Hostile Witness - Cover

Hostile Witness

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 4

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A rookie female cop is captured by the mob boss she is working to take down. She is taken to a facility where she sees just what happens when a man has unlimited resources and limited morals.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   Crime   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom  

After the party things slowed down for Susan. In fact, they started to get kind of boring. There wasn’t much new training with 10 or the others, and there were no new calls for her services. She was permitted to interact more with the other women, and they were even allowed to have a girl’s night in the Hotel room. She, Veronica and Sheilah spent an evening in the palatial accommodations, sharing their dinner together and talking about their time in the facility. They laughed when Susan recounted the tale of the Senator falling asleep on her back, and consoled Sheilah as she explained the traumatic first time for her. She had been a virgin and given to a man for just that reason, who used her brutally for the sheer joy of breaking something so precious. They held her as she sobbed, then Susan told of what Sheilah had done for her in this very room and how they had worked to save each other. No one mentioned Emma, she had never come back after she disappeared into the library with Farouk. Eventually, the three of them fell asleep in the bed. There was nothing sexual, just three women bonding over shared experiences.

The next week, Sheilah was gone. Susan asked 14 about her and was told that Mercy had summoned her up to work in the household. It happened once there was no point in the women being held in the cells any longer, and Sheilah had certainly proven her worth at the party. 14 also mentioned that Mercy had taken a personal liking to the girl and wanted her to be more available. That left Susan and Veronica alone in the now empty basement, until one day when 10 and 8 showed up with cuffs and gags. Bound and silenced, the two women were brought to the elevator and felt the lift take them up into the main house. They passed the library and went several floors further up until the doors opened into a large office.

The two women were herded across the deep pile carpet and sat down in chairs that faced a large ornate desk. Veronica’s chair was pulled to the side while Susan was left facing the desk and the large window behind it. She saw that they were on an island, or the tip of a peninsula as there was only rolling water as far as she could see. “Makes sense” she thought. “Luthor definitely has enough money for his own island and it makes escape or interference a lot harder.” Here musings were interrupted as a side door opened and Luthor and Mercy entered the room. Luthor took the seat behind the desk and Mercy moved off to the side, resting her hand on the back of Veronica’s chair. Luthor nodded to 10 and the woman moved forward to remove Susan’s cuffs and gag.

As she worked her sore jaw and rubbed her wrists, Susan watched Luthor, wondering what was going on. She was surprised that her nakedness did not bother her, nor did it seem to interest the mob boss either. For a long moment, the two assessed each other, then Luthor reached into a drawer and pulled out a pistol. It was an LAPD service automatic, just like the one Susan had carried that night. In fact, it was her gun. She recognized where she had buffed the trigger to give a better grip for her finger, and the scratch on the upper slide from the red dot sight she had put on until her supervisor made her take it off.

Luthor gave the gun a cursory glance, then with a practiced motion removed the magazine and locked the slide back. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a single 9mm round, placing it in the chamber and releasing the slide lock. Susan was in front of Wilson Luthor and he was holding a loaded gun. She tensed, was this the end of everything?

“I am aware of what Heinrich has told you, Ms. O’Connell.” Luthor said with a calm voice. “He likes to play this game. Putting me in a difficult situation to see how I get out of it.” The mob bosses mouth twitched in annoyance. “It can be trying, but it does keep me on my toes.” He set the loaded pistol down on the desk in front of him and leaned back in his chair. “Mercy advised me that you have performed well over the last several weeks.”

“Has it been that long?” she thought as she eyed the distance between her and the gun.

“The question is now, what to do with you?” Luthor continued.

“Looks like you are going to kill me.” Susan replied with fake confidence. “If that is the case then get it over with.”

Luthor sighed. “Do you really think so little of me Ms. O’Connell? Do you think I would have wasted the effort and resources of this facility on you just to kill you?”

“From my end, it looks like you turned me into a fucktoy for your henchmen.” She snapped back. “I am sure a lot of your men would love the chance to fuck a cop.”

“Indeed” Luthor replied. “It is a bucket list item for several of them, but as you should be aware I do not need a real police officer to grant that wish. A uniform, a fake ID and any of my ladies can fit the bill.”

Susan thought “Damn, he’s right. What the hell did he need me for then?”

Luthor leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. “Ms. O’Connell, several years ago you took an oath to serve and protect. I am now going to give you the chance.” He spun the pistol and slid it across the desk at her. It stopped just tantalizingly out of reach, handgrip facing her and the barrel pointed at Luthor’s broad chest.

Susan heard a sharp intake of breath and looked over to where Mercy stood behind Veronica. There was finally a readable emotion in the woman’s eyes, and it was fear. She stared at Susan, then at the gun, then at Luthor, her gaze darting back and forth between them.

Luthor sat back in his chair. “This is your opportunity, Ms. O’Connell. With one bullet you can avenge the death of your father, get revenge for what has happened to you, topple my empire and wipe me from the face of the earth.” His voice was disturbingly calm for a man trying to convince a woman who hated him to kill him. Then he took a deep breath and continued “the only price will be your friend’s life.”

Susan heard a strangled whimper and looked over to where Mercy was pressing the barrel of a small automatic hard against Veronica’s temple. Tears streamed down the helpless woman’s face as her wide eyes watched Susan with terror. The fear had left Mercy’s eyes, and a cold fury had replaced it as she stared hard at Susan.

“What will it be, Ms. O’Connell. Will you serve humanity by removing a predator from their midst? Or will you protect your friend by sacrificing your lifelong dream?” Luthor swiveled slightly in his chair, squaring his chest towards where the gun sat in front of Susan.

The room was silent, save for Veronicas subdued whimpering. That sound though, echoed through Susan’s soul. She looked over and saw her friend’s terrified face as Mercy ground the barrel of the pistol hard against the side of her head. She looked at Luthor who sat calmly in his chair, as if waiting for his lunch order to arrive. She leaned forward slowly, picking up the gun in her right hand. The weight felt comfortingly familiar, by instinct her finger lay along the trigger guard and the weapon nestled into her palm like an old friend. “5lbs of trigger pull, that is all it would take.” She murmured to herself as she tilted the gun left and right in her hand, barrel never straying from Luthor’s chest. Then with a deep breath, she reached up and pulled back the slide, ejecting the round.

She dropped the gun on the desk and collapsed, sobbing. She had it all, everything she had worked for over the last 15 years, and she had given it up. She looked up at Veronica, who was also sobbing but with relief instead of fear. She watched as Mercy pulled the pistol back and engage the safety. Then she saw another emotion flicker across the woman’s face. It wasn’t relief, or anger, or even satisfaction. She saw that Mercy was staring at Luthor with what could only be described as sheer animal lust.

She heard the pistol being pulled back across the desk and she straightened up into her chair. Luthor nodded and 10 moved forward, offering a bottle of water to Susan who accepted it without thinking. She gulped it down, the cool liquid bringing her back to the present. She wiped her mouth and regarded the man across the table. “Now what?” she asked.

“Now, we talk business.” Luthor said as he leaned forward, his sharp gaze fixed on the woman across from him. “This facility has run here for years, and many women have made their way through it. Some, like Sheilah Parker have moved on to higher levels of service, while others like Emma Watson never left. In order for it to function effectively, I require staff.”

“Are you looking for a maid?” Susan asked sarcastically. “Before you hire me you should look at my apartment?”

Luthor gave a small, dry smile. “No, Ms. O’Connell, I am looking for a trainer.”

Susan sat back with shock. Did this asshole really think that she would help him turn kidnapped women into sex slaves? “I don’t know if you read my resume, but I just spent the last 3 years trying to destroy you. What makes you think I would ever work for you?”

Luthor sat back. “Officer Susan O’Connell did that, and she died for it. She got a small funeral which few people attended and a plaque in a cemetery. As far as the LAPD is concerned, she quit in disgrace and her name is not on the End of Watch Wall.” He paused, letting that sink in. “You on the other hand, Number 24, have shown insight, compassion, strength and a surprising ability to adapt to your situation. Not something that happens often in this place.” He stood, moving around the desk to sit on the edge like a lecturing professor.

“This facility will keep running, whether you are alive or dead. Women will be brought in to be trained and tested. In fact, new arrivals are coming in this week. Whether they adapt and live, or fail and die depends on the work and skill of their trainers.” Luthor waived a hand at where 10 and 8 stood silently by the elevator. “Do you really think that you would have survived as long as you have without having 10 to guide you? I am sure you hated her at times, but many students hate their teachers. However, many also end up appreciating those who were hardest on them when they needed it, and gentle with them at the right time.”

Susan thought back. She would have happily killed 10 when the woman was torturing Victoria, but she had also been on the edge of killing herself after the party, before 10 let her stay with her friend that night. Hadn’t she said thank you, and meant it. Hadn’t she told 14 that if it wasn’t for her efforts she would have failed long ago?

Luthor sat there silently, giving Susan time to think.

“I can’t stop this, not yet” she thought. “But maybe I can learn enough to bring it down from the inside. And if I can keep one girl from ending up like Emma, it will be worth it.” Susan looked over to where Victoria sat, still bound and gagged. “What will happen to her, can she stay with me?”

Luthor shook his head. “Ms. McNaughton does not have the temperament to be a trainer, but I can employ her in other capacities here.” Luthor said, acknowledging the small blonde woman for the first time. “Perhaps in time she could serve on my legal team. One does not survive long in my business by wasting resources.”

Mercy spoke for the first time “What happens to you, happens to her. That is the deal.” Luthor nodded in assent. “I leave the running of this facility to Mercy and her team, do not think that you are so valuable that you will not be eliminated should you become a threat.” He said with a matter-of-fact tone.

“You mean like the names and addresses of the women that Heinrich told me about last night.” Susan replied. “It sounds like you are trying to neutralize a threat, gain an asset and score bragging rights all in one swoop.”

Luthor smiled. Not a warm smile, more like one a contented lion would give to a gazelle it knew it could hunt later. “I am glad you understand your position here. Are we in agreement?” He stood and extended his hand.

“As long as we are laying cards on the table, I fully intend to bring you down. First chance I get I will tear this place down around your ears, and take you up on that offer of one clear shot. Until then, I will do whatever I can to help the women you bring here survive.” Susan stood, then put her arms behind her back “and no, I won’t shake your hand.”

Luthor chuckled “You have your hands full with this one Mercy.”

Mercy gestured for 8 and 10 and the women moved forward. 8 took Veronica by the shoulder and helped her stand, 10 moved up beside Susan. Mercy stepped in front of Veronica and removed the tag from her collar and replacing it with one with an outline of a house on it. “You are no longer a trainee; you are now a house servant. You will be moved into the second-floor dormitory and remain there until you are assigned your task.” She nodded to 8 who took Victoria by the arm and led her back to the elevator. As she was led away Susan told her “Stay Safe.” To which she mumbled back through her gag “Oou Ooo.”

Her attention snapped back with a gasp of pain as Mercy flicked her bare nipple with her sharp nails. “Do not think that this allows any of your previous training to slip.” The woman chided in a sharp tone. “If you do not live up to your end of the bargain, you will both be eliminated. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress One” Susan replied, pulling herself up to attention. “I cannot help anyone if I am dead.”

“Good.” Mercy reached up and removed the number 24 tag from Susan’s collar, replacing it with one that read 19. “You are the lowest rank of trainers. You have seen how advancement is earned, and lost, so I expect you to perform well.”

“Yes Mistress.” Susan replied.

Mercy stepped back and regarded 10 with a level gaze. “She will be part of your team, 12 is being assigned an external duty. If she does well with this next batch, you will earn your previous rank back, understood?”

“Yes, Mistress One.” 10 replied with a sharp voice, and Susan felt her tense with pride and eagerness.

“You are dismissed. Report to the trainer dormitory and await your next instruction.” Mercy said and she and Luthor moved off through the side door.

10 turned to Susan and stared hard at her. “If this is a trick, a ploy to try to escape, I will kill your friend slowly and make you watch.”

Susan stared back at her. “I will burn this place to the ground and Luthor and Mercy with it. Until then I will do everything I can to make sure there are no more Emma Watson’s. If you get in my way, I will topple you like an oak and chop you up for the kindling.”

The two women stared hard at each other, then 10 nodded “I am glad we understand each other.”

Susan nodded back. “So, what do I need to know?”

“This was definitely not in the brochure” Susan thought, then yelped in pain as the leather strap struck her ass again.

She was dressed in her slutty police uniform again, with her long brown hair done up in a tight bun at the nape of her neck. A blue ball gag with the LAPD emblem filled her mouth as she was bent over a padded bench, her arms and legs secured by leather cuffs. One of her stockings was slipping down as it had come loose from the garter from the repeated blows to her ass and legs. She yelped into her gag again as 10 swung the leather strap, striking her on the back of her helpless thighs.

“Scream you cop whore!” 10 said with vehemence as she swung the strap again, striking her on the small of her back this time. Scream she did. 10 was wearing her dominatrix outfit, black corset, leather booty shorts and thigh high boots with 6” heels. Her hair was loose and flowed around her like Medusa’s snakes as she wound up and delivered another brutal slap to the helpless ex-police officer.

They were in the library, which had been turned into a theater of sorts with her as the main attraction. The chairs and sofas were arranged in a large horseshoe where several men were seated with drinks in their hands. She looked around through tear glazed eyes as the cream of the LA criminal underworld laughed watching her humiliation. Many of the men had their pants around their ankles as the other women of the facility serviced them. She saw 14 kneeling between the legs of a large black man, struggling to fit his massive cock into her small mouth. Other women she recognized from the trainee dorm or house staff in a variety of sexy costumes or lingerie were working on different men. Even Veronica was there, in a French Maid’s uniform, taking drink orders and trying to avoid groping hands as she did. She gave Susan a concerned look, then flinched as she felt a hand slide up her skirt. A fake giggle and quick shuffle and she headed back to the bar.

“Yeah, beat the bitch!” Susan heard from the crowd, followed by a chorus of agreement and encouragement. 10 took the opportunity to tease her audience by stepping back and parading around where Susan lay helpless bent over the bench.

“This prissy little cop bitch can’t take much more.” She said with contempt. She crouched down, eye to eye with Susan and pulled her head up by her hair. “Big and tough when you are on the other side of the cuffs, aren’t you slut.”

Susan moaned in pain, but was grateful for the brief respite that 10 was giving her. She knew it was part of the show, but that didn’t make it any easier to take. Tears ran freely down her face and her breath came in ragged gasps. 10 released her grip and Susan let her head hang down, she was almost at her limit and starting to develop tunnel vision from the pain and lack of oxygen.

“I think it’s time this cop bitch got fucked, just like the cops fuck us.” Susan heard a man say. Out of the corner of her eye she saw one of the men shove a woman off of his cock and stand to move towards her. “Oh no, oh god please no!” she thought as she saw the massive hard on he was sporting.

10 stood back, crossing her arms as the man walked around the helpless woman. He stood in front of her and wiped his cock across her face, leaving a sticky trail over her eyes and nose. “I’d love to face fuck this slut, but she has the right to remain silent” he quipped, then laughed loud at his own joke.

The man was now standing behind Susan and she could feel the tip of the cock starting to press against her ass. The memory of her assault from Farouk flashed through her head. She struggled against her bonds and screamed into her gag in process.

“Yeah bitch, Imma’ gonna fuck you up good.” The man said as he laid his hand on Susan’s ass and slid the tip of his cock up and down her exposed pussy. Susan screamed in terror, throwing herself against the bench trying to escape. She saw the terrified look on Veronica’s face as she stood frozen in shock. Then the small blonde woman took a step forward, wrapping her hand around a bottle on the bar. “No, no” Susan screamed into her gag, shaking her head frantically. Susan braced herself for another painful penetration, but was shocked when he slid in easily. “Shit, this whore is wet. She likes this shit.” The guy exclaimed.

“What the hell” Susan screamed at herself. “Where the fuck did that come from?” She was shocked at her body’s reaction, but could not deny that she was already well lubricated when the man slid his cock into her. She felt him thrust in and out as he fucked her from behind, and moaned in spite of herself at the sensation.

“Yeah bitch, you are all sluts in the end aren’t you. Can’t wait for a man to bend you over and take what is his.” She heard as he increased his tempo, driving his cock hard and deep into her helpless body. Her breath came in strangled grunts as she strained against her bonds.

“No, no” she repeated to herself. She was being taken against her will, after being beaten and humiliated in front of some of the very criminals she had sworn to fight against. How could she be turned on by this? But her body defied her mind, and she groaned as she felt him filling her up over and over again.

“Ha ha!” the man exclaimed, as he slapped Susan’s already sore ass. The pain shot through her, but only served to enhance the pleasure she was also feeling. She closed her eyes and moaned into her gag again, her fists clenching involuntarily. She opened her eyes and saw 10 standing in front of her, the large black man by her side with her hand stroking his massive cock. The black woman smiled as Susan whimpered into her gag, helpless to deny what she was feeling. She crouched down and took the bound woman’s chin in her hand. “You gonna’ cum on that cock there, cop bitch?”

Susan nodded, understanding that it was what she was expected to do but disgusted that she would not have to fake it. She felt the orgasm building within her, helpless to stop it. Her pussy tensed and she stiffened against her bonds as the sensation flowed through her. Tears of disappointment flowed down her face as she undeniably orgasmed on the cock of the criminal who was ra**ng her. She felt him explode inside her, filling her with his own cum as he howled in glee.

“I fucked the law, and I won!” he sung as he pulled out of her to the cheers of the audience. “Come on boys, shows over.” The guests and women made their way out of the library, some delivering slaps to Susan’s sore ass as they passed and laughing at her groans of pain. When the library was empty, Veronica ran over and struggled to remove the gag from Susan’s mouth. The ball came free with a pop and Susan gasped for her first full breath of air in what seemed like forever.

“Oh god, I was so scared for you” Veronica gasped, awkwardly hugging Susan and planting frantic kisses on her cheeks. Susan moaned, part in pain but mostly in relief that the ordeal seemed over.

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