Laura Robson's Tour - Cover

Laura Robson's Tour

Copyright© 2022 by killer bishops

Chapter 3

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - While on tour, tennis star Laura Robson relaxes by the beach

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Celebrity   Sports   Zoophilia   Bestiality  

This is completely made up.

Laura Robson loved New York. The big city was full of life and adventure, something that had been lacking since her trip to a private beach where she’d had sex with a wild dog and a chimp. Laura was constantly been fantasizing about more but her schedule had got in the way.

However, New York was not the place to seek out more opportunities as privacy was not something it tended to offer. In a few minutes, she’d be in front of the cameras, posing for pictures in her new dress before proceeding to the annual tennis awards gathering. It was always a glamorous affair and Laura would certainly fit right in.

Laura hurried along the side in her tight little red sequinned dress which showed plenty of her long toned legs. She wore black platformed peep toe high heels which only accentuated the sexiness of her legs. The dress was long sleeved on top and the neck line was high. Only the tightness of the dress gave away the fullness of her tits, giving some curve to an otherwise athletic figure.

Laura’s dark brunette hair was done up in a stylish bun and her makeup was picture perfect. She had noticed passers by glimpsing at her, she was overly dressed for daily life, but she had sought a brief walk to clear her mind.

Still, the area between her hotel and the reception was not what Laura had thought. Two high end hotels with nothing in-between but cheap bars, hotels, motels and cafes in between. The area appeared dimmer and run down and if it wasn’t quite so busy, Laura would have felt a bit scared. She could see the light and the camera flashes in the distance faintly. She couldn’t be too far.

Laura’s thoughts lingered on her beastial experiences on the beach many miles away however. She’d never experienced anything so wild and thrilling before. She wanted more. She wondered if any of her fellow pros had done something similar. Or if they’d think she was weird if they found out. Maybe she could convince them. All these thoughts ran through her mind, but tonight was not the night she’d find out she thought. Not yet at least.

A clatter of trash cans disturbed Laura from her thoughts. She turned round, seeing a dark alley filled with dumpsters and bins. It was then she saw movement. It was a tail. And legs trying to pull away from something. It was a dog. And it appeared to be stuck on something.

Laura looked around but the people walking around her didn’t seem to notice or care about the noise or the dog’s situation. Laura grabbed her clutch bag as determination took over her. She was going to help.

Laura strode into the dimly lit alley and immediately heard the reverberation of her heels echo of the walls. She focused on the dog and could see it had hauled over a trash can with garbage spilling around. Both the dog and alley were grubby but Laura remained undeterred. It was then Laura noted that the dog appeared to by humping something. A pillow.

The tennis star’s heart skipped a beat as she realised what the dog was doing. This was more exciting than she thought. She sped up, covering the 20m or so much faster than the first few.

The dog was big and a dirty hound, clearly homeless from the look of it. It was strong though, and animalistic. It humped the pillow hard despite being caught on a bin. She knelt down beside it gently, making sure she had a clean piece of paper between her and the dirty ground.

Laura reached gently for the dog so as not to startle it and just as her manicured fingers made contact with the fur, the tennis babe felt that now familiar unique excitement of being with an animal. The dog glanced round at her not missing a stroke. He didn’t seem unhappy she was there.

Laura ran her hand over the dog’s body, taking in the feel of the fur and it’s powerful muscles. She loved how strong he was.

“Its ok boy,” she murmured, “I’m here to help.”

Laura ran her hand round under the powerful body, immediately finding a big hard cock. She wrapped her fingers round it carefully, and began to jerk the cock in her grip. The dog gave a little bark as she did so.

“That feels so much better, doesn’t it boy?” she asked, speeding up the handjob quickly. The dog responded with another bark and stood up a bit, now letting Laura takeover.

“Just relax and enjoy,” said Laura as she petted the dog with one hand and jerked him off with the other. She pulled him close, feeling his fur on her legs. Laura felt exhilarated.

Laura could feel the size of the cock as she jerked it. It was long and thick, and felt smooth in her hand, gliding over the surface as she moved it back and forth. It was easily longer and thicker than any man she’d ever been with.

“You’ve got a big cock, don’t you boy?” teased Laura provocatively. “It feels so hard for me.” The Brit continued to pick up the pace. She was now going fast and she could hear the sound of a handjob being given as skin moved about. The dog was close, as Laura felt by the twitching in his shaft.

“Cum for me boy,” Laura commanded as the dog remained motionless but with loud panting. The beauty double her efforts making sure to massage with her fingertips as if trying to draw the cum out.

Back and forth. Back and forth.

Laura got her reward. A sudden swelling in the cock was followed by blast after blast of cum firing onto the ground and trash In front of the dog. Laura could feel each twitch of the cock as cum passed the shaft and out into the world.

“That’s such a big load boy!” Laura marvelled as she stroked the shaft. “You must be an absolute stud.”

Laura was holding the dog close. She could feel how powerful an orgasm the dog was having, especially through her skin. She felt bonded to the dog, almost as if she was enjoying his orgasm.

“Mmmm boy. This feels so good.”

The dog didn’t respond. He was too busy enjoying the last remenents of his orgasm. The breathing was slowed momentarily and then picked up again as the feeling ebbed away.

Laura finished her task, sweeping her hand over the cock tip, feeling the thick fluid get on her palm and fingers. She liftrd her hand to her face and examined it. She then glanced at the ground and saw gallons of the stuff cover the trash and ground. It glistened and gleamed, almost calling Laura to it.

Laura had one thing on her mind. She slowly lifted her hand and put her fingers in her mouth. She used her lips to suck off the goo from her digits. A sudden taste of salty hot cum filled her mouth and a huge smile came across her face.

“Mmmm your cum is fucking delicious boy! I should never have let you cum on to the ground.”

Lust filled thoughts took over the beauty’s brain as erotic sensations took over her body. The brunette looked round and saw a motel further down the alley. She just had to get there. Laura looked down at the dog, still recovering from its orgasm, panting away. For the first time, she thought to look round to see if anyone was watching. She saw nobody. Nobody cared.

Laura freed the dog’s paw from a piece of string around it’s foot. He responded by giving an affectionate nuzzle with his nose as Laura’s legs, genuinely loving her kindness.

“Come with me boy, there’s definitely more we could up to.” The stunner’s naughty grin said it all. She was totally turned on and desperate to get more cum from her doggy partner.

Laura stood up and beckoned the dog to follow her with a “Here boy.” She strode confidently towards the run down motel sign before stopping outside for a moment. She never thought for a moment to turn back.

“Boy, come!” She smirked at the double entendre as she stepped into the reception. Its was dark, old and smoke filled. A rather big gentleman sat behind a kiosk. He looked like he hadn’t moved all day, with a TV on beside him. He was sweating in the humid conditions as a single fan tried forlornly to cool him.

Laura smiled. “One room please,” she said in her gorgeous English accent.

The man looked at the woman for a moment, her dress, shoes or clutch bag worth several weeks of residency in the place. He turned around to face the TV, not caring. “We charge by the hour.”

“I’ll take two hours then!” Laura replied happily, and then realised she might have been displaying too much excitement.

“That’ll be twenty dollars then,” he replied gruffly.

Laura reached into her bag and took out a twenty. She placed it gingerly on the counter.

The man reached for a key without looking and placed it beside the bill. “Room six. Through the door, third on the left.”

“Thank you,” Laura said, again now regretting making unnecessary communication. She sounded far too bubbly and happy.

RUFF! RUFF! Laura shot down a state at the dog hoping he’d be quiet.

The man lifted his head from the TV. He clocked the origin of the sound. He looked at the dog.

“Humper! You filthy mutt!”

Laura felt an overwhelming sense of trouble brewing.

“You been gettin’ your scraps elsewhere?”

The dog responded. RUFF!

“Humper?” Laura winced, still not sure what was going on. “Is he your dog?”

“No mam,” the man replied, happier than before. “He’s a stray, but we often end up feedin’ him when he comes in.”

Laura took a step to continue but stopped. “Why do you call him Humper?” Laura asked. “Is that his name?”

“No mam. We don’t know his actual name. Its just he tries to hump most things he sees so we call him Humper.”

Laura looked down coyly.

“I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to hump you. He’ll go at it with trash cans, legs, pillows, boxes...” the man said grinning. This was the first time the man gave a smirk and Laura wondered if he knew or was just remarking on Laura’s attractiveness. Regardless, this was now uncomfortable and the star decided to move on with Humper in tow.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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