Floren’s Villa: A Proper Introduction to Hagar Floren - Cover

Floren’s Villa: A Proper Introduction to Hagar Floren

by Detailed Archery

Copyright© 2022 by Detailed Archery

Fantasy Sex Story: Here we are introduced to Master Hagar Floren and the wonders of his villa.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   Oral Sex   .

Hagar Floren sat behind his desk as he looked at the new inventory papers that he had received that morning. He went down the list line by line to make sure that all the women that he had bought and paid for were accounted for. There were a total of seven new women who were supposed to arrive from Julapi on a ship within the next hour.

Floren was going to ride down to Garu with his slaves to have the women transported back up to his villa. He was excited about the new shipment as many of the women were exquisite and very beautiful. Floren always paid for the very best and nothing less. He had learned this from his father before him who had learned it from his father before him.

Floren had watched how his father ran the villa especially the way that he treated the slaves as a child. His father was kind and fair to them and never punished them physically unless they completely disobeyed his orders. There weren’t many disobedience from the slaves as they knew that they would not be treated well anywhere else.

Floren’s father was aware of the many brothels and whorehouses in Garu that offered some of the filthiest and nastiest whores. He knew that everyone had their preferences and some men loved filthy whores but he made sure that the whores at the villa were clean and hygienic. Many of the whores that lived and worked at these decrepit establishments dreamed of living in Floren’s villa as they knew that they would have a very comfortable life.

From Hagar’s grandfather’s days, the slaves were never abused or discarded after they had grown old. The older slaves became servants and attendees to the masters of the house. They cooked, cleaned, and managed the villa’s everyday appearance and upkeep while the masters worked on other matters. Some slaves were even given their freedom once they had reached an elderly age. They were given a pouch of coins to get started on their new journey of freedom.

Hagar had followed in the footsteps of his father’s and made sure to only acquire the very best slaves and to treat them well. This led to many decades of success as men and women of high status would travel miles for a taste of the fine offerings at his villa. He had established rewarding connections with generals, Senators of the Garu Republic Order, and princes from across the world. He made sure to offer his elite whores and slaves to these great figures whenever they made their way to his doorstep.

His villa flourished over the years which allowed him to purchase more slaves and maintain the expensive upkeep of his villa. He currently had 30 slaves that were whores or courtesans as Hagar liked to call them that lived in quarters on the villa’s estate. They each had their own room or chambers that was expected to be clean and tidy at all times. There were also 15 slaves that maintained the upkeep of the villa’s many rooms and gardens. There were also the slaves that attended to all of Floren’s needs on a day to day basis.

Jylock was Floren’s most trusted slave as he had been around since his father’s time. He was about 65 years in age but moved like a man of 30. He had gray hair that he wore in a ponytail and a short gray beard on his face. He was stocky and stood at 5’8. He was the Villa’s Brocktore or Head of Household. He made sure that all the slaves were completing their assigned duties and maintained the villa exactly as it should be.

He also was in charge of the punishment of disobedient slaves or slaves that did not excel at their jobs. He would use a whip on these slaves and his skill with it made all slaves fear falling afoul of their duties. Every slave worked to please Jylock’s wishes and demands for the villa. He expected nothing but the very best from them just like his Master Floren did.

Floren also had slaves that catered to him when it came to grooming and cleanliness. These young women who ranged from ages 18 to 45 would made sure that their master looked his very best at all times. There were five of them that took care of him everyday.

Floren was previously married but his wife had died giving birth to his son, Ulan. Ulan was Floren’s devoted child that he had spoiled since birth. Ulan was expected to take ownership of the villa when Floren departed the world but he had chosen to get into politics and worked as a junior Senator in the Yarheria Republic. It made Floren proud to see his son excel in the world of politics and hoped that Ulan would achieve a position of power that would influence the world.

He had to admit that he was disappointed that his son had not wanted to take ownership of the villa but he knew that his son had to forge his own path in the world. Floren knew that when the time came that he would have to choose a worthy successor for the Villa.

“Are the horses ready?” Floren asked Jylock who had entered his office.

“Yes, my lord,” Jylock said with a bow.

“Let us go and see the new slaves,” Floren said with a smile.

“I know that you have chosen the very best, my lord,” Jylock said. They strolled together out of the office and into the main hall. Floren looked at the slaves that were watering the many plants in the main hall. These slaves were a mix of the young and old. His eyes fell on a young slave of about 19 who was bent over as she watered the plants. Her ass was in full view of her master’s eyes. Floren’s cock twitched as he looked at her ass.

“What is that girl’s name?” Floren asked Jylock as he pointed towards the girl.

Fearing that the girl had done something wrong to displease Floren, Jylock’s face hardened. He looked at the girl and her name instantly came to his sharp mind. “Her name is Hyo, my lord. I will punish her if she has displeased you.”

Floren chuckled. “No, she has not. I am actually very pleased with her appearance. Send her to my room in the evening.”

Jylock relaxed and a smile came to his face. “Yes, my lord.”

Jylock knew of his master’s unlimited appetites and always made sure to keep Floren aware of the many succulent slaves that he encountered both at the villa and during his travels into Garu on business for his Master. Jylock would let his Master know who was a potential fuck for his bed as Jylock had come to know what sort of women his Master was attracted to. Floren loved young women that looked innocent and were blond of hair but he also would sometimes surprise Jylock when he would bed an older woman.

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