Life Begins in the Heavens - Cover

Life Begins in the Heavens

Copyright© 2022 by Maxicue

Chapter 9

Science Fiction Story: Chapter 9 - Home becomes home as the ship explores the solar system and beyond. Aliens are met, both allies and enemies, Emily showing her mastery dealing with the latter.

Caution: This Science Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Aliens   Sharing   Group Sex   Orgy  

When Marty exited our apartment, a surprise awaited her. “Sarah isn’t it?”

“Close enough,” the young Grem smiled.

“Go on in.”


Fortunately we heard the voices and Emily and I covered our genitals.

“What can I do for you Sarah?” I asked.

“It’s my first ovulation, probably finally getting nutrition, and my father said we’re compatible.”

“You can tell?” Emily asked.

“We get warm and horny. It’s important for us to know.”

“Makes sense.”

“Are your older females mated?” I asked.

“Yes. My mother chooses to remain monogamous with my father, but the others feel it would be an opportunity for the Grems.”

“Are they ovulating?”

“Yes, perhaps the same reason or father says it’s infectious,” she giggled.

“Have they chosen?”

“One has. She has worked with Greg.”

“Good man. The other?”

“She is checking out the action,” Sarah giggled again. “She sits at the cafeteria and slowly sips her tea.”

Emily got up naked probably gauging the Grem’s reaction. Sarah had more interest in the rise in the sheet provided by my rising erection. “I should speak with Giorgio,” Emily said.

“Why?” I asked.

“I was thinking we could have the crew send off missives, and I thought I’d send my books.”

“When did you finish?”

Emily shrugged. “It distracts me.”

“it’s a good idea.”

“I’ll let him know the captain approves,” she smirked.

I tossed a pillow at her which she redirected to Sarah, who caught it, revealing fast reflexes. The young woman’s health had improved remarkably. Though still slim, her skin color had darkened to a light sepia. Her body had become more athletic looking, with small breasts and, as I of course noticed, a tight round ass. She reminded me of a Long Island Jewish Princess I once knew intimately, very pretty and very bright, with a tendency towards smugness. The Grem tended towards the latter once they recovered and despite their horrid trial, perhaps deservedly so. Sharing a room with humans, they’d be the smartest, though perhaps not compared to the Ag and especially the Blue, who never seemed to flaunt their superior knowledge.

“What would you like?” I asked her.

“To copulate. Your speech made me especially ready.”

Keeping my lower self covered, I moved to the end of the bed. “Come closer.”

She stepped between my legs. I gently pulled her head down for a kiss, but when our lips met, she pulled away. “What’s that?” she asked.

“Your people don’t kiss?” I asked.

She looked confused. “Explain.”

“Let me show you instead. Close your eyes.”

When she did, I pulled her into another kiss. Her lips softened and moved against mine. Her hands settled on my thighs and moved towards the rising bulge I was creating. When my tongue tapped at her teeth, she opened them and our tongues touched.

She immediately separated her mouth from mine, her eyes wide, then closed her eyes and welcomed my tongue. Her hand took hold of my cock and mine undid buttons of her borrowed blouse, soon freeing her unrestrained breasts which I gently explored. “Mmm,” she murmured when I tweaked her nipples. Her hands moved the sheet aside, grasping the root of my cock with one and the head with the other, twisting.

She broke this kiss, panting. “You are ready and so am I,” she stated.

“Not yet,” I said, moving my mouth to a nipple while my hands unzipped her borrowed skirt, slipping it off and finding borrowed wet panties beneath. One hand returned to the unoccupied breast while the other pushed the gusset aside, fingers sliding along her damp slit and sliding around her exposed clit, which, though much smaller than the Blue, still seemed placed closer to her slit than a human woman’s.

“You feel I am ready,” she insisted.

“Not yet,” I repeated and grabbing her ass pulled her onto the bed and atop my mouth. I tasted her juices on the gusset, very similar to human’s with a bit more intensity in its odor, more pheromones I figured, then slid the gusset aside and slipped my tongue in and up.

“Ooh,” she moaned. Her eyes caught mine while I lapped at her cunny. She looked amazed, and her moaning continued. I kept it up until her eyes closed and her moan deepened, stopping to tell her, “Stand up.”

She did unsteadily, as much the give of the bed as her heightened pleasure. I peeled off her panties and guided her onto her back, my hands pulling her thighs wide before I returned to my enjoyable repast. Of course I couldn’t judge when my licks and strokes, my fingers finding a circle of roughness inside her just before I encountered her proof of virginity, her hymen, would bring on her orgasm so teasing was out. And soon enough she shook and growled with intense pleasure and I lapped up and swallowed her delicious essence.

“Now?” she moaned.

My answer was to continue the cunnilingus, the knowledge I gained from my one encounter with her orgasm making my efforts more careful and gradual, and when I sensed her near again, I moved up, taking cock in hand, rubbed the damp edges of her cunt to wet the glans, and pushed in, leaving a hand there to press her clit against the passing shaft.

“Oh!” Her eyes went wide again when I broke through her hymen.

“Okay?” I asked, keeping still.

She answered by pulling my head down to kiss her, her tongue spearing into my mouth.

So I pushed in deep, retreating and pushing in again, carefully.

She wanted none of that, and grabbing my ass and enwrapping my thighs with her legs, she lifted against me and sent me deep. The upward thrust sent me to another tight place, her cervix I presumed, except I penetrated it and instead of complaining about any pain, it caused her mouth to break from mine to let out a gasp that sounded like pure pleasure. And that narrow space seemed to grab hold and pulse, reminding me of the pulses of a fully orgasmic vagina.

When I started withdrawing, she moaned, “Stay there!” and her legs and hands held me there as well. I did move though, just inches in and out of the Grem cervix, slowly at first, but gradually faster, which intensified her groans and had her match her movements to mine until she went still and arched and shook, those pulses magnified and the rest of her interior added to the pulses, rippling, massaging my cock, milking it. I’d cum a couple times not long before, usually desensitizing me and keeping me fucking for longer, but those interior movements demanded my release and I couldn’t help but succumb. I pressed even deeper inside her, releasing my first ejaculate, and then inched back and thrust deep again for each that followed. When I thought I ejected the last of it, I felt that cervix squeeze just below my glans, holding me there.

And not just the cervix, hand and legs held me too, her other hand pulled me again to her mouth for more French kissing, much gentler and less urgently than before, but with its own intensity.

When the kiss finally ended, I smiled down at her. “You’re like the wolf with its knot,” I said.

“Explain,” she asked.

“The male wolf gets stuck inside the female wolf when he cums. Grems do the opposite. The female seals the male in to give the sperm the greatest chance to survive to find the egg.”

“You humans are much more fecund and don’t need that,” she nodded.

“Yes. Do the Grems just fuck once?”

“Once a night through our ovulation. The sperm needs time to recover.”

“You enjoyed the kiss?”


“And when I licked and fingered your pussy.”


“Would you fuck like humans do?”

“More than once a night?”

“Just for pleasure.”


“When your cervix lets go, I will be soft.”

“I know.”

“Will you make it hard again for me?”

“If you instruct me.”

We kissed some more because it took a few minutes for her cervix to release me. It felt like a slow rubber band snapping back when it finally did, and when I pulled my penis from her, it retained some hardness.

I lay back, when I wanted to relieve the weight on her from my body she refused, which made sense, and she immediately moved to my penis, fingers examining it along with her gaze before her first lick. She smiled up at me at my groan.

“Keep licking,” I smiled back. And soon, “Bring your lips to the edge of my cock head and move across it. Keep your teeth away. Mmm. Good. You can lick the head too while it’s inside. Like that. Your hand can stroke the base the way you did before and over the top when it’s not in your mouth.”

“Like that?”

“A little harder. A little more. Perfect. You can send the cock deeper into your mouth, though the head is always the most sensitive.”

She soon had me fully erect again and I urged her to straddle my mouth. I tasted little if any of my semen.

Once I sensed her getting close again, we returned to the missionary position. I thought she’d end up sending it deep into her cervix if she rode me.

Fucking her was intense. When she came, it had to be the liveliest cunt I ever felt. I fucked her doggy style for another of her amazing climaxes before I let her ride me, and as expected she wanted me deep, and again I experienced the even more powerful cervical clutch of my cock and her interior milking me. She remained on top, with us kissing, while her cervix held me, though it didn’t for as long, and when it let loose she remained on top before sagging against my side.

“How old are you?” I asked.

“Thirty of your years.”

“Older by a year,” I chuckled at the seemingly much younger woman.

“Usually we don’t ovulate for another ten years or so. Perhaps it’s the horniness of you humans around me,” she giggled. And then she sighed. “Or perhaps it’s just you.”

“A long childhood.”

“We find our interest and study. Education is crucial. We also find our mate in our search. I found you sooner.”

“I have a mate, Sarah.”

She sighed again. “Things are different. It’s Emily.”


“She works beside you.”

“She does. Do mates work together?”

“Not always, but usually. My parents are unusual. My mother teaches the younger ones, helps them find what they will be, while my father as you know is a scientist, a microbiologist. Their separate lives has made it difficult to procreate. Ironically it was probably our captivity, having to be forced together and become the leaders of us that finally enabled them to have me.”

“And what do you wish to do?”

“Perhaps my parents being my only significant teachers I wish to study the development of the new offspring both externally and internally, “biologically and socially.”

“The social part we can share.”

“Does that interest you?”

“I am a bit of a polymath. Adding captain was unexpected, but I have experience as a leader in that I owned and ran a company which helped precocious geniuses adjust to society that tended to ostracize them for being too young and smart.”

“You humans don’t respect intelligence?”

“Yes and no. Intelligence enabled this ship to exist.”

“Of course.”

“And it’s enabled every crewmember on it. From engineering to feeding us to keeping us healthy to guiding us into the stars to maximizing our ability to confront enemies and so forth, we’re exemplars of human intelligence. We’re the elite. And we respect each other’s genius.

“But elite can be a dirty word on Earth. Despite the advances we’ve made, and they’ve been exponential in the past hundred years, there’s distance and distrust between the haves and have nots. The have nots have benefitted greatly from the work of intelligent and creative humans, longer and healthier and better lives comparatively speaking. And yet the distrust remains on both sides of the gap, the haves keeping their distance as if the have nots would be infectious, bringing the haves down to their level, or worse, being victims to the predatory nature of the have nots, building walls both literally and figuratively against that paranoia or building literal walls around the have nots, especially those of what they consider the lower races. And the have nots have their own paranoia, that they are being kept in their place by the haves, manipulated by cunning and lies by the elite.

“And then there’s shunning of the elite on both sides of that proverbial wall, and by the elite I mean the brilliant creative ones who enabled the progress both enjoy. It’s an historical shunning, one that has managed to keep humanity to a slow crawl of advancement. Any advancement, especially when it can be a complete shift of the paradigm, is met with skepticism, distrust and even criminal prosecution, because it endangers the status quo, questioning the very basis of a community’s belief system, and more importantly I think, threatening the egos of the community, the smart individual geniuses making the community feel dumb in comparison. Both haves and have nots feel that threat and act accordingly.

“There are communities for the intelligent elite, the proverbial white tower of universities, but even there there’s distrust for those who threaten the common ways of things, the most creative threatening to burst the bubble of what’s accepted or acceptable. There’s politics in societies and there’s politics at universities, and often for the most intelligent and creative only the few who can steer their way through the politics, and many don’t have that particular intelligence and are vulnerable because of that, end up having their ideas advance things.”

“Our planet was like that too,” Sarah surprised me. “The Grem are actually a specific race of the Sm’t. Not actually a race, more a huge sect I guess, though I suppose it did become a race because others from the area in which we originated by and large blended with other races, while the Grem were shunned and persecuted and kept to ourselves, though it’s as much us as them who made that happen. It became a deep sin to miscegenate. We became an elite people who essentially worshipped science and intelligence above all things. Our intelligence made us suspect, and all sorts of myths developed having essentially to do with manipulating others to do our bidding, everything from enslaving women, creating harems or trafficking, to owning media in order to disseminate our lies, to world domination. Eventually, after a series of genocides with us more and more fighting back using our newest technologies, a truce was formed ceding us our homeland and some area beyond that. After some struggles we made peace with those native to that area, most being of our race if not our culture. We gave them freedom to believe whatever they believed, and some became part of the Grem while others became our working class, and even with that lower status, we made sure they thrived. In the end it was easier for them to accept their place amongst us because, essentially, they looked like us, so...”

“Would not be accepted anywhere else,” I finished.

“Yes. Perhaps grudgingly we became useful for the world. Our technology made things better and we’d often consult with other inventors to help guide their vision. One thing we kept secret was our building of vehicles to explore the stars.”

“Because your world would think that a threat.”

“Yes. Early on we discovered what you call the asteroid metal which enabled us to keep our secret even better since it gave us the ability to cloak. While others developed space flight, and we helped of course, nudging instead of giving away all our secrets, we found a habitable planet circling our twin sun which became headquarters to our advancements in space travel. And then we discovered the Uglies approaching after they destroyed a planet, and finally warned our world and confessed our progress.”

“Your world didn’t believe you.”

“No they didn’t, so we set up the communications system on our second planet to broadcast a warning to the stars while building our ark.”

“How did you know to converge near out solar system?”

“It was like a mirror flash in terms of those who received us. We tracked the Uglies and those who’d also built their arks and found the convergence amongst the group that arrived to actually possibly save your world.”

“How many others?”


“Different armadas?”

“We suspected but weren’t certain. The Uglies you helped destroy luckily didn’t go at a straight line.”

“Giving time for us to converge.”

“Yes, and though not a straight line, we found it predictable.”

“A good finding.”

“Too arrogant to hide themselves. And instead of learning from what they conquered, they only fed. I think they targeted planets with space travel capability as the only thing that showed any defense.”

“To prevent the possibility of being pursued.”

“Yes. And learning their predictability made it likely there were others.”

“Your people witnessed the destruction of your planet?”

“It will grow back,” Sarah nodded. “It’s as beautiful as your world.”

“I thought it might be as close as your people are to us.”

“Definitely a good thing,” she grinned, patting my flaccid penis.

“It’s dormant as we should be.”

“I’m sore anyway,” Sarah agreed.

“Let me help with that,” I suggested, getting out of bed. “Follow me.”

I made a bath for us using soothing oils. Once full, I guided her to sit in front of me, whereupon I sensuously cleaned her.

“Mmm,” she purred often.

“Since you’re interested in children,” I asked, ending an elongated silence besides her purrs, “Would you like to meet the ones on board?”

“Yes please.”

One of the things I had been skeptical about regarding Jock’s choices was the teaching of children by a cyborg, Pat mostly, but others as well. Candy was the sex Ed teacher! I thought there’d be better interaction with a human, but Jock felt being a grade school teacher wasn’t a genius thing. A couple of the first generation, an actual couple, designed the curriculum. Neither were teacher material, being shy and stumbling amongst an audience.

It wasn’t a one room school house. Jock’s concept of creating the strongest genes by the intermixing of first generation seed and eggs via orgies created age groups, grades if you will, of between four and seven children, the oldest being fourteen and fifteen, twelve and thirteen followed, and then a break of a couple years since the women threatened to strike being pregnant all the time, so nine and ten followed and five through seven the youngest. But the last class all of them gathered together. I liked to be there when I could, but when not, Giorgio took my place, giving feedback directly to the curricula designers.

It was to that gathering that I brought Sarah.

I saw Sarah’s nose crinkle while I retrieved one of the few empty chairs to bring it to the front desk. “Are you humans always in heat?” she whispered to me when she followed me to the desk.

“The oldest here have been recently slammed hormonally with the desire to copulate,” I explained.

“I guess I can understand that,” she giggled.

The children had quieted upon our entrance, none looking particularly happy to see me, their expressions ranging from anger to sadness. Although I understood, since their parents had abandoned them, at the same time they had been raised, probably more literally than intended, with the Hillary Clinton concept of a village raising the young. For most, parents had been shared, and the parenting, at the very least, distracted. Some of their older siblings, the pre-orgy ones helped raise them, but mostly they tended to take care of each other, the older ones almost like babysitters to the younger ones, and those of equal age bonded in friendship. Some of that changed when we boarded Home, with us chosen geniuses taking more interest in the kids, especially those indirectly chosen by me: the petite twins and Hannah and Josepha.

Perhaps the most intense of the children, the second oldest, who seemed to have acquired the best and worst of her parents, Jock and the wife of the military liaison, a proud woman in her own right, the type who hosts a cocktail party the way her husband might command a legion, presented her tall lithe body, Joan in the making, her lovely face marred by her anger, not uncommon from the most rebellious of the group.

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