The Girl in the Honeysuckle - Cover

The Girl in the Honeysuckle

Copyright© 2022 by Maracorby

The Cruise - Day 2

Fantasy Sex Story: The Cruise - Day 2 - A cruise ship full of young attractive people having lots of kinky sex? Great! Using that energy to summon a horror from outside of our world? Not so great.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Magic   Demons   Orgy   Sex Toys  

The second day seemed like more of the same. Clover and I tried out the rock climbing wall. There were a lot of guys checking out her ass while she climbed. We spent some time in the pool, and at happy hour the lounge had a trivia contest. We teamed up with another couple for that, and came in third.

The mood was generally more amorous, ship-wide. There were a lot of couples kissing in public, and sexual innuendos were slipped into most conversations by someone or another. Maybe that’s normal on a cruise ship, once it’s out at sea and people have had a chance to relax after traveling. Or maybe it was due to the cabal’s magic.

I noticed for the first time that the passengers were generally pretty young, and all were attractive. The bulk of us were in our 20’s but there were a good number of 30’s and a few 40’s. There were no children at all.

Clover had dinner that night with a tall guy with short dreadlocks named Joe. They spent a little time in the night club, drinking and dancing. She gave me a discrete I-love-you look as they walked off, hand in hand, toward her cabin.

I danced and flirted a little bit, but I didn’t feel right about hooking up with another woman, despite Clover’s encouragement. I was back in my cabin watching a movie on the TV when Clover messaged me and asked if she could come over.

“Oh my gosh, I had the best time tonight!” Clover told me excitedly. “Well..., not the best time - the best times are always with you. But it was fun!”

I chuckled. “I’m glad you had fun,” I said.

“Okay! So, we went back to my room...,” Clover started, but then she looked suddenly nervous. “I guess ... Should I be talking to you about this?”

“You don’t have to. But you clearly want to talk to a friend about it, so lay it on me,” I told her.

“Okay! So, Joe’s a studio musician - he’s played on all sorts of famous albums. When he saw the piano in my cabin, he sat down and started playing - improvising, I think. But then he said there’s something he’s always wanted to do, and he lifted me up and placed me on top of the piano. So I was lying there like a woman from a detective movie while Joe played and sang. It was so cool!

“I was getting pretty excited, so I took off my blouse and skirt. He looked at me like he wanted to devour me, but he kept playing. So then I took off my underwear, too. He played a little while longer, but then he just stood up, pulled me to the edge of the piano, and he went down on me. It felt so naughty! As I was coming, I was banging on the piano and it clanged and vibrated.

“Then he picked me up again, and carried out onto the balcony. I got him stiff with my hand while we were kissing and he was playing with my boobs. Then he put a towel down on the balcony floor and set me up on my hands and knees, and he rammed me.”

“He was ... bigger than you...,” Clover began, but paused to see how I would react.

I smiled. “It’s okay. You can tell me about it,” I said. “New experiences were part of the deal.”

“Well,” Clover went on, “it felt good to be stretched out a little more. So anyway, he kept doing it to me from behind, and it was fun, but it was weird because he kept making all these noises. Grunts, moans, that sort of thing, non-stop. I didn’t think that guys ever made much noise during sex.”

“After a while it was clear that he was about to shoot, and I found myself thinking, ‘Another man is about to shoot sperm into my uterus’, and that thought really excited me. It excited me enough that I came, and he came, and I swear to you that I could not hear the noises I was making over his.”

“We made out on the couch for a little while longer,” Clover finished up, “but then I couldn’t wait to come here and talk to you.” She waited, again, to see if her story had upset me.

“You know what?” I told her, pausing for a kiss, “Even if we weren’t here to save the world, I think this trip would be good for us.”

Clover asked it I had hooked up with anyone, and when I said no, she insisted of going down on me. It was fucking amazing. There was an extra little spark in her eye that I had never seen before, as if Clover’s inner freak had woken up for the first time.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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