Angie's Dream - Cover

Angie's Dream

Copyright© 2022 by BoredMindWriter

Chapter 5: Rude Awakening with more work for Dennis

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 5: Rude Awakening with more work for Dennis - Angie spun out badly after her mother died, and it destroyed her father. Dennis reacts eventually with initial devastation. The result was nothing that he ever could have imagined as he and Angie work their way to a new relationship.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   School   Cuckold   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

“It is two in the morning.” He grinned, then picked his pajama pants up, walking naked to Angie’s bedroom. As he lay in bed he realized he would not have resisted Angie if she tried to seduce him. He loved her too much, and he would have made love to her in the very bed he was sleeping in. he fell asleep with that idea. He woke up in pain, his cock was in a vise. He opened his eyes, and looked into a very frightened Cindy’s face. She was crying.

“I am sorry, so sorry.”

“Calm down baby, just calm down. Shhh.” He stroked her face, arching his neck to kiss her softly. “Just calm down.” He moved his hips slightly, and she whimpered in pain.

“Okay Cindy. You are in a muscle spasm, and you need to relax. I am not angry with you baby.”

‘But I did not ask.”

“I know, but I love you, and love forgives. I forgive you, I promise.” He kissed her again. He reached between them and found her clit. She shrieked in pain when he touched it.

“Okay, that wont work. We need lubrication. I will call Lizzie, we need her help.” Cindy nodded, and Dennis called loudly to Lizzie. She came in, still naked.

“Sorry Lizzie, I didn’t ask, he was sleeping. I am so sorry.” Cindy started crying again.

“She is in a spasm, and it hurts. There is a box in the hallway with Angie Private written on it. There is oil in there, we will need it.” Lizzie quickly found it and returned.

“I am going to turn us around now baby, it will hurt. Hold on as tight as you can.”

“Okay.” Dennis kissed her as he lifted them up and put her down on her back. She was screaming into his mouth. He felt her calm down, and he broke the kiss.

“I am broken down there.” Cindy moaned.

“No baby, I will prove it to you. You got really scared, and your nerves reacted badly, that’s all.” He looked to Lizzie. “Start trying to work the lube in next to my cock, please be gentle. Her clit is hypersensitive.” He felt as Lizzie started to try and get the oil in. Dennis tried to help by changing the angle. It took almost twenty minutes before he could start moving.

“I am going to pull out. It will hurt baby, but I will be very slow.” He started to work forwards and backward, his fucking motion less than five millimeters. Every pull he tried a little harder. He was almost out when he came, he held as still as possible, knowing his pulsing cock is hurting her.

“I am so sorry Cindy, I tried not to, but it is you. There was no way I would not come from you.” He saw Lizzie smile, his lie might make it easier.

“You need to rest Baby, once I am out. Then I will prove to you that you are not broken.”

“Will you make love to me?”


“Like you did with Lizzie?”

“Yes, just like that. Did you watch us?”

“Yes, it looked so nice. I also want to feel that much love. Why did this happen?”

“You probably pushed too hard, and the pain scared you.”

“I have been painfully fucked before, they used a baseball bat once.”

‘You hated them, but you were terrified that I might be disappointed in you, because I know you love me.” Dennis pulled back one last time as he kissed her again, and he felt her ring snap closed as his cock left her. She shrieked into his mouth, then she was quiet. He broke the kiss, then kissed her again, softly. She began kissing him back. He beckoned Lizzie next to them, then rolled of, resuming his kissing of the child. He pulled back, and Lizzie moved in, kissing Cindy. Dennis inspected her pussy. It was angry red, but there was no blood. He fetched a towel and put it under her, knowing his sperm will leak out as soon as the spasms end. He then went to his medicine cabinet, and found a muscle relaxant and some Novocain. He fetched her some water, and then returned to the bedroom. Cindy was curled up against Lizzie, her face wet with tears.

“Here poppet, drink this.” He gave her the muscle relaxant. “I am going to touch you pussy, but I will be gentle. Tell me if it hurts.”

“Okay.” Her voice was small and frightened.

He started with the outer lips, watching her abdomen for signs of pain. He then put Novocain on her clit. It took longer, but he did not mind. Then he worked it into her, eventually getting his whole finger into her. He felt the spasming around his finger subside.

“There baby girl, now you rest.”

‘I feel no pain, can we try?”

“No, I rubbed stuff on that makes the pain go away, but we need for the swelling to go down. I will check every few hours. Don’t shower or bath, let the ointment work for you.”

“Okay, can you please kiss me again.”

“With pleasure, your kisses are amazing.”

Dennis dressed again after kissing her, and at nine the movers arrived. Lizzie was worried, having a naked sixteen-year-old with them moving house. Dennis carried Cindy to the master bedroom, where she had far less risk of being discovered. Lizzie’s partner arrived, and Lizzie took him to the bedroom.

“She is under the weather David, and all the noise from the movers bothered her. Dennis did give her something to help her sleep.”

“These kids, I am surprised they are coping.”

“Yes, they went through hell.”

“How is Dennis?”

“Amazing with her. He seems to know exactly what to say, but I think Angie and Michelle had given him some insight.”

“I just don’t like them being alone with a man.”

“I shared that viewpoint, but I tell you, he is different. Last night we had a barbecue. He had kids on his lap all the time, and not once did I see anything to make me worry. He never showed any signs of an erection.”

“Small dick?” David smiled.

“Jesus no, I saw him in pajama pants, that is ten inches at least, so there would be no hiding that monster.”


“Like it’s nobody’s business. Sometimes I hate red tape.”

“If he is as clean as you say, go for it Lizzie. You deserve a little slice of heaven.”

“Nothing little there, thanks David.” She looked at him. “Why did we never get together?”

“You never asked, and I am an awkward idiot.”

“No, you are not David. You just see the world differently. Maybe I will ask after we get these two out of here.”

“Is she going with him?”

“The way they have bonded yesterday, I don’t see it not happening, plus, she has a friend who shared her pain that side. Here she has a dubious system.”


“I am thinking of getting the other two girls from the locker room in his vicinity, he is really good with Cindy, and I heard him speak to Angie. He fucking loves that girl so much.”

“Where are they now, during this time?”

‘They are in the field office during the day, and at night they have a female agent with them.”

“So he is making sure.”

“Yes, but I wish you could see the way he interacts with her. My adoptive father didn’t treat me like that, and I have a great dad.” Dennis came down the hallway, barefoot in t-shirt and jeans.

“Morning David, how’s feeb land?”

“Weird, yesterday we nailed four more pedo’s after that scumbag was arrested. All working in group homes.”

“Fucksakes.” Dennis resisted his anger.

“We are hitting them with everything we can, even parking tickets.”

“Good.” Dennis walked into the room, and lay down next to Cindy, who opened her eyes.

“Shh, we have company.” He whispered. “How is baby girl doing?”

“Better, Mr Castle.”

“And the pain?”

“Also better, it got a little worse, then it got better.”

“That means you are healing.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Love you.”

“Love you twice as much.” She smiled, and he got up.

“She looks better, no fever.”


“What happened?” David asked.

“She slipped in the shower, and hit her hoohah on the corner of the shower.”

“Jesus,” David cringed, then frowned. “And she is fine with him?”

“She screamed for him, David, even though I was right outside. She trusts him implicitly. I stood with my hand on my gun, but the way he worked with her. He was a little rageful afterwards, seeing her in so much pain.”

“What do you mean?”

“He kept ranting about how much pain they have had to endure, and now this on top of it.” Lizzie smiled. “the female agent with Michelle and Angie is a shrink. She refused to believe they could be so well adjusted, until she met him. She is actually studying his methods, for use in other type of trauma.”

“Give me an example.”

“He has this notion that their lives revolved around sex, so he normalizes that. We turn it into shame, he says that they know the mechanics better than most, so he changes the way they see it.”

“Okay, risky.”

“Very, and yet it yields. Angie wanted to send him pictures of her wearing her new underwear, and he told her that she should set a boundary. He gives them the power that they thought they never had.”

“So he doesn’t shut them down when they act the way they were used to acting, he guides them away from it.”

“Yes, but he did say he had a difficult day a few days ago. They wouldn’t let up, and he was struggling with a woody because of it, but he also turned a few situations into teaching moments. The first time he met the shrink they had just pulled something on him, and he said he was painfully hard. Angie realized what she had done, and he got his first daddy hug in three years. Come talk to Cindy.” He followed her in. Cindy smiled at him, but she pulled the covers up.

“This is David, my FBI partner.”

“Hi David.” She smiled, relaxing.

“I hear you had an accident.”

“Yes, but I will soon be okay. It still hurts a little when I walk and pee.”

“I am sure.”

“Wanna see?”

“Uhm ... no, maybe another time.” David blushed, and then gasped as Cindy pulled the cover lower, displaying her sixteen year old breasts.

“Oops, sorry.” Cindy said, then pulled it up again. “Dennis says my boobs are nice, and perfect for my age.”

“Yes they are.” Lizzie said.

“Why don’t you want to look, David?”

“Remember the boundary we spoke about.”

“But David is FBI, a good man.”

“It not just good men, but all men baby girl.”

“Oh, sorry David.”

“No problem, and I agree. Your boobs are perfect for your age.”

“Thank you.” David hurried out, missing Lizzie kissing Cindy.

“You naughty little shit.” She chuckled, and Cindy giggled. “Your boobs are beautiful though, just like you.” She walked out to find David keeping himself busy.

“He packed Angie’s room yesterday. I have no idea how a father handles finding what he found. And here he is, pouring himself into yet another child who needs him.”

She saw Stacey come in, and take a running leap into Dennis’ arms.

“See David. Not a shred of fear from her.”

“I see, it’s just weird.”

“That it is.” They heard Cindy come down the stairs.

“I think I am fine now.” She said, and allowed Lizzie to hug her. Dennis came to her, still holding Stacey.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Okay, it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

“Okay. We need to get you some clothes, but I am swamped.”

“Can we take her?” Lizzie said, and Dennis looked at Cindy, who nodded.

“I would have liked it to be you Denny, but I understand. Can I go away with you though?”

“Yes little one. Lizzie will sort out the paperwork for us. I will call Angie and Michelle.”

“Can I also talk to Michy?” Stacey asked. Dennis made the call, speaking to his love. Michelle was keen, understanding why. Then Stacey spoke to her. She gave the phone back, saying Michelle wants to speak to him again.

“Hey angel.” He answered.

“Have you made love with Cindy?”

“No, I wouldn’t without talking with you.”

“Thanks my love. If she needs it, I will not mind.”

“She needs it, but I am reluctant. I would much rather you be present, for various reasons.”

“Would you love her?’

“Not like I love you, not even close. You and I have something very different. Do you want to be exclusive?”

“No. I know you need to still guide Angie, but you are ours. We can discuss it when we start making wedding plans.”

“Okay, but I will make sure you know in future, until we are married. I think we need to then become family, so just the four of us, unless Cindy wants to join. She has nothing here, and she will be in danger if she stays.”

“Then she has to come. This is one of the reasons I love you so much babe.”

“How is Angie, really?”

“She misses you, but she is steady as a rock, knowing we are available for her.”

“Brad started grooming Stacey, but I think it was just some suggestions. You have a bond with her, so I think regular contact with you will be good.”

“I will fucking kill him, jesus.” Michelle exploded in a tirade.

“She hugs me and kisses me like a ten-year-old should. There is nothing that makes me afraid, but then, Angie was like that till the eighth grade. She had been fucking Brad, James and it seems a few other for a while.”

“I will check in with her.”

Michelle rolled out her affection for him, then hung up. He walked back into the house.

“We are going.” Lizzie said. Cindy had changed into something less revealing. Dennis hugged her

“Just for a short while little one. I will be here when you get back.”

“Okay Mr Castle.”

She turned and followed the FBI agents out. Dennis saw the look between the two agents, and knew Lizzie would be fine. He would not be worried if he did not make love to her again, she would teach David, and they would be an amazing match. He decided to hold off till the next evening with Cindy, when Michelle is with them. He would ideally not have sex with the sixteen-year-old, but if she needed it, he wanted Michelle there. Stacey flitted around him, helping him pack stuff. He made sure Angie’s boxes were sealed before she could get into them. Cindy came back, and demanded to model her clothes. Stacey was called home, so the two FBI agents followed Cindy to the master bedroom.

“David, stay cool. We are validating her, but there is a process to move her from wanting to be sexy to her wanting to be accepted.” Dennis said to him.

“Lizzie told me a little. If it gets too much will it be okay if I step out?”

“Yes, absolutely. We are not taking away her choice, but it would be hypocritical if I took yours. We are normalizing her thinking, by showing something better. She will know why you leave, and not hate you, or even feel sad or angry.”

“Okay, lets get on with it then.”

They started the fashion show, and Dennis saw that she had gone for the same underwear as Angie had bought. It was still feminine and gorgeous, but it was conservative.

“I like that on you Cindy, it makes sure you are a girl, without screaming to be fucked.” Dennis said, then asked her to put outer wear on over it. “That is absolutely perfect honey.”

“Why should it not scream ‘Fuck me’?” she asked.

“Because the men who will respond to the call will be the same men you met in the locker rooms.”

“Oh, okay. I don’t want that.”

“When you meet someone who respects you completely you can go for the fuck me stuff, because he will treat you as precious, which you are.”

She modelled all her new clothes, smiling as the three adults praised her. David saw the process and joined in, making sure his praise was without an agenda. Dennis watched as Lizzie slipped her hand into David’s crotch when Cindy showed her sleep wear, which was a lot more revealing. She smiled at him and nodded, then nodded at Dennis. He was not getting aroused by Cindy, but his shock at Lizzie’s touch was not hidden. She kissed his cheek, then whispered to him. He relaxed and smiled at her. Dennis knew he probably would not penetrate her pussy again. Cindy picked some casual wear, and the show was over.

“I am proud of you Cindy. You picked in a very responsible and mature way.”

“Thanks Mr Castle, and David and Lizzie. I do feel a little like I think a normal girl my age should.” She hugged Dennis, and softly kissed his lips. It was just a peck, but her lips were slightly open.

“Pleasure my angel.”

“Can I lie down for a little, I am still a little sore.”

“Sure, we will be downstairs.” The adults walked out. They stopped in Angie’s bedroom.

“David.” Lizzie said. “I did go for it with Dennis last night.”

“Okay.” He looked disappointed.

“But I won’t again, okay. I realized this morning that I want it to be you, but he showed me some things that blew my mind, and no, nothing kinky.”

“Okay, how do I respond to that?” he sounded irritable.

“Ask me to show you how you make sure I never want another man again.”

“Fuck Lizzie, please fucking show me. I have been in love with you for so long.”

Dennis shocked him by reaching out and grabbing David’s cock.

“That is the right response bud.” Dennis said as he felt David grow hard in his hand. “I will leave you two. Start the way I did, Lizzie, because the kissing is where the real love is, an orgasm is nothing without it. And David, I showed her how to make love, not fuck. Do it right and you will be shocked.”

“How do you know all of this?”

“I learnt whatever I could to try and keep my wife, but she just wanted to fuck everybody who was keen.”

“Sorry bud.” He groaned, Lizzie was softly rubbing his cock. Dennis left and closed the door. He walked back to Cindy, who was lying down. He lay next to her and kissed her.

“They are getting together, honey. Can we wait till tomorrow night, when Michelle is with us?”

“Yes, I am really just a little sore.”

“I will give you kisses again tonight, maybe a little more if you want, just no cock in pussy.”

“Okay, still sound perfect.”

Dennis turned the audio up on the mic in the hallway. They listened to Lizzie and David, as she coached him, then groan as he practiced the lesson. He circled Cindy’s nipples, alternating all the time. She dropped her hand to his cock, then fished it out.

“Just stroke it, baby. I don’t need to cum, I just need the intimacy.”


She sometimes would just tickle him with her finger tip, or use her nails gently, hearing him groan as she did it. Then they heard Lizzie coach him into her pussy.

“Watch my face David, push in until you see I get uncomfortable, then we kiss whilst we wait.” She was silent. “Okay, a little deeper.” They heard her moan through an orgasm. She had one more before he was fully in her. “Now move my love, slowly, long strokes, using you full length.”

Dennis slid his hand to Cindy’s pussy, gently caressing her. She moaned softly, and it wasn’t pain. They heard Lizzie orgasm five times, then David groaned loudly.

“No David, stay in me, we are not done. Now it is your turn.”

“But I just had the best orgasm ever babe.”

“Prepare to retract that statement, angel.” The heard the bed creak as she flipped him over. “Lie still, and caress my body. Hold my butt cheeks.” They heard him groan as she started to move For fifteen minutes they heard her orgasm as the position allowed for constant stimulation of her clit.

“Oh jesus.” Cindy moaned out her orgasm. She caught her breath, then scooted down, Taking Dennis into her mouth.

“Relax baby, I told you, I don’t need to cum.” He said as she choked on him. “Just the head, and lick my cock’s underside. If you get tired and want to stop, I will not be upset.”

“Thanks Denny.” He listened to Lizzie moan, and then David started moaning. He came with a loud groan.

“What was that?” he asked Lizzie.

“Me making sure you never want anybody else. You did the same for me. Dennis was wonderful, amazing. But doing with someone I realized this morning I love, there is no comparison. Your cock filled me just perfectly honey, it was a lover’s cock in me.”

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