The Life of Allen - Cover

The Life of Allen

by BoredMindWriter

Copyright© 2022 by BoredMindWriter

Incest Sex Story: Allen walks in on his wife and son fucking. he sinks into a deep depression, but an unexpected reunion pulls him out of it.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Sister   Uncle   Niece   .

Allen Spender arrived home early. He had champagne and his wife’s favorite chocolates. The hard work had paid off, he had his promotion. His salary will triple and he will send Robbie, his fourteen-year-old son to the prestigious golf academy in California. Allen was appointed office manager of the California office after working through two quarters to turn it around. His office would be twenty minutes away from the academy, meaning they would be together. He had felt guilty about the long hours but did his best to make time with his family quality time. He grinned, Robbie will be at school, so he had time with Lorna. He opened the door, walked to the family room. Then he heard her faintly, so he walked to the bedroom.

“Yes, fuck me hard. Deeper, come, on, slam my wet pussy.”

There were a man’s groans too. Allen felt his world tilt, and he pulled his phone out, starting the video. The door was half open and he pushed the top of the phone with the lens through the opening. He saw that he was catching the action, and he started to cry. He loved her desperately, and now this.

“Yes, harder. You fuck so much better than dad. Give it to me.”

‘WHAT!’ Allen thought, and he looked in, seeing his son fucking his wife hard.

“I know mom, that pencil dick of his is worthless. I am fucking you the best.”

Allen looked at their coupling, his son was smaller than him.

“Yes Robbie, you are the real man, my man.”

“Oh fuck mom, I am coming!”

Allen heard them scream their orgasms before their sounds faded as he walked to the living room. He knew his real shock will come, that was one of his qualities, his delayed shock which meant when others folded he made good decisions. He walked to his home computer, pulled the video off his phone, and sent it to his lawyer with the note. ‘Get me a divorce.’ Then he accessed all his personal finances and moved them out of her reach. He typed a quick will and sent that to Samuel Cohen too. He grabbed a beer and sat in the living room, then the pain hit him hard, and he folded double, retching out his sobs. He calmed down and heard them going at it again. He did not know how long he sat and cried before he heard the gasp. He looked up at Robbie.

“Dad.” He whispered. He was naked, his cock wet.

“MOM!” he shouted.

“What hot stuff, mommy will come fuck you now.”


Allen heard her approach and then shriek. He looked at her, his son’s cum leaking out of her pussy. He looked down at the Glock in his hands, lifting it to his chin.

“Jesus dad, please. No no no. Please don’t daddy.” Robbie stood where he had frozen, but he had his hands out, pleading and begging.

“Please Allen, not this. Not over this,” Lorna begged. He looked at her, and Lorna saw raw pain. Allen lowered the gun and got up.

“I will be back after the weekend.” He said, and left, hearing them beg him to stay.

He tossed the gun on the couch as he passed it. He got into his brand new company car and drove. He arrived at the lodge in the White River National Forest, where he had booked for the family. He spent the whole weekend crying as the raw emotions spasmed in his body. On Sunday evening he arrived home, still wearing the same clothes. They jumped up and ran to him, hugging him and begging for his forgiveness.

“Please Allen, let’s just talk. Please, baby. Don’t make any decisions.”

“Talk to your husband Lorna.” He replied.

“Dad, just let us talk, please dad.”

“You are the man of the house now Robbie, call me Allen, like a man.”

“Please sit and talk to us Allen, please honey.”

“Why, to explain your motivation for shattering me, to justify it?”

“No, to tell how much we love you. Please, dad, don’t leave again.”

“I have to, you have made it clear this is not my home anymore, I have been replaced. You will receive the papers for the divorce tomorrow.”

“God no Allen, please. We can work it out.”

“Why? Why would you want to? I heard you, saying you are both better off without me.”

“We are not dad, just. Fuck dad, not like this.”

“Robert, I told you a while ago to be careful of your rash decisions, they have a lasting consequence. Now you will the practical working out of it.” He looked at Lorna. “How long?” she slumped her shoulders.

“Four months. You had an affair too, we never saw you.” She lifted her head. She did not want to bring it up, but it was clear, he was receiving calls from Ellie. “Who is Ellie?”

“The staff manager at the California office, I was turning that office around, and they gave me six months.”

“Why California?” Lorna asked, feeling very unsure now.

“Because they promised me the office manager’s position, Lorna. Provided I make the office viable. I did it, and was coming home to tell you I got the promotion, and that the office is near the golf academy Robbie always wanted to attend. That was why I was working so hard. You never asked, never showed interest, you just decided to hell with it, we will fuck each other.” Allen breathed to calm himself “See Robbie, the consequence is that I will move to California alone. You lost your dream and your father.”

“No dad, please. I don’t care about the academy. Please don’t leave us. We are sorry.”

“And three weeks, or six months later, when we sit at dinner and I look at the two people I love most in the world, knowing they do not love me at all?”

“Allen, we love you.”

“Lorna, you cuckolded me with my own son. You told him he fucks better than me.”

“Dad, that was sex talk. You don’t, mom always said no one is as gentle and as attentive as you, because you love her so deeply.”

“I need to pack, I am done. I cannot see myself living in the same hell I grew up in.”

“What does that mean?” Lorna asked.

“My father fucked Lindy since she was thirteen, and I copped all the abuse. I was beaten, neglected, sometimes not eating for three days. Now you pull the same fucking shit.”

“I did not know, god Allen. Please stay.”

“Where? Spare room, because my place in our bed has been taken.”

“Jesus dad, it has not. I am not you, I am your son.”

“Didn’t sound like it on Friday, did it.”

Allen pushed past them and packed a bag. He didn’t look at them as he left for a motel. He gave her the house, plus Robbie’s schooling and golf tuition in the divorce agreement. She also received a generous allowance. He declined all visitation with Robbie, not being interested in seeing him again.

Two weeks later he packed what he wanted, leaving his golf clubs.

“I will never play that game again,” he said to Lorna. They stood weeping as he looked at them one last time, then drove off.

“Mom, what now?” Robbie said.

“We rebuild Robbie. We broke our home because we made a bad decision.”

“We can never do that again, and not because it was wrong. I will always associate the pain in dad’s eyes with us.”

“No my baby, we can’t”

Allen became a recluse, completely cut off from the world. The office became very successful, because of Allen’s gentle way with his staff. They loved how he joined them at work, instead of managing them. Six months later his lawyer contacted him. Lorna asked if he would cover the cost of Robbie’s attendance at the academy, and he agreed.

“They are moving there Allen, just so you know.”

“Thanks, Samuel, I am not as raw anymore.”

“Are you at least going to the movies or dinner, even if you are alone?”

“No, but thanks.” He chuckled with Samuel, then they spoke about Denver, just the usual things. Samuel was careful to not talk about his family. Allen knew Robbie was at the academy, but he did not bother contacting him. He had seen Lorna accidentally in a mall. She had lost weight and looked quite plain. She used to take care of make-up, hair, and her clothes. She was a splendid woman. The next time he saw her she looked worse, so he walked to her.

“Allen,” she stated, her eyes carrying fear for him.

“Lorna, I forgive you, okay. I don’t hate you, never have but the pain is immense, even now.”

“I really and truly am sorry. That Friday was the last time, we both realized the price we paid. Thanks for paying for Robbie.”

“I did promise myself that was why I worked so hard. It was my promise, not his earned opportunity.”

“Thanks in any case.”

“Look Lorna, please take care of yourself. You are slipping. I have seen you a few times.”

“Why? No one will want me.”

“I would, had it not been for the history.”

“You would? Really?”

“Yes Lorna, I would. Please, get some nice dresses, a make-over. Time at a spa. We need to move out of this suffering.”

“Will you?”

“I try, still a recluse though.”

“You look very good.”

“I work out, run miles on end.”


“No,” he said bluntly.

“I will make an effort if you play golf again, Allen.”


“Because golf did amazing things for you mentally. All the other wives hated when their husband played golf, I loved it because you would come home and make love to me like I am the only person in existence.”

“You were, to me. No one ever even had me think otherwise. That was why it shattered me. You knew me, every little thing, and you did the most hurtful thing you could.”

“I never intended it, I was just lonely, and his hugs of comfort became a shitstorm. He needs you, Allen, just to know that he exists to you.”

“I cannot have a relationship, but I will think about what you said.”

“And I will get out of my hole too, Allen.”

They parted, both crying. Allen wished he could act on his feelings, and hold her to him, but the echo of their voices kept repeating.

“Do you love her Allen?” Lynn, his staff manager asked him when he told her of the encounter.

“The right answer is no...”

“But that is not the first thing you thought, was it?” He shook his head.

“Have you ever considered dating someone?”


“Would you take her to dinner?”

“That would be a mistake.”

“Why? Don’t you always have a mantra of quick decisions having lasting consequences?”


“What if those consequences were good Allen, what if the two of you become something so much better because you both ate pain.”

“But their taunts?”

“What if it was just sex talk, Allen. I say some very weird shit. My husband calls me a whore, slut at times when he fucks me, but when we spent a day in bed, I am his angel, his sweetie, his eternal love. What if she needed sex, not love, and he needed to know he is good to perform.”

“Are you my therapist now?”

“No, why the fuck do you not have one?” She gave him a card. “Call her Allen. The office loves you, but we see you are in constant pain.”

Allen did make the call, and she said what Lynn said, then they started to deal with his childhood by the third session.

“Allen, did you want Lindy to love you?”

“Yes.” He said softly

“Have you spoken to her at all?”


“You do not resolve Allen, you run. You need to stop and face your pain. It is not a monster Allen, it is a little boy, terrified of living.”

“So I should call my sister?”

“Yes, call her. I will be expecting you to call me, my husband knows that I will get calls in the middle of the night sometimes.”

“I wouldn’t know where to find her.” The therapist handed him a piece of paper.

“It is on the way home, she is still single.”


“Yes, go. This is a war, and we are on the offensive.”

Allen left, and sat in front of Lindy’s apartment for thirty minutes, before swore and got out, walking to her floor, then the door. He knocked.

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