Wielding the Royal Testicle - Cover

Wielding the Royal Testicle

Copyright© 2022 by Sterling

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - The new king must father many children, but he is a gay man with no interest in women. His solution is to donate one of his testicles to each of two men, whose lives are then devoted to fathering as many of the king's children as they can. One of them also delights in a life partner.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Reluctant   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical   Tear Jerker   Science Fiction   First   Pregnancy  

David was awakened in the dead of night by a group of men, including a deputy to the Minister of Royal Insemination. He was anxious, though he told himself it was unlikely he would be spirited away in the night for a secret testicle removal procedure and subsequent execution. He was issued traveling clothes, and driven in a coach. The deputy waited until they had left the capital behind and were in the countryside before he spoke.

“His Majesty the King has concluded a treaty with Bergland. The two kings have agreed that it would be in the interest of both if they could father many children in the other’s land. The king of Bergland has a subject who carries one of his king’s testicles -- your counterpart. I will accompany you to Bergland, and he will go to Saxonia.”

David wasn’t sure how to greet the news. He had never ventured from his native Saxonia. And while in his recent life he had both powers and duties, they were among his own people.

“Will the women of Bergland be prepared to submit to my advances?” he asked.

“Emissaries of King Rudolf will monitor your situation and get regular reports from you and your helpers. I’m sure the females of Bergland will be just as motivated as our own women to submit to your desire to mate with them.”

“Unnnnh, unnnnh, unnnh, unnnh ... aaaahhhh!” said David, his cock lunging deep and firing semen into his mate. He pulled back from the woman and released her rear end. As usual, mating felt good. Total satisfaction. The woman crept forward, out of his view and out of his life.

Most of the females who were presented to him -- fertile vaginas accessible and laced with butter -- spoke not a word of Saxonian, nor he a word of Berglandish. A translator could be located if needed, but there was usually little that needed to be said. Mating does not require language, and even if a rear-entry position is not typical in one society, women have no trouble after a sign language hint in assuming the required position and taking their insemination. The world over, all human females really need to know is to hold still until the male finishes, and when he has, they are free to go -- and in this case, are encouraged to make themselves scarce.

The women of Bergland were of varied appearance, just as those of Saxonia, though among the Berglanders there were more who were blond or red-headed and of lighter color of skin. He found such mates especially appealing.

Choosing a bed mate back in Saxonia had occasionally involved sizing up a girl’s personality based on what she said. There were no such concerns in Bergland, and the choice was entirely based on appearance and body language.

There was one aspect of his life in Bergland that was a definitive improvement. It was the dogs. He had friendly dogs to associate with, which was a pleasant touch in itself. But more importantly, these dogs had been trained to sniff fertile human females, and could detect them at long distances -- a mile sometimes. As a result, David could pass a carefree and productive day just taking a ride through some part of the countryside. The dogs would find him one fertile vagina after another, and he could dismount from his horse, mount and inseminate the female, and then remount the horse, all in short order. Females could be labeled property of the King and have their vaginas sealed shut, as in Saxonia, and they sometimes were. But the Insemination Governors in Bergland had a somewhat more relaxed attitude. If David fathered an extra child on some woman or girl who was not logged and recorded, that was fine with them. It was also no great loss if some female who had been marked for David’s attention was impregnated by someone else. There were a great many fertile females.

With dogs in the picture, the effect on occasional Bergland families was startling. Imagine a happy couple sitting down to a fine dinner with their six children, two adult brothers, and one unmarried sister. They hear approaching hoofbeats, a whining dog, and then a request to open up in the name of the King. The dog bounds in and sniffs eagerly between the legs of the unmarried sister. She is escorted into a vacant room, another man enters the house and that room. Behind closed doors they hear scuffling, protestations from the woman, and faint male grunts. Within two minutes, the room empties. The sister returns to her place at the table, and the men and dogs disappear and they hear receding hoofbeats. From start to finish, five minutes.

The King of Saxonia formally thanked the King of Bergland for his gift of 33 dogs who were trained to sniff fertile women. They were distributed for the use of David, the other Royal Inseminator, and any guest inseminators from other kingdoms.

He was once again awakened during the night, and the leader of this entourage was none other than the Saxonian ambassador to Bergland. This time after a carriage ride through the streets he was escorted up a gangplank onto a rather large sailing ship, and then into a cabin towards the stern. The light was dim.

“Your next assignment is in Oceania.”

“Oceania!” It was a distant and mysterious place, the sort you might read about as part of some explorer’s exotic adventures. “But ... Aren’t the natives of Oceania savages?”

“I have heard the same rumors as you. But I suspect His Majesty King Rudolf has his methods for monitoring your well-being, and it will be in the interest of the King of Oceania to make sure you are safe.”

David heard a rustling behind him and startled.

“Ah, yes ... they said you would have a companion. Come forward, lass.”

From the shadows emerged a young woman, barely visible in the dim light.

“Sire,” she said, with a curtsy.

“Given your duties, the king’s physicians thought it wise if you were able to practice your trade, as it were, during the lengthy voyage. To stay in shape. This woman is yours to command. Ideally we would have given you a variety to choose from, but alas plans cannot always be carried out exactly as we would wish.”

The ambassador paused. “As always, the captain is the ultimate master of the ship, but he realizes that you are a passenger of the greatest importance, and if you are not delivered to the capital of Oceania in good condition and with good reports as to your treatment, his future will not be a pleasant one ... So now I leave you. I wish you a safe voyage.”

“Thank you,” said David. He wasn’t sure whether he really wanted to thank the man or not, but it is always wise to thank an Ambassador, whatever your private opinions.

The door shut and it was just David and the young woman. “Hello,” he said. “What is your name?”

“Alice, sire,” she said.

“Let me feel around to get a sense of what’s in this cabin ... A bunk, a tiny desk ... It would be tiny for a room on dry land, but I suppose it is rather roomy for a sailing ship.”

“I suppose so, sire.”

“The bunk is for us to share, I suppose...”

“The floor is also perfectly adequate, sire, and I would be happy to sleep there.”

He knew already that as his sole female companion for weeks this girl would have a place in his life like no other. Perhaps he would come to despise her on the one hand, or on the other to love her -- though loving someone was an odd concept to him at this point in his life. Having her sleep on the floor didn’t seem like a good start.

“No, join me in the bunk.” He removed all but his underwear and lay in the bunk. It was narrow, and as Alice tried to join him, she could not lie down without pushing back against him. She had removed most of her clothing. His cock rose strongly.

He sighed. “I really wanted a chance to talk with you before having sex, but to have a sexy woman this close to me, and given my profession...”

“That is fine, sire. I mean, of course I would obey in any event, but I also don’t mind, if that makes sense.”

“It makes sense,” he said, but he was groping from the back side for the place where the legs come together, the lips, the hole ... They shifted positions until things were lined up. He pressed into her from behind, and he lasted a minute before he groaned and spurted. Total satisfaction.

The day had been a full one, he had had little sleep before he was awoken, the journey ending in this cabin was stressful, and he had just relieved himself sexually. “Time to sleep,” he said, and was out shortly.

During the night, he woke to the sounds of the ship setting out to sea, probably following a favorable tide. He was aware of the sexy woman in front of him. His arm was draped over her, a natural position for such a narrow bunk. He felt his penis start stirring to life, but fatigue was the greater force at the moment, and he went back to sleep.

In the morning light it became clear that the window looked out over the stern of the ship. David discovered a burly Saxonian guard outside his door who explained that his duty for the voyage was to protect David and Alice -- and to care for the dogs they were bringing along. The captain’s cabin was next to David’s, and roughly the same size.

The captain invited David to be his dinner companion. He said Alice would also be welcome. David hesitated but thought it best to ask her. He thought she would readily accept. But when David put the proposal to her, she said she thought it very unwise. She explained that if the Captain spent any time in her presence at all, he would likely want to sleep with her. And while she would be willing to for David’s sake, she feared it could lead to much trouble. David immediately saw her point, and Alice stayed as far out of the captain’s view as possible. In fact, she never left the cabin, and no one but their guard entered.

Alice naturally dressed as soon as she got out of bed, but he still saw plenty to know she was quite attractive.

There was no comfortable seating arrangement, so Alice sat on the tiny chair, while David stretch out on the bunk.

“So tell me about yourself, Alice.”

“How old are you?”

“Seventeen,” she said.

More girl than young woman.

“I am the daughter of Mr. MacLean, a Saxonian spice merchant who has resided in Bergland for many years. Two years ago I was married to a Mr. Green, a business associate of my father’s. But I am not married now -- I think.”

“Divorced?” he said.

“Well, no, of course not, sire,” she said. They both knew their Church forbade divorce. “My, um, ex-husband’s other choice was for me to be presented to you as a widow, and he preferred to swear we were never married. We had no children yet.”

He asked her further questions, told her of his life, and invited her to ask more. He found her knowledgeable, witty, and with a mind of her own instead of that of a slave. For someone who had just been thrown into such uncertain circumstances, she seemed rather positive -- hoping for the best.

David gave her a long look. “So here you are, your life in my hands, my sworn slave. I guess with a snap of my fingers I could have you thrown over the side, or offer your body for the pleasure of any sailor who so desires, for the entire voyage...”

Alice’s eyes grew wide.

“But the expectation is that I’ll fuck you day and night, over and over, and you will pretend at the least not to mind. But the voyage is, what, seven weeks?”

“Six, they said.”

“So for six weeks it’s just me and you ... as I have no desire for anyone male. Whatever fucking I do will be with you. But I also imagine I will become rather fond of you. You certainly are very attractive.”

“Well, thank you, sire, but there is no need to flatter me...”

David waved aside her comment. “Right. Here’s the position as I see it. You’re officially my slave, but I’ll treat you like my wife if you’re willing. I want to know what you really think. If you think it’s demeaning and sick to be snatched from your husband and offered like a piece of meat to a strange man, you can say so. Don’t pretend to like sex or anything else if you don’t. If I was a real gentleman, I guess I wouldn’t touch you unless you really freely consented, but I’m not that much of a gentleman. But let’s not have any more ‘sire’. Call me David, and you don’t have to pretend you’re happy if you’re not.”

There was a brief pause. Alice looked down as she said, “As for treating me like your wife, I think you offer better treatment than most women can expect from a husband.”

David smiled. “Did you love your husband? Do you miss him?”

“Well, of course, sire,” said Alice with a bland smile. “I mean -- David.”

“That means ‘no’,” said David. Alice didn’t contradict him. “Do you know who I am or why I am going to Oceania?” Alice shook her head, and David explained the key aspects of his life he had left out before. Alice was surprised and excited as he explained every piece of the puzzle. “In terms of how I live, my job is to father as many children as possible.”

“Sounds very tiring ... or, if what they say about men is true, maybe very satisfying?”

“Both,” said David, looking at the girl. Beautiful, clever, and under her dress possessed of the same special organs as any other female. He wanted in. After a pause, he said, “I know I’m going to feel like fucking you soon. So I’m going to. I hope you don’t mind too much, but don’t pretend, OK?”

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