Celine Rides a Rhinoceros - Cover

Celine Rides a Rhinoceros

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2022 by Mat Twassel

Fiction Story: A follow up to "Five Fucks," Celine attempts to demonstrate her rhinoceros riding technique. Illustrated.

Caution: This Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Illustrated   .

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Celine checked her phone when we got back to her parents’ house. “This is so sad,” she said. “Nola died.”

“Oh no,” I said. “Who is Nola?”

“A northern white rhinoceros. Now there are only three left alive in the whole wide world.”

“That is sad. Why couldn’t it be mosquitoes go extinct?”

“Right,” Celine agreed. “Except, I heard that if mosquitoes died out it would wreck the food chain, and lots of other species would suffer.”

“Plus you can swat a mosquito a lot easier than you can swat a rhinoceros.”

“Plus you can ride a rhinoceros,” Celine said.

I laughed. “Have you ever ridden a rhinoceros?”

“Oh yes. Come up to my room and you’ll see.”

Celine led me up the stairs to her girlhood bedroom. “My mom was going to turn it into a sewing room,” she said, “but it’s been two years since I’ve been on my own, and the room is the same as ever.”

The room was mostly pink but for the large, dark brown armchair. “Meet Bertram,” Celine said. “He’s named after the boy in a storybook my grandpa had when he was a little boy. My grandpa used to read it to me while we sat on this very chair. Kind of ugly, isn’t it?”


“But very comfy. It’s not real rhino, of course. Not even real leather. It’s Naugahyde, or something like that.”

“So you used to ride Bertram?”

“Oh yes.”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing that.”

“Okay, but first I have to change into my rhinoceros riding outfit.”

“Like armor plating or chain mail?”

“No, just the opposite. No panties and a skirt short enough so my bottom is bare.”

“Now I really want to see.”

A few moments later, Celine in her rhinoceros riding outfit leaned against the back of the chair.

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“Are you going to ride now?”

Celine looked back at me. “One thing old Bertram is missing. A horn. I was thinking maybe you could help me out with that.”

It turned out I could.

Responding to complaints that the ending above omits the juicy details, I offer the following:

Perched on the back of the overstuffed armchair, Celine watched me undress. “What a lovely horn you have,” she observed, when my erect cock sprang from my underpants. “I can’t wait to ride him.”

I took a step toward her, but my pants were around my ankles, and I tripped. Celine laughed and lost her balance, falling back into the seat of the chair. I got up and peered down at her. She was still laughing.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I will be once you get your cock in my cunt,” she replied.

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I hastened to oblige.

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