The Secret Life Of Mrs. Stewart - Cover

The Secret Life Of Mrs. Stewart

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A wife bored to distraction wants to find a job without her husband's knowledge. Her best friend suggests working for Ms. Alison, but will her husband accept her being a prostitute?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Cheating   Sharing   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Prostitution   Illustrated  

Michelle thought she had been careful, she thought she had covered her tracks well enough. She had waited for her husband to leave to go to work and given him time to get well on his way. She had driven to the next town over so she wouldn’t bump into anyone she knew. She had even given James a cover story in case he called the house and she didn’t answer. She had her bases covered. Well, almost.

Michelle Stewart looked like the sterotypical American housewife. At twenty-eight years old, she had a husband and a very nice home ... she had a tight hold on the good life, to be sure. James was a good husband and provider and she loved him very much.

But in order to be that good provider, James had to work long hours at the office. Which left Michelle alone and bored, just puttering around the house by herself. Sure she had her housework, but that usually only took a couple hours each day to take care of. She saved the laundry to do over the weekend, so during the week she had little to occupy the day.

One day about a year ago now, Katie, her friend from across the street, had come over for coffee and to catch up on the latest gossip.

“Michelle, is there something wrong? I’ve been here for twenty minutes and you’ve hardly said more than two words. And you haven’t touched your coffee. Is something bugging you hon?” she asked.

“Sorry, it’s just ... no, it’s nothing. I’m okay,” Michelle said.

“Honey you and I are best friends and as friends I hope you feel you can talk to me ... about anything. Now if there is something bothering you, then it’s going to bother me, especially if you won’t talk to me about it. So tell me, please, what’s going on?” Katie said.

“Okay, I’ll tell you. But you can’t repeat this to anyone understand, especially James. Understand? The thing is I am bored to tears! I mean I love James and all and he is good to me, but he goes off to work and leaves me here all by myself with nothing to do!

“I get my housework done in only a couple hours if that since he got me that new dishwasher. And we eat out as much as we eat at home. So really I have little to do all day but watch TV. And that is so old anymore!” Michelle said.

“Geez, Michelle, I didn’t realize things were so bad for you!” Katie said.

“Oh it’s not. I mean James is a wonderful man and a great provider. I don’t lack for anything around here. It’s just that I don’t have anything to do! When I married James, I thought the only thing I wanted was to be the doting, happy, housewife and take care of him and the house – you know the classic Ozzie and Harriet TV housewife. And at the beginning I was happy.

“But Katie, that fantasy quickly turned into a grind and now it’s a nightmare! I almost hate getting up in the mornings, because I know I will just be pacing the floor and flipping the channels on the TV remote in a short while. It’s a good thing James and I aren’t drinkers or I’d be passed out drunk most of the day just to get through it!” Michelle said.

“Oh my God, Michelle! Well, have you thought about talking to James about you going to work? I mean I know you don’t really need the money, but it would give you something to do during the day. And the money you make could go towards a nice little nest egg for you and James,” Katie suggested.

“Oh no, James is dead set against me working! He thinks that if he can’t keep me in the good life on his income, he shouldn’t be married to me. He is the provider, and he makes the money. My job is to take care of the home. I know it’s a pretty Neanderthal way of thinking, but that’s what he believes!” Michelle said.

“Yeah, James is kind of a dinosaur isn’t he!” Katie and Michelle giggled and laughed at James expense.

But it did get Michelle thinking. If she could figure out a way to work without James knowing about it...

A couple days later, Katie was over for another visit when Michelle brought up the subject of working again. “I’m at a loss, Katie, I just don’t know what I could do that James wouldn’t find out somehow. Regular jobs have hours that would keep me too late and James would wonder why I wasn’t home when he got home. And part time work is very hard to come by.

“I thought about becoming an Avon or Tupperware girl so I could set my own hours, but James would see all the supplies come in and start wondering. I don’t know what to do. James doesn’t want me working at all so working from home is out,” Michelle threw her hands up in exasperation.

“Well, sweetie I have an idea ... it’s kind of out there, but it just might work if you are really interested in working and keeping busy,” Katie said.

“At this point Katie I’m willing to do about anything! What’s this idea?” Michelle said.

“Well when I was in college, I got in a bind, financially. I was in my second year of college and about to start my third, when the grant I was going to school on dried up. Now I could have just gone home with my tail between my legs and wasted the two years of school I had done already. Or I could stick it out and try to find a way to pay for school.

“My room and board, thankfully, had been taken care of. All I needed was tuition, books, and personal items. But finding a job close enough to school was next to impossible. A friend told me of a place where a few girls had gone to get monetary help and I went there.

“It was a brothel and the girls were college girls working their way through school. It was all very hush-hush, for obvious reasons, but working there I paid for college easily and even managed to save enough to buy a car and have some money put away for the time between graduation and getting my first job.

“A brothel! You mean with hookers kind of brothel?” Michelle gasped.

“Yes. Ms. Alison has a few girls there who provide services for men who can’t or don’t get what they need at home. She runs a very nice place really–it’s always kept clean, the girls know and follow the rules and she makes sure the men do too. It’s not like what you see in the movies or TV – this place looks more like a home than anything else. Hell, if you didn’t know better, you would think it was a home!” Katie said.

“Yeah, but it’s not. It’s a whorehouse!” Michelle said shocked that her best friend was once a prostitute!

“This is true. But you are telling me you are going stir crazy here alone. You want to work to alleviate your boredom, but you can’t find a job that you can set your own hours and that is discrete enough to keep James from finding out.

“And didn’t you tell me also that with James working so much, your other “needs” weren’t getting as met as you would like them? Well this job hits all those marks and frankly it’s fun too. Having men fawn all over you and want you like that is a real ego boost, let me tell you!” Katie said grinning from ear to ear.

“But is it ... safe? You know, with all the things you could catch?” Michelle asked.

“It safer than going to the grocery store! All the men are required to wear condoms, supplied by Ms. Alison. And there are three big, brawny, bouncers in case anyone has a disagreement on any of the rules! Ms. Alison takes very good care of her girls–she has to, because any publicity would put her out of business,” Katie explained.

“I don’t know, Katie ... this is pretty extreme...” Michelle said.

“Well just think about it sweetie. Think about it and let me know. If you want to go through with it or even just find out more about it, I can get hold of Ms. Alison and she can go over any questions or concerns – will you at least think it over?” Katie asked.

“Yes, I will think it over. I promise,” Michelle said.

Michelle remembered the conversations as if they had just happened yesterday. And true to her word, she had thought about it. A lot. She had lain awake for the next few nights thinking about the possibilities, weighing the pros and cons, and trying to figure out the logistics – when she could work and when she had to be home, how to explain her absence if James should call or come home unexpectedly, and what she would do with any money she made. Everything would have to be in place and all avenues covered if she was going to do this. If James ever found out, she be in divorce court before she could have a chance to explain!

She also thought about how such a job could benefit her sexually. Katie was right, she had complained about her lacking sex life. James was a wonderful lover when he and Michelle made love. But those times kept getting further and further apart as he tried to keep his house running.

Michelle was just now coming into her sexual peak. With nothing but her plastic boyfriend and the occasional cucumber to keep her satisfied, she was getting more and more frustrated. This might just be the thing to help in that department as well!

And so a few days after their last conversation on the subject, Michelle had agreed to go talk to Ms. Alison and find out more about this wild idea.

Katie had come along both as moral support and to smooth the way for her friend to get comfortable in the foreign environment she was entering. Michelle had never been in anything like Ms. Alison’s. She’d never even been inside a strip club or an adult sex toys shop! She got embarrassed when going to the local lingerie boutique!

But Ms. Alison’s charming ways and friendly personality had put Michelle at ease almost immediately. Ms. Alison showed Michelle around, introduced her to some of the girls (all of them college girls and younger than her!) and made her feel as if they were sitting in her living room chatting over tea.

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