The Hand of Titans - Cover

The Hand of Titans

Copyright© 2022 by Detailed Archery

Chapter 2

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Captain Alan Drayk is a soldier fighting a neverending war against the relentless and brutal Me'ria alien race. The death of his parents fuels his anger to kill the Me'ria but when he meets the beautiful hybrid Nyx, his bloodlust mission becomes complicated.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   War   Science Fiction   Aliens  

“Sir, did you hear me, the ship has arrived,” Ashor repeated. Drayk could indeed hear the spaceship engine outside of the tent that he had slept in.

“Ok. Everyone accounted for?” Drayk asked Ashor. He quickly got to his feet and packed up all of his gear.

“Yes, sir.”

They stepped out of the tent and Drayk broke it down fast. Since getting to his feet, he had gotten everything ready for departure in under 2 minutes. He had been trained in rapid deployment and made sure his troops never wasted time on a mission especially with moving from place to place.

“Any word from the Major?” Drayk asked Ashor as they walked towards the spaceship. It was a huge ship that was built like a horseshoe with gray panels that lined the entire ship. The engines were large and the noise was deafening. Drayk activated the noise reducer in his ears so that he could hear Ashor’s response.

“Yes. He said that he was eager to hear our report,” Ashor said with a smirk.

“Does he know that we didn’t find shit out here? That this mission was a complete waste of our time?” Drayk asked her.

“I told him that but not in those words and he just said to get back safely,” Ashor said. Drayk let out a snort. It was another recent mission where they had gone to an area on the planet where suspected Me’ria activity was detected but they had found nothing. Drayk was all for investigative missions but he at least hoped to find something. Anything. These recent missions had been a complete waste of his and his team’s time.

They ascended up the ramp and Drayk saw that his team were already belted into their seats. There was Corporal Jart Fio who was the team’s communications specialist. She was about 5’6 with raven black hair and large rabbit-like ears. Her skin was a grayish color that would turn white in any cold environment as she adapted to her surroundings. She was a Daviian which was a rabbit-like alien race that were from the plant Daviia.

Drayk had met her at a bar in Huron and they had clicked immediately. Fio had a sharp mind and a very cute smile. She had huge tits that had drawn Drayk to her. He initially wanted to fuck her especially those tits of hers. It had been some time since he had titfucked a woman but Fio was not interested in males of any species. She was a lesbian.

Her lover sat in the adjoining chair next to her. Sergeant Verok Nuum was the team’s weapons specialist. There wasn’t a weapon that she couldn’t handle. Her expertise had gotten Drayk and his team out of many a sticky situation. Nuum was about 5’6, with short dreads and light brown eyes. She was dark-skinned with a curvy athletic body. She had a lovely round ass that seemed to get lovelier by the day.

Nuum had a twisted sense of humor. She joked about everything even when in the midst of battle. Her gallows humor had actually helped the team as a whole as it brought forth a sense of ease, especially in a stressful environment.

Drayk had met Nuum at a training exercise focused on heavy artillery. Nuum was the instructor and Drayk was impressed with her knowledge of all weapons as well as her calm demeanor while instructing the students. She never lost her cool, especially with the younger green recruits. She would joke with them and put them at ease in order to eliminate the jitters that they may feel while shooting the large weapons.

After the weapons exercise, Drayk walked up to Nuum and asked her if she would be interested in joining a crew that he was putting together. Nuum had given him a smirk and displayed her trademark gallows humor that he had come to enjoy.

“Sure, I’ve always wanted to live a short life, Captain,” Nuum said.

Drayk had laughed long and hard. Many of the trainees had looked over in their direction with curious expressions on their faces. Drayk had not expected that response from Nuum and would come to understand that Nuum was always unpredictable. There was no knowing what she might say in a serious moment.

When Drayk introduced Nuum to Fio, he was surprised by how quickly the two of them became a couple. He had noticed furtive glances between the two of them as he briefed them on the type of missions that they would be doing for the world leaders of Huron. They would always smile and glance at each other and try to not show their interest in one another to Drayk but he knew what was going on.

One night after a raucous time at a sleazy bar near the base, he stumbled to Nuum’s barracks. He was hoping to fuck her and get to explore her wonderfully curvy body. His cock was hard as he made his drunken way to her barracks. When he was about to knock on her door, he heard giggling and moaning from behind the door.

He heard Fio’s voice and then a loud moan. Drayk was surprised and stood outside Nuum’s door for a moment. The moaning continued and he could hear a bed squeak. Drayk’s cock remained hard as he listened to his two troops fuck. It took him a moment to walk away as the moaning coming from behind Nuum’s door was incredible to hear.

In the beginning of their missions together, Drayk had to admit that he felt sad that Fio and Nuum were lesbians. Fio’s big breasts and Nuum’s big ass were a loss to the male species. He would love to do so many filthy things to both of them. Over time, these sexual thoughts left Drayk’s sex-crazed mind as he started to see them as younger sisters. They were his family.

In front of Nuum, there was Staff Sergeant Parito Briji who sat with a scowl on his face. Briji was the team’s blunt instrument and his appearance showed why. He was 6’5 with a bulky muscular body that was frightening at first sight. His muscles were gigantic and seemed to get bigger by the moment. There wasn’t a soft spot on his body. It was like he had been carved from rock and steel. His skin was gray in color and when in the midst of battle his veins would pop out and their blue color would be quite striking as his body grew in size.

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