Hostile Witness - Cover

Hostile Witness

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 5

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A rookie female cop is captured by the mob boss she is working to take down. She is taken to a facility where she sees just what happens when a man has unlimited resources and limited morals.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   Crime   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom  

“Our next trainee is Madisynn Walters, trophy wife of Judge Bradley Walters.” 10 said as she flipped open a file on her bed. There was a photo of a mid 20’s woman with blonde hair, fake tits and a perfect tan striking a playboy pose beside a much older man in a suit.

“Bradley Walters is a judge now?” Susan said in a surprised voice?

“You know him?” 14 asked?

“I heard his name being batted around the station a couple of times.” She replied, and leaned in to look at the picture. Oh, she knew Bradley Walters. He was an A-DA when Susan’s dad was killed, and was the one who accepted the plea from the poor guy who took the rap for Wilson Luthor. He was also the DA who refused to re-open the case when evidence proving that deal was exposed. Now she saw why, he was dirty then and is still dirty now.

“Well apparently Mr. Luthor wants to send him a message, or do him a favor. Either way, little Madisynn is coming to us next week.” 10 continued. “And from what it says here, she’s a spoiled ritch bitch who deserves what’s coming to her.”

Susan looked over the photo again, nobody deserved to come here she thought. But looking at the empty eyes, bleached blonde hair and plastic body of the young woman hanging off a man three times her age, if anybody did deserve to come here, it’s you she said to herself.

“Dress will be corsets, heels and crops.” 10’s voice cut through her thinking and snapped her back to the present. “Get yours from storage 14. 19, you can try on the ones in the closet and find whichever fits best.”

“I thought we were naked with the trainees?” Susan asked.

“That was for you.” 14 replied. “The psych profile said that you needed to empathize with as victims ourselves, or else you would be too stubborn to train.”

“Psych profile?” Susan asked, and 10 flipped the folder over to a series of typewritten sheets and slid it across the bed to her. Susan looked at it, and it was an actual psychological profile of Madisynn Walters. She read where it recommended that she be as isolated and separated from the world she was familiar with as much possible in order to most effectively break down any resistance. A strong dominant presence was required to offset her ingrained sense of entitlement. Pain was recommended, but in small doses to prevent her slipping into a catatonic state in defence. “I never had a chance.” Susan muttered to herself. She felt 14’s small hand on her shoulder, rubbing her reassuringly.

“No, you didn’t. No one does in this place.” The small Asian woman said in a comforting voice. “The best you can do is realize that as soon as possible and make the best of what you have.”

Susan nodded and read the rest of the file. Madisynn was 25 and had come from an upper middle class family, but dropped out of college in her second year to become a professional party girl. She had a string of older boyfriends who paid for her plastic surgery and now she had married the Judge after a fling in Mexico. There were several photos of her with of various men at red carpet events, night clubs or yachts and in all of them she had the same wannabe porn star pose. Susan shuddered at the photos and involuntarily clenched her hand into a fist. Everything Susan had lost and had to work for, this bitch had it all on a platter but gave it up to party her life away.

Susan went into the huge walk-in closet and walked down to the corset section. Corset section, just the idea made her laugh at the absurdity of her situation. She found a dark green one that fit her pretty well, and the colour would go well with her dark hair and eyes. She picked up a matching pair of leather shorts and her favorite black heels and headed back to her bunk. The eyes of other trainers followed her as she stowed the items in her footlocker. She ignored the looks and headed down to talk to 14 who was putting her own red corset in her locker.

“So how do we do this?” she asked “I wasn’t exactly paying attention to the minutiae of the process last time.”

“10 is the lead, we do what she says.” 14 answered, tucking a strand of jet black hair behind her ear. “It’s pretty easy actually, unless they are stubborn, pig headed, cunts. Then it gets tedious.”

“Sorry.” Susan replied and 14 smiled.

“Just keep in character, that is the hardest part. My heart broke for you a couple of times but if I had shown it, you would have latched on to that lifeline. Then you would have either been punished more, or just kicked out of the program and that is not like being held back in school here.”

10 walked up, fully dressed in her favorite Dominatrix outfit and saw the two women chatting. With a swipe of her crop she smacked both Susan and 14 on the ass.

“Dammit women, we got a shipment coming in in 10 minutes. Get in your outfits and meet me at the loading dock or it will be you in the cells tonight!” She gave each of them a hard glare that sent them scrambling for their lockers and stormed out of the dorm.

Susan slipped into her leather booty shorts and struggled to put on the corset, unfamiliar with the strings and buckles. She gasped when 14 came over and helped strap her in. “Am I supposed to breathe in this thing?” she complained.

“Not if it is done right.” 14 replied and picked up her crop. “Hurry up” she chided as Susan struggled to put on her shoes without being able to see her feet. The two women hurried out of the dorm and Susan followed the Asian woman down an unfamiliar hallway and a set of stairs to a steel door. A man stood there with a radio and submachine gun and waived the girls through with a nod.

On the other side Susan saw 4 more training teams and a line of 5 wheelchairs. Each wheelchair had an unconscious woman strapped in to it. They ranged in ages from 18 to early 30’s and were all naked with blindfolds and a plastic oxygen mask over their nose and mouth. She saw 10 standing in front of the woman she recognized as Madisynn as she fastened a familiar collar around the sleeping woman’s neck. 10 waived them forward as she signed what appeared to be a receipt, of course Luthor would have everything accounted and itemized. 14 moved to take the handles of the wheelchair and 10 led them through a set of large double doors and a maze of hallways until they reached a room that looked like a miniature theater. Susan looked through the large window and saw the dungeon room on the other side. Who sat here and watched Veronica be teased for hours she thought.

They moved through the dungeon and into the cell block. 10 stopped outside of a cell marked with the number 21 and looked at the number of Madisynn’s collar. “This bitch is 21, that is the only way you will refer to her, understood?” she said to Susan who nodded in reply. “Don’t call her anything else, don’t answer any of her questions, don’t talk to her unless I say it is alright.” The large black woman walked over to Susan and stared down at her “Don’t fuck this up.”

“Yes Mistress 10.” Susan replied. “You are the boss, tell me what to do.”

“Get 21 off of the chair and put her in the cell. Let me know when she wakes up” 10 pointed to an intercom at the end of the hall “and if she gets uppity, use this.” she slid a small remote into Susan’s hand. It felt cold and sinister and she fingered the button hesitantly.

“Don’t get weak on me here. You know what will happen to her if we don’t do our jobs so grab yourself by the cunt hairs and suck it up.” 10 commanded and Susan nodded again.

10 and 14 moved along through to the Hotel room, leaving Susan to watch as other team leaders deposited their own victims in the various cells. She heard direction being given, some very different from what 10 had told her. They had this place down to a science, and those team leaders knew what they were doing she thought. Eventually Susan heard moaning inside the room and slid back the viewport to check inside. Madisynn was sitting up on the bed, holding her head and looking around confused.

“Hello?” She called out. “Hey, where the fuck am I? Guys this isn’t funny.” She looked up at the door and where Susan’s eyes were framed in the small viewport window. 21, Susan started to call her that in her mind now, pulled herself to her feet and staggered over to the door. “Whosever sick idea this is, let me out now!” she shouted as she banged on the door.

Susan slid the viewport closed and walked over to the intercom. After notifying 10 that the woman was awake she returned to her post and waited. The screaming of the woman in the cell got more shrill and demanding.

“Hey assholes. Let me out of here!” 21 screeched. “Do you know who my father is, who my husband is? I will have you arrested and thrown in jail if you don’t open this door right now.” Susan gritted her teeth and twisted the crop in her hand. She fingered the remote and felt a pang of guilt over how much she wanted to use it on the woman pounding on the door behind her.

She was relieved when 10 showed up. “How long?” the black woman asked.

“She just started when I called you.” Susan replied and stepped aside to allow 10 to open the viewport.

“Stand back from the door.” 10 commanded.

“Fuck you!” 21 screeched in response. “You fuckers are so dead once my father finds out about this.”

“Stand back from the door, last warning.” 10 said again, then gestured for the remote.

Susan handed it to her regretfully and watched with guilty satisfaction as she pushed the button. A scream of pain emerged from behind the door followed by the thud of a body hitting the floor. 10 stood back and nodded to Susan who turned the key and pulled the door open. She fought the urge to peek around the edge, understanding the image 10 was trying to portray.

“Your number is 21. I am 10 and you will address me as Mistress 10, do you understand.” 10 said in her Drill Sergeant voice.

“Fuck you bitch. Do you know who I am!” 21 replied, pulling herself to her knees. She squealed in pain as 10 lashed out with the crop across her surgery augmented perfect tits.

“What the fuck ... aaaaaahhh!” she screamed again as 10 repeated he blow. 10 struck and struck again, driving the naked woman back against the wall. Susan winced as the sounds of leather striking flesh echoed through the hall. 21’s screams turned to a constant howling wail as she suffered through blow after blow from the large woman.

“You will address me as Mistress 10, do you understand.” 10 repeated in the same commanding tone. Not angry or frustrated, just indifferent to the suffering of the woman at her feet.

“Yes Mistress 10.” 21 sobbed.

“Kneel.” 10 commanded and Susan heard the woman shuffling over the concrete floor.

“You are number 21 and I have been assigned to train you. If you learn your lessons well you will earn rewards and advancement. When you fail, you earn punishment.” She raised the crop “This is but one tool that I have available to me. This is the other.” 10 pushed the button on the remote and Susan heard 21 howl in pain as the familiar sound of electricity came through the door.

“Kneel.” 10 commanded after she released the button, but all Susan heard was sobbing.

“You can’t do this. Do you know who I am?” 21 blubbered. “You are all so dead.”

Susan heard the sound of leather striking flesh again. “Kneel” 10 commanded.

“Alright, don’t hit me anymore please.” 21 answered in an agonized voice.

“You will address me as Mistress at all times. You will address anyone of a lower number than yourself as Mistress and you will obey any commands given immediately or you will be punished. Do you understand?” 10 stated in her usual flat tone. Susan recognized the canned speech she must have given dozens of times over the years.

“You will be taught how to act and behave so that you may be employed as necessary. If you learn your lessons well, you may advance through the ranks and become a trainer yourself. Failure to learn results in ever increasing punishment until you are deemed untrainable and discarded.”

10 stepped back and ushered Susan and 14 into the doorway. “These two will take you to be cleaned and prepared. You will be assessed tonight to determine you baseline performance. The better you do, the less training you will require.”

14 stepped forward with a pair of leather cuffs. “Present your hands.” She said in a voice that was so hard Susan couldn’t believe it was the same woman. 21 shakily put her arms out and 14 deftly fastened the cuffs around the woman’s wrists.

“Up” 14 commanded and 21 stood on unsteady legs. 14 fastened the cuffs together in front 21 then hooked a leash to her collar. Susan made her face hard as the newest recruit was led from the cell and down toward the shower. A small smile of satisfaction played across her face as 21 squealed in discomfort under the cold spray.

The woman sobbed as she huddled in the shower. “You can’t do this, you can’t do this.” She repeated over and over. “Do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is, my husband? You can’t do this.”

Shit, it sounded just like every other entitled rich kid she had stuffed in the back of her cruiser over the last 3 years. People who thought that bad things couldn’t happen to them because of how rich they were or who they knew. The sobbing and moaning grated on Susan’s nerves.

“Silence!” Susan screamed, and lashed out with her crop striking the pitiful woman hard across the cheek. 21 cowered back in fear as Susan raised the crop again, but a strong hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her back out of the shower stall. Susan turned angrily, but saw the fierce eyes of 10 glaring at her.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing 19?” 10 demanded.

“I thought we were supposed to punish her, make her afraid.” Susan replied hastily.

“Punish her yes, but not on the face. Never on the face unless I tell you otherwise, understood!” 10 shot back.

“Yes Mistress 10.” Susan replied respectfully. Then she nodded to where the terrified woman cowered in the shower “At least she shut up.”

“That she did.” 10 acknowledged, nodding in approval. “Get her out of there and back to her cell. We have to plan for tomorrow.”

Susan and 14 pulled the shivering woman from the shower and half dragged her back to her cell. They locked the door, ignoring the sobs and pleas that emanated from the quivering ball of flesh that no longer even seemed human. As Susan walked back to the elevator she thought “Damn, I laid a smackdown on that annoying prissy bitch and all I got was a warning not to hit her in the face.” A feeling of satisfaction and power started to grow, until she quashed it down. “I am Officer Susan O’Connell, I am Officer Susan O’Connell.” She repeated to herself, but it didn’t seem to stick as well as it used to.

When she got to the dorm, 10 and 14 were already there helping each other out of their corsets. 14 finished unlacing 10 then came over to help Susan, who breathed a deep sigh of relief as the restraining leather loosened. “Good job to day 19.” 10 said “Not bad for your first day as a trainer. Go hit the showers, I’ll make sure no one bothers you.” The woman announced in a loud clear voice, eyes sweeping the room. Susan groaned in anticipation. Showering without having to worry if someone was going to mess with the temperature, steal your towel or overturn your bunk. Heaven.

20 minutes later and Susan was in her comfortable leggings and t-shirt, sitting on 10’s bunk as they reviewed the plan for the next day. “File says that this chick is hard core racist as well as homophobic.” 10 said as she pointed to the line in the psych evaluation. “Tomorrow, we are going to push both of those buttons and see what we get. Rest your jaw muscles tonight ladies, you will need them tomorrow.”

“Great” Susan thought, dykeing out with that bitch. She went into the ballroom and grabbed a soda from the bar. One of the benefits of being a trainer was access to non-alcoholic drinks, team leaders had full bar privileges. She looked around, hoping to see Veronica but apparently there was no call for a French maid tonight. She sat in the library, reading one of the books that she was sure were just for show when 14 sat down beside her. The tiny Asian woman curled up in the corner of the sofa, her cup of tea sitting on her knee.

“How are you doing?” She asked?

“Kinda conflicted actually.” Susan replied, glad for someone to talk to. “I know that I am supposed to work to protect people regardless of who they are, but part of me liked putting that bitch in her place.”

14 nodded. “I had friends like that. Rich and powerful who got away with pretty much anything.” She leaned forward. “Its ok to feel angry and frustrated. The only way that these trainees learn is if we never give them a chance to take control from us. If they think that they can control their lives here, then they will never fall in line and you saw what happens to those people.”

Susan nodded, the weeping face of Emma Watson reminder her of the sobbing woman on the floor of the cell. If she didn’t get over her refusal to accept her situation, she would be the next person taken out of here in a bag. “Thanks, I will do what I have to in order to keep her alive.”

The next morning, the 3 women were standing outside the cell door as Susan unlocked it. She was going to pull the door open when 10 jammed her stiletto clad foot against it.

“Check the window first.” She said and Susan nodded. “Fucking rookie mistake” she chided herself and opened the viewport.

21 was curled in a ball on the bed, wrapped in the scratchy wool blanket. Susan pulled the door open further and holding the remote in her hand called out “Kneel.” The huddled woman under the blanket did not respond so Susan triggered the remote.

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