The Hand of Titans - Cover

The Hand of Titans

Copyright© 2022 by Detailed Archery

Chapter 3

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Captain Alan Drayk is a soldier fighting a neverending war against the relentless and brutal Me'ria alien race. The death of his parents fuels his anger to kill the Me'ria but when he meets the beautiful hybrid Nyx, his bloodlust mission becomes complicated.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   War   Science Fiction   Aliens  

Drayk fell asleep as the spaceship raced across the blackness of space. He always took the opportunity to rest whenever he could because he was always on the go. His days were always filled with one mission or other. He heard his troops talking as he slept except for Ashor. She must have been thinking about this waste of a mission as did he.

The constant vibrations of the spaceship as it charged through the black void rocked his body in his chair. A dream of a battle many years ago in Manyui played out in his mind. He had been a young Lieutenant then and had been eager to show his superiors that he could lead a group of soldiers against the Me’ria. It had been him and a team of ten that descended into the Me’ria infested city of Manyui on the planet Gfak.

They had made it into the city’s limits after a few days of navigating the hard terrain. The team was dressed in rags and torn clothes like much of the inhabitants on the planet. They blended in quickly with other people and did not stand out. They saw that many of the Manyuians worked tirelessly as they built facilities for the Me’ria.

Drayk’s team had been tasked with finding out what the Me’ria were building. The assumption was nuclear weapons or warheads that were going to create mass destruction on planets. On Drayk’s team was only Ashor at the time and no one else from his current crew. She was his second Lt.

The Me’ria were not on full force in Manyui which allowed Drayk and his team to penetrate the city. There had to be about 10 of them and yet they still were able to subdue the city of a million people. Drayk and his soldiers posed as slaves that were working on one of the facilities and snuck inside. They made their way through various rooms where experiments were conducted on the Manyunians and alien races. Many of the victims were still alive and looked at Drayk and his team with resignation in their eyes.

One unknown alien lay on a surgical table with its entrails hung above it and Drayk could see that its organs still worked. It made Drayk sick to his stomach to see the creature’s intestines hung on a hook above it. The creature had stared at Drayk with such a look of defeat and sadness that Drayk had wanted to end the poor thing’s life right then and there. But, he couldn’t. He had a mission that he had to complete.

With each room that they entered, Drayk and his team’s anger rose and they looked at the monstrosities that were being done to the Manyunians and alien races. He wanted to kill every single one of the Me’ria on this planet without any mercy.

They finally arrived at a room where two Me’ria soldiers stood on guard. Drayk and his team attacked as one and they were able to kill the two guards without too much of a ruckus. They removed both of the Me’rian guards heads to make sure that they were dead. Ashor then opened the sealed door with a Buster Rifle which would punch a hole through anything no matter the surface. The door flew off the hinges and they entered inside.

Drayk’s mouth fell open as he looked at the massive warheads that were stockpiled in the rooms. The warheads were as big as buildings and he knew that one alone could probably wipe out an entire city. He looked over at Ashor who also had a look of fear in her eyes. This was beyond their imagination even though they had expected something like this.

Drayk was just about to radio in his findings when the Me’ria attacked. They came swooping into the room without a word and attacked Drayk and his team. Drayk saw that the Me’ria fought with swords and electric-blades in an effort not to hit the warheads and blow them all to smithereens. Drayk and his team fought with their own charged blades of electricity. The battle raged for what felt like hours as there were so many Me’ria soldiers. It had to be the entire squad of them. Blood and guts flew all throughout the room as Drayk and his team fought.

He saw several of his men fall to the blades of the Me’ria. Screams and cries echoed in the room. Ashor fought with a ferocity that Drayk had seen many times in battle. She moved with such agility and gracefulness that it would appear to an outsider that she was dancing while fighting. Me’ria heads dislodged from shoulders as Ashor’s blades found purchase. She was covered in blood from head to toe but she did not stop fighting.

Drayk fought against a recalcitrant Me’ria soldier that swung its electric-blades ferociously against Drayk’s armored suit. He defended himself with his own blades and fought back with his own blood boiling inside of him. With a roar in the Me’ria soldier’s face, Drayk plunged his blades deep inside of it. The blades tore through the Me’ria’s suit and blood poured out in a flood. He then pulled the blades out and took off the alien’s head in quick succession.

There was silence in the room as the fighting had stopped. Drayk was panting from the excertion and put his hands on his knees. He looked around the room and saw that all of the Me’ria soldiers were dead including 8 of his troops. Only Ashor and Briorien stood. Briorien was a veteran soldier that was skilled in hand to hand combat. His bulky frame was covered in blood. He looked like he was going to pass out.

Drayk looked at his fallen soldiers and felt guilty at their deaths. He had charged in here without fully scoping out the rest of the facility. He should have thought through his plan of action. Maybe his men would still be alive.

Drayk radioed in to Major Lyton his findings and his location. Within two hours, a battalion of soldiers descended on Manyui. The people were freed and cheered at the soldiers mighty presence.

Major Lyton strolled into the room and looked at the carnage on the floor and walls. His eyes were vacant and did not register a single emotion. Lyton was a man who had seen way too many battles and deaths to feel anything any longer. He was immune to chaos and carnage.

Lyton was the personification of the military’s might with his 6’2 frame, broad shoulders and stocky build. He had a short flattop haircut that made his face even harder. There was a scar that ran from his left temple to his chin. It was from the blade of a Me’ria soldier many eons ago.

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