The Hand of Titans - Cover

The Hand of Titans

Copyright© 2022 by Detailed Archery

Chapter 10

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Captain Alan Drayk is a soldier fighting a neverending war against the relentless and brutal Me'ria alien race. The death of his parents fuels his anger to kill the Me'ria but when he meets the beautiful hybrid Nyx, his bloodlust mission becomes complicated.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   War   Science Fiction   Aliens  

Drayk froze momentarily as he looked at Nyk. He had no idea what to say or even do. His mind thought that it was a trap but then he also felt like it wasn’t. Nyk freed his other hand and then the remaining shackles on his legs.

“Why are you doing this?” Drayk asked her.

“There’s no time to explain. We have to go!” Nyx said as she grabbed a hold of the collar around his neck and inserted what looked like a disk into it. The collar popped open and she put it to the side. Drayk got up from the table and felt a little dizzy. The effects of the clipper device had not worn off yet. He stumbled to his feet as Nyx put one of his arms around her shoulder and helped lead him out. Drayk could feel the strength of her arms around him. His eyes looked at her bust once again and his cock started to harden again. Nyx noticed and her face turned pink.

“I will grab you some clothes,” Nyx said quickly as they exited the surgical room.

Drayk grinned sheepishly. “Sorry about that. It’s quite difficult not to be aroused in your presence.”

A small smile played out across Nyx’s lips. “Come on, we need to walk to the prisoner bay to free your team.”

Drayk saw that they were walking down a hallway. There was no one else around and it was very quiet. They approached a door that Nyx opened and closed behind them. It was a locker room and Drayk saw clothes strewn across various benches. Nyx helped to set him down on the bench. She started to go through the clothes and would look at him to estimate his size.

Drayk’s cock was still fully erect and twitched as he looked at her. He would get an eyeful of her ass whenever she would turn around which made things even more complicated. It was so round and firm beneath her leather suit.

“Here put these on,” Nyx said as she handed him a shirt and trousers. Drayk put them on as quickly as he could and saw that they fit him perfectly. Nyx had a great eye for knowing an individual’s size. She then started to go through the boots that lined a section of the locker room. She grabbed two at random and handed them to Drayk who put them on. They also fit him perfectly.

“We need weapons,” Nyx said. “There is no way to free your friends without them. The prisoner bay is guarded by two soldiers at all times.”

“Why are you doing this?” Drayk asked her again.

She looked at him momentarily. “This may be hard to believe but not all Me’rians want to conquer the galaxy. We are not all senseless monsters who love to cause pain and destruction to others. Many of us want to see peace and stop this brutal war that has been going on for so many years.”

Drayk was stunned by this. There were good Me’rians? He thought. Of course, it would make sense but it was so hard to believe after all of his interactions with Me’rians had been on the battlefields. He had never thought that the Me’rians could have various factions that did not want war. As he thought about it now, the military had always fed him and the other soldiers that the Me’rians were evil and needed to be destroyed. Shit, he had believed that ever since witnessing his parents’ death. He felt clashing feelings within him as he thought about all of this.

“Can you stand?” Nyx asked him. Drayk shook himself out of his momentary stupor and rose to his feet. He was still a little dizzy but was ok to walk on his own.

“Yes. Let’s get those weapons and free my team,” Drayk said with determination. Nyx opened the door and peered in the hall.

“Come on.” They moved quickly now the hall towards the door at the end of it. Nyx flashed a card against the white pad and the door slid open.

“Stand close to me,” she whispered. There were several human and Me’rian soldiers congregating in an adjoining conference room. Drayk saw a map of Huron on one of the virtual screens. He wanted to ask Nyx about it but decided to wait for a better time. One of the Me’rian soldiers in the room noticed Drayk and Nyx and quickly walked out. Drayk readied himself for a fight.

“Dr. Nyx what are you doing with this prisoner?” The Me’rian soldier said. He was a middle-aged man with short purple hair and sunken cheeks on his red face. He was tall as he had to be about 6’2 and was stocky.

“I am escorting the prisoner to the prisoner bay, Lieutenant,” Nyx said calmly.

“Ok, make sure to get him there as soon as possible,” the Lieutenant said as he gave Drayk a mean look. Drayk kept his face as impassive as he could.

“Yes, sir. Come along, you,” she said to Drayk.

“Wait a moment. What happened to his collar?” the soldier asked them.

“We had to take it off for the procedure that he has undergone. This man will no longer be able to speak again. No more bitching and complaining once he is a slave,” Nyx said.

The soldier grinned. “I like the sound of that. Remind me to bring in my own slaves next week for that procedure.”

“Yes, sir.”

The soldier walked back to the room and closed the door behind him. Nyx nudged Drayk to follow her. They walked quickly down the hall and made a left turn to a large metal door.

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