Angie's Dream - Cover

Angie's Dream

Copyright© 2022 by BoredMindWriter

Chapter 13: Angie Wakes Up, Her Wish Was Granted

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 13: Angie Wakes Up, Her Wish Was Granted - Angie spun out badly after her mother died, and it destroyed her father. Dennis reacts eventually with initial devastation. The result was nothing that he ever could have imagined as he and Angie work their way to a new relationship.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   School   Cuckold   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Angie woke up, it was about five.

“What a fucking dream.” She muttered.

It started as a nightmare and became amazing. But something in Angie had her feel like it was not a dream at all. Her fourteen-year-old mind saw the patterns, and Brad and James had fucked her on her mother’s bed and she still heard the poison she spewed as they fucked her. Even Johno was already in her orbit and she felt the nagging feeling that it definitely was not a dream. Her pussy was sore from the deep penetration the previous evening, but she had an itch in there. That itch will only be scratched by one cock, her daddy’s. She suddenly felt her fear, and made a plan. Angie decided that she had to accept the dream was some sort of premonition.

She normally slept naked, so she put on a robe, and quietly walked to his bedroom across from the evil bitch’s bedroom. She locked the door behind her, then knelt on the bed next to him.

“Daddy?” She watched as he stirred.

“Yes my baby.” He woke up quickly.

“Do you trust me?”

“Of course.”

“If I asked you to do something you would never do, but it is important, would you?”

“I don’t know.”

“Please daddy, say yes, Please.” She started crying

“Okay baby, don’t cry. Yes, I can see it is important.”

“Promise me you will not back out. Make it a promise on my life, because you love me beyond understanding.” She leaned down and he lost himself in her blue eyes.

“I promise baby.”

Dennis knew he would have to deal with the fallout, but he has to keep his promise to his baby.

“Okay daddy.” She stood up and took the robe off. He gasped as he saw her body, it always blew him away, her lithe form, her incredible ass. She lifted the covers and snuggled next to his naked body, and he grew hard.

“Daddy, this is important. Fuck me please. Fuck me like you would fuck Michelle.”

“Baby, I can’t.”

“You promised, daddy.” He saw the fear in her eyes.

“I cannot fuck you, I can make love to you.”

“With kisses, your soft gentle kisses that set my mouth on fire?”

“Yes baby.”

“Please do it for me daddy, our lives depend on it.”

Dennis started kissing her tentatively, but soon there was no holding back. He seduced her with his mouth, then she seduced him with hers. He frowned. ‘Where did she learn that?’ He asked himself, but carried on. He saw her breathing become ragged and touched her small nipple, and she moaned into his mouth.

“In me daddy, please. No licking my pussy. Just go in slowly, as I know you do.”

Dennis frowned at that statement, but obliged his baby. He started to push in, watching for her pain. She kept cumming hard until he reached her cervix. He held, then started to work in and out of her tight pussy, feeling his climax approaching too. She sensed it and met him hard, and he felt his cock push into her womb, making her scream into his mouth. He was horrified, but he was pulsing hard into her as she kept push at him until her clit touched the base of his cock, which set her off again. He held still, worried she was hurt. She eventually stopped kissing him, and he saw absolute love for him in her eyes.

“That was perfect daddy, just what I needed from you. Now I want to be on top.” He turned them over, and felt as she pulled her legs against him, not straddling him. He felt her small tits on his chest. He whole body was touching him. It was incredible. Then she started flexing her butt, and he put his hands on it, feeling the muscles move. It turned him on hard, but she kept her tempo.

“Don’t push daddy, just lie still. I am making love to you now. You can kiss me.”

He did, feeling his love explode with every touch. Angie knew, there was no way she would ever tolerate another cock in her. Nothing had ever felt this good, and she felt her deep love for her daddy. There was no way she could ever hate him. She felt him start to cum, and then she felt it. His whole body spasming under her, his loud groan into her mouth. She was completely in love. She lay on him, hearing his breathing slow, then they slept. She woke just after six again, looking into his green eyes.

“I love you daddy. My perfect daddy.”

“I love you more pumpkin”

“Then I will have to love you more.” Dennis was in heaven, and it wasn’t his cock in her, it was the love he saw from her. She started to pull off, but he stopped her.

“Oh, shower.” She giggled, and he carried her to the shower where a serious amount of cum plopped out of her after he left her pussy. He washed her.

“Douche me daddy.”

He cleaned her out completely.

“Thanks daddy.”

“What is this impending doom?”

“You will understand soon daddy, okay. Just know that I will never need another man in my life after what we just did. But you need to trust me, and trust the love you see in my eyes for you.”

“Okay baby.”

“We will not make love tonight, because we have to save someone.”

“Oooh, a rescue mission.”

He kissed her, and did not want to stop. He had no idea where she learned to make love with her mouth, but it blew him away. Angie dried of and walked to her room naked. Phase one is done. She sat and typed her plan out, making sure she did not mess with timelines, then she used her daddy’s password encryption to hide it. It took her an hour to finish the basic framework of everything she could recall from the dream. Dennis came in and kissed her goodbye, softly touching her breast again.

“I love you more now, daddy.” She smiled shyly, her heart was exploding with love for him. He left and she missed him. After school her plans kicks off. She picked the first phone number as she entered the house that afternoon.

“Agent Elizabeth Murray. This is a private number,” The voice answered.

“Lizzie, It’s Angie. I need you at my address, I am in danger.” She rattled off her address, then she put the phone down. She was still looking at it when they arrived, right on time. She was picked up, and carried to the master bedroom.

“Look who we found, all fuckable.” Brad grinned at Pamela, and she grinned.

“Keep her school dress on Brad, it looks so hot fucking a schoolgirl.” James said. They licked her pussy to an orgasm, and she allowed them. This had to happen. Brad lay on his back and James lifted her over Brad’s cock, on to which she sank down. She did orgasm.

“Little bitch is hot to trot.” Brad grinned as he touched her cervix.

He knew he would not get in, he was just not hard enough. He pulled her forward as James lubed his cock, then started to push at her ass, sliding in. They did not last long at all, both cumming hard.

“That’s it baby. Your daddy is a monster, and he will rape you like he raped me, over and over. Never trust him, he says nice things then hurts you.” Angie nodded as James pulled out, then lifted off Brad.

“I want her pussy next.” James said.

“Can I just get some water?” Angie asked and they nodded. She was compliant and would return for a few more fucks. She was still in her school dress when she heard the knock. She opened up, it looked like Jenna.

“Angie?” She asked. “I am Lizzie. Are you okay?”

“No, I just got double fucked by two men in my mommy’s bedroom.

She lifted her dress to show the cum dripping out of her. Elizabeth was followed by a man, a police officer stayed with Angie, and called for an ambulance.

“Can I call my daddy?” She asked, making sure she looked scared.


He walked with her to the phone.

“Daddy, please come, they hurt me.”

She put the phone down as one hell of a commotion came from upstairs. There was definite sounds of a scuffle, then a scream, Brad’s. An ambulance arrived, and Angie agreed to a rape kit.

“My back hole too, they both came in me.”

“Jesus baby, are you okay?”

“My daddy is coming, then I will be okay.”

Lizzie came down again.

“They are in cuffs little one. How did you know?”

“They have been coming for a while. When my daddy comes we need to do something else okay. But my daddy will be angry, and I want him to fuck them up, please Lizzie. He will need that. He is a Navy Seal, so he will not kill.”

“They could have a fallen down. What is the other thing?”

“No, wait for my daddy.” Dennis arrived to a yard full of police and FBI. He walked in and saw Angie with a woman that could be his sister.

“DADDY!” she screamed and jumped into his arms.

“What happened?” he said, kissing her face.

“Brad and James raped me, daddy.” Lizzie saw him tense up, and saw the rage.

“Stay here for a bit baby.” He said.

“Fuck them up for me and Michelle.” She whispered.

He walked up the stairs, and Lizzie saw her partner appear with two pair of handcuffs. She heard the men scream over and over. Then Dennis appeared with Brad, and threw him over the bannister on to the floor below. James soon landed next to him

“Why in you wife’s bedroom?” Lizzy asked.

“They had been fucking her since we got married.”

“They wanted me to hate my daddy, said he was a rapist.” Angie wailed, she did not realize her daddy would fuck them up this good. She rushed James as he lay groaning and laid into his balls, then she did the same to Brad. She knelt down.

“Hey limp dick, my daddy was in my womb this morning. He has twice the cock you have.” She whispered, saw him react. They were cuffed again and stretchered away.

“I have a lot of information for you Lizzie, there is a whole ring of pedophiles, including CPS, so if I see one of them I will kill them.” Angie said, her voice low.

“We can talk.

“No, now we go next door, come.” Angie took Dennis’ hand, and they walked to Brad’s house.

“Get out of the way you filthy cunt.” Angie said to Mindy. “She brought them snacks when they took a break from raping me, smiling at me as if to comfort me. Lizzie made to arrest her.

“No Lizzie, later.” She led them to Michelle’s bedroom.

“Michy.” She called softly, and heard the answer.

“Go in daddy, fetch her. She has evidence of her rape too.” Dennis went in, and Lizzie followed, watching as the girl flung her arms around Dennis, and refused to let go. Her sobs were raw, animal. He just held her for a long time.

“I knew you would come for me Mr Castle.” She sobbed, then let go, looking at Lizzie. She lifted her mattress and pulled out three pairs of panties, clearly with dried cum on them and handed them to Lizzie.

“My father, James and soccer coach. Some will have all three’s cum in it.” She said softly. Then she looked at Dennis. “Can I stay with you?”

“We need to get CPS involved.”

“No, I will not testify if I cannot stay with Angie and Mr Castle.” Michelle said firmly.

“Okay, but I will have to stay as well, just for a while.”

“Fine by me, because I will kill my dying bitch wife.” Dennis said.

Michelle walked to him and hugged him. Angie saw the rage leave him, and knew, she will be his wife in three years. Her little year old heart was happy. She still felt massive distress at her dream though, the pain she had caused him. They walked back to the house with Michelle’s stuff.

“I will not be going to school Mr Castle. Can I homeschool?”

“Of course,” He looked at Angie “Angie?”

“Yes daddy, I am not going back either.” Elizabeth watched in astonishment as two raped teenagers trusted this man implicitly. Her partner joined them.

“David, they love him, and he is their safe space.”

She frowned as Angie looked at David, and smiled. It was a happy smile. That evening Angie and Michelle told them everything they knew. Angie used the names in her dream, the men who had fucked in the dream. She had enough proof that it was no ordinary dream. She just had to shape it right. Then she went to the master bedroom. Lizzie and David had taken Michelle for new clothes, using Dennis’ credit card.

“Look at this, bitch, my daddy and his beloved now living together, thanks to you.” Angie said to her mother. Dennis followed her in.

“Ang, no.”

“She wanted me to hate you.”

“She cannot help it baby, all she has is hate.”


“I was in the CIA, temporary assignment. Mommy was my partner. She was captured, I was wounded so bad they thought I was dead. We rescued her after three months, but she had been raped and brutalized so bad she was a wreck.”

“Dennis, please don’t.”

“You did the same with her Pamela, just be quiet.” He watched as his dying wife started crying.

“She was catatonic at times, but she responded to me. See, we were in love before it went bad. I took her with me, and soon she became better. I loved her, and married her. I did not know how bad it was.”

“Denny, Baby.”

“She slept with every man we knew, just not with me. She wanted to be fucked, raped and hurt, and I refused.”

“So that made you hate daddy?”

“I could not, but I needed him to hate me, because I did not deserve him.”

“You almost broke both of us mommy, fuck.”

“I know, and I am sorry. I cannot accept that I could be good.”

“Daddy, you have to fix this.”

“How?” Pamela asked.

“Make love to mommy one last time. Let her feel your love once before she dies.”

“He won’t baby.”

“I will Pammy, I love you so much.” Dennis lay down next to her. “Will you let me, just once.”

“Okay, you can fuck me.”

“No, I will love you, and make sure you know I could never hate you.” Angie watched as he started to make love to her. It took almost one and a half hours before he finally came in Pamela. She looked into his eyes.

“I wish I’d let you do that to me sooner.” She said softly, and for the first time in thirteen years she kissed him. “I love you Dennis.” She whispered.

He called her doctor, who came and administered her painkillers. Angie was crying in his arms. Now she understood why he was so sad in her dream. Pamela fell asleep and they left her when they heard the others come back. Michelle crawled on to Dennis’ lap, pulling Angie against them. Angie told her everything. The doctor came down

“She’s gone.” Angie and Dennis rushed up, and saw her lying with a smile on her face.

“Her pain is also gone baby.” Dennis said, and they cried.

Michelle joined them. She cried for their pain. The next day was a flurry of activity for Dennis, so Angie spent time with Lizzie, carefully threading information out to her.

“How do you know this, and how did you know my private unlisted number?” She asked Angela.

“You would have me locked in the looney bin.” Angie said softly.

“Try me.”

“I dreamt it. I dreamt of the total and utter hell my daddy and I would go through. They raped me a lot, but I let yesterday happen so you could get them good. I called you before they arrived, knowing they would.” Lizzie opened her arms and Angie crawled in, sobbing. “I was so scared Lizzie.”

“It’s okay. Most of your information is actually checking out Angie, it must have been one hell of a dream.”

“It felt real.” She gave Lizzie another number.

“Who is this?”

“Someone in the FBI In Virginia Beach who will mean a lot to our family in future. Jenna Meade. She looked like you in the dream though, she should have light brown hair with blue eyes, and beautiful.”

Sid and Sam arrived with Stacey. She screamed with joy as she ran to Michelle and Angie. Angie swallowed hard as she hugged the eleven year old would now skip being molested, but she also knew Stacey would be coming for her daddy. She had three years to deal with that. Angie knew she should not pre-empt the time line, as she was fast becoming convinced it was not a dream, that she had lived that life. The neighbors came round with food for them, and they were actually relieved when everybody left.

“I will sleep on the couch.” Dennis said, “You take my bed Lizzie.”

“Dennis, just sleep there with me. You do not need to be in physical pain too. I have a gun.”

“I have master’s grading in three martial arts disciplines.” He smiled back.

They ate together, then Angie had a good cry on Dennis’ lap. That night he lay on the bed between Angie and Michelle as they poured their hearts out to him. Dennis was careful to not look too long at Michelle, because his heart will betray him. Lizzie joined them for a bit.

“Bedtime.” She said to Dennis, and they laughed a lot at that.

He followed her after kissing the girls. Michelle looked into his eyes, she saw her love for reflected. She was content. He would not do anything to her, but he loved her.

Dennis lay in bed next to Lizzie, and they spoke. He told her of the last day with Pamela.

“She died knowing she was loved.” Lizzie said. She heard Dennis cry. “Are you okay?”


“Can I help?”

“No. She died loved, and I lived without. I just have Angie and Michelle.” She scooted closer and pulled him against her chest

“I can at least comfort you.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I want to Dennis.”

She spooned him, enjoying his hard trained body against hers. She had put her arm around him, and he interlaced his fingers with hers. She felt him get up at three, and watched through the landing window as he left for a run. She also did not sleep again, so she made coffee and waited in the kitchen. He came back just before five, and she saw the wild look in his eyes. He was hurting a lot. Angie heard them and she came down in babydoll pajamas. Lizzie watched as she studied her father’s face, then climb on his lap, straddling him. She lay her head against his shoulder and spoke softly to him. She decided to leave them.

“Daddy, I know it hurts now, but I love you. I wish I could make love to you, hold you closer that I am now.”

“Angie, about th...”

“I want it again daddy, over and over. Please promise me you will not deny me access to you.” She lifted her head and kissed him softly, as she remembered it from the dream. He kissed her back.

“I won’t, but I will not take from you.”

“Fuck daddy.” She snapped. “You will come to me and ask me if you can make love to me, are we clear. You need me daddy. I see how hurt you are.” She rubbed her pussy against him.

“You are fourteen, baby.”

“And I have been raped, so now I want you to make sure that I remember sex as the incredible experience it was yesterday morning.”

“That was intense Angie.”

“I want that daddy, not just a cock in my pussy.” He bent down and kissed a bump on her chest, making her gasp.

“Angie, I fall in love you over and over.”

“I know daddy, but I also do the same. I love you.” He kissed her again, and she ground herself to an orgasm on his lap.

“Daddy, how much savings do we have?”


“Yes, I am the woman of the house.”

“Quite a bit.”

“Put ten thousand into Bitcoin, more if you want.”

“Okay, this dream.”

“Just fucking do it daddy.”

“You have a potty mouth my baby.”

“Kiss it clean you dense goat.” She giggled, and he kissed her, then started laughing into her mouth.

“What?” She laughed.

“Dense goat?”

“Well, you did accuse me of a potty mouth, so dumb shit was of the table.” She laughed. Lizzie walked in as she was pecking him on his lips, scolding him in between. “Go shower daddy.” She said.

“I will start breakfast.” Lizzie said, going through the food the neighbors brought to see what can be used in breakfast.

“I will help.”

Michelle was wearing one of Dennis’ army shirts, and boy shorts. Angie watched her father, and felt him respond to Michelle. He got up, and Michelle’s eyes widened as she saw his semi hardon. Angie also went upstairs, but she joined Dennis in the shower.

“The fucking FBI is downstairs baby.” He hissed.

“So, not here.”

She grinned as she lifted herself up against him, having seen his cock snap to hard as he saw her naked body. She set down on him, moaning two orgasms into his mouth by the time he hit her end. She held him as she gyrated her hips, then had a good cum as he blew in her. He dropped down and licked her clean. Then he kissed her little bumps over and over.

“You like them?” Angie asked.

“More than I should. I love your ass more.” She spun around, and felt his cock against her back.

“Gotta run daddy, the FBI is downstairs, you know.”

She rubbed her butt against him, then ran off. She snuck to her room naked. Dennis dealt with his hardon, then dried off. He walked to the master bedroom and found track pants and a t-shirt. That was what he decided on. Visitors can suck it. In the spare room he found Lizzie holding Angie’s baby doll pajamas.

“Laundry, she threw it in here.” Dennis shook his head. “don’t be shocked if you see her naked in the mornings or evening, she would probably love being a nudist.”

“It is weird, but yeah. She is so beautiful though.”

“Get her to sit on your lap and look into your eyes. That will be the end of you.”

“Can I help you, Dennis? I will color outside the lines to not let her see your pain.”

“I am okay, I just worry for Michelle.”

“And she for you. I saw her face when you got up.”

“I will chat to her. We have a bit of a bond.” They had an endless stream of visitors, so Dennis escaped to the back yard with Michelle. He pulled her against him on the swing chair.

“Denny, we...”

“I need you to stay Michelle. Beg Lizzie, tell her this where you are safe.”

“This is where I am safe.” She stated, and kissed his cheek. Lizzie watched them through the kitchen window. They reminded her of lovers, and yet she saw none of the sexual aspects.

“They have been very close.” Angie offered

“Anything I should worry about?”

“No, my dad will not do anything that will hurt her more, including having her separated from us. She has only us now.”

“She will stay here, Angie.”

“Thanks, because it is only us now.”

“And me?”

“How much will you give, Lizzie?” Lizzie looked at the child, and suddenly felt like she was a lot older than she seemed.

“Quite a lot, actually.”

“Will you push him down on the bed and make love to him?”

“Uhm, that is a bit...”

“I am not talking about fucking Lizzie. Love, make love. Make him the priority. Force him to receive.”


“I watched him pour everything into a woman that has only hated him. He made sure she knew she was loved.”

“He told me.”

“If society wasn’t so fucked up I would have done it, Lizzie.”

“Make love to him?”

“I did it in my dream. Don’t worry, you will not fall for him. You have someone else.”

“You had sex with him in your dream?”

“Yes, and we healed.”

“How old were you?”


“Will you have underaged sex with him?”

“Yes, because it is not about the sex, he needs to be loved, and no-one that is allowed is stepping up.” Angie was upset now.

“Angie, I will think about it, is that okay?”



“Please get Michelle’s guardianship sorted, she is terrified you will take her away.”

“That might be a bridge too far.”

“I really like you Lizzie, and my dad also really liked you in the dream. You two helped a girl break free.” She sighed. “I still have a lot of information on a time line. I will take it somewhere else, like NSA, DHS or CIA.”

“Are you blackmailing us?”

“Yes, and I will win.”

“Somehow I believe that.” Lizzie smiled and hugged Angie, feeling no animosity from her.

“Would you like to kiss him?” Angie asked

“Kind off, he is sexy. But he is grieving.”

“He is grieving for his loneliness. He says he loved her, but he was lonely. Kiss him tonight, because you want to.”

“I will think about it.”

More people started arriving, eating food the previous people brought. Lizzie watched as they all asked for Dennis, and she heard some condolences, but most were about him moving on now. She noticed Michelle almost always with him when they received guests. Then she started seeing her touch him as they spoke to people, just putting her hand on his back. Her face was calm around him, and she would always find him in the room just to see if he was okay. Lizzie knew she was seeing something, but nothing said abuse, and she looked for it. When they were alone she would end up on his lap, and he did not have a hardon when Michelle got up.

That evening, after they had gotten ready for bed they heard the girls, and it wasn’t family noises. Angie and Michelle was in a sixty nine, working very hard on each other.

“We both need it Michy, we have the wrong idea, and I really do love you.” Angie said.

“I know. I really love you too.”

“I know about my dad Michelle. Just hold on till you are eighteen. You guys will make each other happy.”

“jesus Angie, will I be able to last?”

“You have to, because we will lose him. You will be watched closely if you stay.”

“Then we eat pussy babe.” Michelle dove in again. She loved the taste of Angie, it tasted like the sweetness in her face, her eyes.

“Sounds like a party.” Lizzie smiled softly, and Dennis liked that she was not lewd about it. “They need something Dennis. As do you.” She was speaking to him as he was brushing his teeth. When he came out she walked to him and put her arms around him, he stiffened, then gave her a chaste hug.

“I think I should take the master...”

“No, don’t. You will not sleep.” Lizzie interrupted and pushed him into the bed, then tucked him in. He watched as she studied him, then bend down and kiss him. It just lingered a little.

“Lizzie, I...”

“Just shut up, Dennis.” She walked around the bed and got in as well. She pushed him on his back and kissed him again. She kept it gentle, making sure each kiss carried promise. She started to move her one leg between his, her chest on his.

“Jesus Dennis, is that a baseball bat.” She smiled as she said it.

“You don’t have to.” He said again, but his eyes was longing.

“I want to, and I have to for your daughter’s sake. She tried to blackmail me, but it was not necessary.”

“She has become different the last few days, an immense personality explosion.”

“Wonder if it is the dream she keeps talking about.”

“Maybe. Please, I...” she muffled his words with a kiss.

He loved how she escalated it little by little, making sure he was fine. She stripped her top of, then his. She decided to cancel any interruptions by just stripping him completely, kissing his cock, then pulling the head into her mouth. Her panties followed his track pants, then she assumed her position, half covering him as she kissed him again. She took his hand of her breast, placed it on her trim ass.

“Just you Dennis, not me.” She felt his cock pulse against her hip, then finally rolled over him, pushing him in slowly. He hit her cervix, then he pulled her body hard against him and he held her.

“Can we just hold this, Lizzie.”


She knew he wanted the full contact intimacy, but everything in her wanted to start working. Instinctively she knew it would not be what he needed though, so she stayed still. Her orgasm hit hard, and she moaned into their kiss.

“Fuck Dennis, we are doing nothing.”

“I felt that Lizzie.”

“Dennis, the moment I saw you I knew we had a connection. It felt as if I woke up deep inside. It is a different love, eternal, but you are not a soulmate like Michelle is to you. I saw that”

“What then?”

“I felt you to be far more valuable to me, and I will figure it out, before we walk the wrong path and cause ourselves and our people hurt.”

“okay, now, hold still. Your pussy pulses when you talk.”

“Oh, like this?” she worked her muscles. Then started flexing her hips. She felt him light up under her, and then his cum filled her. She was tight, so it stayed inside. She did not get off him.

“okay, Dennis, now I can hold still again.”

“You are exceptionally beautiful Lizzie.”

“So are you, and I really mean that.”

“The day Angie called you, she made me promise to make love to her. I did Lizzie, and it was so good. But I sensed she needed it for something else, perhaps to stand up for herself.”

“Jesus Dennis, how did you...”

“No idea. But she got up almost angry, and resolute. It made sense, because she was adamant I make love, not fuck her.”

“I ... Dennis, she is fourteen.”

“I fucking know Lizzie, and I am vaccilating between an incredible love for my daughter, and the shame.”

“She is fine Dennis.”

“Is she?”

“Yes. I would have thought you and Michelle had done it, with the way you guys are with each other.”

“No, but I tell you Lizzie. Angie used that for something else, it was not lust.”

“Perhaps she wanted to know what it feels like with someone who loves her without reserve, and you do. That is why I will not make an issue. Thanks for trusting me.”

“I know I can, please do the flex again, but stay on me. I will last for a few more.”

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