The Hand of Titans - Cover

The Hand of Titans

Copyright© 2022 by Detailed Archery

Chapter 4

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Captain Alan Drayk is a soldier fighting a neverending war against the relentless and brutal Me'ria alien race. The death of his parents fuels his anger to kill the Me'ria but when he meets the beautiful hybrid Nyx, his bloodlust mission becomes complicated.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   War   Science Fiction   Aliens  

Drayk and Ashor exited the Major’s office. They were in no rush to see Colbix Jenzen. The pimp and whoremeister could wait until they felt like seeing him.

“I can’t believe that bastard wants to see us. You think he is going to give us shit?” Ashor asked Drayk.

Drayk laughed. “That fuck does not have anything to say to me that hasn’t already been said.”

They walked out of the building and were immediately greeted by one of Colbix’s guards. He was a young man who appeared to be barely out of his teens. He was dressed in the red and black uniform that the Senate guards wore. He had a nervous expression on his face as he looked at Drayk and Ashor.

“Cpt. Drayk and Lt. Ashor, my name is Chio and I am to escort both of you to Senator Jenzen’s estate,” the young guard said. He was fidgeting with his hands.

Drayk let out a loud laugh. “The bastard sends a child to take us to him!”

Ashor laughed as well. Chio looked at them nervously and seemed like he would rather be doing anything but escorting the both of them.

“Let’s not give Chio a hard time, Captain. He is just doing his job,” Ashor said with a grin. She winked at Chio and he started to blush.

“Alright, Chio. Let us depart,” Drayk said as he continued to laugh.

The sun was beginning to set as they walked toward Chio’s vehicle. It was a vehicle that was made entirely of steel. It had a sleek design and impressed Drayk immensely.

“This is the vehicle?” He asked Chio.

“Yes, sir. It is Senator Jenzen’s personal vehicle,” Chio said. He noticed that Drayk was interested in the vehicle. “It was designed specifically for the Senator.”

One side of the car slid open and Drayk and Ashor stepped inside. They sat on the comfortable plush seats. He looked at the dashboard and saw that there was only a steering wheel. The door slid shut and Colbix pressed a small tab and the vehicle started. A virtual dashboard appeared before Chio. Drayk looked in surprise as the entire vehicle became see-through as they were able to see outside from all sides.

“Wow,” Ashor said as she looked out at the base. Several soldiers walked by the car. “Can they see us?”

“No, ma’am. We can only see what’s outside. No one can see in,” Chio said with a smile.

“Huh. Tell me Chio, does Senator Jenzen and his whores utilize this car often?” Drayk said with a grin. He watched as a soldier walked by and picked his nose.

“Yes, sir,” Chio said with a grin of his own. “This is the Senator’s favorite vehicle.”

Ashor looked around at the seats in disgust. “Please tell me that these seats have been cleaned recently.”

“Yes, ma’am. The car is cleaned every day as there are certain ... fluids that need to be washed out,” Chio said with a straight face.

Drayk let out a laugh. “That fucking guy! A vehicle that allows him and his minions to fuck whores in complete privacy as they cruise the city. I bet he wanks off to women that he sees on the street.”

Chio guffawed. Drayk looked at the young guard with a grin on his face. Ashor shook her head as she knew the Captain enjoyed those that laughed at his jokes.

Chio drove the vehicle onto the main road. There was a lot of activity on the base as soldiers prepared for various missions. Airships and spaceships were taking off constantly. The base was huge and housed more than 100,000 men, women, and alien species on it. Large gray buildings were constructed all throughout the base as they served as operations centers, mission control centers, dormitories, and other critical mission stations.

Many soldiers were out as they exercised in groups. It was truly a diverse military compound as Drayk looked at the soldiers that he drove by. There were Yperries which were an alien race that was green and black in color with short black horns on their heads. They had thin but athletic bodies that allowed them to leap into the air at will and move at a rapid pace. They were known for their agility and were great on the battlefield. Drayk had served with several of them throughout the years and even met a Yperrie that was a Lieutenant.

There were also many Gyterris, Daviians, Lyzarians, and human soldiers exercising together. Drayk’s eyes latched onto a big breasted Yperrie female. Her tits were literally bouncing up and down as she ran. Drayk gawked at her and felt his cock rise in his pants. Ashor elbowed him and he looked at her. She grinned at him as she knew exactly what he was looking at.

“Those tits are magnificent,” Drayk said. “Can you imagine fucking them?!”

Ashor laughed. “No, I cannot.”

They drove across the base to the main gates and the guards who were standing vigilant let them out. The road towards the Senator’s tower was not too far from the base. They drove out into the bustling city of Huron. There were so many people moving about on the streets. The noise level rose in intensity as they heard shouts from merchants who were trying to sell their wares to the passersby. There was also loud music of every genre playing. Drayk recognized a Broken Wave song that was a mix of heavy synths and thunderous drums. There were also loud honks from vehicles as they tried to not hit the people who would dash out into the street.

The buildings towered into the sky. Many of them were merchant centers where you can buy anything that you desired. There were also huge apartment complexes that housed the citizens of Huron. It was a large city that seemed to grow in size with every passing day. Drayk looked at the throngs of people. There was every alien race that you could imagine that was moving in the crowd.

A large train zoomed by on an elevated platform. It moved at a rapid pace as it went from station to station. The train ran all over the city of Huron for those that could not afford a vehicle or chose not to ride in one due to the endless traffic. Drayk did notice that Chio’s vehicle was moving faster than other cars in the street as they made way for the Senator’s vehicle.

Several fighter spaceships boomed across the sky as they made their way to whatever hostile area where the Me’ria were. The sound was almost deafening and seemed to drown out the noise of the city only momentarily. Drayk noticed that there were several performers on a street corner doing circus acts for a small crowd. These performers were dressed up as clowns and Drayk could see that they were malformed as they both had hunchbacks. One had a club hand.

He watched one of the clowns juggle several balls while the audience stood raptured before him. It was good to see some sort of entertainment for the citizens as the endless wars against the Me’ria ranged on. The Senators of Huron were supposed to bring countless distractions to the citizens but instead seemed to be focused on securing their own positions across the galaxy.

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