The Hand of Titans - Cover

The Hand of Titans

Copyright© 2022 by Detailed Archery

Chapter 7

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Captain Alan Drayk is a soldier fighting a neverending war against the relentless and brutal Me'ria alien race. The death of his parents fuels his anger to kill the Me'ria but when he meets the beautiful hybrid Nyx, his bloodlust mission becomes complicated.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   War   Science Fiction   Aliens  

Drayk woke up the following morning feeling sluggish and drained. This had never happened to him before. Sex never made him feel this kind of way. He could barely get out of bed. What the fuck did Walla do to me? Drayk thought with a slight grin. There was also a sharp pain in his neck. He rubbed his hand against it as he slowly got out of bed.

Walla was gone and his cock twitched as he surely would have loved to fuck her again. He took a shower and got dressed. He was still feeling very tired but he was used to that. He received a virtual message from Major Lyton requesting that his team meet him at his office for a briefing. Drayk sent a message to Ashor to notify the rest of the team.

He grabbed a cup of coffee from the officer lounge to help wake him up. He saw Ashor walking towards him. She looked like he felt. Her body moved at a very slow pace which was completely unlike her. Ashor always stood tall and walked at a rapid pace. A grin came to Drayk’s face as Ashor got to him.

“Good morning, Captain,” Ashor said groggily. She got a cup of coffee and slowly sipped it.

“Did you have a late-night visitor?” Drayk asked her.

Ashor looked at him and a smile grew on her face. “The lovely Piquet was in my room waiting for me. We fucked like literal rabbits.”

Drayk let out a laugh but stopped immediately when the pain in his neck smarted. “I also had a visitor last night.”

Ashor looked at Drayk curiously. “Walla?”

He nodded. “Yeah, she was naked in my bed. That sexy body of hers made me feel all kinds of things and I think I’m still feeling them.”

“Same. I feel so fucking tired. It’s like I don’t want to move a muscle,” Ashor said.

“It’s so weird because I have fucked so many Daviian women and I don’t remember feeling like this,” Drayk said. “Don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad thing.”

“I don’t know, Captain. But, I sure hope this doesn’t linger. I want to be at my peak performance when we fly out to the Ridgeyawn Desert,” Ashor said.

“Speaking of, let’s head out of here and see what information Jenzen gave to Major Lyton,” Drayk said. He drained the rest of his coffee and they headed out the front door. The two suns were high in the sky. One was a bright shining beam while the other was a pulsating grayish color.

They got into an officer’s car with Drayk behind the wheel. He prayed that he was not weak enough to drive. He started the car and he headed out onto the road. There were various squadrons and platoons that were getting ready to board spaceships that were heading out to war. The sounds of the engines of the spaceships were deafening to their ears. Drayk looked at a platoon that had so many young soldiers. The oldest in the platoon was the Captain who was shouting at his soldiers to get them motivated for war.

“Those children are being sent to be slaughtered,” Ashor said. She was also looking at the young platoon. She kept rubbing at the right side of her neck as if trying to loosen up the muscle there.

“Maybe they’ll be able to sustain minimal casualties,” Drayk said. To his own ears it sounded extremely fake. He looked over at Ashor who gave him a doubtful look. She even shook her head.

“If three of them come back, I would be surprised,” Ashor said.

Drayk pulled into the parking lot near the Major’s office and parked the car. They both got out of the car slowly. Drayk had to laugh at their slow movements.

“Look at the pair of us. We look like we had so much to drink last night,” Drayk said.

“We did but I’m never hungover. You neither. Piquet really sapped my energy,” Ashor said as she dragged her feet. Drayk walked behind her which was never the case. He just couldn’t move very fast. They entered the building and he saw the rest of the team waiting in the hallway.

They all looked at Drayk and Ashor’s slow-moving figures. Briji’s face was blank and appeared to have no reaction to their conditions. Fio’s face was one of confusion. Nuum grinned at them.

“Did you two have more to drink last night?” Nuum asked them.

“No,” Ashor said.

“Did you guys fuck?” Nuum asked them with a wide grin.

Ashor rolled her eyes. “No, Sergeant Nuum. Is there anything else you would like to know?”

Nuum snapped to attention and saluted Ashor with a grin. “No, Lt. Ashor, ma’am.”

The team laughed even Brijii smirked. Drayk led the team into the Major’s office. The Major was in his usual standing position over the virtual table. He looked up at them and nodded. Drayk and his team sat down in chairs.

“Welcome. Senator Jenzen has sent over the information on quite an amazing find,” Major Lyton said. There was an excited smile on his face. It was definitely a rare occurrence to see. “Possible teraks in the Ridgeyawn Desert. He told me that he briefed Capt. Drayk and Lt. Ashor about it at his compound yesterday. It appears you agreed to take this mission, Captain?”

Drayk nodded. “Yes, Major. Even if it’s a total bust, it is still worth pursuing.”

“Undoubtedly. Senator Jenzen wants to provide as much of the teraks to the military in order to enhance our weapons, ships, and gear,” Major Lyton said in a calm voice.

Drayk wanted to grin because he knew the Major was suppressing his excitement but it was still written all over his face. Teraks would truly do much more than enhance the weapons of the military. It would quite possibly turn the tide of the war with the Me’ria themselves.

“The information and maps that the Senator has provided seem to show that the teraks are deep in the Ridgeyawn Desert. There is currently a small base near there and we have briefed the Lieutenant in charge to expect your team in approximately seven hours.”

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