What Happens Next?
by acolodude
Copyright© 2022 by acolodude
Science Fiction Story: I am trying my hand at a doing an interactive type of story. I will set the stage and the readers will decide what actions are taken. Hope everyone likes it.
Caution: This Science Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mind Control Science Fiction Aliens .
I am trying my hand at a doing an interactive type of story. I will set the stage and the readers will decide what actions are taken. Hope everyone likes it.
So, I was out hunting high in the western mountains near the Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado boarders. It was midday and I was making my way back to my camp when thunder cracked overhead, I was shocked because it was a beautifully clear day little to no clouds or any signs of weather. It sounded like the clap of thunder was right over my head, so after jumping about a foot in the air and landing as I tried to decide what to do next. I looked up and saw what looked like a meteor heading right at me.
Now everyone should know the rule of 3s – 3 weeks without food you die
3 days without water your die
3 hours without protection from the environment you die
3 minutes without oxygen you die
And the one everyone forgets about!
3 seconds to pick living or dying, example: you are crossing the street and hear a vehicle racing toward you, as you look the vehicle is only a few feet away speeding at you, 3 seconds dive out of the way or scream and get hit I am a survivor, so I dove and rolled away from where the meteor seemed to be about to hit.
I’m retired army so I went through basic training and did the crawl under live fire drill, which had small explosive charges set in safety areas that we had to crawl by as they simulated incoming rounds blowing up. About 2-3 yards away from one of these blasts, picked me up off the ground about 3-6 inches and bounced me several times as I was able to increase my speed of crawl significantly once I stopped bouncing. So, when the meteor hit about twice as far from me as the basic training incident. I had something to gauge the force or try to gauge it.
It seemed like everything slowed down, I know that sounds cliché but that is what I experienced or at least the best way I can describe what happened. The sound was more muffled than the blast at basic, louder much louder but somehow muffled too. But the force I cannot measure just describe, I was lifted about 10 feet off the ground by what felt like a wall of force coming from the ground like a speeding truck. It felt like being tackled in football but 10X or more force. Add to this the fact that there was a wind if you want to call it something, that blew me about 30 feet away from where I had been lifted off the ground and the good thing was that any trees that might have been in my path were moving in the same direction, I was so nothing blocked my flight! The landing as the best way to describe what happened next, was quite painful as I landed on top of the pile of debris and stuff landed on top of me. Remember the amount of force that had moved me and try to guess how hard I came to a sudden stop. Ever head the joke sudden stop trauma? I did manage to live through it, but I was not going to survive the damage I had suffered.
Let me introduce Symbo, the entity that was attached to the meteor. Symbo is an alien? Energy based, goop like being. That is symbiotic, meaning it lives with/off a host. NOT a parasite, which devours its host. I say it because Symbo has no gender, it assumes the gender of its host. Goop like in form, think of watery slime. Energy based it that it can affect matter around it by affecting the energy within the matter. We both were near death and Symbo was barely able to reach me and beg me to allow it to join me to save us both. I have always been a survivor, so I figured life over dead easy choice. The sensation of the joining was not describable so I won’t even try, you make something up and that will work. It was about 2-3 days later that I was able to stand and make my way to my camp, it looked like a tornado had passed by, but everything was still there, just moved around a lot. Nothing was broken just moved by a very forceful wind. I got some water and food into us and then asked what I had gotten myself into.
Symbo the name we agreed on since it did not have a name of its own. Explained that it had been living with a different lifeform, yes, we are not alone, and that lifeform was space traveling NO warp or hyperdrive, just constant acceleration to extremely high speeds and then deceleration that took more energy than the amount to start moving. Enough about that, I micro meteor hit the ship resulting in it being torn apart. The lifeform was killed almost instantly and Symbo moved to the current meteor as it impacted the dead lifeform. Symbo figured something already in motion was better than just floating in space. Symbo has no idea of time, but it was significant guessing would be pointless but to give a guess several years. Then earth caught the meteor in its gravity and boom here we are. Once joined and for lack of a better explanation, scanned my body, Symbo began correcting ALL the problems with my body. Drawing elements from the ground, air, and plants around us. Symbo repaired all my injuries, and we were able to return back to my home after three days. I was almost out of supplies by that time, so it was really lucky that if worked out that way.
I felt ok but weak, like you feel after getting over the flu. When we got to my home Symbo was able to scan another person, my nosey neighbor Ms. Pysanoopai an Asian lady about 100 years older than me. Actually, my landlady as I rent the Stepmother apartment behind and to the side of her house. Being on the corner her address it 2398 Maple Rd and my address is 202 Pine Rd. Sorry too much info.
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