The Secret Life Of Mrs. Stewart - Cover

The Secret Life Of Mrs. Stewart

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A wife bored to distraction wants to find a job without her husband's knowledge. Her best friend suggests working for Ms. Alison, but will her husband accept her being a prostitute?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Cheating   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Prostitution   Illustrated  

It was about two months later when Michelle had gone off to another shift at Ms. Alison’s when the unthinkable happened. James had already left for work and in fact had arrived at the office before Michelle left the house. She was very careful about the time lapse because she didn’t want him to turn around and come home because her forgot something and find her not at home.

Her shift at Ms. Alison’s was uneventful, she had five or six “dates” and left them all happily satisfied before it was time for her to go home. On the way home, her thoughts were on what she would fix for dinner and what her and James would do that weekend.

James had talked about going to the cabin for a couple days of “getting away from it all”. Michelle loved the cabin and the walks through the woods her and James took. The rowboat and dock on the lake and seeing all the wildlife that always came around. It was the perfect place as far as Michelle was concerned.

Michelle had no way of knowing that about five hours prior, James had come home, not feeling well, and found she was not at home. He had no idea where she might be, and she hadn’t taken her cell phone so he couldn’t call her.

Curious, he began calling around ... calling her friends, calling her parents, calling everywhere he thought she could possibly be. Now he was worried – this was not like Michelle to be gone like this. He didn’t know what had happened but he was going to find out!

James was just about to call the police when Michelle walked through the door, completely unaware of who was home waiting for her.

“JAMES! W-what are you doing home?” she said, dropping her makeup case with a great thud.

“What are you doing NOT at home?” he asked. She looked at his face. James was pissed. In fact he was beyond pissed – he was furious!

“I-I was at Kim’s house. She needed help with someth...” she started to explain. But he cut her off mid-sentence.

“DON’T LIE TO ME!” he shouted at her. “I called Kim and she hadn’t seen you for the past couple days. Now tell me the truth ... where were you?” he said.

Michelle fell to her knees and sat on her ankles, her face in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. She knew she was caught and she knew that James was not going to like the answers to his questions. He was an understanding and supportive man usually but this – this would test him beyond anything she had given him before. He was vehemently opposed to her working as it was, much less working as a whore!

“James, I’m sorry! I’m so so sorry! Please I never meant to hurt you! Please!” she sobbed.

“Just answer the question, Michelle. Where have you been?” he said, his arms folded across his chest and a stormy, impatient look on his face.

“O-okay, James. But you’d better sit down for this,” she said quietly. James took a seat on the sofa nearby and Michelle came to kneel on the floor a couple feet in front of him. James had never hit her, or even raised his hand to her in anger. But then she’d never dropped a bomb like this on him either!

James sat on the sofa with his hands clasped in his lap, his fingers interlaced. He watched her carefully waiting for his answer. Michelle looked up into his face fearfully, uncertain what the next few minutes would bring. Knowing she could stall no longer, she took a deep breath and began.

“James before I tell you, please know that I love you. I have aways loved you, and nothing will ever change that. But being left here all alone while you are off working was driving me crazy. I mean I had my housework, but I was done with that about an hour or two into my day. And the rest of the day I just puttered around the house, watched some TV and tried to find something to do with myself.

“I know I told you that all I wanted was to be a housewife and take care of the you, the house, and kids when they come along. But that was before I realized just how little time of my day that would take. You have given me all these time-saving and labor-saving devices and I love them, but they only make my day longer by making it easier – do you understand that?” she said.

“Yeah, I suppose I do. But what has that got to do with where you have been all day?” he asked.

“Well, I needed something to do, something to occupy my day. So I went out and got a job. I know you didn’t want me to but I couldn’t stand it anymore, James! I’m sorry!” she said.

“A job, huh. Well, I guess that’s not so bad. Maybe I was a bit strict on that. What kind of job did you find?” he asked.

“Oh James, please don’t ask me that! Please honey, I will quit tomorrow, I promise!” she said terrified.

“What kind of job?” he demanded. He was not going to let this go until everything was out in the open.

“I work at Ms. Alison’s” she said in a whisper.

“What? Speak up where do you work?” he asked again.

“I work as Ms. Alison’s,” she said again, louder this time.

“Ms. Alison’s – what is that some sort of craft store or something?” he asked.

“No it’s a ... a brothel,” she said, hanging her head and waiting for the inevitable.

“A WHAT?” he said, jumping to his feet.

“I’m sorry, James I’m so sorry! Please I won’t do it anymore! Please! I love you!” she said cringing. She’d never seen him so engraged and it scared her. Not because she was afraid he’d hit her – she wouldn’t blame him if he slapped her senseless. But what she was afraid of was losing him. The thought that this could end their marriage absolutely terrified her.

“YOU ARE A WHORE? My beautiful wife is a fucking whore?” he yelled.

James’ reaction was too much for her to take. She leaned forward, still sitting on her heels, and put her forehead on the floor, bawling like she’d never cried before. She couldn’t stand hurting him like she had – it tore her heart out to know she had done such a dirty and disrespectful thing like this to him.

James just sat there stunned, his mouth hanging open. His mind conjured up all sorts of images of Michelle – his sweet Michelle – being fucked by another faceless man, or sucking his cock as he grunts and sweats and cums all over her angelic face.

James sat there for several moment as these images crossed the movie screen of his mind. His wife was a whore – she fucked other men for money and she liked it! He went through every porn movie clip he’d remembered seeing, but instead of the porn queen, he saw Michelle’s face in every scene.

Suddenly he stormed off towards the bedroom, leaving Michelle balled up and cryin on the living room floor. After a couple minutes she got up to go talk to him. She turned the corner and saw him throwing clothes into a suitcase.

“James! What are you doing? she said.

“I have to get out of here. I need time to think. Alone,” he said.

“No James! Please! Oh God, please no! Don’t go!” she said, grabbing onto him. But he just pulled away and left the room. And she stood there in the bedroom, she heard to front door slam.

Michelle fell face-first onto the bed – their bed – and curled up like a little girl crying her eyes out.

The next few days were a dark gray blur to Michelle. She continued to go to work at Ms. Alison’s, but now it was just so she wouldn’t have to go back to that house, where her life had come crashing down on her. Plus, she needed a source of income, because she wasn’t sure if she would remain married or not!

It was hard for her to feel sexy or aroused, but she had become a fairly decent actress since starting to work at Ms. Alison’s and she covered herself well enough. She was working more now which gave her more money, but that did little to make up for the fact that James wasn’t home.

She hadn’t heard a word from him and he hadn’t gone back to work either. She didn’t know where he was staying or even if he was still in southern California anymore. James parents lived in northern California in Red Bluff while James and Michelle lived in Anaheim. Or at least they used to. Michelle still did, but she wasn’t so sure about James.

Michelle was just arriving home with a couple bags of groceries she had picked up on her way home when she saw James car parked in the driveway. Overjoyed at the chance to see and talk to him again, she could hardly get the door open fast enough.

“James! James!” she called out to him as she set the bags on the table. She ran through the house looking for him and finally he stepped out of the bathroom.

“Oh James! James!” Michelle cried out as she ran at him. Just as she was about to leap into his arms and hug the life from him, he held up his hand.

“Stop. I’m just here to get a few things,” he said, matter-of-factly.

“James please ... can’t we at least talk about this?” she asked.

“Oh, so you want to talk about this? Yes, let’s do that – let’s talk about this. Suppose you start by explaining how you came up with such a hair-brained idea like becoming a fucking prostitute?” he said angrily.

“James, please,” she said trying to calm him down. “I only started working because I wanted something to do. I needed to find a job that I could set the hours so I could be home when you got home. And I knew how you felt about my working so it had to be a job that you wouldn’t find out about – one that wouldn’’t call me at home and one you wouldn’t find any trace of. I looked around at different things, I really did. But nothing fit both of those criteria. I couldn’t do office work, because the hours didn’t work. I couldn’t work from home because you would see the evidence. I got desperate until Katie told me about Ms. Alison’s,” Michelle explained.

“Oh, so Katie put you up to this, did she?” he asked, angry again.

“It wasn’t like that. Katie ran into some money troubles in college and she had to entertain to earn money to keep going to school. Otherwise she would have wasted the years she had already put in and all the money she had been given. She said a lot of college girls find themselves in a bind and Ms. Alison helps them out. It’s really a nice place James – you’d never know it was a brothel unless you went there,” she said.

“That may be so, Michelle, but you are not some scatterbrained college girl. You are my wife. What would our friends say? Or my parents, God forbid!” he said.

“James, honey, the only way any of our friends would find out is if they visited Ms. Alison’s themselves. And if they did, they would be too embarressed or afraid of ratting themselves out to say anything!

As for your parent’s, they live over 500 miles away. I seriously doubt they would ‘bump into me’ at work! And remember there are 350,000 people in Anaheim alone, not to mention all the other towns in the Los Angeles area. The odds of us running into anyone we know accidentally is very remote,” she said.

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