Her Special Night - Cover

Her Special Night

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Romantic Story: A continuation of "Pet's Special Gift" - it is recommended that you read it first so this story makes more sense!

Tags: Ma/Fa   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Illustrated  

“Tonight, pet, we are going out for dinner. It’s a special night and I want to have a nice meal to go along with it,” I told her as we sat there at the table eating breakfast.

“A special night, Master?” she asked, looking puzzled at my comment.

“Yes. Now when I get home from work I want all your chores done and I want you ready to go out. I have made reservations at a nice restaurant and I don’t want to be late.”

“Oh yes, Master!” she said. “I’ll be ready!” she smiled a beautiful smile. “But what is the occasion if I might ask?”

“I’ll explain everything tonight pet,” I said. And I went off to work. At lunchtime I called her up – something I don’t always have time to do.

“Hello?” she answered.

“Hello, pet. How are things going?”

“Hello Master!” she said excitedly. “Things are fine. Oh, I’m so happy you called!”


“Well, yes, Master. You hardly ever call me from work! And I never tire of hearing your sexy voice!” she said.

“I see. Well I just wanted to call and see how your day was coming along. Now I will be coming home at the regular time, tonight. I want you to be dressed and ready to go when I get there. Wear that sexy red mini dress you have, you know the one with the low cut back and spaghetti straps. I love the way it hugs you in all the right places! Also I want you to wear your sexiest shoes and wear your hair in a ponytail. And one more thing – no underwear!”

“No underwear, Master?” she said, startled at my request.

“That’s right, pet. I don’t want you to wear a bra or panties tonight.”

“All, right, Master ... if that is your wish,” she said, uncertain about this new turn of events. But she would comply with my demand even if she didn’t know the reason behind it.

“Good girl. Now I have to go. I’ll see you tonight at 5:30 when I get home.”

“Yes, Master. Have a good afternoon and don’t work too hard,” she said.

“You too pet,” I said.

I got home just at the time I told her I would. As I unlocked the door and opened it I was greeted not by a beautiful, submissive woman, but by an empty room.

“Pet?” I called out to her. “Where are you?”

“Oh! Master! Oh, I’ll be right there!” she said from upstairs. A minute later I heard her coming down the stairs.

“I’m sorry that I wasn’t at the door to meet you, Master. But I wanted to look my very best tonight for you,” she said as she turned the corner.

She was spectacular! I looked at her beautiful form in that slinky red dress and felt my heart stop. If she wanted to “look her very best” she hit the nail squarely on the mark!

“You are forgiven, pet – you look magnificent!” I told her.

“Oh, thank you, Master. I am so glad you like this,” she said, relieved.

Like it? Hell, I was doing everything I could to keep from drooling all over her!

“May I ask where we are going, Master?” she asked, breaking the stupor I was in.

“There’s a new restaurant that just opened up that I want to try out,” I said.

“Well, I’m ready to go then Master,” she said.

So am I, I thought to myself but not for dinner!

We drove to the restaurant and found a parking place right next to the door. We went in and the maitre’ d took us right to our table. I seated pet then took my seat.

“So, Master, what is the special occasion tonight?” pet asked.

“Patience, little one,” I said. “I’ll tell you when the time is right,” She looked at me quizzically, but accepted that I would tell her eventually.

The waiter came and I ordered our meals. A few minutes later our appetizers came and we ate them making small talk during that part of the meal. Shortly after we finished our appetizers the meal came. It was delicious just as the talk of this restaurant had said it was. As we were finishing up the last of our dinner I put my fork down.

“pet, I know you are wondering what tonight is all about.”

“Yes, Master. I am dying to know why all this special treatment!” she said, now giving me her full attention.

“Do you remember the other night when you finally submitted to me and surrendered to anal sex?”

“Yes, Master. It was wonderful and you were very gentle,” she said.

“Well, I know what it took for you to do that, and I know how hard it was for you to release that part of your past to me. I wanted to show my appreciation for such trust and honor as you gave me that night.”

“Oh, Master!” she said “You don’t have to...”

“I know I don’t have to, pet. But I want to,” I said “Now, I want to give you something that I had made just for you. There are times, pet, when wearing a collar in public is not appropriate – times like this right now. But I don’t ever want you to feel that because you don’t have your collar on you are any less a slave to me. So I want you to wear this to remind you always that you belong to me.”

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