Angie's Dream - Cover

Angie's Dream

Copyright© 2022 by BoredMindWriter

Chapter 2: Finding Each Other

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 2: Finding Each Other - Angie spun out badly after her mother died, and it destroyed her father. Dennis reacts eventually with initial devastation. The result was nothing that he ever could have imagined as he and Angie work their way to a new relationship.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   School   Cuckold   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

The store was rather empty, and suddenly Angie froze.

“What?” Michelle asked her.

“Greg’s dad.”

She pointed to the quarterback’s father. His favourite was to have Cindy, a sixteen-year-old cheerleader ride Samuel hard whilst Angie had to lick his asshole out. Greg and his father would watch, and ask him if she was doing a good job. Angie would almost always have a cock in her ass or pussy whilst this was going on. Greg’s dad would say she was terrible, which would cause the father and son to spank her, often using belts. Whoever was fucking her would invariably cum within seconds as she spasmed from the pain. Then they would rip her away and lift her between them. Father and son would double penetrate her, and fuck her so hard that she would almost always bleed afterwards. Coach loved to fuck her bleeding holes hard, often joined by Greg.

“Angie, wow. You look good enough to fuck.” The man said. Chris Nolan was a large man, but his cock was barely six inches.

“Mr Nolan.” Angie greeted. Michelle sent and SOS to Dennis

“And dear Michelle. Your father raves about your cock pleasing abilities. Let’s find a change room so I can see for myself. Angie gasped as Michelle walked forward, reaching up as if to kiss him. As their lips almost met she kneed him hard. He twisted around, and Michelle kicked him in the balls from behind. Then Angie saw Michelle look at her. Chris was turning to them.

“You fucking bitch, you will...” Angie kicked him full in the face, then again. She rounded him and kicked with the tip of her shoe, straight into his ass. He screamed, but she kicked again and again. Dennis pulled her off. Mall security came running.

“This fucking thing tried to get me and my friend to fuck him.” Michelle said, and pulled her phone out. She played the voice recording to them, which was then played to the police.

“Why send me an SOS when you’ve got it covered.” Dennis smiled at Michelle. Chris Nolan was denied bail initially, and after Michelle gave her statement bail was eventually set at two million dollars.

“Jesus Angie, I thought you were going to kill him.” Michelle said to her later.

“I lost it.”

“I liked it. Look, we are not okay by a long shot, but today I saw hope for you.”

“I actually feel it. They will bring more kids in to be fucked in the locker room. Greg and his father spoke of involving Bella, his little sister.”

“I will tell Dennis.”

Dennis called Simon, his CIA buddy, who then took the lead after talking to Angie. That Saturday at school sports all was as normal, but nobody noticed what seemed to be three more married couples. The FBI stormed into the locker room, where four girls were being fucked by twelve men. On the one side was Bella, she was screaming as coach was forcing his fat cock into her bloody pussy. Her father and brother both had bloody cocks, showing they had already been in her. One of the agents lost it, and slammed his rifle butt into the coach’s head, which made him roll off the child, right into a kick from a female agent.

Bella’s brother and father were body slammed, and they heard as tendons snapped, ending Greg’s chances of a scholarship for life. Eighteen men were arrested, all naked with some busy fucking whilst others were getting ready to fuck the kids. The team was also arrested, as they had already been inside one of the girls, which was proven by swabs for DNA. Most were underaged themselves, and were released to their parents with charges of accessory to rape of a minor. The adults were charged with statutory rape. The blow to Seymour’s head caused some nerve damage, which affected the way he walked. Angie asked to go back to school the next Wednesday, so Michelle decided to go with her, promising that she will call Dennis if there is any trouble.

Michelle felt sorry for Angie as most of the boys wanted to drag her off to have a fuck. Michelle stopped to speak to one of her friends, giving them a brief overview when she heard a scream around the corner. She found Greg curled up on the floor holding his cock, screaming. Angie was heading for him with a fire extinguisher.

“She is fourteen, you fucking piece of shit” Angie screamed, and Michelle was just in time to grab the extinguisher.

Angie let go of the extinguisher and laid into Greg. The principal pulled her off as she stomped his head for the fifth time. He was bleeding from his scalp, and it was clear she had caused some fractures too.

“Let go of her you fucking pig.” Michelle went for the principal with the extinguisher. He quickly let go of Angie, and stood back. Angie spun around and punched him, then kicked him

“That is for fucking me in your office when I came to you for help.”

He had barely listened to her, before bending her over his desk and fucking her ass. He then forced her to lick him clean before fucking her pussy.

Angie kicked him in the nuts. She looked at Michelle, and it scared Michelle. Angie looked insane. She took Angie’s hand, and walked her to the entrance, where she phoned Dennis. He had anticipated trouble, and was at the school already. They drove home, where Dennis made them hot chocolate. Michelle told him what had happened.

“She is unstable Dennis. We need to get her some care.” Michelle said, as she had her hand on Angie’s shoulder.

“I will be fine now, I just never want to go back to that school.” Angie started to cry. “Dad ... Denn...” She looked at him. “I did it to myself.”

“Do you want to get out?” he asked her. She nodded.


“I hurt you, and Michelle, and Bella. I started the fucking in the locker room. She would still be intact as a human if I had not done that.”


“Please don’t go back to war.” She looked at him, pleading. “Please don’t.”

“I am with her Dennis, please don’t.”

“I am selling the house, okay. We are moving to Virginia Beach.”

“And you?” Michelle asked him.

“I have been offered an instructor’s position with the Seals, which means I will mostly stay put.”


“You will be eighteen in a few months, which means you can then choose your own way, with my support.” He looked at Michelle, then at Angie.

“And me?” Her voice was small.

“You know the truth now. You have your choice to make. Find your father, or stay with us, knowing that the boundaries will so tight that your eyeballs will pop out.”

“Okay. What do I call you?”

“Dennis, or whatever the fuck you want. You have called by every fucking possible derogatory term in any case.”

“Okay, I will figure it out.” Angie said, and Dennis saw the tension leave her face.

He was not fine with her by any stretch of the imagination, but she was severing ties violently. She wanted out, there was no mistake. Dennis would help her.

“Your father?” Michelle asked her.

“After I graduate, maybe. I am sure he knew I could have been his, and he never bothered. Sounds like my mother would have loved to twist that knife too.”

“I did love her” Dennis said, then got up and walked upstairs.

He lay down on his bed, and put the headphones on. He felt the rage leave him as the music played. He shocked out of his slumber as Michelle lay down next to him, holding him. He started crying, her act of kindness overwhelming him. He pulled the headphones off.

“We will home-school in Virginia Beach. This thing with Angie has blown up nationwide, she will run into the same shit that side.”

“Okay.” He looked at Michelle, into her eyes. “Is she sincere?”

“I think so. She begged me to swop laptops.”


“She says hers was given to her so James could keep his cock in her pussy. Mine was given to her because you care for her. She wants mine, for what it symbolises to her.” Michel snuggled in. “I made the swop. I also realise that keeping the door open will allow her to walk forward unhindered.”

“And you?”

“I have not stopped feeling safe since you fetched me, I will be fine Dennis. You are helping me heal.”


“What does that mean?”

“Look at you snuggling against me, no fear.”

“Do you mind?”

“Not even a little, because you are also healing me, by acting like I have value.”

“I am not leaving when I turn eighteen, I will stay and help make sure Angie has a chance.”

“God, thanks Michelle.” Angie appeared in the doorway, and knocked. Michelle beckoned her in, patting the bed next to her.

“What is it?” Michelle asked, feeling Dennis tense up.

“Nothing.” Angie muttered, and sat down next to Michelle.

They spoke about Virginia Beach, including Angie’s rules. She realised she would have more freedom in a convent, but her daddy wouldn’t be in the convent. She felt herself long to lay next to him like Michelle did, but she knew he would not allow it, not after what she had done to him in eighth grade. She also knew that he was the only daddy she ever wanted again. Dennis sped up the sale of the house. He did not really need to sell, he had made a sizeable investment in bitcoin, when it cost cents. Now they were worth almost eight hundred dollars, resulting in him having almost twenty million dollars to his name.

The FBI came around, begging for the girls to talk. They needed to be sure none of the cases fell apart. Michelle spoke first, of what she knew was true, and what she had heard. Angie took courage from Michelle, and started speaking. Dennis sat sobbing as he heard the level of debauchery she had been involved in. Michelle held his hand as they listened to Angie speak. Michelle had her sit on her other side eventually, holding her hand.

“My dad could do nothing, I had complete control over the narrative. He wanted to stop it, but I did not, not then.”

“Why now?”

“Because I realised I had lost my dad. I realised that everybody wanted my pussy, except him. He always just wanted me.”


“Sorry, the video material. A lot of what happened did not happen in her room. Some of it happened right where you are sitting.” Dennis watched the two agents shift uncomfortably.” It means I have child pornography.”

“Yes, true. We will provide you with temporary access to a secure server, to which you can upload it. We will use it to build the case, without it ever getting out. We would not really need Angela to testify by the sounds of it.”

“I also have some, from my webcam.” Angie added

“Let Dennis help you upload it, then you delete it. We now have knowledge, so you have some form of immunity, unless we see it in another site.”

They finished off, and Dennis took the girls for dinner, driving about an hour till he was sure they would be anonymous. They had a quiet meal, with Dennis starting to speak with Angie. She felt her heart break a little every time he spoke to her, expecting backlash.

“I have decided to call you Daddy, okay. You have never been anything else but that.” She said softly. “No-one else will ever be my daddy but you. I do not care whose cock made me, I care whose heart made me.”

She carefully reached over and touched his hand and saw him flinch. “I will never do that to you again, daddy. You have not held me for almost three years because of that, and I missed it so much.”

“I am not ready Angie, please don’t.”

“I won’t, but I will be ready for you daddy.”

Dennis felt Michelle interlace her fingers with his under the table, then squeeze his hand. She held his hand through the rest of dinner. They both knew that Angie saw it. Dennis had made sure he was not dismissive of Angie, a far cry from where he was little over two weeks ago. Michelle held his hand on the way back, and left her hand on his thigh when he needed both hands. Dennis felt it, felt the heat where she touched him. It was getting to him, and not only physically. At home he made hot chocolate, and then they headed for bed. Angie pecked his cheek before he could react.

“Goodnight daddy. Thanks for everything.”

She closed her door. He walked to his room, and Michelle came in for her goodnight hug. Dennis was in his pyjama bottoms already. She pushed herself against him, and just held him. He suddenly had ten inches of rebellion, and it pushed against her. He groaned.

“I am not done yet, Dennis. Move it so I can still hug you without you hurting. She leaned back, and waited. “Come on, please Dennis.” She begged.

He obliged, and she kept eye contact the whole time. Then she came back in, this time wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling herself up slightly. He felt his cock slip between her thighs, and it was comfortable. She laid her head against his shoulder, and spoke softly, her lips barely touching his neck as she spoke. Michelle felt his hardness lurch at her. His hands had dropped to just above her ass, his little fingers touching her ass. She realised she was fine with him, knowing she would not mind him taking her right then. Michelle also knew that it would potentially destroy him if she pushed it. She pulled back a little, and pulled his face down, giving him a kiss full of promise.

“Michelle, we can’t please.” He whispered, then kissed her the same way.

“I know Dennis, not yet. Just know that I will be willing when we are ready. I know I love you already.”

“And I seem to not have any resistance to you either, and I do not mind.” He whispered, and they kissed again, just a short promise each time.

“Go take care of that Dennis. I do not find it weird or gross, but we both need to go a long way still.” She looked at him with dilated pupils. “I will take care of my problem too, and it will be you on my mind.”

“Same here.”

“Will you be thinking of yourself?” She asked mischievously, coming in for another hug, mostly so she could feel him push against her mound.

“God Mich, don’t.” he begged, and kissed her again, tracing her lips with his tongue. She bit his lip slightly, heard him groan.

“Just making sure who is on your mind.” She chuckled, then pulled away.

Her eyes widened as she finally looked down, and saw the size of his cock. She licked her lips as she rubbed her hip against it on purpose, hearing him groan again. She walked out of the room slowly, then looked back at him.

“Soon Dennis. We will be ready soon, and I know it will unlike anything ever.”

She smiled that smile that cut through all his bullshit. Dennis had fallen for the seventeen-year-old, and there was no doubt she felt the same. He was terrified. He closed the door, then went for a shower. He tried to think of whales, and then penguins, but eventually he grabbed his cock and started stroking. He made maybe ten strokes before he came. He felt the world start to go black, but he held on as his orgasm hit harder than he had ever experienced.

“If that is the reaction she has on me when I masturbate, then she is right. It will be unlike anything ever.”

He replayed the moments before she left him, and found himself with a hand full of cock within seconds. This time he lasted longer, but there were no endurance records broken.

Michelle pushed her door closed and started ripping her sleepwear off. She would rub her nipples every now and then, and then her pussy. It was still tight, regardless of the countless rapes. Her finger fit snugly as she held her one hand in her puss whilst setting the shower with the other, she wanted to feel the water run over her as she came, and she came within seconds. Two minutes later she came again. It took twenty minutes to coax six orgasms out of her pussy, and only then did she feel sated. She shut the water off, and dried herself as she walked into the room. Angie was sitting on her bed, her face serious.

“You love him, don’t you,” Angie stated.

“Yes, I think so.”

“It not just sex, because then you would be in there, with him.”


“And him?”

“I am sure he also feels it, but differently.”

“Will there be space for me?”

“Yes, though we have not spoken about anything at all. I still want you to have the best ever chance. If nothing comes of Dennis and I, then it will not mean I will leave.”

“Okay. Fuck Michelle, I have destroyed so much, all because I chased orgasms.”

“All the men and boys who fucked you only cared about orgasms as well, there was no nurture in it. They would hold you, with the goal to get their cocks in you.” Michelle intentionally made it sound crude.

“I had a device implanted by a doctor I fucked in the locker room so I couldn’t get pregnant. The men al dreamed of getting me pregnant. Brad wanted a little girl so he could start fucking her a lot younger than he raped you.”

“I know, he wanted the same for me, to get me pregnant. He would get James to fuck my pussy only when I was supposed to be fertile. I hid my contraceptives well, he searched my room daily if I got my period.”

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