Angie's Dream - Cover

Angie's Dream

Copyright© 2022 by BoredMindWriter

Chapter 1

Pedo Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Angie spun out badly after her mother died, and it destroyed her father. Dennis reacts eventually with initial devastation. The result was nothing that he ever could have imagined as he and Angie work their way to a new relationship.

Caution: This Pedo Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   School   Cuckold   Incest   Sister   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Dennis Castle lay in bed, headphones on. It was just after nine. He kept an eye on the monitor, waiting for the guidance counselor to finish fucking his teenage daughter. He wore the headphones to drown out her very vocal responses. It had started when she was in eighth grade, as far as he knew, never at home at first. The first time she brought someone into the house to fuck was about a year ago, he intervened immediately, breaking the man’s ribs and an arm as well as his nose. That evening he was arrested, based on Angie’s testimony of him acting lewdly, with the same guidance counselor providing historic notes of her accusing him of such behavior.

His lawyer found two instances where he had an alibi, thus placing their testimony under suspicion. After that she started to openly bring adult men around, vocally fucking them in her bed or anywhere else in the house. Dennis knew this because he had installed twelve cameras in the house soon after he was arrested, none in her bedroom or her bathroom. There was however a high-definition mic in the hallway outside her bedroom.

He was heartbroken, she was such a beautiful child. Her mother died just after she started, and he had to resign from the Navy Seals to care for Angie. She had spent many nights clinging to him, letting her grief out against his chest. It was shortly after her mother’s death that he went to her one night when she was having a nightmare. He woke her as he usually did, gently stroking her blonde hair, as he softly spoke, waking her up from her terror. She woke up, looked at him with her deep blue eyes, and he saw anger.


“Angie, it’s just a nightmare. Breathe baby.”

“Get away from me. You only want to groom me to fuck me, Dennis. Get the fuck out of my room, fucking pedophile.”

“Angie, no. That is not true. Please, baby.”


Dennis remembered vividly how his heart shattered as he left. That night he cried for two losses. She started speaking to him in a derogatory way, always threatening to report him to Child Protection Services when he responded as her father. He was at a loss and saw a psychologist, who said that he must ride it out, she will come around. He just needs to be available. She stayed out late, sometimes not coming home on weekends and never explaining apart from swearing at him or flipping him off. He could smell the sex on her, and sometimes she displayed the results openly.

“Have a good look you fucking perv,” she would say as she scooped fresh cum out of her vagina, then licking it off her fingers.

She often had boys over whilst keeping him at bay with her threats, saying she had people who will corroborate her version. Dennis knew it would not be good for her if he had to go to prison. The first time she brought an adult male Dennis intervened though. He was the gym coach at school. After sorting out the legalities and getting home she also arrived with the same coach, still bruised. She grinned at Dennis, rubbing the coach’s cock in their lounge as he rubbed her nipples under her shirt, then she led him to her room, making sure Dennis heard them loud and clear.

Dennis knew he needed help and a lot of it.

“Hey Simon, Dennis here.”

He was on the phone the next morning after she left for school.

“I need some cameras, maybe three obvious ones, but I want maybe twelve of the agency-type surveillance for my home.” Simon was a CIA field agent that had been on many missions with Dennis and his team.

“Sure thing, why though?”

“Daughter issues, really bad ones.”

“Say no more.” Dennis hung up, and drove to a local electronics store and bought the necessary equipment to record the footage, as well as a good set of noise-canceling headphones. Simon swung by at three and handed a box over.

“You need to come back buddy, we miss you,” Simon said.

“I am a single parent, so it cannot happen, but I am training for all eventualities.”

“Really?” Simon said, taking the offered beer.

“Yes, still run the O-course three times a week, plus I now have masters grading in Judo, Krav Maga, and Tae Kwondo.”

“And the shooting eye?”

“I still shoot one hundred at six hundred meters.”

‘Okay, so you are still in shape. Need help installing these?”

“Nope, I will do it in the morning. She cannot know, it is for her safety, though she will disagree. She almost had me locked up with false testimony, so yeah, I need to ironclad my alibi’s”

“Fuck sakes bud, that is more shit than you need right now.”

“Tell me about it.”

Dennis saw Simon off, wishing he was back in the teams. He locked himself in his room and started to prepare the system, terminating the cables using approximate lengths. He installed the recorder in his cupboard, which had a sturdy lock. He used a box cutter to cut a hole in the ceiling, basically making sure he had as little work as possible to do. He heard Angie come in, recognized the voice of James Snedley, his neighbor. He was the same age as Dennis and was a bodybuilder. Pamela, Dennis’ wife, also had an affair with James, years ago. Five minutes later he heard her start moaning loudly, then start to orgasm. He put the headphones on, started some classical music, and lay in bed. He had one camera already hooked up, which shows him lying on his bed. He actually fell asleep, waking up in a cold sweat from the nightmare that ravished him.

He pulled the headphones off, Angie had music playing and it sounded like her door was open. He walked out of his bedroom, heading for the kitchen to make dinner. Her door was open, and he smelt the odor of fresh sex. He did not even look in.

“Walk on little bitch,” she yelled at him.

Snedley was gone, but Dennis saw the telltale signs that they had fucked on the couch too. He felt the pain stab hard at him and knew the pain will turn to rage. He needed to talk to someone soon. He made pasta, and took two bowls upstairs again, putting one on the desk just inside her door.

“Fuck off, perv,” she sneered.

He did not look in her direction, knowing she will be naked or half-dressed. She was still his little baby. Late-night he walked back down, picking up her empty bowl outside her closed door. He heard that she was watching television. He fetched a beer after he washed the dishes, then went back to his bedroom. He had realized six months ago that any attempt to talk to her would result in her verbally abusing him. Dennis knew the danger of him losing it, he knew he was a very dangerous man who was feared by some of the best in the world. And here he was, being cuckolded in a way by his daughter. He smiled a wry smile as he mulled over the effects of love. He took it from Pamela, his wife as well, fearing any weakness would result in him causing immense damage. Dennis made plans for his future that might not include Angie.

“Hey, bitch.” He heard her voice outside his door after she tried to open it. He stayed quiet. “I need fifty for a field trip.”

“Okay,” Dennis answered, taking the money out.

He opened the door. She was naked and looked like her mother. Thin with just a hint of flare in her hips. Her breasts were small, as was Pamela’s. Her nipples were light pink. She never saw him scan, but that was his training. She was so beautiful, her hair long and blonde. He had no idea when she added the tuft of pink in her hair, making her look even more innocent. He would stand no chance in front of a jury.

“Get a nice eyeful, cocksucker?” She snarled and grabbed the money from him. He closed the door in her face and locked it again.

“Pathetic bitch.” She said through the door. He heard her slam her door.

Angie smiled to herself as she studied herself in the mirror. She had men twisted around her finger. They all wanted to fuck her, and she let them. She loved sex, and Johno, her guidance counselor was her favorite. He had shown her the dangers of the way Dennis had been consoling her and that he was grooming her. She liked him. He was twenty-five, blonde, and well built. He wasn’t her first. Coach Seymour helped her with her stretches, then stretched her pussy after every soccer practice. James was well built, and she loved to ride him hard, her hand on his oversized pectorals. Brad Smith, the other neighbor was also fit but she liked his nine-inch cock.

He was her first, seducing her in his own daughter’s bedroom, then gently fucking her. She had four orgasms the first time. He had called James, who just stripped as he walked into the bedroom and shoved his cock into her gooey pussy. He made her come three times. Brad fucked her again, followed by James. That first day she walked home gingerly, feigning a sore muscle. She was hooked, the two men had given her more than ten orgasms and her pussy was leaking. Brad’s daughter was a year older than Angie, Michelle. Brad was fucking her too. Angie was also fucking the social worker from CPS, though not that regularly. She made sure he was on her side.

She smiled to herself, she did not have to seduce one of them. Brad just had to do a little work that first time. They fell over themselves to fuck her, she was petite at the time, even for a fourteen-year-old, with angelic features and big blue eyes that could reduce any man to an erect cock. She had to set up a schedule. If the little bitch got difficult, she had two neighbors who would testify that they heard him rape her over and over. She was pissed that he would not let her in his bedroom. She was the boss, how dare he. She idly rubbed her clit, wishing James could have stayed for another round. She thought about calling Johno. He was unmarried and could stay the night. The sniveling bitch would be too scared to say anything. Angie opted for the dildo, knowing it will sate her need somewhat. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she had realized that she should have rather seduced the little bitch, then she could just walk over at times like this and get him to fuck her.

Dennis was handsome, she had to admit. He had dangerous green eyes under a mop of raven hair. He was not the tallest, not reaching six feet but his stride was that of a panther. The way he took Coach Seymour down scared her, but she had insulated herself. If he got locked up the CPS will place her with Johno. It could mean he would want exclusive access to her pussy, but she had him by the balls too. She used her webcam to record her sessions, and he features in a lot of videos. She had considered selling the videos, but her lover’s faces were visible on all of them. She had recently started a different setup, which hid their faces so she was building a nice library that was worth a lot of money.

Dennis heard her leave for school and jumped into action. The cameras were tiny and very easy to hide. He also set up three obvious cameras, hooked up to the computer in the den. He had set them up as he would for home security. He knew she could access the footage which is what he wanted. She would think she was smart. Dennis just wanted to get rid of the men, wanted his little girl back. He was lonely. Even Pamela was some form of comfort, with all her screwing around. He had endured it, for Angie’s sake. His wry smile returned, there was no way he could have predicted this situation.

He finished off, then went for a training session at a dojo, opting for the dummies as he would probably rip a sparring partner limb to limb. He got an alert on his phone, Angie was home. Brad was with her, and she was sucking his cock in the lounge. He then flipped her school dress up, and pushed into her. They fucked for ten minutes, then they obviously came. She pulled her skirt off, then her blouse. She was naked underneath. She fetched two beers, and they sat and drank in the lounge, then she sat on his lap and started fucking again. He closed the connection. Brad had fucked Pamela in their marriage bed. He got a proximity alarm for his bedroom and opened the connection again. They were trying to get into his bedroom, then gave up. He watched on the hall camera as they went to her bedroom. He closed the connection, not wanting to listen to them.

He heard the proximity for the front door and watched as she sucked Brad at the front door but he seemed spent. Brad closed his zipper and left. Angie walked to the den, and erased the footage, flipping off the obvious camera as she walked under it again, still naked. Dennis went home.

“What the fuck is that cocksucker,” Angie said, the first time she came out of her room to speak to him about something other than her needing money.

“Security, I am not going to be home during the few days for my next contract.”

Dennis wrote security software for small to medium businesses, and he had landed a good contract for a clothing store with six branches in the city.

“Bullshit, you are trying to trap me.”

“No, otherwise I would not have let you have access to the recordings. You can keep your whoring private,” he spat out and walked to his room.

He had his beer and a sandwich in his hands. He had tuned her ranting that followed him out. He needed to calm down again. Her fifteenth birthday was coming up. He had bought her a new laptop, making sure she had everything she needed for school. The morning of her birthday he left it at her door. She would find it when she came back from school. He heard the proximity just after nine and opened the app. Angie was back with the coach and four seniors. She stripped in the lounge and started sucking the coach, as the seniors all took turns fucking her. She then straddled the coach on the couch and fucked him hard. They stopped for beers, before she went down on all fours, using her mouth to keep the seniors hard as they rotated around her to fuck her again. She straddled the coach as he was lying on the floor, taking him deep. She lay still whilst each of the seniors then fucked her ass twice. They all left, and she gingerly walked to her bedroom. He saw her look at the gift, then throw it down the hall towards his bedroom.

That afternoon he arrived to loud music, and a house full of kids. They were all in a state of fucking, or watching. He threaded his way through the orgy, Angie’s bedroom door was open, and James was fucking his child, facing the door.

“Jesus, your kid is a hot cunt. Too bad you are such a wimp.”

He emphasized the point by slamming into her, making her squeal. “Now fuck off little bitch, the grownups are busy.”

Angie smiled lewdly at Dennis, then lost her smile. There was darkness on his face that scared her. She felt her near orgasm vanish and held still for James to finish. She did not take another cock that night. Somehow, she knew she had taken it too far. If he still had hope for her to become his little girl which she had no intention of doing, she could use it to control him. She felt that she had lost that control. She did not stop her daily routine of having an adult male fuck her in her bedroom, but she stopped confronting Dennis. Two weeks later she realized the pathetic cocksucker was going to do nothing, so she ramped up to her previous level of scorn.

Five months after her birthday Dennis realized he felt nothing for her anymore. He did not want her to be his little girl anymore, he wanted her gone. He walked to the kitchen just before ten that evening. He ran into the guidance counselor in the hallway, as he was about to leave.

“Jesus you are pathetic. You cannot even satisfy your little bitch, so we all have to do it.” Johno laughed.

“She is not my bitch.”

“Oh, sorry. She is daddy’s little girl, taking cock after cock where her daddy will never stick his.”

Dennis snapped, and Johno screamed in pain, over and over as Dennis hammered into him, aiming for maximum pain.

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!” Angie was naked and screaming, trying to get between Dennis and Johno. Dennis stomped once more, hearing the ribs break.


“Take that sack of shit and get out of my house,” Dennis growled.

Dennis was not hiding his rage at all. Angie ran to her room, and he heard her call nine one one. He called his lawyer, who arrived with the police. Angie was dressed in a gown, her anger at Dennis clear.

“What happened here?” The officer asked.

“He tried to rape me, and my guidance counselor tried to help me. He is a Seal, and dangerous.” Angie sobbed. Dennis allowed them to cuff him.

“I want to confer with my client.” His lawyer said and they agreed.

“Dennis, do you have video?” his lawyer asked.


“There is none, go check on the computer in the den, he is lying,” Angie shouted, and the officers followed her. Dennis pointed to his phone, and the lawyer opened the app. It showed Johno arriving, entering Angie’s bedroom, and staying for two hours. The lawyer showed it to Johno.

“Drop the charges, or you get twenty-five to life for statutory rape. There is audio too, buddy.”

Johno winced in pain but nodded. He had been outmaneuvered. The cops came back.

“I am not pressing charges officer,” Johno said, and Dennis saw the shock on Angie’s face. She rushed to him, and they whispered. Her shock turned to terror as she looked at Dennis.

“Did he try to rape you, miss? This is for the record.”

She looked at Johno, then at Dennis, then shook her head at the cop. An ambulance arrived for Johno. Angie watched it leave. She turned and looked at Dennis, into his cold unloving eyes. She knew she had lost. She ran up the stairs and slammed her door.

“Is your daughter in danger, Mr. Castle?”

“Not from me, and she is not my daughter.”


“Stepdaughter. She had been acting out badly. I have been arrested before, on the testimony of that guidance counselor, but I had an alibi.”

Dennis shrugged, playing the broken father.

“Her mother died two years ago. Since she met that counselor she completely changed. I think there is something more to it.”

“We will see what we can do.” The cop said as he took the cuffs off. “Will she be safe?”

“I have no intention of harming her or punishing her.”

“Okay Mr Castle, and in light of what you told me I understand why you called your lawyer.”

They watched the police leave, and the neighbors slowly went back inside. Dennis made eye contact with James, staring him down. James smirked. The lawyer left, and Dennis went to his bedroom. He backed all the surveillance files up to three separate drives, as well as secure cloud storage. He knew that the war is just starting, and his counterintelligence experience is now coming into its own. He had enough to bury all the men forever, but he needed revenge. His soul lusted for the screams of another. He saw a car arrive, it was the coach. He grabbed his Glock and walked down the hall. Angie came out with a bag and saw Dennis with the gun, she locked herself back in her room. Dennis opened the front door and shoved the Glock in Seymour’s face.

“Please give me an excuse.” He hissed.

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