Wielding the Royal Testicle - Cover

Wielding the Royal Testicle

Copyright© 2022 by Sterling

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - The new king must father many children, but he is a gay man with no interest in women. His solution is to donate one of his testicles to each of two men, whose lives are then devoted to fathering as many of the king's children as they can. One of them also delights in a life partner.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Rape   Reluctant   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical   Tear Jerker   Science Fiction   First   Pregnancy  

The King is dead. Long live the King! King Ebenezer had been failing for a few weeks. Now he was dead and his son Rudolf had assumed the throne of Saxonia.

Everyone was uneasy, of course. Things under Ebenezer had been so-so. Mostly people had enough to eat. The taxes weren’t too bad. No enemy armies had come marching through to rape and pillage. Rudolf instituted no sweeping changes in his first weeks as sovereign. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

David Smith was the younger son of a prosperous merchant in his village. He had a junior position in his father’s business, but was hoping for more in life, somehow. A month after Rudolf acceded to the throne David had been quietly tapped by one of the king’s agents and invited to participate in a contest. And an odd contest it was indeed. Over the course of 48 hours, he was to impregnate as many women as possible. David asked why he had been chosen, and the agent informally suggested it was largely his appearance. He was a tall man, rugged and handsome. Square jaw, dark brown eyes, and at age twenty in the prime of life.

What the agent surely didn’t know is that David also loved sex. Sexual intercourse with females, that is. Life had many pleasures, but most of the time there was a fair chance of disappointment. When puberty stirred within him, he had not been deterred from masturbation by warnings of immorality -- his sex drive was too strong. It did lead to pleasure and release, and he repeated the act daily. But something wasn’t quite right -- he still wasn’t satisfied. He wanted sex with a real girl, and at the age of 14 he had his first chance. He would never forget that first time his penis tip was poised at a girl’s vaginal opening, and he pressed in, and she gave way around him and hugged him tight. He pressed in more and more, and the embrace was slick and hot too, and within seconds his orgasm began. Inside of this girl, something more amazing was happening than ever happened when he was by himself. Yes, there was the pleasure of sensation and release, which suffused his whole body and seized his brain. He felt the stuff of life shooting out of him and into her. But beyond that it felt satisfying and complete in a way that masturbation never had.

Most of the things we like best become less exciting with time. That first evening sharing ale with others in the tavern. The first taste of a peach, or a strawberry. That terrific steak. But each repetition makes it less special. David still enjoyed all those things, but he was always aware that they fell short compared to the first time.

When it came to romance, much was the same. The girl who seemed so exciting during that first conversation was much less so by the third. And when it came to sex itself, there was certainly variability. Some women were sexier than others, some vaginas were tighter and more alluring than others. The physical sensation of some orgasms were better than others. But there was that one thing -- the sense of completion and satisfaction -- that was always the same. To press deep inside a female and ejaculate there -- that deep satisfaction never wavered or faded.

In his village many girls had sighed as he walked by, hoping against hope that he might choose her as his wife. A few married women had seduced him, and a few reckless girls, and the rumor was that one had gotten pregnant. He was appealing because of his good looks and ready wit, and no doubt because his economic prospects were favorable. But as he got more experience in the world, he wondered if there was a contribution from his ferocious desire to mate, never wavering, that stirred something within the female as well. Impregnation is mostly a matter of the physical, but if there is a part that comes from the will, David had the will to impregnate that had no equal.

The contest was to be held in another village, some distance away. The site was a comfortable middle-class house with several bedrooms. The organizers would provide him with the women, all selected as best they could tell to be fertile. The women would be as cooperative as they could possibly be in helping him to make them pregnant, as they had been instructed to do their best and knew there would be unpleasant consequences if they fell short. He was not allowed to see any of the fertile women in advance, and they would be presented to him in an order chosen by the organizers.

He tried to get a good night’s sleep, though the anxiety of what was to come made it difficult. He ate a large breakfast and drank lots of water. He took a brisk walk. A light touch of sweet butter was an excellent lubricant for the actual mating. And then as the clock struck noon he took off all his clothes and entered the room where his first mate waited, also naked.

“Sure is weird, but let’s get right to it,” he said with a smile. “I’ve heard doggy style works best.” He wouldn’t have called her pretty, and she was no virgin or even terribly young. But she was a female, and the first sight of her had gotten his cock growing, and within seconds it was at full hardness.

The woman smiled and presented herself. Her less-than-pretty face was then turned away from him, and he saw a rather large female rear end with a pussy opening. He slid the lips apart, slid his cock in, and orgasm immediately became inevitable. He pressed in once, twice, three times, and as his tip bumped the deep end of her pussy on his third lunge, semen shot out of him and into her. Total satisfaction. He leaned over the woman’s shoulder and whispered, “That’s not my idea of how to make love, you understand, but I hope for both our sakes that it takes ... Good luck!”

One down ... how many to go?

He was off to the next room. This was a pretty girl, and young -- young but definitely the age to get pregnant. His cock had started flagging somewhat, but the sight of this beauty had it growing again.

“Hey there, gorgeous. Sure is weird, isn’t it?” Doggy style might work best in general, but he wanted this girl from the front. Admiring her golden hair, flawless skin, big blue eyes, firm breasts, he mounted her. Her smooth inner thighs came together in that alluring female way, and he spread the lips to expose the magical opening, aimed his cock, and shoved. She winced briefly -- a virgin? -- but quickly her face displayed an entirely encouraging smile. Her female perfection might have made him want to make the experience last, but this was a contest. Still, having come so recently it was a full two minutes before he gasped as he inseminated her. Total satisfaction. He told her to stay there, as he might be back.

Another woman, rather ordinary, but possessed, as ordinary women are, with an entirely alluring pussy. His cock was still hard. He wondered how he might get an edge in this contest. His penis quite possibly still had some fresh semen coating the tip or just inside, and maybe that would be enough without his body needing to plumb his depths for another whole load? It took only the tiniest amount, they said.

He mounted her from the rear, slid in deep, and pretended to come on the third stroke. Once more he leaned over the young woman and said something friendly and sympathetic, and kissed her cheek. He didn’t know what might increase the chances of conception, but a happy woman seemed like it might help.

Since he hadn’t actually come in her, his cock didn’t wilt. If anything it got harder, a bit incensed perhaps that David hadn’t let him finish the act. Sliding his cock into the next pussy from the rear, he now gave his cock free rein, and within a few minutes his body responded just as nature intended, and he pulsed some sperm up inside of her. He’d been at this all of an hour, and tried to make four women pregnant. He took a peek at the next woman in line. Definitely on the heavy side. “Hey, dear woman, doggy style, rear end facing me, please? They say it works best. I’ll be a minute.”

He then retreated to the room of the pretty girl and decided it was a good time to rest. He sat on the bed next to the girl and drank some fresh juice. “Hey, fair lass,” he said. “It’s a contest, right? Could you work me all over, touch me everywhere, let me know how sexy you think I am, and how much you’d like me to stick it into you and come again up there? Or at least pretend.”

“No need to pretend,” she said with a smile. One hand tenderly stroked his hair, while she nibbled his ear gently, and placed his near hand on her breast. That was very effective... “Should I make sure this guy is really in the mood?” she said, looking at his half-hard cock and licking her lips.

“No, my beauty, but a wonderful thought. You’ve already got a pussy-full ... On to the next!”

“Good luck!”

Cock hardened by the pretty one, he went to visit Mrs. Fat Butt. He only needed to concern himself with one small specific part of her, and he focused on that spot, pulling her labia apart while also shoving a fair hunk of butt cheeks out of the way. That gave him enough room ... He felt his tip make contact with moisture, and then with a shove felt it go up into her body ... Not a lot, but definitely inside. Quick strokes, one to ten, and then he came. Not the most copious spurts, and not so far in, but likely to work, if she was fertile. And ... total satisfaction.

Soon it took him a full 45 minutes before he could get it up to be ready for his next mate. And then by midnight he could no longer put off the need to sleep. He wasn’t sure what would be best, but he ordered up the pretty girl and had her lie snuggled against him to one side. And he had the sexiest of his other past mates sit above his head, with legs spread wide. He couldn’t smell anything, but he sort of figured his body could still benefit. He hoped that whatever sort of vapors his nose took in would motivate his balls to work overtime to make more sperm.

Up in the morning ... More screwing. Several times he only pretended to come, hoping that semen left over from his last ejaculation just might be enough.

A second pretty girl showed up on his dance card, and he chose her to spend the second night with. More mating, and a few final frantic attempts as the noon hour approached.

Finally the 48 hours were up. He hoped he’d done well in the contest. Win or lose, he surely had had a fantastic time giving his best performance.

David returned to his village. It takes a while to tell whether a woman is pregnant or not. Those who ran the contest were in a hurry, apparently. All these women had been chosen for having regular periods, so the organizers took one missed period as an indication of success.

Five weeks later the king’s men informed David with a smile that he had won! He was given a ride in a comfortable coach to the palace and then in a meeting with palace officials told what reward awaited him:

He was to be castrated.

King Rudolf was eager to father lots of children -- to make princes and princesses! There was one small problem, however. He found grown women to be sexually repulsive. When he thought about the prospect of actually penetrating one, he began to get queasy.

He knew what he wanted. He wanted men! He wanted men who would penetrate him in the butt and ejaculate inside of him! He wanted lots of such men. If it was up to him -- and it now was very much up to him! -- he might want ten of them a day. He had already been experimenting. About one a week now ... As for who to draft, he realized he had to be sensitive here. In general the king could order anyone to do anything, but he could not order a man to penetrate him. Most men could not get an erection to do that job, even if their lives were at stake. Fortunately there were enough men in the kingdom who were not just willing but eager to do the very thing he wanted. They had already done it with other men and were delighted to do it to the king.

Oh, he wanted to have orgasms, and he did. At some point before, during or after the other man penetrating him, he would have an orgasm, and royal semen would shoot out of him. But the semen had to go into a woman to do the job nature had in mind for it. In theory servants could capture his production and quickly wisk it away to a waiting vagina. But this would detract seriously from the joy of his own sexual encounter and would be unlikely to work very well in any case.

But he had an idea. Everyone was shocked at first, but he was the king. The court physicians were unsure if it would work, but they immediately tried it on a dozen bewildered and unhappy subjects. In a few weeks it appeared that the procedure had worked as intended. They could offer no guarantees, but the king was the king and was willing to take his chances.

It was to be a testicle swap. Two of his male subjects with the usual sexual desire for women would be castrated, and each would donate one of his testicles to the king, to keep him manly and sexually interested. But the key element, from the point of view of the king and his desire to reproduce, is that each of the winners would be fitted with one of the king’s own precious testicles. The winner’s life task, then, would be to impregnate as many girls and women as possible -- to let the king’s seed spread far and wide!

Some ordinary kings had a few children. It was rarely as many as ten from a single queen. If a queen died and he took another wife, another ten was possible. While in theory there was no end to the number of royal bastards he could father, a king had other things to do, things of great importance and pleasure, and spitting sperm up inside of females was only one of many duties -- even for kings who found that a pleasant one.

Rudolf decreed that royal bastards were to be treated the same as legitimate royal children, because he was hoping the recipients of his testicles would impregnate a great many women outside of the bond of matrimony.

The two male subjects who would receive his testicles must be young, healthy, and imbued with a strong desire and demonstrated ability to impregnate females. They would continue to do this, with the one small matter of the Royal Testicle substituted for their own. They would use their demonstrated impregnation ability more than they ever could have in ordinary life -- it was in fact their new sole purpose in life: to impregnate on behalf of His Majesty the King.

The royal advisers agreed that the way to find the best men would be to hold a contest. The two who impregnated the most females would be the winners.

David looked at his male equipment, now completely recovered from surgery. It worked just fine when he tested it in solo mode, achieving full erection easily enough and spurting out semen after he rubbed it for a short while. He hadn’t actually lost both of his own God-given testicles. The surgeons had left one of his own, but made very sure with clips and snips that no sperm it produced could ever emerge. It did continue to have whatever other effects a testicle might have -- perhaps it was an important part of what had made him such an avid and effective impregnator. But the other testicle -- the new one, the important one -- was the king’s. And the rest of his life was to be spent fucking fertile women and trying to make them pregnant with the king’s seed. He was the King’s Impregnator.

It surely had its appeal. Lots of men were too poor to ever take a wife or father a baby on the side. Some who were not the poorest might have a child or two but risk losing them to disease, or famine, or as a soldier claimed by the king’s army. Prosperous farmers or tradesmen might have a half dozen.

But all such men, whatever their prospects for reproduction within marriage, spent their lives glancing at an entire parade of attractive women, both the nubile and the more ordinary, and know they were forever off limits. The one man exempt from these limitations traditionally was the King. As wielder of the Royal Testicle, David now had not just permission but active encouragement to mate with any female he fancied. His life was to be organized by the Royal Insemination Ministry.

Just why the King had chosen to give away his testicles rather than keep them and use them like anybody else was a closely guarded secret. The Ministry said only that there were reasons why the King could not use his testicles himself to reproduce. David knew nothing beyond that himself. The best guess was that he was impotent, perhaps having some defect in his penis.

David would have some specific responsibilities. He and the other man of his rank would need to do their best to impregnate the Queen and any other royal concubines the king took -- a move used traditionally to cement alliances with other kingdoms.

Who was off limits? His advisers told him it would be unwise to inseminate the wives or daughters of the high-ranking officials of the court and kingdom. Even an absolute sovereign had good reason not to gratuitously make enemies in high places.

He later asked about secret liaisons proposed by a surprising number of such women and girls, and was told that the consequences of detection were just too high. David was annoyed to find himself thwarted from having his way in the underwear of some particularly alluring well-bred patrician lass, and then amused at his reaction. But the availability of the other 99.9% of the adult female population did not completely make this annoyance go away.

But as for the others, it was open season. If his whim was to inseminate a girl or woman who struck his fancy, he did so with the backing of the King, and woe unto anyone who tried to interfere, whether the woman herself, possessive male relatives or her own husband.

David had to start somewhere, and he decided to choose an unmarried commoner from the streets of the capital city. A young one too. All else being equal, young was always good.

“Come with me, by order of the king,” said one if his accompanying guards.

They brought her to a room in the palace.

The guard said, “You gotta let him do it to you, by order of the king. Be cooperative or you’ll regret it.”

The guard left David alone with the girl.

“What ... What’s going on?”

“My job is to try to make as many women and girls pregnant as I can. You’re my first.”

“But, but ... I’m not married ... I don’t know you ... I don’t want a baby yet.”

Assurances that honor and lavish support for the baby would be forthcoming did not mollify her.

So with a tone of command, he ordered her to expose her vagina and lie back so he could get at her, and she obeyed. It was David’s penis that got hard seeing a luscious available female. It was David who pressed it into the reluctant girl with enthusiasm. It was David who rapidly rose to excitement, brewed semen in his loins, and shot it up into the girl. The key bit, the part that determined who the child would resemble, was from the king’s testicle, but all the rest was from David.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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