Angie's Dream - Cover

Angie's Dream

Copyright© 2022 by BoredMindWriter

Chapter 11: More Revelations From Summer, and Angie Has a Breakthrough

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 11: More Revelations From Summer, and Angie Has a Breakthrough - Angie spun out badly after her mother died, and it destroyed her father. Dennis reacts eventually with initial devastation. The result was nothing that he ever could have imagined as he and Angie work their way to a new relationship.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   School   Cuckold   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Jenna helps her first couple.

“Good marine, ten minutes early is on time.”

The marine was shocked when Dennis joined him, later regretting it. Even if Dennis was a little off, he was still a monster. At seven he let the marine go, and he took Winter for breakfast. Davies was there.

“My other one, Winter.” He introduced her ‘Is any of them not drop dead gorgeous?” Davies said.


“You will freak when you see Michelle.” Winter said with a chuckle

“How is the marine?”

“Hurting quite a bit.”

“Daddy trained with him, and I now know he is a hero.”

“Oh, you doubted.”

“Well...” Dennis grabbed her and tickled her, drawing attention to them.

“Sir, your reputation.”

“She is my baby, fuck reputation.”

“Hmmmm.” Winter wagged her eyebrows.

“This one is a handful.”

“More than a handful.” Winter cupped her breasts, causing Davies to blush

“Is this going to be the way our day is going?” Dennis asked Winter, looking in her eyes and feeling his love grow yet again.

“Maybe.” Winter giggled.

They finished breakfast and walked to the admin offices. Dennis saw a petty officer look at Winter as they were filling out her paperwork. His kids would have permanent passes for supervised visits. Dennis was getting annoyed when he saw the petty officer go white, and then rush out. They found him retching into a garden.

“You okay marine?” Dennis said.

“Jesus sir, no.” Winter studied him, and Dennis saw her face contort in hurt.

“Batchelor party, two years ago.” She said, and he just nodded, then started crying.

“You were so drunk you could barely stand. The third time you fucked me I actually felt something, until you started to puke after reeling away from me.” Dennis felt his rage.

“I swear, I did not know. That was when I saw you were a kid. Jesus, what have I done.”

“I forgive you, I really do.” Winter stepped forward and put her arms around him.


“Because you also had no choice.”

“You were forced?” He started to go green again.

“I am free now, I have a daddy that really loves me.”

“I lost all my friends that night, no, I told them to fuck off, still do when I see them. They were sober.”

“Your wedding?”

“I cancelled, flew my fiancé to Vegas and married her there. She was so pissed, but understood. It took almost three months before I could consummate our marriage. She often wonders about you.”

“Petty Officer. It is clear you still hate yourself.”

“I do sir.”

“Come to my house, if that is fine daddy. Bring your wife, so you can find peace.”

“That is fine baby, I am proud of you.” He looked at the marine. “Take the day, on my authority. Find your wife and hold her, tell her that you have been forgiven.” Dennis said and watched him rush off.

“His friends fucked me all night after he left. That was a bad night.”

‘Want me to find them?

“Just the one, Devon Singleton. He chose me because he called me a baby snatch. He is a pedophile.”


Dennis called Jenna, who was still at home, and told her. Davies arrived and they went to get camo for Winter. Dennis showered, which had Davies blushing brightly she locked the door when Winter joined him, washing his back. It was very weird, and yet not sexual at all. They dressed and walked out. Winter watched Dennis closely, and kept loving him more. She realized how strong he was. Men respected him for the right reasons. He loved her with him, she asked intelligent questions, even though she kept getting him hard. It shocked Davies until she realized it was Winter’s game. Late afternoon they greeted her.

“When do I get to meet Michelle” Davies asked.


“Can’t wait.” That evening the petty officer and his wife did arrive. Security called Dennis, and he waved them in.

“Some level of security.” The wife, Tracy remarked.

“To protect my girls, you have an idea what they went through.”

“Is she really fine?”


“That is such a pretty name.”

“She makes it look beautiful.” Winter came out, and hugged the petty officer again

“Better?” She asked.

“Yes, not throwing up anymore.”

“Good, the carpets are new.” She chuckled. They had coffee.

“Your sister? Devon said to Tracy he almost got a ten year-old sister too.”

“She is also here.” Winter said, then saw Dennis frown. He stepped forward.

“Come here baby.” He pulled Winter in. “We will talk tonight, but I love you more than you know, and you are not in trouble. None of you are.”

“What is going on?” Tracy asked.

“I lied about my sister’s age.”

“And I still love Summer even if she is younger than you said.”

“I love you daddy.” Winter sobbed.

“See Glen, normal family issues. Her life is as normal as we can get it.”

“How do you do it?”

“Love and respect for them, for Winter. We do not struggle to get her to talk, because she has no reason to feel shame.” Summer came in

“My little sister, Summer.” Winter said as Summer flew into Dennis’ arms. Angie and Michelle followed.

“My other daughter, Angie.” Dennis said “And you, my love, my everything. This is Michelle.”

“She is your love?”

“Yes, don’t ask.” He shrugged. Jenna came home, taking her gun and badge off as she entered. She blew her bangs out.

“Please, anyone, foot massage please.” She begged, and Angie offered, fetching massage oil.


“Yes, Jenna Meade. She practically lives her, and she is loved deeply.”

“Hey,” Jenna said.

“Perhaps you should come and do the o-course with me.” Dennis chuckled.

“Don’t Jenna, he destroyed a man on it this morning.”

“He asked for Angie’s fucking number.” Dennis grumbled as he walked to the bedroom to change. He returned a few minutes later, with Tracy sharing marriage stories, telling how they recovered from the horror of the bachelor’s party.

“So Jenna, why the sore feet.”

“That guy, Devon something. NSA found a lot on him, all kiddie porn related. I had to chase him down, fucker.”

“Is he in jail?” Glen asked, relieved.

“No, hospital. He fell on his face.”

“How many time Jenna?” Dennis looked at her, then she started laughing.

“Seven or eight times. He fell against the tip of my boot too. For some or other reason he fell on my shoe with his balls, three times.”

“Proud of you baby.” Dennis grinned.

“I know, though kicking a man out of his balls is a goal.”

“Well, circumstances were right.”

“Thank you, daddy.” Angie said, remembering her encounter.

“Pleasure baby. You did do me proud in that store, you and Michelle.”

“Yeah, I just wish I could get to his son too.”

“You did almost bash Greg’s head in with a fire extinguisher.”

“He gave his little sister to be gangraped.” Angie snapped

“As you can see we are a very different family, all with some serious scars.”

“We see sir, and I suddenly understand you a lot better. It is an honor to know we serve together.” Brian came in, and Winter’s face told him he is in shit.

“Ah, Brian. Why did you think it would make any difference if we knew Summer was younger?”


“Calm down bud, I am not even angry, I just understand, right my love?”

“Yes, I also now understand.”

“Sorry daddy?” Summer said.

“Just get your arms around me, for, say, ten minutes at least.” He looked at Tracy. “Dinner?”

“Uhm, if it is no imposition.” Tracy said “I am fascinated, really. I am a child psychologist, recently graduated. Nothing make sense, and I assume Winter’s story Is the common thread.”

“Yes, you and Jenna can compare notes, I am not into the mumbo jumbo, I just do it.”

‘So much for respect.” Jenna muttered, then grinned. “I will deal with you later.”

Glen and Tracy really loved visiting, though she could not place Dennis.

“Guys, I am confused. Jenna looks like she and Dennis is and item.” She said to Michelle.

“They are. They love each other deeply.”

“But he calls you his love.”

“I am his love.”

“How does that work.”

“Well, when I turn eighteen in a few weeks it becomes clearer.”

“You’re seventeen?” Tracy asked, shocked. Michelle told her the story of Michelle and Dennis.

“At ten?”

“Yes Tracy, I knew for sure at fourteen, and I still do.”

‘And he?”

“He tells me he avoided any chance of being alone with me, because he had absolutely no defense. I am so glad he did, because I think he would have reacted like Glen.”

“I see no fear with any of you.”

“We are scared Tracy, scared someone destroys our very fragile life.”

“I won’t.”


The couple went home, promising to visit again. Summer crawled in next to Dennis again, and he held her as she cried because he still loves her. She did not ask for sex, Jenna did. Summer watched as Dennis made love to Jenna, watching the love between them. They rocked her to sleep. Dennis returned as he heard Jenna and Brian start. She was wound up. Winter and Angie were quiet, Dennis checked in and found them sleeping together.

Michelle joined him in the kitchen. They held each other, just whispering love. He carried her back to the bed and felt her roll him, then spoon him.

“Hold our baby girl Denny.” She said, and Dennis pulled Summer against him. At six she woke, and started Dennis’ cock. He woke up, and asked her to turn around. He entered Summer from behind, and held still. They fell asleep, then he woke as Summer was gently rocking against him. He came with her third orgasm, and stayed in her. She rocked herself through four more before she sighed contently.

“Happy baby?”

“Very, can I go to work with you again?”

“Yes, they said you and Angie were very well behaved.”

“Thanks daddy. Can we go clean up, I want you to love mommy before work.” They went to the shower, where he quickly washed her pussy, then he rolled Michelle on her back, and kissed her awake.

“Horny?” She smiled.

“Our daughter ordered me.”

“Better not disappoint,” He felt her open her legs as he caressed her pussy.

“Why is it that every single thing about you feels just the way I love it. You have no flaws.” He kissed her.

“I do.”


“I don’t have your cock in me.”

He obliged and coaxed a few orgasms out of her, Summer supervised that process, making sure Michelle was happy. Michelle stroked her cheek as she kept cumming. They cleaned up, then Dennis and Summer left. She was in her camo’s, with appropriate underwear. She had a small backpack. When Dennis changed for a fitness test she also stripped. Davies watched as a very naked father and daughter dressed for their run.

“There really is no issue?” She asked Summer.

“No, I have been with so many naked men. Daddy says he will not make an issue, because he does not want me to start feeling shame for that which I had no control over.”

“How old are you actually?”

“Fourteen years and three months.”

Dennis and Summer ran together, and she kept a respectable pace. He kicked himself mentally as he followed her. Everything about her says early teen, her legs, her cute little butt, her breasts. He felt immense satisfaction though. He started losing Angie at thirteen, and now he has a new baby girl who is that young. Angie would never be this age again. Dennis felt himself heal just a little more. They showered and changed to their camo’s, Davies automatically locking the door.

“Why do you get special treatment sir?” She asked him as they walked to the mess hall.

“It’s them, the brass are trying to accommodate my kids so they can heal. Summer is attached for now, she hates being away from me, she sleeps with me, and I love it.”

“I can see you are a good father.”

“He is.” Summer said. Dennis swallowed hard as they entered. As one man they all stood up as he walked in with Summer.

“What is this, Davies?”

“It’s for Summer sir, they see a hero.”

“Walk forward Summer, they are standing for you baby girl.”

He watched her slight body walk to the middle of the room and then the best of the best saluted her. The scariest man on base started to cry like a baby.

“Summer Castle, one of the bravest people we know.” Colonel Brickhill said.

“Daddy?” she asked, then rushed to him. “Don’t cry daddy, I am not hurt.”

“This is happy crying baby.”

“Am I really Summer Castle?”

“Soon baby, as soon as we adopt you.”

“Master Sergeant, we want to meet the whole family. Petty Officer Davies has been gossiping.” Brickhill added. “And I loved the bright pink splotch out on the training course. You come again young lady.”

“I will sir,” Summer said formally, and saluted him, which had the room erupt with laughter. She smiled happily as she crawled under Dennis’ arm.

“When would you want the family sir?”

“Lunch, tomorrow, if that works.”

“I will arrange with the FBI.”


“Yes, they will provide protection.” The colonel nodded Dennis and Summer quickly ate, then turned to each other on the bench sitting with their legs spread. Their knees were touching. Davies loved to hear them talk, argue and joke. They were discussing the pool slide, she wants one, he doesn’t. Davies watched as he lost dismally. He had no resistance. Then she challenged him to a race on the short run. She will massage his feet if she lost, or she put makeup on him on base.

“Sir, you should know better.”

Davies laughed as they shook on it. They leaned forward, their foreheads touching, and she saw the moment turn gentle. These two definitely loved deeply.

“How long have you guys been together?” Davies asked

“Six days?” Dennis asked, Summer nodded.

“No way, no-one loves this way in six days.”

“We do, right pumpkin.”

“Yes aubergine.” She grinned, and he blushed. He knew she was referring to his cock. He rubbed noses, and they got up to leave. For the rest of the day, she was holding his hand everywhere they went.

“Monkey, I need to give Angie some love tonight, okay.”

“Yes daddy, I will sleep with mommy.”

Dennis quickly ate, as dinner was ready when they got home, and then he picked Angie up, carried her to her room.

“Daddy?” She asked.

“Me and you baby, just us. What do want?”

“Just hold me a little daddy.” He pulled her to him, facing him. He brushed her hair with is finger, and lightly kissed her. She told him about a few of the times she had been fucked.

“The seniors pulled me into their bathroom, and stripped me daddy. At the time I was very willing. One lifted me up and sank me down, I held his cock. It was shortish, but fat, so I started cumming before he was fully in. Anther then put hand soap on his cock and pushed it into my ass. They had terrible rhythm, and soon they came. I had one more orgasm. The next one put me on the basin, and just slammed into me. I tried to kiss him, but he was too busy. He gave me one more orgasm. The last bent me over the toilet and fucked me from behind. He had a five inch cock, so I had two orgasms. Then Mr Arnott came in. he also took his cock out, but he was gentle. He fucked me from behind, but lifted me up so my back was against him, and he gently rolled my nipples. He kissed me, not like you. At the time I liked it.”

“And now?”

“Can we do that, push in from behind, and be gentle?”


“He was the only one that cared if I enjoyed it. He told me afterwards that his wife was frigid, but she also fucked in the locker room. I don’t know why she did not want him, he was a kind and good lover.”

“Is this a good memory?”

“No, just a better one.”

“Okay my baby, but can we first give you lots of cums?”

“Yes daddy.”

“I love you so much baby.”

“And I love you. I know why Summer is so clingy, and I do not mind.”

“I mind not holding you baby. We had lost too much time. Can you also come and sleep with us? I will get a bigger bed.”

“Daddy, are you scared again?” Angie asked. She had seen the shadows in his eyes that never left him. Angie desperately wished she could fix Dennis so he would feel true happiness again.

“Just a little, but you make me brave.”

He started to kiss her pecking and soft licks, then held up and looked in her eyes, before doing it again. He stopped again to look at her and she yanked him down and kissed him had, then soft, He tried to pull back, but she growled at him. She moaned into his mouth as she arched her back. The moan became a scream as he found her nipple, He started working her shirt up, she wasn’t wearing a bra. He broke the kiss long enough to pull her shirt off, then kissed her again He started to moved down.

“No daddy, kiss me, just kiss me. No licking my nips or my pussy. Kiss me.”

He did as he worked her shorts down. He touched her mound and she screamed into his mouth. Their tongues were dancing. There was light nibbling, and she often caught his tongue between her teeth, then lick his tongue. He broke again and pulled her shorts and panties of, before returning to her mouth, where he kept on kissing as his fingers danced around her pussy. He slipped his finger in quickly, which made her scream again. He had never heard her like this, and he kept going. Her hand pulled at his shirt, and he pulled it off. She fiddled with his belt, and he helped her, his knees at her side as he kept kissing her, giving her his best work. She pulled his pants over his hips and pulled his cock out, then she felt for her drawer and he heard the condom packet. He felt it go on. She was working by feel, not missing a kiss.

“Now daddy.” She pushed him off and got off the bed. He looked at her bare back and realized she was turning him on in a bad way. He growled as he lifted her and slotted his cock in her. He let her down on him. He felt her cervix and started to work in and out using long strokes. He was speeding up and he was flopping in his arms as he held her breasts. He was so turned on but he held it, making sure she was cumming hard on him, over and over as her legs dangled. He slipped one hand to her clit and rubbed it gently as he fucked her

“God daddy fuck me, fuck me, I need you in me. God daddy I love you.”

She started to pant and screamed as he clamped his hand over her mouth, he felt her come down and pushed deep into her, which started the hardest orgasm he has ever seen her have. She was babbling incoherent as he held in her, feeling her pussy spasms push him over the end and he shouted in her ear as his legs gave way and they fell back on the bed. She was writhing on him, and he was lost in pure bliss. It took them five minutes to come down. He turned her head and kissed her as he still stabbed into her, then he kissed her neck, and she arched her back into another orgasm, moaning and mewling on him. She turned her face to him.

“God daddy, that was what I needed.”

“Can I now make love to you.”

“Yes daddy, I need that now, so badly. Just keep kissing me, I want you to kiss me.”

“I will, but why? You always like it when I lick your pussy?”

“I do, but I have always wanted you kisses, always. It was the one thing I always wanted, even when I was super cunt, I wanted kisses.”

“You will have as many as you want, I will not make that mistake again.”

“Thanks daddy. You can still lick my pussy if you want, but I want those lips on my mouth.”

“Baby, then I have to confess too.”

“What daddy?”

“I never really like how I feel when you suck me. It feels as if you are submissive to me, and we are equal partners, but if you really want to it will not bother me.”

“Why are we like this?” She asked as she pulled off, and pulled the condom off.

“Because it reminds us both of our abuse.”

‘Yes, it does.”

“Would you want it from behind again?”

“Fuck yes daddy, I loved the way your body felt against me.”

“Then I will do it again. I wasn’t too rough with you?”

“No, just right.”

“I looked at your bottom, and it turned me on so hard, I felt guilty.”

“Look again, because I loved the result. Daddy, it does not make you a perv, because enough men have been after it for me to know it is a beautiful bottom. I just really love that you got turned on by it. That matters to me, and I loved hearing it. Anything else?”

She was wiping his cock, licking the end, then smiled at him as she crawled back on the bed and lay on her back.

“Your eyes Angie, I fall in love every time I look into them. You wrinkle your brow sometimes, and the you nose moves in the most beautiful way when you talk. Your smile is perfect, and it make me melt, even when you are a little shit.”

“What else?”

He kissed her softly, then pulsed a few kisses, then kissed her for longer.

“You lips, I also love kissing them.”

‘Would you have kissed me when I started my shit?”

“Yes, I would have loved it, then hated myself. Had I known I would have made love to you then, and you would have been my baby.”

“Sorry daddy. I really wanted you, but mommy said no, you were a mean fucker, that you will hurt me. I hate her, and I will piss on her grave.”

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