense his nearness even blindfolded and silent. He just “felt” near. Her breath quickened and her pulse raced as she stood there, her Master possibly only inches from her!

All of a sudden Sally felt a cold sting on her left nipple as Master snapped a metal spring clamp on it. Sally gasped and squealed both at the pain and the unexpectedness of it. Then she felt a warm wetness on her nipple. Master was licking the nipple he had just clamped!

“ooooh...” Sally cooed. Master’s first touch was one of teasing pleasure!

Then Sally felt a similar sharp stinging pain on her right nipple followed by another warm wet lick. All too briefly, she had felt the tenderness she so loved in Master.

But his tenderness was not to last. She had come to his home to be punished and he was not one to let a lesson go unlearned. As she stood there dripping with anticipation, anxious for whatever might come next, she was not long in waiting.

Sally gasped and choked her breath back as she felt Master’s hand gripping her throat. He squeezed hard enough to make it difficult to breath. Her first instinct was to reach up and grab his wrists, but as she started to, she thought better of it and put her hands back down at her sides.

“You are learning, slut!” he said, watching her hands return to her sides. When she had put her hands down and was standing still, tolerating his grip on her throat, he released her.

“Are you ready for your punishment now slut?” he growled.

“Master, please...” she began.

SLAP! Master slapped her across the face. “Wrong answer, slut!” he barked. Sally’s head reeled from the unexpected blow. Then he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back sharply. “Want to try that question again?” he spat.

“Y-yes Master. I am ready!” she cried out.

He turned loose of her hair. “That’s more like it,” he said. He took her wrists and she could feel that he was attaching one of his many ropes to the D rings in the wrist restraints. When he had threaded the rope through both wrists, he put it through one of the eye bolts he had in the ceiling beam. Sally felt her arms being drawn upwards and very quickly she was stretched completely, barely able to stand flat-footed on the wood floor. Once he had tied her arms off over her head he knelt to work on her feet. She felt him spread her legs wide, well past shoulder width, and he attached a metal spreader bar to her ankle cuffs, keeping her legs wide apart.

“There that should keep you still enough,” he said, shaking her bonds a bit to test them. “Now let’s see what we can do about those tits.” Master took another length of rope and began fashioning a rope bra – going around her chest ... one wrap over and one wrap under her nice 36DD tits. Master loved her tits, they were full and firm, capped with nice thick nipples that were ultra-sensitive to his attention – whether painful or pleasurable. Sally loved that he also enjoyed working her tits and that “the girls” as she called them pleased him. She knew that she had more than one orgasm just by him playing with her tits.

With the rope wrapped above and below her tits it was time to tighten it. He took a short piece of smaller diameter rope and wrapped it around the other rope on the outside of her right tit and the did the same on the outside of her left tit. Then when those were tied off he moved to the valley between her twin peaks. He wrapped the smaller rope around the two larger rope coils drawing them together and squeezing her tits tighter and tighter until she began whimpering in discomfort. He tied the rope off, leaving her tits jutting out lewdly. He slapped each one and watched as they bounced a bit in their rope prison. Sally cried out at the abuse and stomped a foot, but he only smiled.

“Tell me slut, how long have you served me like this?” he asked.

“F-four years, Master,” she replied.

“That’s right. Four years. And we have had some good times haven’t we?”

“Yes, Master. Some very good times.”

“I agree. But we have had our share of problems as well, haven’t we?”

“Yes, Master...”

“In fact, there were a couple instances where I wondered if we were meant to be together.”

Sally was beginning to get concerned where this conversation may be headed. “Yes, Master but...”

“Tell me slut, how many times have we been in just this position – me having to discipline you over something you should have known better about?” he asked.

“Master please, I-”

“Answer the question, slut!” he barked, slapping her tit hard.

“Many times, Master!” she yelled. Sally could feel her eyes tearing up. She hated to mess up but to mess on something so easily avoided was even worse. And now she wasn’t sure what Master was going to say next.

“Do you enjoy being in trouble? Do you get some kind of thrill when I punish you slut? Maybe you are a pain slut and I don’t know it yet?”

“No, Master I...” she began, her lower lip was quivering and she was trembling visibly.

“You know how I feel about punctuality and your lack of it shows me that you place other things above our appointments. What am I to take from this?” he asked.

“Master please, I didn’t mean to be late! I didn’t mean to make you wait. Please, Master...” she began to cry.

He took the blindfold off her eyes and lifted her chin to meet his eyes. He could see the tears forming in her beautiful green eyes and running down her soft cheek. “Slut, you know that I love you. You are more important to me than anything else in my life. I have pledged to care for and protect you with all I have.

But this pledge cannot be a one-sided thing. I cannot allow you to just come to me whenever you please and ignore my schedule and my plans. I am the Master here and you are the submissive. Therefore I set the rules up and you follow them, understand? Yes, I will take your life outside of this relationship into account, but you have to do your part.

When you make an appointment with me, you are to keep it. Or at the very least, give me a call and tell me you are running late or can’t make it at all. I got nothing from you. You could have been in a car accident or worse and I would not have known. How am I supposed to do my job as your Master, protecting and caring for you if I don’t know where you are or what you are doing?” he said, chiding her.

“Master I am so sorry,” she said. Sally was openly sobbing now. Master still loved her and this wasn’t the “break up talk” that she feared it would be. She had messed up royally by not calling him to tell him she would be late, but at least she was still his. He could do whatever he wanted to her to punish her now!

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