Night Games - Cover

Night Games

Copyright© 2022 by T. MaskedWriter

Chapter 2

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Visitors are coming to San Finzione.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Hypnosis   Mind Control   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   Humor   Mystery   Science Fiction   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Smoking   Politics   Royalty  

“Coolin’ on the corner on a hot summer’s day.
Just me and my posse and M.C.A.
A lot of BEER, a lot of GIRLS, and a lot of CURSIN’!
Twenty-two automatic on my person.”
-Beastie Boys, “The New Style

The cruise ship moored at the San Finzione Docks. Greeters stood at the bottom of the gangplank to welcome new arrivals to the country. People in the crowd beyond looked for passengers disembarking from the ship. In the midst of the tourists and travelers, Morris Sinclair descended the gangplank and entered San Finzione.

Some distance away, on the other side of San Finzione’s border with neighboring Svenborgia, a man dressed as a German hiker walked along until he found a quiet spot where no one was around to see him cross over. He changed clothes and stuffed the lederhosen and alpine hat into his backpack before proceeding into Wine Country on his way to the city. True to his name, Gordon Walker walked into San Finzione.

Spencer Malone arrived via commercial flight. He stopped to admire the giant picture of Contessa Helena de San Finzione welcoming visitors to Augustus de San Finzione International Airport before proceeding to get his bags and rental car. At a nearby bus depot, Oscar Dodge stepped off the bus with a large valise in hand. The depot was convenient to the train station, where Tracy Baker stepped off the platform. Franz Hauber arrived by private yacht and Alice Mei drove a rental car over the border.

One by one, they arrived at their motels near the airport. None of the establishments were owned by Società Finzione, the government of San Finzione’s corporation, which had been a deliberate choice on Ms. Baker’s part when making the arrangements. Once they’d checked into their rooms, the group convened in the lounge on Hauber’s yacht.

“You seem nervous.” Oscar told Morris, propping his feet up on a coffee table. Morris sat on a couch and smoked. “I thought you were fearless.”

“When it comes to the job, I am.” Sinclair replied. “But this place? Do you know who the queen of this country is?”

“A total babe.” Said Spencer, emerging from the bathroom. “Why, Morris? You believe the things they say about her online? Criminals really ARE a cowardly, superstitious lot, ain’t they?”

“From what I’ve heard,” Gordon Walker said, popping open a beer from behind the bar. “No man’s ever crossed her and survived.”

“That’s because it’s not a job for a man.” A British woman’s voice said from the doorway. Everyone turned and watched the shadow of Tracy Baker enter the room. “And she’s a Contessa, not a queen. It’s good to see everyone again.”

There was a light round of applause when she entered. Walker hoisted his beer to her.

“Thank you, thank you. I just had the idea, though. The Eye of Andalusia was all of you working together.”

“That’s why we all keep coming back, Boss Lady.” Morris told her. “You get the best ideas.”

“Try giving us a challenge sometime, fraulein.” Hauber said, pouring himself a scotch.

Walker turned to look to him.

“Oh yeah, Franz. I’ve got your lederhosen in my bag. Thanks again.”

“Well, Gentlemen. And Alice.” Tracy told the assembled team. “That’s what we’ve come to this country for. Not Franz’s lederhosen, we’ve got another target here that’s the real prize. But an offer came to me for a rush job that’s too good to pass up.”

“How rush?” Sinclair asked.

“Tonight.” Tracy replied. “So, we’d better get down to business.” Everyone groaned. A pillow from the couch was jokingly thrown at her. “I know, I know. We just got here and it’s last minute, but the client is offering top dollar for this one; it’s worth the short notice.”

“Rush jobs are how mistakes get made.” Oscar Dodge pointed out. Tracy walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

“It’s a golden opportunity. Right now, the target isn’t locked up in some vault. It’s in a safe in a secure hotel suite with a couple of armed guards; nothing Gordon can’t handle. For the next few days, it’s at its most vulnerable. And the client wants it as soon as possible. Tonight is possible for a group that brings everything to the table that we do.” She turned to face each occupant of the room and address them.

“Hacker,” she said, pointing to Spencer. “Cat burglar.” She pointed to Morris, who saluted with his cigarette. Tracy turned to Alice. “Engineering and chemistry.” Alice smiled. She moved on to Franz, who raised his glass to her. “Face man.” Tracy looked over to Walker. “Weapons and driving.” She then completed her circuit of the room and rested her hand on Dodge’s shoulder again. “Disguise and forgery. And Idea Woman. We can do this.”

“I came on foot. I only brought what I could conceal.” Walker spoke up. “If we’re going to need anything serious, I’ll have to obtain it locally.”

“I’ll take care of any of that.” She said with a smile. “Spencer, if you could dim the lights and start the presentation, we should get to business.”

The Texan agreed and hit the switch. He walked over to a laptop that was plugged into a giant-screen TV. A few keystrokes, and graphics filled the screen. Walker leaned over to him.

“PowerPoint?” He murmured.

“You know how she works. I only found out what’s on her mind right before boarding my flight. Had to rush the presentation part.”

The graphics were wiped away to be replaced by an image of a 60-carat pink diamond pendant. A couple of low whistles came from the audience.

“The Star of Uongo.” Tracy explained. “Believe it or not, the country wasn’t always like it is today. Before a string of dictatorships, there’d been a royal family. And a few national treasures survived the various regimes. This one is going to be formally presented to La Contessa at a ceremony sometime this week. Except it’s not, because we’re going to steal it!”

“How much is that thing worth?” Alice asked.

“To the client? Thirty million.” Tracy answered. “That’s the number that matters.” She let that sink in for a moment. “The location...” She waited while Spencer clicked and the next image loaded on the screen. “The Hotel de Riviera de San Finzione. La Familia de San Finzione’s first establishment, and the jewel in the crown of Società Finzione’s international hospitality empire. Over to you, Spencer.”

Tracy sat down and let Spencer bring up the schematics of the building that he was able to locate.

“Being a historical site, the plans were online. Società Finzione owns hundreds of hotels around the world, so there’s no uniform design. All of their biggest, most luxurious locations, though, have one thing in common.” Spencer zoomed in on the penthouse. “The most expensive room in the joint: The La Contessa Suite. Designed to La Contessa’s personal specifications. Luxury and convenience for the traveling world leader, CEO, or in La Contessa’s case, both.”

Franz spoke up.

“I’ve stayed in a couple of them. Very nice.”

Morris acknowledged that.

“I’ll want whatever details you can give me.” He turned to face Spencer. “I trust there’s a room safe?”

“There is. Top of the line. No cameras in the suite itself, but looking at the movements going in and out, two guards are kept in the room, presumably watching the safe while the stone’s in it. They’re likely packing.”

Tracy stood up and looked at the floorplan on the screen.

“So, we’ll need Gordon to take care of the guards and Morris to handle the safe. How do we get them in?”

“I’ve been looking at that.” Spencer told them as he brought up plans of the suite from other hotels. “Access to that floor is either via the stairs or elevator. There’s a private express with a voice and handprint lock, so that’s out. Both of those means of entrance are heavily guarded. But looking at La Contessa suites from other hotels, I’ve noticed something that I’d appreciate Alice’s opinion on.”

She got up and the men on the couch moved so she could sit next to the laptop. Malone continued.

“Now, the suite has access to the rooftop helipad via the express elevator. Another common feature I found. But I also took note of this.”

He brought up the rooftop camera and scanned the roof and empty helipad. Spencer pointed out a rooftop access.

“That door leads to the stairwell. Now, look at this.”

The camera continued panning until it revealed a second roof access.

“Second stairwell.” Alice commented.

“That’s what I thought, too. Renovations have been made, but this is a historical building. It predates a few fire codes. It doesn’t have a second stairwell.”

“So, what’s in that fake stairwell?” She asked.

“That’s what I was hoping you could tell me. As I said, I looked at a few of their other hotels, and only ones with La Contessa suites have that phony roof access on them.

Alice studied it for a moment. Finally, she spoke.

“Then the important question is ‘What’s below it?’ Show me the suite again.”

Spencer clicked back a few images in his presentation until it was on the screen.

“A walk-in closet off the master bedroom.”

Franz spoke up again.

“There are many security features in the suite itself. I’ll try to remember them for you, Morris. But the master bedroom locks down into a panic room at the guest’s request.”

Alice studied the plan for another moment, then laughed. Everyone turned to her.

“She’s no engineer.” Alice pointed out. “And she doesn’t have confidence in her own panic room. There’s an escape hatch to the roof in that closet. It probably opens from inside the room.”

“She’s about my height.” Tracy said. “So, a ladder or some stairs probably drop down. And she keeps as much of her life as private as someone can with her job. The world doesn’t even know who the father of her children is. Someone that secretive would come and go that way, it probably opens from both sides. Think you can figure it out in six hours?”

“Absolutely.” Alice replied with a smile.

Oscar spoke up next.

“You say La Contessa designed this room herself?”

“Yes.” Morris interjected. “And I’d like to take a moment to address that. You all know why you don’t hear a lot of stories about jobs people have pulled in San Finzione, right? Because the woman who sits on the throne of this place is a fucking master criminal herself! I mean, she stole this whole fucking country! Whatever you come up with, Tracy, she’s probably already thought of it.”

Franz spoke up next.

“I must admit to some trepidation myself, fraulein. Even if I believed the things they say about La Contessa, do you know who else is in this country?” He paused to make sure he had the room’s attention. “Luc Allaine. You know, a man who can ID every one of us.”

Silence fell for a moment. Everyone was familiar with the Interpol detective one way or another. Tracy finally broke it.

“And therein lies that challenge, everyone! As I say, this job is just something that came across my desk while I was planning the more important score. You see, the Star of Uongo is where we make our money on this trip. That, I’m so confident we can do that we’re going tonight.” She stood in front of the TV and looked over the group. “And when that’s done, we can take that money and go our separate ways if that’s what you want. This’ll pay enough to keep you all in the lap of luxury for a couple of years; or a couple of months in your case, Franz. I’ll have thought up a new, safer score by then.”

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