Brother-sister Ao - Cover

Brother-sister Ao

by Harry Bolo

Copyright© 2022 by Harry Bolo

Romantic Sex Story: Story about two brothers and sisters moving away from their families to be together and meeting in a new house for rent.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Nudism   .

The house was up for auction rent. Yes a new way the real estate market are ripping off renters. Bastards. The house was a four bedroom rental with a small very private garden. It was near the shops and transport but not any school. It did have a double garage, lounge/dining with a large open kitchen onto a game room or another TV area. Two bedrooms had ensuites, the other two shared the other bathroom with a separate toilet.

The two brothers and sisters had walked in more or less together with the men giving way to the girls. Both guys admire the other girls’ posterior and legs. Hurrah for yoga pants. They smiled at each other sister’s and were sprung. Looking around they realised the place was too big for them alone but the guys started talking about their needs. This house would suit the four of them if they came up with some agreements. As the guys were talking the girls kept bumping into each other and saw them talking. They started to chat and came to the same conclusion.

The four put a combined bid in for the house and they were told it was not enough. Alan pull out saying “OK lets go.” outside he said “Let’s get a coffee.” they ended at the beach cafe having a coffee and getting to know each other.

Mick asked “Why did you pull out?”

Alan replied “We were the top bidder but he tried to get more money for his pocket. I’ll give it 2 hours before he tells us the top bidder pulled out or we were the top. Which ever way I do not trust real estate sales people. Got stung badly once so I took a body language course and it has paid wonders. Now if we do win, correction when we win, how are we going to divide the bedrooms?”

Penny said “Well you two guys can have the bedrooms with ensuite’s so you can keep them clean. Linda and I can share the bathroom. We will be able to keep that clean on our own.”

Mick replied “Fine with me, Alan. Are you happy?”

Alan replied “Yes I’m happy. Laundry how about we have even days, you guys have odd days, unless there has been a lot of rainy days then we talk about it. Food each to their own. Linda and I generally have the same food, we share 50/50.”

Penny smiled “Yes Mick and I are the same with food, though I seem to do more of the cooking!”
Mick replied “I do the clean up?”
Penny answered “Yea, stack the dishwasher, brother.” he smiled. We all laughed.

Linda asked “I do have a question for you Mick and Penny, do you mind, I know Mick won’t care, but I do some modelling and therefore sunbake in the nude. Will that worry you? That’s one of the reasons I want the house. The backyard to sunbathe nude.”

Penny laughed “No he won’t mind but he could salute you and your lovely figure. We are nudists as well and the reason we liked the house, was that there were no two story houses around.” Linda physically relaxed.

Alan said “Well Penny I could be saluting you, you do have a fine body, you know. I have seen my sister for so long, it’s about time I had a change of scenery.”

She laughed. “Yes it’s the same with my brother.” They all laughed. The girls left to use the toilets.

Alan said to Mick “Do you mind if your sister and I?”

Mick replied “I was about to ask you the same thing mate, even though we have just met. Good luck if you have no concerns!” They shook hands and smiled. They both thought, it might be good at hiding their secrets.

Alan’s phone went off as the girls returned. He answered “Yes I am still interested. No I cannot stretch my budget any further mate. OK we can move in this weekend if we pay the bond and rent by Friday. I have a rental bond with the board so I can transfer that over. I did that with my last rental. I can check with the rental board. Yes I’ll hang on. O, that is acceptable. We just need to top it up through you if needed. We will call in by Friday to pick up the keys. Thank you Bruce.”

He hung up and waited a few seconds. “Bastard.” Poked his tongue at his phone. “He wanted to up the rent by $150 per week. We pay $400 per week. Bond $1600. He wanted $3,200 off us by Friday. I have $2000 in rental bond already so that is covered. We just need to pay it $1,600 by Friday. Are you OK with $800?”
Penny said “We will get the $800 by Friday.”
Linda asked “What’s the problem?”
Mark answered “Well we have to get a place to stay for the next few days. Our lease ran out yesterday and our parents garage has our stuff. We kinda don’t want to go back to living with them as they are shall we say born again people who want us to join and the reason we left home.”
Linda looked at Alan and said “Well if you like to couch surf, you can sleep on our lumpy couch for the next few days. It will be a good chance to get to know you guys. Mark might even confess to you Alan something you will be very happy about!”
Mark blushed and really looked at Penny who just smiled at him. Leaving the coffee shop they returned to Alan’s unit.

In the car Linda stroked Alan’s leg making him hard and horny. “Stop that Linda, you will embarrass me in front of Penny.” Linda did not stop, resulting in him really having a hard on when he got out of the car. Penny noticed and smiled at him in a seductive way. This time Alan was blushing. Inside Linda showed Penny the way around the place. Alan and Mark had a beer.
Alan asked “What’s this confession mate?”
Mark said “Well Penny and I do sometimes sleep together.” The girls told each other in the toilets.

Alan replied “Thank god for that. So do Linda and I. After she moved in, her boyfriend broke up with her because she would not live with him and his three mates. They were slobs. She came to my bed, by the morning my cock was in her pussy. Who did what I don’t know but we enjoyed it and have carried on with it.”

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