The Protege - Cover

The Protege

by Master Jonathan

Copyright© 2022 by Master Jonathan

Erotica Sex Story: He was tasked with bringing the new girl up to speed on how the company did things. But he wasn't told just who the new girl was... or how HOT she was!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Workplace   Oral Sex   Squirting   Illustrated   .

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Becky had come to our office from the corporate headquarters in St. Louis, where she had just completed her training. She was to join our group and learn the ropes of becoming a realtor here in Topeka.

From what I had been told, she was very good at her job and after meeting her, I could see why – she had the “qualities” that could sell water to a sailor! With long dishwater blonde hair, a hot figure with firm full breasts, and a winning, pleasant personality that just made you glad to be near her, I could see that Becky had picked the perfect career for her.

As one of the more senior and experienced realtors in the office, it was determined that I would be the one to take her under my wing and show her the business. My boss recognized her performance and potential and couldn’t say enough about her. The company likes to showboat it’s best and brightest and it was up to me to bring our newest star to a high shine!

I was at my desk that day, going through the listings and seeing what the market was doing when my boss brought our newest associate to meet her “mentor”.

“Daniel, this is Becky Williams, she is going to be joining us here at Maddux Realty as our newest associate. She is preparing to take her Real Estate Exam. Becky, this is Daniel Baker,” my boss said, introducing us.

I turned around to see who he was talking about and that’s when I met Becky. I rose from my seat and stood there for a moment unable to speak.

“Hello Daniel, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m glad you are going to be my coach ... I want to learn everything you can teach me and I will do anything I can to learn this business!” she said. The last part of that statement was to prove more prophetic than she realized!

Because I would be teaching her as well as working closely with her, she was given a desk close to my own. That way if she had questions or ran into something she wasn’t familiar with, I was nearby to help her out. But somehow, I didn’t think Becky would run up against much that she couldn’t handle.

After meeting Becky, we spent the next couple hours just talking and getting familiar with each other. There wasn’t much going on that day and so I thought it would be a good chance for us to see how we meshed with each other.

We decided to get together on a regular basis and set aside Friday afternoons so we could review her progress over the week and sort out anything she needed to know while it was fresh in her mind.

We got along well and often would be the last ones to leave work on Friday evenings as our discussions would almost invariably stray from work to, well, just about anything either of us had on our minds. If neither of us had anything planned that night, we’d occasionally adjourn the meeting to a local bar or restaurant and then spend the whole evening in each other’s company.

It was of course very proper, we became good friends leaning on each other when things weren’t going well or congratulating each other when we had success. Becky and I had a lot in common we learned, despite the difference in our age.

Becky was almost ten years my junior but she was remarkably mature and I found she could talk intelligently on subjects that were beyond her years. It was quite refreshing to be able to relate so well with someone of her younger age.

We became good friends and got to know each other on a personal basis. I told her about my marriage and its subsequent failure. She told me she didn’t have a boyfriend currently, that she’d had an argument with the last guy she was with and now she was enjoying the single and free life.

She told me she’d had the odd date once in a while, but despite the fact she was the most beautiful creature I’d ever laid eyes on, she didn’t seem to be able to hold down a boyfriend for very long – most no longer than a couple of dates. She never really went into a lot of detail about her failed romances, just that “he wasn’t what she was looking for”.

About six months passed and Becky was scheduled to take her Real Estate Exam one Saturday. We got together the day before as we usually did and we went over what would probably be on the test.

I wanted to make sure she was not only prepped to take the test, but prepped for the test itself – a lot of times what is taught in the class doesn’t necessarily appear on the test and I wanted to make sure my “protégé” passed her class with flying colors!

I was sitting at home that Saturday just enjoying a nice quiet evening. I had planned on making a little dinner and watching some TV ... just chilling at home. All of a sudden there was a knock on my door.

Now who could that be? I thought. I got up and answered the door. It was Becky.

“Hi Becky, come on in. How did your test go?” I asked.

She came inside and as soon as I shut the door, she turned to me with the biggest smile I ever saw on a person. “I passed! I passed! And not only that, I got an almost perfect score! I only missed one question!” she said excitedly.

“That’s wonderful! Congratulations, Becky! See, I knew you could do it!” I said.

“Thank you, but I owe it all to my fabulous teacher and coach! Without your help, I would never have made it. Thank you, Dan. Thank you for all your help and for being such a good friend,” she said.

“Well, it’s been my pleasure, Becky. I’m so proud of you!” I said.

“Have you had dinner yet?” Becky asked.

“No, I was just about to fix something why?”

“Let me take you out to dinner! Please? I want to thank you for all you’ve done. Please say yes!” she said.

Dinner out with a beautiful young woman and she’s paying, how could I say no? “Okay, let me get my jacket. We can take my car,” I said.

“That’s fine but can we stop by my place before we go, I want to put on something a little nicer than these blue jeans and this t-shirt. Besides the test room was an oven and I think I sweated through everything!” she said.

“Sure no problem, let’s go,” I said.

We got in my car and drove over to her place. She took me inside her small apartment, “Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be out in just a couple minutes, then we can go,” she said. I sat down on the couch and gave the place the typical scan to see how she lived.

She had eclectic tastes in furnishings and decor, just the type of things a young person just starting out might have. An old coffee table here a put it together shelving unit there, a mismatched set of dishes and a random selection of pictures and artwork, nothing fancy or pricey but each piece having a meaning to her I was certain.

As she promised she had only been gone for a few moments when she came back into the living room. “I’m ready to go, Dan,” she said. She looked stunning. Wearing a little black dress and black, strappy CFM heels she was definitely putting my slacks and shirt to shame! Her makeup was perfection as well and my jaw dropped when I saw her. The idea of spending the evening in the company of this gorgeous woman was more than a little appealing.

“Do I look all right?” she asked innocently.

“You look ... wow!” was all I could say. I was at a loss for words.

Becky giggled, “I’ll take that!” she said, smiling her beautiful smile.

We went on to dinner and had a great meal, Italian food with a good few drinks! We talked and she told me how nervous she was but how easy the test turned out to be “thanks to your coaching, Dan” she said.

After dinner, we decided that it was still early and Becky was in such a good mood that we didn’t want to go home just yet. I suggested this little “bodega” or wine bar that had opened up about a year ago. They serve wine by the bottle or by the glass instead of liquor and it was a comfortable place with nice tables, a fireplace, and it is quieter and classier than your average bar.

When we got there Becky admitted she knew nothing about wines so I ordered us a nice bottle of Chardonnay and we took a table near the fireplace. With our table being one of the smaller ones we sat facing each other so close that her right knee rested against my left one. I didn’t mind at all though, her perfume smelled wonderful and her smile lit the place up like a welcome beacon.

The first glass of wine went quickly and we were talking fairly easily, although her body was grabbing too much of my attention. I’d never actually seen Becky dressed up like this – ordinarily she’s in work clothes or maybe casual weekend wear. She looked stunning.

The wine was having its effect on my mind, lowering my natural inhibitions more than a little. With a pleasant little buzz going, I was finding it more and more difficult to concentrate on the conversation and easier and easier to focus on the beauty at arm’s length of me. I was so enraptured with her that she had to repeat something twice and still it didn’t register.

“Dan ... are you all right?” she asked.

Suddenly, I realized she must be waiting for some kind of response “Oh, umm, sorry Becky. Guess I must have been daydreaming!”

“You were? Hmm, well with the way you’ve been staring I’d give a dollar to know what was in those dreams. Or maybe I don’t want to know!” My face flushed. She laughed. “It’s okay Dan.”

She leaned forward mischievously, looked into my eyes, and ran her hand up my leg while she continued to whisper “I’ve seen you staring before, I’ve just never said anything. I kind of like it though, it’s nice that you think I’m that pretty, so stare all you want. Maybe you’d like to see a little more later?”

Now, I’m no film star. I work out and I look after my body, after all, I am a salesman and I need to look in good shape if I want to impress potential buyers. Looking professional is a big part of the job. But come on, here I am sitting in a bar with the most gorgeous twenty-something girl I’ve ever set my eyes on and she is running her hand over my knee and giving me if I’m not very much mistaken, a very clear signal. So what do I do ... I just froze!

I think Becky realized what she’d said, or she was worried she’d offended me. Maybe she’d misread me. I’m sure she was afraid she’d crossed some kind of line, what with me being her mentor at work and all. It was her turn to blush now, tensing up and sliding her hand back from my leg.

But I put my hand on top of hers, pinning it to my leg. “Becky?” I said, pausing for a moment. I needed to say something ... I was on the brink of a wonderful experience. But I didn’t want to say something and make a mistake, blowing it. “Becky ... umm, about that seeing a little more later idea...”

She smiled, relaxing again. She didn’t say anything, just stood up, and held out her hand. I got the message. I quickly paid the bill and we walked back out to the car. As soon as we got to the car and I opened her door, she turned to me and put her arms around my neck pulling me into a kiss.

I didn’t resist and instead wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and pulled her closer, pressing her amazing tits into my chest and offering her a bulge of my own in return. I pressed my lips to hers and she let out a soft sigh throwing a leg around mine so she could feel my hardness even more. She felt just as good as I’d imagined and if it were up to me, I would have taken her right there in the parking lot!

But Becky wasn’t some back alley whore and I didn’t want her to feel that way. So I gathered up what little restraint I had left and I seated her and then got in and started the car up. “Your place or mine?” I asked her.

“Whichever you prefer ... just let’s get there!” she said. Not a problem! I took off and headed to my place since it was closer.

It was about fifteen minutes from the bodega to my home although, in the excited state I was in, it seemed a lot longer. But Becky made the time go by quickly as while I was driving, she occupied herself by rubbing my leg between my knee and my crotch, her hand getting a fraction of an inch higher with each pass. About halfway home she had reached my crotch and she rubbed across a now very hard and throbbing bulge there.

“Mmmm...” she moaned as she ran her fingertips lightly over the hard protuberance. She gripped it as best she could given that it was still under wraps and tried to stroke it. “Hmm, this won’t do ... do you mind?” she asked. At first, I didn’t know what she was asking but as soon as she had unzipped my fly and thrust her hand in the opening, I caught on.

“Oh, yesss!” she hissed “That’s much better.”

Becky slowly stroked my eager cock as I tried to concentrate on my driving – not an easy feat. I had already had a few drinks (not enough to get me in trouble with the law, however) and now I had this gorgeous knockout working her magic on my cock, prepping me for what I could only imagine being the greatest time of my life as soon as I got her home!

Somehow we made it home without incident and I walked arm in arm with my prize up the sidewalk and into my house. As soon as my shaky, fumbling, excited fingers could get the door opened, she took my hand and led me seductively inside. She let go of my hand, took a couple of steps back and facing me dropped her dress. She was naked underneath, how hadn’t I noticed that?

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