Morale Officer Not Moral Officer - Cover

Morale Officer Not Moral Officer

Copyright© 2021 by Badger Hole

Chapter 8

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Candy is a low-level data entry employee at Jasper computers she has a husband Stan and a son and daughter at home 15 and 16 Junior and Shelby. Jasper is the owner of the company, and he has a problem to solve. Company morale is low people are talking about leaving. Public nudity was legalized and is even prevalent in some workplaces. Candy volunteers and her psych came back as an extreme submissive, with a dedication to detail. Updated chapt 4 with a scene at the end.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   Slavery   Workplace   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Incest   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Spanking   Fisting   Scatology   Water Sports   BBW   Nudism  

Candy was daydreaming of Shelby and Mark, were they, boyfriend and girlfriend, were they passed heavy petting, Shelby said she was not a virgin were they sexually active, We have to refill her prescription we got a couple of days. I heard she knew that Mark wanted to buy his mother. Did she recognize her and tell him she was up for auction?

“You like a little pain, don’t you slut” as the strange man twisted her nipple.

“ohhhhh, ah, the writing is for work,” Candy tried to explain.

“But you do like it” as he pulled harder

“I, I, I, wish you wouldn’t. I’m trying to save my body for work. I could give you a blow job, though”

“No, my stop is next. I don’t have time. I think I’ll twist your nipples until then.”

“IEEE” Candy thinks she is in for a rough day today. Even the bus guys are acting on the writing on her body.

“I have seen you for the last two days on this bus. I am intrigued; you had writing on your chest that you are a VP of sluts? What’s that?”

“Well, I am a department of one, and I provide tension relief for the employees of my company.”

“What as a punching bag?”

“ohhh, that feels nice on the nipple, well yes, but that is not all, I humiliate myself for their entertainment, I intercede in sexual harassment, the guys just use me because I cannot be sexually harassed, that’s part of my job description, I give blow jobs, cunt fucks, and anal sex on demand, I lick cunts when asked, I piss and shit in public in a hole in the ground.”

“You have to be the biggest slut ever.”

“Well, thank you,” she leaned into his hand as he continued to tug and twist on her nipple,” I am trying to do a good job.”

“Here is my stop. Do you always take this bus? I want to take you up on that BJ next time.”

“Yes, I do, and I will” she grinned and winked at him as he got up to leave.

The following two bus rides, she was left alone with her thoughts.

She starts thinking about her new life and how reality and fantasy match. Sometimes Reality is much better than fantasy. Other times Fantasy was the best. Could she make that a reality like her incest fantasy about her son? Did she want to? It seems inevitable should she resist. And work, she knows that she will be a ragdoll today. She will be punched in the face and get a black eye. She even suggested it. Why would she do that? It just came out. She will be a marked slut today. How many marks and where will they be. She rubs her pussy and gets excited, thinking about displaying her stripes and bruises. She hears a couple of old ladies ‘ comment, “what a slut, jezebel, did you hear she offered that guy a BJ while he was messing with her chest.? What a world this is coming to be, we can’t complain no one would listen...”

It was finally her stop, and she left the bus grateful to leave the comments from the old ladies behind. They are probably not getting any sex. She felt sorry for them.

She walked up to the entrance, and there was a small crowd at the door.

“There she is, Welcome Slut”

“We want to see what you have on your body and find out who wins the PTO.”

“I got three.”

“I got you beat. I have five.”

“Cuckqueen, what’s that.”

“and why does her hubby need pussy”

Oh my god, Brenda wrote that on my back I’m not sure what it means, but it sounds like I am offering my husband to service all the ladies at work.

“Guys, the urban dictionary says A Cuckqueen is a girl who likes watching her boyfriend or husband have sex with other girls.”

“ok, ladies, take a number if you want some of that cute cock she has at home.”

“Yeah, I’ve seen his picture. He is a hottie.”

“Does he have a big dick?

“Where is the signup sheet.”

“I want her to suck my pussy while I blow her husband.”

“Will you put his cock in my pussy for me?”

She was humiliated. She could not believe the comments. She was at work. She had to follow the rules. She knew she had to play with herself, so she sat down and spread her legs and started playing with her pussy and ass right in the middle of the crowd. She could not contain her lust.

“Look at her fap that pussy. She is a cuckqueen slut”

Brenda comes running up, “Shit, I knew I forgot something. I’ll write Stans number on your back, or no, wait. I should put mine on there, so I get all the calls and pick the best ones and make a datebook? I don’t want Stan to get too many interruptions and not be able to get any work done.”

Candy is lost in her lust and speeds up. Slamming three fingers up her pussy, Candy says nothing.

“Having fun slut?” Brenda smiles.

“What do you think?” she gasps and starts her explosive release as a gush of girl juice sprays out of her over-excited cunt.

“From the looks of you are slapping that pussy, I think it’s obvious you are.”

Gary from security a voice of reason, “ok, let’s get to work. We have to get you all processed and cleared through security: line up here, Candy. Your last, stay there and play with yourself. Everybody else needs to get to work.”

Candy relaxes and displays her body to all the employees, pulling her pussy lips wide open, listening to the comments from the line of people as they move past.

“You want your pussy stretched if I get my turn today? I am going to fist your ass and pussy at the same time.”

Candy replies, “I like fisting. I loved yesterday when the intern put his hand up in me.”

“let’s get a pool going. Who is going to give her a black eye.”

“Randy is”

“No, he won’t. Did you see how he treats her? She is his princess.”

“I have talked to him; he might surprise us.”

“Randy, really?”

“Fuck Randy, I want to slap some titties.”

“They’re not huge, but I could put my Handprint right there.”

Candy “you boys know how to talk to a girl. You are making me so hot” she imagines she is the sex-jester and reacts to the jests as she is supposed to act. She is thinking can I handle it today—just one thing at a time. One slap, one pinch, one Punch at a time, I can take it. I don’t know if I’ll like something until I try it. And I have been enjoying all the pain and beatings from Stan.

“Ok, boys, I will see you all later.”

Finally, Gary says, “ok slut let’s get you processed. It’s your turn.”

“Ok, stand spread eagle right here, move your hands behind your head. I have wanted to inspect someone the right and complete way.”

“What do you mean, Gary.”

“I wanted to really have a good look and not use these namby-pamby metal detectors. They miss soooo many things.”

Gary proceeded to inspect her everywhere. He felt her scalp messing up her hair. He took a penlight and shoved it up her nose to see what, boogers? He opened her mouth and shoved his hand down until he was massaging her tonsils. And started to flick her uvula, she could not control the gag reflex, and some pissy oats came up into her mouth. Gary removed his hand, and she swallowed,

Gary “Clean that up” putting his hand in her face, she started licking.

“Now for your pussy” he takes the penlight in one hand, and with the other, he spreads her pussy wide. Still not seeing inside, he sticks his fingers in further. Finally, he sets the light down, and using two fingers of each hand, he hooks inside and pulls hard to the side. Now he can see inside her. He looks at the little hole on the top of the mound of her cervix. Candy felt exposed. She had nothing that was private, not even her cervix.

“Wow, Gary, you are sure looking deep.”

“This is what I meant that that machine could miss something. Plus, I really like looking inside a girl.”

“Ok, stand up and grab your ankles. I need to see what’s in your ass.”

Gary proceeds to shove fingers in her rectum, adding a finger as quickly as possible. He soon has four fingers, and his thumb is rubbing her clit. He pulls out a little, tucks his thumb in, and pushes it hard to make the tight ass expand, but he finally does it, and it pops.

“Why didn’t you try Gary? I would have let you, I think.”

Candy thinks, wow, I haven’t even got inside the building yet. He’s starting to move his hand like a piston. Oh my God, it feels like he is pulling my guts out. Faster, oh my, he is going faster, all the way to the knuckles of his balled fist, stretching me to the biggest. Them punching his fist into my guts if he can’t tell I am not hiding anything but turds in there, I have to question just how brilliant Gary is.

“Ok, Hair, Check”

“Throat, Check”

“Nose, Check”

“Cunt, check and check.”

“Why two checks for my pussy Gary.”

“Stubble check, and if there is anything inside, oh, and you will need to shave before tomorrow, or I will before I let you in the door.”

“Ass, check”

“God, your cunt is slimy. You are dripping on my shoes” he shakes his hands like he is flinging something

“I can lick them for you.”

“No, I’ll just use your hair.”

“Ok Slut get your nasty ass going and see Randy in his lab.”

She hears on the loudspeaker on the way to Randy’s Lab, “Attention, we have a company-wide meeting in the cafeteria at 9:00 everyone, please attend, if you have other commitments, please connect on the cafeteria webcam”, that gives me an hour I need to hustle to Randy so he can put in my Alexa plug.

Two minutes later, she walks up to Randy. “Oh, hey Slut, how’s it going?”

“Ok, I guess I am nervous with this writing on me. What is everyone going to do?”

“I bet you are, but we have a plan to keep it under control.”

“Thank you. What’s the plan?”

“I have the next Alexa for you to use. It’s a real revolving prismatic son of a bitch.”

“I don’t see it spin or shining. What did you say?”

“Sorry, that is Engineering speak for full of features and a great product.”

“oh,” now she is worried it looks bigger.

“you know how the first Alexa monitors your vital signs and could tell when you were in distress and slow the scene down or stop it?


“Well, we improved on the lust level monitoring, also your state of mind, how awake you are. It will monitor how much pain you are in. and administer some endorphins to help you out. It uses fuzzy logic, so the more you use it, the better it gets at sensing your condition. And it is now in this collar you don’t have to have the butt plug in your ass or Cracker Jack in your pussy. It still connects to them, but they are secondary to the collar. You see, this is like a dog shock collar on well on steroids, this collar will monitor your vitals through these five metal plates on the inside, and it can inject hormones, medicine, or whatever we decide that you need.”

“that sounds, Nice? Randy, ah, thanks” Candy, are they really going to put a dog collar on me.

“Well, it is. You can take this home with you, and I will change it out with a new one that is recharged every day. The collar can run for four days without recharge so that you can take it home over the weekend. And I have a set of Alexa and crackerjack for you to take home as well” He takes the black leather collar and places it gently around her neck.

He takes the Alexa butt plug, lines up the massive tool with her ass, works it back and forth a little, and ... SHOVES. All she felt was stretching. She did not feel it was going in dry. She had not seen any lube. It got to the widest point, and it was deep. It started to straighten out her colon rearranging her guts. And suddenly, it was into the hilt.

Randy looks at his phone, “good, all the sensors are reporting. It is getting a baseline. Ok, it’s ready, are you ready? I need to do some things so I can calibrate the sensors. Is that ok?”

“I guess so well I can’t really say no.”

“Yea, I guess I just wanted to get your consent, you know, for the cameras.”

“Yes, Randy, I consent for you to calibrate my Alexa.”

SLAPPPPP, Randy takes his hand and hits her face very hard. This takes Candy’s breath away. Studying his phone, he nods his head “good” a backhand from the other side now CRACK

Candy’s face was burning, and tears were running down her cheeks. Randy was not smiling. He was just doing his job calibrating Alexa.

He continues his calibration test by slapping her everywhere, her breasts, ass, back. He pinches her on her nose and nipples.

“Ok, Candy, I want you to rate the acceptability of what I was just doing. Was it easy to accept, and you could handle more? Here are the five categories, easy, moderately easy, neither easy nor difficult, difficult, very difficult?”

“After the surprise, it settled down to the middle one a three.”

“Oh, ok”

He grabbed her hair and slapped her face hard. Her head twisted, pulling the hair at the same time. She screamed.

“Rate that strike.”

Sobbing, “difficult, that really hurt, but my pussy is creaming”

“Yes, I can tell that is what Alexa is telling me too.”

“ok just a couple more tests. This next is a breath control so we can set the O2 sensor. This is a little test I came up with just for you, Candy. Come over here” he was standing by a toilet. It was all hooked up in the middle of the room looks like water, and everything was fully functional.

“let me attach this robotic arm to your head” he straps the arm to her head and tests the movement. She can bend over the toilet, her head centered on the bowl, and he manually moves her head down into the bowl, putting her face in the cold water.

“looks about right” he makes some minor adjustments.”

Candy is wondering what the hell a robot is going to give me a swirly.

“ok, candy, I have an emergency override here. The robot is going to dunk your head into the toilet and hold it there while monitoring your vitals, all you need to do is hold your breath, and the robot will let you up when it detects you need a breath.”

Before she could do anything or take a breath, her face was at the bottom of the bowl. She fought the arm, but it would not budge. She pulled and pushed on the toilet. Her face would not move. She was running out of air. She needed to breathe, but she could not breathe water; her mind was slowing down. And just then, the arm lifted her out of the water.

Breathing heavily, “bastard that was unfair.”

“wasn’t meant to be fair, data is impartial, and we need data.”

Again the arm moved and slammed her face into the water. Holding it impassively while she struggled for breath and sanity.

It brought her back up for a breath or two, then immediately back into the porcelain throne. And back out again.

Candy looked ad felt like a drowned rat gasping to breathe.

“Very hard five. It was a five.”

“Are you certain? The numbers tell something different; they say you were turned on being out of control; I bet part of it was surrendering your breath to someone else you had no choice. You almost had an orgasm. Your sensors that monitor your state of mind had arousal very high and acceptance very high as well, and right now, your truthfulness is way low.”

“God damn, I can’t even lie to the machine; ok, it was barely a four on your fucking scale, happy?”

“as a matter of fact, yes. Are you ready for the last test?”

“I – I – I guess, yes.”

He balls up his fist and punches her face just below her eye, right on the cheekbone. She flies back, knocked out cold.

Alexa “Stop limit reached, she has lost consciousness. she will be coming around 3, 2, 1, now.”

“OHH, Randy, that hit was very hard she moaned groggily.”

“Ok, it looks like we have the calibration done. He prints out the result for his records.”

He looks over at Candy and sees her eye start to swell up, and a bruise starts forming where he hit her face.

“Well, I do think you look good with a black eye, Candy,” as he reaches out and caresses her face.

“You did lose consciousness, but “Alexa gave you a shot of adrenaline and woke you up. If this had been a medical emergency, she would call for an ambulance and security and get you the proper help. But whenever she sees you are at level 5 or near it, she calls...”

“Security, stop what you are doing.” Two guys yell, running in.

Randy said, “Alexa System test guys, you guys did good, 37 seconds well within the 60-second window.”

The Alexa in her ass gave her a warm buzzing feeling. She felt good, roughed up but good. She felt content. She was confident that the technology was going to protect her.

Randy tapped his screen a few times, and the Alexa Plug started swelling. It was stretching her ass.

“One more protocol, we are stretching out your ass. Alexa will monitor your experience and stretch your ass while not occupied; it senses how far to stretch and hold it for a while. So it will just expand and contract all day, and I can look at a report to see how much we have increased your ass capability. Craker Jack has the same upgrade and will start stretching your cunt too.”

“Our first goal is for you to have huge gaping holes on display.”

“So, the body modifications are starting?”

“Well, no, they have already begun. We are part of a trial for a new drug. It is designed to increase the size of your breasts without implants. You are going to get bigger all naturally, so no fear of rupturing a bag in a tit.”

“Is that why my nipples have been very tender”

“Yes, and Your breasts are getting bigger. You haven’t noticed because you have not been wearing any bras.”

“I was wondering what was going on.”

“You will start having to beg to be milked soon.”

She spreads her pussy lips and attacks her clit.” OOOOOHHHHHHH GOD I’m Cumming”

Candy thinks I am so humiliated. This man just gave me a black eye, and I am spanking my kitty in front of him so I can cum. I want to reward him for looking after me. I want his dick; I want to suck his dick. She starts to knee walk in front of him and undoes his belt. Looking up into his eyes, she whispers, “you can slap my face anytime, pull my hair, whatever you want, just let me have your cock”

Randy looks down at the slut, begging to suck his dick; well, since she asked so nicely, “Ok slut, I am going to throat fuck you,” he tried to sound macho but did not quite pull it off.

He grabbed the hair on the back of her head and proceeded to force his cock down her throat. Slamming her mouth with no concern for her feeling or even if she could breathe, he had confidence in his tech; Alexa would warn him when she needed to breathe. Slamming her throat, he was enthralled at the bulge of his dick as it slid in and out of her voice box. She was swallowing. She was actually trying to eat his dick. This was the best blow job he had ever had.

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