The Fuckin' Duncans - Cover

The Fuckin' Duncans

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Lydia's new boyfriend has a secret - he's actually a pimp and he's trying to get her to whore for him. But Mom catches on and tries to bargain with him. But things go awry and now they are both being blackmailed...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Oral Sex   Prostitution  

“Angel” sat bound in the wooden chair she had been told to sit in. Her hands were handcuffed behind her back through the slats in the chair back and her legs were tied to the chair legs at the ankle and the knees making her sit with her legs splayed wide open. She wore nothing but red lace crotchless panties, thigh-top stockings, and her red high heels. She was gagged with a red ball gag with matched the red lipstick she wore.

Angel was alone in the seedy hotel room, silently waiting for the man who would possess her that night. Angel was a prostitute, a woman forced to have sex for money by the man who had brought her there and tied her up for her upcoming “client”.

She looked around at the run-down, filthy room and was thankful that at least they had tied her to a chair – they very well could have very left her tied up and laying on the nasty, disgusting, stained carpet! She looked over to the bed and saw a cockroach run across the yellow-stained pillow ... if she hadn’t had the gag wedged in her mouth, she probably would have retched right then! She looked at the door wistfully, her only way of escape. It wasn’t locked although the door chain was on. A broken window air conditioner sat under the window. It used to set in and the blinds – what there was of them – were closed.

She thought back on the circumstances that had gotten her into such a risky and uncertain situation...

It had all begun a few months ago when her daughter Lydia had brought home her latest boyfriend, James. “James, this is my mother Michelle. Mom this is James, my new boyfriend!” Lydia had said, introducing them.

Michelle could sense right off there was more to this James guy than just another of her daughter’s many beaus. It wasn’t just because he was black – she’d had black boyfriends before. Lydia went through men like women go through clothes – what’s “in style” today will be old and discarded tomorrow. Still, there was something about James that made Michelle uneasy ... her mommy radar was on full alert! She would keep a watchful eye on this one!

Things had gone smoothly for a while and Michelle was beginning to think that her mommy radar was in need of a tuneup – James seemed to be a decent guy and Lydia seemed over the moon with him. But soon she would see that she should have trusted her instincts more.

One day James was over at their house visiting with Lydia when he had to make a phone call. “Will you girls excuse me, I have to make a business call. I’ll be right back,” he said.

“You can use the den if you like for some privacy,” Michelle said. He smiled and went into the den. But James didn’t quite shut the door fully and when Michelle had walked past to go to the bathroom, she overheard James talking to someone.

“Yeah, I got just the girl for you. Nice and young, blonde with a smoking body. You’ll like her ... she’ll take good care of you,” he said.

Michelle was floored – Lydia’s boyfriend was a pimp! And what’s worse was that he was talking about whoring out her daughter!

Resisting the urge to charge right in and choke the life out of him, she went into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. Then she sat down on the toilet to try and think of a way to resolve this situation. She couldn’t go to Lydia with this information – she wouldn’t believe her man could be involved in something this despicable. Phillip, her husband, was also of little use in this department. He was too wrapped up in his work to really be involved with family matters as it was.

No, this one was up to her to take care of. But how?

The rest of that evening and all that night she had racked her brain for a solution, a way out of this mess. She had to do something to keep her daughter safe and out of the clutches of this man her daughter thinks the world of.

The next day, she called James at work. She had gotten his phone number from Lydia days earlier. “Hello, James? Listen I was wondering if you and I could get together for coffee or lunch or something. I want to talk to you a bit and get to know you a little better since you and Lydia seem to be so tight,” she said. She made it seem like just a friendly meeting to talk so he would hopefully agree and she could confront him. It worked.

“Sure Mrs. Duncan, my lunch hour is free. How about meeting me at the Olive Garden over on 10th and Broadmoore St. Say 12:00?” he said.

“I’ll be there!” she said with a happy-sounding list to her voice.

The next day Michelle had left work a little early at lunchtime. She wanted to be at the restaurant before he got there so she could make sure they had a quiet corner for what she was going to lay on him. She watched the door until she saw him walk in and she stood up signaling him to come over.

“Hi Mrs. Duncan!” he said as he approached.

Good, she thought, he doesn’t suspect anything!

“Hi James, I’m so glad you could meet with me. How has your day been so far?” she asked, making small talk at first.

“Well we aren’t too terribly busy I suppose. How has your day gone?” he asked.

“Well so far it’s gone alright I guess. But we’ll see how the rest of it goes after lunch,” she said.

“What do you mean, Mrs. Duncan?” he asked.

“James, I know what you are. I overheard you talking yesterday in the den. You didn’t have the door closed completely and when I walked past to go to the bathroom I overheard you,” she said dropping the bomb on him.

“What? What did you hear?” he said instantly going on the defensive.

“I heard you talking to someone about pimping out my daughter. Unless of course, there’s another ‘nice young, blonde with a smoking body that’ll take good care of you’ that you know,” she said, quoting him.

James knew he’d been found out. “Okay what do you want, Michelle?”

“Well James, I have been thinking about this ... a lot, believe me. I know that I can’t approach Lydia and tell her about you – she’d never believe me and think I was just trying to come between you two. And I can’t go to the police about this because technically you haven’t done anything wrong ... yet. But I also can’t let you whore my daughter out. So I have a proposition for you.”

“A proposition? What kind of proposition?”

“Instead of turning my daughter into a prostitute, use me instead,” she said flatly.

“You, Mrs. Duncan? No offense, but aren’t you a little old to be turning tricks? That’s usually a young girls’ game!”

“Yes, I’ll admit I have a few miles on me but think about it ... those miles mean experience. I know how to please a man a lot more than my daughter does. And I still have a decent body – I work hard on keeping in shape and I can turn a head in any room I go into. Tell me James how many of your younger clients would like a crack at a more mature woman ... a woman that can do things they can only dream of. You see, I know about sex and all its variations and kinks and I’m not afraid of them. I know that my Lydia is no virgin, but I also know that some of your clients may ask her to do things she won’t want to do. And you don’t want a pissed-off and disappointed client do you? Well, I won’t say no...”

James thought about it for a few moments. What she said made some sense – he definitely didn’t want his clients angry, it just wasn’t good for business. And she did have a nice figure and look to her. Her “experience” might come in handy as well as her not saying no to anything his clients might ask.

“Okay Mrs. Duncan, I will give you a try. I have a couple of clients in mind that you would be perfect for,” he said.

“Good. One thing though, you have to promise to leave my daughter out of this. I am taking her place in all this so she is to be left alone, agreed?”

“Fair enough. I will talk to my clients and set up a couple ‘dates’ to try you out,” he said.

With that settled, he told her how he worked and what would be involved in her working for him. “Okay, the first thing we will need is a ‘working name’ for you. We can’t use Michelle, someone might recognize you.

“Well my middle name is Angela, how about Angel for a working name?” she asked.

“Angel ... I like that. Okay, that will be your working name. Now you can set your own prices for the different services you provide, but I get 40% of what you make,” he said.

“40%! That’s pretty steep, James!” she said.

“Yeah, but for that 40%, I set up your dates, and I provide protection and make sure the customer only gets what he’s paid for. You’d be surprised how many johns pay for a blowjob and then decide they want to fuck! Now you are responsible for buying your own condoms and for your birth control ... it won’t pay to have you get pregnant!” he said.

“No, it wouldn’t,” she said, her mind flashing to Phillip and what he’d say if she suddenly came up pregnant. She and Phillip hadn’t had sex in months so an unexpected pregnancy would raise far too many uncomfortable questions!

With little option available to her, Michelle agreed to his conditions and rules. He set up her first ‘date’ a few days later.

The first time she turned a trick, it almost made her sick. He was a nice enough guy and under better circumstances, she might have even found him good-looking. But seeing him through the lens of prostitution, sex with him was the worst experience of her life! She kept her mind on her daughter and what she was saving her from though, which got her through.

She did the same thing with the next couple of johns and before long the fact that she was getting paid to have sex didn’t bother her so much.

To be honest, Michelle was getting more sex now that she was hooking than she had in a very long time. Phillip didn’t pay much attention to his wife, in the bedroom or out, and she’d had to take care of her own needs for a long time. It was actually nice to have someone else in the bed again when she had sex! And being a hooker, she didn’t have to worry about him not calling or whether he was “the one”. There were no romantic complications with being a whore!

Once Michelle got past the whole being a prostitute thing, she began to enjoy her ‘dates’ and even looked forward to a new adventure with each of her beaus. James made sure that things were kept safe and that the john didn’t get out of hand – after all, she was an investment and made him money. If anything happened to her, it would cost him both time and money lost to replace her.

And she did make him money. Michelle – Angel – was very good at her job and as promised she never said no to a client. There were some clients that wanted things she wouldn’t do ... like poop play or sadism or other “fringe” sexual acts. But with those clients, she just told James she wasn’t into those things and James was the one who had to find the client someone to meet those needs. Once she accepted a client, she was his for whatever he was willing to pay for!

Yes Michelle, in the persona of Angel, became quite a slut and gave all of her dates her best performance. And sometimes she wasn’t “performing” at all ... some of her gentlemen callers were really very good at making her feel very good! She often wondered if this guy was so good in bed, why did he have to come to her for sex? It was something that puzzled her and occasionally she would ask the guy after they had come back to earth. He would say that he didn’t have anyone currently, or that his wife wouldn’t do this or that for him. And sometimes the guy would admit that sex with her was better simply because of the immorality and wickedness of the deed.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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