Life Begins in the Heavens - Cover

Life Begins in the Heavens

Copyright© 2022 by Maxicue

Chapter 10

Science Fiction Story: Chapter 10 - Home becomes home as the ship explores the solar system and beyond. Aliens are met, both allies and enemies, Emily showing her mastery dealing with the latter.

Caution: This Science Fiction Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Aliens   Sharing   Group Sex   Orgy  

“Angela on the bridge,” I immediately ordered to relieve a distraught Tex, whose sister had just assassinated Jock, Emily and I heading there ourselves. “Martine?” I addressed my co-captain.

“On it already,” she reported back.

A minute later I took over her chair, and Angela soon after took Tex’s. “Let’s take the most direct path back to our allies,” I ordered.

“Plotted,” said the navigator who happened to be Emily.

The pilot steered Home away from what had been our home but no longer would be.

“Getting transmission on our attack wavelength,” Amy, as communications officer, reported.

“Visual?” I asked.

“Only voice.”

“Let us hear,” I said, meaning those on the bridge.

“Home, this is Andromeda,” a familiar voice said.

“What’s up Thad?” I asked.

“Emergency protocol. We’ve launched and will be heading your way.”

“Your father anticipated this,” I said.

“Anticipated what exactly? I received the emergency signal but I have no other information.”

I looked at Emily who just shrugged. Up to me. “I take it Andromeda has remained a secret,” I said.

“There’s a secret research base in the Blue Ridge Mountains, our closest facility to DC. Dad gave them the Mountain Lair location and our original island launch site so they could get the proof and specs of the operation, at least what he let them see. What’s going on Joe?”

“All the first generation have been arrested.”

“Fuckers. Some hero’s welcome.”

“It seems some conspiracy theories have been validated by your arrival.”

“Then Dad’s attempt to quash them have failed. It would have helped if Giorgio had come with us.”

“It would have helped if a lot of them weren’t true.”

“Fuck you Joe. What side are you on?”

“The Home side. What other side is there?”

“Andromeda has escaped atmosphere,” Emily reported.

“Is Claire with you?” I asked.

“Hello Captain,” she said, not Joe nor with her usual assertiveness or tease.

“Looking forward to coming back Home?”

“More than you could know,” she replied.

“Enough!” Thad growled. “You’ll make the dock fully pressurized on our arrival.”

“Who’s captain here?” I asked.

“Please?” he sneered.

“And why would I do that? You have your space suits.”

“I brought guests,” he chuckled.


“A sampling of the local fauna.”

“Jes...” I heard from Claire before being cut off.

“Signal ended,” Amy reported. I made a throat slice gesture and she nodded.

“Suggestions people,” I requested.

“My brother seems to have gone off the rails,” Amy muttered.

“Our friendly neighborhood psychotic has returned,” Emily added.

“Yoshie,” I vocalized to our head of security.

“Yes Joe.”

“The Andromeda is returning. I wish you to greet her with your security android.”

“Fully loaded?”


“About time.”

“I want Thad arrested. If he resists, incapacitate him. If he attempts lethal aggression, kill him.”


“Signal’s back,” Amy reported.

“You okay?” I asked.

“He should have never come,” Amy sniffled.

“You want me to have Giorgio replace you?”

“I need to be here.”

I took a breath. “Put him through.” When she nodded, I asked, “Everything okay?”

“You’ll pressurize the dock?” Thad asked.

“Of course.”

“See you soon.”

I made the throat signal again. “Engineering?”

“Scott here Joe.”

“I presume the dock can be pressurized even with a ship passing through the barrier.”

“Any leakage would be minimal. We mostly keep it without pressure because it’s a huge open space.”

“Please pressurize it now.”

“Will do.”


“Hey Joe.”

“You ever work with the asteroid material as fabric?”

“You should talk to Lou.”


“Yep. She’s got plenty, even clothing and face cover. I’ve helped her with making it breathable, I mean like mouth ventilation not fabric breathability.”

“Something like tarp too?”


“Have her bring what she has down to the dock locker room.”

“What she has?”

“One petite outfit for Yoshie. One to cover the security android. A tarp to cover one of the dock’s portable steps. And enough extra to cover a gun.”



“On it.”

“Thanks. Yoshie?”

“Here boss.”

“Meet Greg and Lou in the dock locker room.”

“Almost there, boss.”

“Think lethal, Yoshie. Thad may have allies.”

“Got it.”

I sighed. “Anything else?”

“Pep and Joan,” said Emily. “You want me up here, right?”


“Pep, get your cute ass up to the bridge and bring your tablet.” And to me, “Pep can hack the Andromeda, in fact she already has since I figured we could steer her if the pilot were somehow incapacitated, and the weapons would be available too.”

“We can open the hatch.”


“And Joan?”

“We need more manpower so to speak. She’s as lethal as Yoshie and...”

“No fucking way. She and Thad...”

“That’s the whole point. Her friendly face...”

“But would she hurt him?”

“More of a chance of incapacitating than being lethal.”

“I hate saying this, but I don’t think I want him alive.”


“Maybe all he’s brought was pigs at the local farm, but the way Claire reacted and knowing Thad...”

“All too well,” Emily muttered.

“He’s got fucking victims in there, and worse case, got himself a new posse of assholes. Didn’t he go to school around the Blue Ridge?”

“Virginia Tech,” Amy confirmed.

“And second,” I continued, “He’s going to find out who killed his father.”

Emily nodded. “No love lost between him and Tex already.”

I thought about it. “Joan?”

“I heard you met my protégé,” I could hear the smirk.

“We’ll talk about that later. Meet me in the captain’s room ASAP.”

“Kind of sweaty.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“I’ll be right up.”

Pep arrived first and immediately commiserated with Emily, both attending to Pep’s tablet.

Joan arrived soon after wearing a tight, midriff baring top and just as tight thigh hugging shorts, camel toe on full display, her blonde hair loosely bound in a ponytail, every male and Emily riveted to her.

“Come on,” I said and we entered a side room, my office at least when wearing the captain’s hat so to speak.

“Sit,” I ordered and I sat behind my desk. Her tight, perfect ass plopped down.

“Something serious,” she realized.

“Very. Thad’s returning.”

She sat up, a smile beginning but fading. “What’s he done?”

“I don’t know, but I suspect the worse.”

“I should have gone with him. Claire never figured out how to calm his beast.”

“I’m glad you didn’t.”

Joan nodded. “What do you need?”

“I need you to greet him, Yoshie and the security android behind you in asteroid camouflage, and I want you to kill him if you have to.”

“You prefer if I did.”

“Honestly yes. If what I think he’s brought up with him is true, he just can’t be trusted. But if not ... there’s still Tex.”

“What about Tex?”

“His sister killed the Old Man.”

“The Old Man’s dead?”

“You didn’t know. It was on all the monitors.”

“I was training.”

“Of course. She assassinated him. If you don’t think...”

“Let me get this straight. You don’t know what he’s bringing up.”

“No, but the way Claire reacted, the indomitable Claire sounding scared as shit, I can’t imagine it’s good.”

“You think he’s going to come out fighting, like he’s going to take over the ship?”

“Doesn’t seem likely.”

“No. Where’s the line?”

“If it’s just him and Claire and some pigs or whatever ... welcome him aboard? We’ll still have to monitor him somehow because of Tex. But if he’s brought up some women...”


“Yeah. Fuck Joan, I just don’t want fucking prisoners on this ship. I mean I know you can subdue the beast...”

“You don’t think rapists are curable.”

“Chemical restraints is all I can think of.”

“Or cut off his balls. That’d kill him anyway, all that maleness taken away.”

“And he may have brought along a posse.”

“More wastes of resources is what you’re thinking.”

“It’s a fucked up scenario no matter how you look at it.”

“That’s why they pay you the big bucks.”

I chuckled weakly. “I’m putting the bucks in your hands now. You decide. Let Yoshie know you’re taking point on this. She has any problems with that, have her ask me.”


“You better head down.”

“Maybe pretty myself up before?”

“You’re damn sexy now.”

“Thanks, stud. But I can do better.”

“Not much time.”

“I’m a quick change artist. Thanks for trusting me on this.”

“Thank Emily.”

“I definitely will.”

And she indeed gave Emily a lingering embrace and kiss before heading down.

“How much time?” I asked.

“Forty minutes,” Amy reported.

I worried.

Everything I feared (or expected) happened, and I don’t know what he said to convince the three assholes to join him, except he probably missed being top cock alpha, ruler of a band of yes sayers willing to rape women. I certainly couldn’t ask him.

Emily’s ploy worked perfectly, Joan apparently making Thad feel most welcome back, but while she did, two individuals hidden under essentially invisibility material snuck into the hold where three assholes, six restrained women and one restrained man and yes actual pigs in cages hid. Joan got the message and immediately killed her ex-lover while Yoshie and her android second dispatched the three assholes.

Claire immediately flung her hands in the air, sobbing, screaming “I’m sorry!”

Four of the women and the guy, along because one of the women had been his girlfriend and, according to Claire her worst moment, some trading of sex had been promised, had all been college students. They were an array of races as if picked for variety: African American, Vietnamese, Puerto Rican and a redheaded Caucasian. The two others were farm girls, sisters, 15 and 17, blonde and well developed, the youngest precocious in that respect, a less ridiculously endowed future Dolly Parton, and in fact the fifteen year old wanted to follow in Dolly’s footsteps. Like a nightmare moment, their folks had been killed along with their kid brother and their farm had been burned and the pigs had been stolen.

Thad had been on a spree.

All the captured being naked, arrangement were made to find clothing that fit them. After, they went to the Home hospital to be checked out, luckily finding nothing torn, salves applied and given. After each one was treated, Marty spoke to them. She and I figured a female presence was best after rape. There would of course be further sessions, and each were asked if a male counselor would be acceptable, with, surprisingly, four agreeing, including the two farm girls.

They were given a tour of Home before being assigned houses, the women coupling up. The man, surprisingly, agreed to room with Claire when she offered it. He and the redhead had apparently only recently began dating, and despite Claire being the lure, he actually preferred her company and the feeling was mutual.

Claire told her story to me.

“Once we landed in the Blue Ridge Mountain valley, all of us except Thad headed to DC to meet with the Brain Trust there. A contingency had been planned exactly as we did it, the first generation heading back to Earth with Thad piloting and me as spokesperson.

“Jock set up for me to give a speech at the UN in New York on the same day word had been spread about Home, our meeting with aliens, and our vanquishing of the Uglies. Jock thought it best not to reveal our encounter with the Mipplee, putting our new allies in the best light. The world learned about us and were, in most cases, appreciative of our success. Most wasn’t enough for Jock, and he blamed me for not convincing everyone, as if that would ever happen, or getting the heroes reception he believed we deserved, so he replaced me with himself as the face of Home.

“Things seemed to escalate from there as we got more and more negative coverage, various contingencies: the doubters; those that feared we’d exposed ourselves to other invasions; those that objected to the clandestine project and the hubris of it which of course Jock escalated; and the ones who had been talking conspiracy for years about the disappearance of geniuses which Jock confirmed. And of course the last ended up apparently getting the old guard arrested and Jock assassinated.

“Jock saw things falling apart and ordered me to return to the Andromeda. Thad had me meet him in the nearby college town at a restaurant and then a bar where we seduced the couple and took them to the ship. I thought that a bad idea but Thad convinced me we’d already been exposed to the world and that it would be fun to blow this couple’s minds bringing them on board. I kind of liked Ned, and Barbie was definitely enamored with Thad. All the other shit that had been happening he managed to keep from me, keeping the previously captured women way back in the hold with his group of fellow rapers. I ended up fucking Ned in my own bed while poor Barbie got gang banged without my knowledge and then the gang went out in the early morning to fucking rape and pillage that fucking pig farm. I think, I don’t know what to think, what went through that psychotic mind, but it seemed like it had always been Thad’s intention to head back here with his crazy gang and his captured women. Either that or he’d have killed me and kept things going in that hidden ship. I guess I had known Thad could be a monster, but never knew how monstrous he could be.”

I believed her. I could see the trauma of realizing the monstrosity, of having the monster be her lover and continuing to be in proximity to him, to be too cowardly to warm us somehow. And there was a bit of survivor’s guilt as well, Thad warning his band not to touch her while they viciously abused the other victims. There had been a history of Claire aiding in Thad’s rapacious plans, Emily in fact a near victim, and that called into question Claire’s minimal involvement, and yet I couldn’t see it possible that the trauma I witnessed in her could be a performance.

Emily remained skeptical. She asked Yoshie to monitor Claire using the translator device implanted in her. We both agreed Claire would manipulate Ned, it being in Claire’s nature, but I couldn’t imagine any nefarious plan. My clever strategist lover imagined several, and to answer my question what they might be, she simply answered, “We’ll see.”

We needed to figure out what to do with what we referred to, in the nomenclature of a fake religious cult which used an image of a generic pipe smoking guy named Bob, as the subgeniuses, our reluctant new guests.

Surprisingly, the two blonde pig farmers proved easiest. They’d continue watching over the pigs. And they adjusted well to the unique methods on Home. My favorite horticulturist, Hannah, took a liking to them as did my favorite mechanical engineer, Josepha. Despite their trauma, the sisters proved a horny duo, and because of the trauma, they salved that horniness with those two mostly lesbian lovers.

I too found their down-to-earth character, not to mention their voluptuous bodies and their cute yet work toughened faces, disturbingly attractive. Neither had been much for book learning, school being just another chore to bear, though Ruth, the younger one, read better than her sister Mary because of her infatuation for Dolly Parton meant reading Dolly’s lyrics and biographies of her idol, as well as writing her own songs. Mary had a more mathematic talent, mostly the basics so she could keep books for the farm, but she had an aptitude for more advanced math like calculus and trigonometry.

But I found it humbling counseling them through their trauma. I realized I’d been immersed in an elitist world of geniuses both before and after I encountered the Brain Trust. I’d polarized the world, us and them, mostly because I saw them as stigmatizers of us, and had to, among other things, dumb down the geniuses in order give them socializing skills. Thus I came to the sisters ready to condescend.

Midway through my first session with Ruth, she muttered, “I’m just a dumb hick to you.”

I felt it had been a slap waking me up.

I admitted, “I guess I do. Can I explain why? And then you can explain to me why I’m wrong.”

“But you ain’t wrong. I’m just a dirt poor pig farmer with barely any learning.”

“And I’m an overeducated asshole who thinks I’m better than you. Unfortunately this ship is full of overeducated assholes. You need some counseling because of what those assholes did to you, and unfortunately I’m the only overeducated asshole that is available.”

She laughed. “I guess everbody’s got one and is one. Assholes I mean.”

“I guess so,” I chuckled. “I suppose that makes us equal.”

“I suppose. And we’re all humans here too, except for them aliens,” she smirked.

“What do you think of the aliens?”

“Weird, except for them Grem, but they’re even bigger assholes than you.”

“You’re not wrong,” I laughed.

“I think the Blues are kind of beautiful.”

“I agree, but you best watch out for the males.”

“Why’s that?”

“Probably not the best topic right now.”

“You brought it up, you best finish it.”

“It’s about their genitals.”

“You mean their penises? You know I work on a farm with animals. I know what transpires between the males and females of various species.”

“Which makes you more enlightened than most your age,” I agreed.

“I swear some of the townies I know, or I guess knew,” her posture sagged and her eyes moistened but she straightened up, “they still think babies come by way of stork. Not really, but they do got some simple ideas, like not getting pregnant the first time.”

“Your boyfriend?”

“He’d have got a rubber,” she sobbed. “But them assholes beat him to it.”

I let her sob. She’d been stoic before that, putting on a brave front. “Why’d they do that? They could have just stole us or the pigs or whatever, but why kill Mom and Dad and Aaron? I thought I was a good Christian girl. I prayed before bed. We prayed over our meal. Every Sunday we listened to the preacher and prayed. I know I had unchristian thoughts about the boy. I know I’d have done what I thought. Maybe it was sinful, but not enough to bring demons to destroy us, even I know that. You know what I thought after that night? Fuck God! Fuck all them stupid prayers! Job got tested, but he never got tested like I did or Mary done. There ain’t nothing Christian about that world if God could let that happen to a godly family like mine.”

Her words ended but her sobs continued. I waited until they quieted. “You want to continue?” I finally asked.

“I suppose I needed that,” she murmured.

“There’ll be more of that,” I told her.

“I guess there will.” Then she giggled. “Tell me about these Blue’s cocks.”

“They’re short but fat, with these soft spikes that stimulates the females to ovulate.”

“Like a tom with a she-cat. Nothing like hearing our Molly complain about getting fucked.”

“Molly was your cat’s name?”

“Just as our tom was called Tom.”

“What do you mean?”

“Something you don’t know?” she smirked. “A female cat’s called a molly.”

“Thanks for educating me.”

“You’re welcome. Speaking of being educated, you going to tell me about yourself like you promised?”

I did and she concluded, “Maybe we only got assholes in common.”

“Thus me treating you the way I did.”

“But we do understand each other. We share English.”

“Speaking of that, and it’s up to you and I really don’t mean to condescend.”


“Talking down to you.”

“Descend like going down.”

“Probably where it comes from.”

“Condescend away.”

“The way you speak...”

“Not exactly the king’s English is it?”

“Unfortunately it promotes condescension.”

“I guess I could try talking better like the way our preacher talked and our teachers. It’s how I’ve always talked though, so it may not come easy. I guess you can correct me if you want, but maybe not in the middle of things?”

“I’ll make note of it for later.”

“I’d appreciate that. And there’s something universal like assholes.”


“Music. I play guitar, my sister plays fiddle. You have those?”

“We do.”

“We harmonize too. Mostly gospel, though I ain’t ... I’m not so sure I want to sing them anymore.”

“Gospel songs can be quite beautiful.”

“True. I also sing country, especially Dolly Parton who’s my hero, but others too. And I write songs.”

“We’d love to hear them.”




She must have coached her sister what to expect, because when Mary arrived she immediately challenged me with, “I hear you want me sobbing.”

“Perhaps intentional sobbing?” I tried.

It didn’t take long for intentions to be realized.

I discovered Mary was quite a bit dumber than her sister despite being older. She didn’t have Ruth’s innate intelligence, and in fact had some sort of retardation slowing her ability to learn, excepting math, sort of like an idiot savant. It helped that I’d seen her sister first who had, most charmingly, tumbled down the walls of bias being amongst geniuses.

What made Mary charming, aside from being a more completed version of her sister, in voluptuousness at least, and beauty in comparison to Ruth’s cuteness, was her guilelessness, a product of her simpler mind.

Of course I had inappropriate thoughts meeting with them, and, uncomfortably though not entirely unexpectedly in that space of intimacy and trust found in psychological counseling, those thoughts seemed to be returned. I could detect Mary’s interest through her gaze and a certain altering of the scent of the room from her natural lubricant, but with Ruth it became flirting, both physical in her position and her subtle touch of me at the beginning and ending of sessions, and verbal with a suggestive teasing. But, with the extreme exception of Marie which from the beginning included sex, barriers had always been maintained justifiably preventing the necessary emotional intimacy to become physical.

So it was trickery that broke that barrier, at least not in the counseling room. I was sharing Hannah’s and Josepha’s bed, one of those evenings when Emily was with Yoshie and my co-captain’s daughter Fred being pleasantly abused, when Ruth suspiciously appeared, crawling into the bed naked and impaling herself on my cock, replacing Hannah who had been riding me reverse cowgirl while Josepha hid Ruth’s arrival by riding my face. Apparently the reverse cowgirl position had been chosen so that Hannah could make sure Ruth’s pussy was ready for impalement.

Of course the change in pussy was obvious since Ruth’s was far tighter than Hannah’s. The subterfuge had me wanting to find out who belonged to this mysterious cunt, but the two thick bodied women had me pinned down. Ruth gave herself away when my glans tapped her cervix at full impalement and she growled, “Oh fuck!” in her accented mid-octave voice.

“Ruth?” I exclaimed, muffled by Josepha’s pussy.

Only then did Josepha move off me so I could see the young, precociously endowed soft body and the cute face framed by thick, curly, light straw colored hair, her expression combining worry with awe.

“Please,” Ruth murmured, her pussy lifting up slowly before beginning another slow plummeting. Her torso lowered and her pussy lifted again, and I could tell she wanted to be able to kiss me, but her shortness prevented it. I lifted my knees. “Prop my head,” I suggested to my sneaky lovers and Hannah provided pillows and I kissed the too young new lover on her plump lips. My hands slid down her back, feeling the softness over tautness until they gripped her soft, strong, full ass. Any questions would have to be asked later since Ruth’s tongue occupied my mouth seeking and finding my tongue.

We worked together fucking each other, her sliding up and down, her clit scraping my pubic bone while both my hands holding her ass and my pushing upwards of my pelvis countered her moves. Her movements quickened the fuck and mine kept up until the resultant greater friction caused her mouth to separate in order for her to gasp. Her pleasure was writ on her face along with a subtle smile which I matched. Her torso lifted higher which enabled my hands to carefully work her nipples. “Rub yourself,” I told her, but Hannah volunteered her fingers for that, Ruth’s hands busy anyway pressing against my shoulder to gain balance while riding my cock with ever faster bounces.

Ruth’s look of awe continued and in fact intensified, especially when her orgasm finally arrived, accompanied by a long surprisingly deep growl replacing inarticulate gasps with the word, “God!”

I quickened my thrusts, shortened considerably by her pressing down, until I joined her in cumming, my throbbing cock surrounded by her complicated inner buzzing and contractions. She collapsed atop me while the last of my ejaculations ended my orgasm.

“You’re so young,” I murmured, my fingers sliding through her somewhat sweat dampened tresses.

“One of the reasons we knew you’d be reluctant,” she murmured. “I insisted, and we’d often pretend Hannah fucking me was you.”

“She’s older than her years,” Hannah said.

“I know,” I replied.

“I guess this means our sessions are over,” Ruth sighed. “Because all I’d think about would be fucking you.”

“Me too,” I chuckled.

“Even though I thought about that anyway.”

“Me too,” I confessed.

She lifted her head and showed me her loose grin and giggled, “Thought so.” And she kissed me.

The kisses continued until I found myself getting hard again inside her.

“Can we turn over?” she asked.

“You sure?”

“Like I said, Hannah and I have been working through this fantasy. Imagining you on top was difficult, but I got over it. Please?”

When I turned, I saw a brief grimace which passed. “Go slow,” she said. “Those assholes never did.”

I did as asked and between kisses we gazed at each other. I saw her welcoming this, loving this, and when things quickened after quite a long time, her approaching orgasm needing greater friction, her hands on my ass, her legs squeezing my thighs and her lifting into the thrusts moving things to a hard fast fucking, she ended up welcoming and loving the profound orgasm she sustained. I helped the sustaining by subtly pushing my pelvic bone against her clit and relaxing until I found myself cumming as well, matching the profundity of hers. “Joe!” she exclaimed, wide eyed.

Mary’s turn came a few days later, this time with her showing up shyly at my house. Emily and I combined to make it easier for her, at first Emily showing Mary my body kiss by kiss and stroke by stroke, Mary mostly observing Emily sucking me to orgasm. Mary straddled my face after that and did most of the work getting me hard again while my tongue and Emily’s caresses of Mary’s tits gave her an orgasm.

Fully hard, I made love to Emily, Mary watching Emily enjoy a couple orgasms. I remained hard when she tapped at my shoulder. “Can I ... ride you?” she asked shyly.

I lay back and she hopped on, Emily guiding me in. My cock entered a pussy not as tight as her sister’s but nearly virginal, and Mary made a slow, careful descent until I was fully in. “I did it!” she exclaimed, marveling at our conjunction.

“You okay?” I asked.

“Much better than I thought,” she grinned and began slowly posting on me. I enjoyed watching her full breasts move and the enjoyment on her lovely face. Stilling her breasts with my hands, the visual enjoyment became replaced by the tactile.

Her posting quickened and swiftly moved to a gallop before stopping. “Could you ... doggy style?” she asked. “It’s my favorite.” She looked frustrated.

Lifting off my cock, she shifted sideways and I moved behind her, Emily once more feeding my cock back inside her. She had a great ass in both senses, on the large side and wonderfully formed. My pelvis bounced against it, at first slowly but she wanted it faster and harder. “Spank me,” she moaned. “Harder! Fuck me harder and faster!” I did as she wished and she came hard, collapsed and cried. The friction had made me cum as well and I spurted onto the small of her back.

“Mary?” I asked.

“Harlot,” she sobbed. “Jezebel. Just as Preacher said I was.”

“I told you it wasn’t your fault. You believed me didn’t you?”

“I guess, but Preacher said...”

“You never talked about this preacher,” I told her.

“He said I could never...”

“What did he do to you?”

“He said it was my fault, tempting him like the Jezebel I am.”

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