Angie's Dream - Cover

Angie's Dream

Copyright© 2022 by BoredMindWriter

Chapter 12: The family settle and the base meets them. Angie makes a wish

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 12: The family settle and the base meets them. Angie makes a wish - Angie spun out badly after her mother died, and it destroyed her father. Dennis reacts eventually with initial devastation. The result was nothing that he ever could have imagined as he and Angie work their way to a new relationship.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   School   Cuckold   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

The family started to stir, and Michelle tested his cock, to see if it was still tender. It was a simple test, ride him in the shower. He was fine. They dressed, her taking Angie’s camo’s. Dennis almost abandoned all resistance.

“Winter, daddy is fine, so you can do what you want when we get back.” Michelle said to Winter’s expectant face.

“Thanks Mom. We will see where it goes.”

“Please can I come too mommy?” Summer begged, and Michelle nodded.

“This afternoon daddy is spending time with Winter, okay.” She said.

“I know mommy, I won’t bug them, because you are close.”

“You can bug us if you really need to baby.” Dennis said.

“Yes sis, I know you are scared, I don’t want you to be.” Winter added, as she dressed. Dennis looked at her body. Definitely more curvy, but she was fit and trim. Her pussy was trimmed neatly, and had closed up again, something she loved.

“My pussy used to hang open like a slaughtered pig’s ass, now it is neat again.” She once told Michelle. They left, and Angie started conspiring with Winter regarding Michelle’s birthday. They woke Jenna as well. She took them to a party store and they found what they needed. Jenna had a credit card Dennis had given her. They bought supplies for a barbecue that afternoon, and Jenna bought a grill, they promised to deliver it before two. They arrived to Trent sitting at the gate.

“Hi Trent.” Jenna was formal, then saw his face. He was distraught. “What is it?”

“Is Dennis here? I just need him to come out.”

“No. Why?”

“He said he does counselling, and I am at my wits end.”

“Tell me Trent.” Angie and Winter had joined her.

“My older sister, Bridget. She is slipping away.”

“What happened?”

“Same fucking story, raped.”


“Boyfriend, dad, uncle.”

“I will come, but I just need to set the girls up. Wait here.” The security detail stood with Trent.

“I can help.” Angie said.

“Not this one baby, rather with daddy.”


Jenna left with Trent to his house.

“Fuck Trent, a Fed?” Bridget snapped. Jenna saw the dark rings, he was definitely worn to the bone and very thin.

“Hey Bridget, I am Jenna.”

“Please sis, just give her a chance. I told you about the kids next door.”

“Okay, miss Fed.”

“Can I have coffee please.” Jenna asked Trent. He left.

“I really hate to see you like this, Bridget. But I have seen it far too many times.”

“Oh, so I am common.”

“No Bridget, because every one of them was betrayed differently. We need to work out what will bring you back, make you safe again.”


“Talk to me, tell me when do you feel most relaxed. I know you are never relaxed though.”

“I am not, but here. I used to feel fine here with Trent.”

“He loves you, you know.”

“I know, and I do not know how to deal with the fact that he is so disappointed in me.”

“Bridgy, I have never been disappointed. I just want you better,” Trent said from the door.

“I know, but there is this fucking block.”

“What is it?” Jenna probed.


“Do you trust Trent?”


“Do you sleep next to him when you get scared?”

“Fuck him?”

“No, sleep, with snoring and stuff.”

Bridget smiled.

“Yes, he holds me so I can cry.”

“Okay, so Trent needs to be involved.” Jenna said. “No other way.”

Jenna sipped her coffee.

“Nice Trent.”

“Bridget’s favorite blend.”

“So Bridget, this is a normal thing I see. The way we go about it is as unique as you are though.”

“Tell me.” She was losing her animosity, realizing Jenna is really wanting to help.

“Sex, our very basic way of expressing our connection to each other, has been completely skewed in your eyes.”

“I do fuck and orgasm.”

“No doubt, but do you feel nurtured?”


“Do you want the nurture?”

“With or without sex?”

“Nurture, love results in us expressing with sex.”

“I suppose so.”

“Nurture and love is the start of it, not sex.”

“I see that.”

“So, what if someone gives that to you, with you always having the out.”


“We tried it.” Trent spoke, looking away.

“So you two have been intimate?” Bridget nodded.

“Fuck, that is good.” Jenna said

“How?” Bridget frowned.

“I will teach you guys how to nurture. Everyone knows how to slam a cock in a pussy.”

“You sure you are FBI.”

“Yes. Do you want to try?”

“Please Bridget, I saw the girls, they are living, not scared anymore.”

“So, Trent and I fuck your way.”

“Hell no, you make love to each other. I will also show you how to do it back. The first part is for you to feel more love than you have ever felt.”

“Okay, I guess. I have nothing to lose.”

“You have your fear to lose.”

Bridget started to pull her shirt up.

“No, that is his job. This not about having sex, so Trent, you need to get over the fact that she is your sister, and accept that she is your lover for now.”

“I ... okay.”

“Bedroom?” Jenna asked, and they led her in. “Lay back Bridget. I will get intimate with you, but not for my own needs. I need to show Trent.”

“I could have a real good time with you too.” Bridget grinned, and Jenna heard Trent gasp.

“You smiled sis, wow. I missed that.” He said, and she smiled at him, a very sweet smile.

“Lay back Bridget, in the middle. Trent, you start kissing her, and be gentle.” He lay down next to Bridget, and kissed her. It was gentle, but insistent.

“No, I will kiss you Trent, so you can feel.” Jenna leaned over Bridget, and he lay next to her. Jenna started to kiss him, the little pecks and lip games. She did it for five minutes.

“Now do that to Bridget.” She watched, and saw Bridget respond. “Receive it Bridget. This is a slow cooker, not a blazing fire. Trust me when I say the fire will plenty hot.”

“Okay.” She responded like Trent now, playing the games back with him “I love you bro.”

“And I love you too sis.”

“Now you start with this.”

Bridget was slightly flushed as Jenna started to kiss him more sensual. He moved away and Trent did it with Bridget.

“Leave her body alone, touch her face, her hair. Make sure you make a lot of eye contact, this is where love is built. If you get it right one look in a crowded room will settle Bridget.”

Jenna saw as Bridget’s nipples grew rock hard after ten minutes.

“Now you can touch her breasts.” Trent did and Bridget arched her back into her first orgasm.

“Fuck baby brother, that was good.” Bridget pulled him in for a post orgasmic kiss, still gentle.

“Now you can take her top off, as well as yours. Take it slow, and kiss a lot, always kiss.”

He did, Jenna saw Bridget’s full breasts come into view. Her ribs were prominent. She guided him to kiss down Bridget’s body and Jenna saw Bridget starting pant a little, and she came as he sucked a nipple into his mouth.

“Back up to her mouth.”

She led them through the process, until they were naked. Then Jenna showed him where to lick and kiss as he ate Bridget’s pussy.

“Now, push in. You are a little thick, so take it very slow, watch her for discomfort, and do not start to fuck when you reach your limit. It is about her. He listened, then started the slow movement, watching Bridget all the time. She started to wail as she came hard. Jenna slowed him down often.

“Your pleasure will come later, Trent. Bridget will want to give it, and it will blow your mind.”

He came in his sister, and held it as Jenna instructed, then kissed Bridget again until he started to move again. Jenna smiled as Bridget was moaning and mewling over and over. He came again.

“Ask her if she wants more?”

“Later, but I really want to try giving back baby.” She said, her face was flushed, and filled with admiration for Trent. Jenna had them flip over and arranged Bridget’s body.

“I can barely move.” She said.

“But feel how you touch his whole body, Bridget, just flex your hips, and now you kiss him.” She watched as Bridget came a few times, then Bridget’s wonder when Trent orgasmed.

“Jesus Trent, are you okay?”

“No sis, I never want to not feel that again. You were so fucking amazing.”

“Thanks, I appreciate you saying that, want more?”

“Oh fuck yes.”

“I will let myself out. Do this for a while, then start dealing with the memories regarding how you were raped. You now know Trent will do it right, so he can help you roleplay and help you change the memories.”


“Doggy over a desk. Anal in the shower. Things that were done to you that you want to forget.”

“Okay, but I like this for now, maybe only this.” Bridget said.

“Then that is also fine. You will see later, when you lie in his arms and he kisses you that you have healed immensely already. Now carry on, I will lock the door on my way out.”

“Kiss me first, Jenna.” Bridget asked, and Jenna did, then heard Trent moan as Bridget started on him again. “I never thought this was possible, Jenna. Thanks for today.”

“Dennis said that we will help wherever we can, and this was that.”

“How do I repay you?”

“Get well. Now, what I showed you has another side effect. Trent lasts longer, and the love makes him revive quicker. Go for it.” Jenna left as Bridget had another orgasm. She smiled to herself. Her first successful assistance, and she felt good. At the house she told Angie and Winter. Dennis and the others arrived back, and he praised Jenna. Brian called.

“Dennis, I have a buddy who, uhm.”

“Bring him if you deem him safe with your sisters. We work out the details.” He hung up. “Jenna, it seems you are not done yet, Brian is bringing a friend.” Dennis was sitting in a lounger, Winter in his arms already. She was curled up against him, chatting about girl stuff. He knew it was about her being held, so he did not explore her at all, she will tell him if she wants. Jenna changed into sweats and t-shirt, foregoing the shoes. She had shaken her hair loose, causing everybody to take a few looks at her. Brian arrived, and introduced Jensen.

“Mind doing the barbecue boys, I am having daddy daughter time here”

“Isn’t that your sister?” Jensen said


“Dude, she was terrified, like Mika is.” He shook his head, especially when Summer came out and hugged him.

“She won’t be for long.” Brian looked around, and saw Jenna. He kissed her. “You look amazing Jen.”

“Thanks, hi Jensen.” They greeted and then they barbecued, Jenna checking to see if Jensen is legit. After eating Dennis and Winter took up the same position.

“I never could lie like this with my step father without him having a finger in my pussy.” She said.

“Then we lie like this without a finger in your pussy baby.”


They lay like that. At times they heard Jenna on the receiving end of her instructions to Jensen. Summer, Angie and Michelle were in the master bedroom with the door closed. They were exploring each other with purpose, trying to find ways to maximize oral sex. Winter turned her head up and kissed Dennis, just soft kisses. Eventually Jensen left. Winter then started to get more insistent. She put Dennis’ hand under her shirt, on her bare breasts. Winter jumped up and quickly ran to her room. She put on a negligee and grabbed a blanket, then joined Dennis again with the blanket wrapped around her. She opened it up and he whistled, then she lay against him again, covering them both.

“What do you want to do to me daddy?” She asked. He turned her and took her face in both his hands as he kissed her over and over.

“I am here for you baby, but I really love kissing you.”

“So, I have to choose?”

“Why do we have to do something else, when we both enjoy what we are doing?”

“But with the others...”

“Angie asked me to help change a bad memory. We didn’t just have sex.”

“So you have no problem if this is all we do?”

“Nope, because I love you.” She started sniffing. “I promised you that you will never have to earn affection with your body.”

“And if I want to make love?”

“Then we make love. It will not diminish my love if you don’t though, because I love you.”

“So I am in charge?”

“Yes, this is your time.”

“Okay.” She lay her head against his chest again, and brought his hand to her pussy “Touch me daddy, gently, no need to make me cum.”

“Okay.” He slowly stroked her lips, touching her clit lightly.

“I am worried about Brian.” She said


“He blames himself”

“He was at Westpoint.”

“We had started to fool around long ago, making love for the first time on my fourteenth birthday.”

“What happened?”

“One night it was really good, it actually always was. I made a little noise. I know my step-father saw us, because that Monday he claimed me. Brian never knew, my stepfather would leave us to fuck when Brian was home for a weekend. I never knew he had secret cameras installed, and he sold the videos on the dark web, videos of me and Brian. Then he started bringing his friends to my room, and they would fuck me. Once one of them saw Summer after her shower, and he paid my stepfather two thousand for her virginity. I can still hear her scream. She was nine, not eleven like we said. He fucked her so hard, and I could do nothing, I was double penetrated between two bodybuilders, and they loved the way I struggled to get to Summer. My stepfather came in and held me as they took turns on her as well, then they brought her into my room. Four more men arrived and they fucked us until midnight. He made almost five thousand that night.”

“What do you want, Winter?”

“For Brian to stop hating himself, and make love to me like he did then.”

“Then we need to ask him.”

“Okay, but can I have you in me now?”


She stood up, then kneeled down to take his cock out. She sucked it hard, then straddled him, looking in his eyes as she rotated her hips, keeping him deep. She moaned into his mouth, and he tweaked her nipples. Then she slammed down hard and he slipped into her womb, which made her cum extremely hard. He felt himself explode in her. he looked at her face and saw the tears.

“Winter, it’s okay.”

“I got Summer raped, daddy.”

“No, you did not. He was going to do it in any case.” He kissed her reply away, not letting up. Then he felt her stop trying to talk.

“Have you asked Summer to forgive you?”


“Did she?”


“Why do you then hold on to something she had forgiven you for?”

“I just see that pain.”

“Come.” He lifted her on his cock and walked into the house. He walked to Jenna’s room.

“Brian, Winter’s room, please.”

Brian pulled out of Jenna, and went. Dennis then went to the master bedroom. “Summer, please go to your room. We need to fix some things.”

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