Hostile Witness - Cover

Hostile Witness

Copyright© 2023 by Kmaster3000

Chapter 2

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A rookie female cop is captured by the mob boss she is working to take down. She is taken to a facility where she sees just what happens when a man has unlimited resources and limited morals.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   NonConsensual   Slavery   Fiction   Crime   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom  

Susan woke with a start at the sound of the door opening. She hadn’t even realized that she had fallen asleep and struggled to consciousness as light filled the room. She squinted and saw a silhouette in the door, then heard the clipped voice of 12 and the rattle of plastic on concrete. “Here is your breakfast, eat quickly as you have a long day ahead of you.”

The door closed and Susan sat up on the bed, stretching the kinks out of her stiff body. She looked down at the tattered remnants of the costume she had worn since yesterday and quickly stripped out of it. Being naked was better than wearing that mockery of a uniform she had decided. She looked at the tray sitting on the floor, a bowl of what looked like oatmeal, a plastic cup of juice and a pill in a paper cup. She devoured the food, it was cold but she didn’t care. She hadn’t eaten since before she met Veronica at the bar, how long ago was that she wondered? It seemed like weeks but she figured it was only about 2 days. She drank the orange juice, then filled the cup with water from her sink and drank three more glasses to slake her thirst. She was considering the pill when the door opened again. 10 stood there, with 14 standing behind her with a small cart.

Susan moved to the center of the room and knelt on the floor, 10 nodded in approval and looked around. Her eyes spotted the pill, still in its cup. She moved into the room and bent down to pick it up, then popped it in her mouth swallowing it dry.

“It is just a multi vitamin.” she said. “Until you earn the privilege of better food, you will need them. I will have another sent with your next meal and you will take it.” She stepped aside to allow 14 to roll the cart in. Susan noticed it was a wheeled vanity covered with various cosmetics and brushes with a mirror and light attached. 14 gestured to the bed and Susan moved to sit down while the petite Asian woman maneuvered the cart beside her. Susan considered grabbing the cart and throwing it at her captors, but 10 must have read her intentions and raised her hand, displaying the remote. “Anything that happens to you, happens to her.” She reminded Susan in a business like tone. Susan nodded and relaxed onto the bed.

10 continued “Your performance yesterday was sufficient for Mistress One, but barely. You have potential but are untrained in almost all aspects of womanhood.”

Susan stifled a snort of laughter. “Lady, you don’t know the half of it” she thought to herself. Her mother had tried, but after her father died, Susan was totally focused on becoming a cop. Veronica had helped somewhat, but Susan had no interest in looking good for the sake of looking good and any outfit that couldn’t be used in a gym or dojo was pointless to her.

“14 will teach you how to properly prepare yourself for various tasks you may be assigned. When she is satisfied with your progress you will move on to the next stage of your training.” 10 fixed her with a stern look “Do not attempt to stall, or act stupid. I have paid once for your petty stubbornness; I do not intend to pay again. Understood?”

Susan nodded and 10 moved to a corner to lean against the wall. The small Asian woman touched Susan’s chin, turning her face toward the mirror. Damn, she looked rough as she saw herself, good luck girl Susan thought.

By the time they were done, Susan’s face was raw and sore from the repeated washing and applying of make up, but she had to admit that she was getting the hang of it. She still couldn’t get that stupid eyeliner swoosh thing on her left eye, but the rest seemed pretty simple. She looked in the mirror and the face of a beautiful, seductive woman looked back at her. Here brown eyes looked huge after the proper application of mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow. Her cheeks were totally re-shaped with blush and concealer to make her face more angled and elegant. Her lips were fuller and lusher than she ever thought possible, damn she thought, she wanted to fuck her. “Just pretend you are undercover, and this is a disguise,” she thought to herself. “Remember, this isn’t who you are. You are Susan O’Connell, LAPD Officer and you are going to bring them all down.”

10 moved from the wall where she had remained motionless throughout the entire ordeal. Like a shadow in a shadow, she had watched silently. Susan was impressed, and concerned with her discipline. “Excellent work 14” 10 commented and the Asian woman bowed her head, cheeks flushing with the compliment. 14 gathered her equipment and wheeled the cart out of the cell. Susan had considered trying to sneak one of the brushes but they were the same as the previous kit and would have been useless as a weapon anyway.

As 14 left, 12 entered the room with the clicking of stiletto high heels. Susan watched as the statuesque Russian woman swayed and flowed through the door and stopped to stand in front of her. She tossed a pair of shoes on Susan’s lap and Susan groaned as she recognized the ones she had worn last night.

“You clomp around like a drunken circus bear” 12 said in a disgusted Russian accent. “All of the make up in the world cannot hide that you are an uncultured korova, pretending to be a woman. Put them on and stand up, your training on how to walk properly begins now.”

Susan slipped on the shoes and stood, awkwardly trying to match 12’s fluid grace. 12 snorted “we will begin with the basics.” She said, and reached out to place a large book on Susan’s head and waived her to the door. “You will walk up and down the hall until you can do it without dropping the book.”

“No sweat” Susan thought. “If I can manage Tai Chi, I can manage this.” But she barely got to the cell door before the book fell to the floor. “Shit” she said, then screamed in pain as the collar sent the now familiar shocks through her body. Just as she started to collapse to the floor, the pain stopped and gasping, she braced herself against the door frame.

“This is not some finishing school, or sleep over where you are sharing beauty secrets you read in a magazine.” 10 growled. “Just because you have made progress do not think that you are free from punishment. You will take this seriously, all of it, or we will visit your friend again.”

Susan pushed herself up and steadied herself on her feet. She turned to 10 “I am sorry, it won’t happen again. I won’t disappoint you.” She said in a firm tone. “At least not until I can be sure to get Veronica and I out of here” she thought to herself.

10 nodded and gestured to the book. “Good, because she is counting on you.”

Susan squatted down and picked up the book, glancing at the title. “The Story of O?” she muttered. Then rose to balance it on her head.

The concentration was exhausting, harder than anything she had done before. She had moved up and down the hall, walking slowly then faster until she could stride almost as quickly as 12 could. She had practiced stopping, turning and posing all while keeping the book balanced on her head. After she had mastered that, 12 produced a rigid cardboard tube and slid it between her back and her elbows. This pulled her arms back, and her chest out and she was made to repeat the exercises again in this new posture. When she was finished, she was sweating with the stress of controlling her muscles so finely, and her feet were killing her. Those models she had spent her lifetime mocking might be empty headed arm candy, but damn they earned it she thought.

12 nodded as Susan moved past her for another trip down the hall. “Much better” she said, turning to 10. “She will need more practice to make it part of her muscle memory, but she has the basics.” 10 nodded and commanded Susan to stop. Susan stood in place, head up, arms back, legs straight in her heels. Her calves and ass burned from the unnatural position they had been in but she kept her face neutral as 10 approached her.

“You may keep the shoes in your cell for practice, as well as your make up kit. Every time you leave your cell you will be as you are now unless told otherwise, understood?”

“Yes Mistress.” Susan answered. While the shoes were uncomfortable, they were clothing, and they were hers she thought proudly.

“Your midday meal will come soon, after that we will commence with the rest of your training. Make sure you are ready when we arrive.” 10 concluded and turned away. Did Susan notice a smile on her face as she turned, what was that about she thought nervously.

12 guided her to her cell and locked the door behind her. Susan gratefully kicked off the shoes, then with a twinge of guilt picked them up and set them neatly beside her bed. The black leather shone in the light of the cell and she used the corner of her blanket to buff off a scuff from where she had fallen earlier.

Suddenly she stood up and shook her head. “What the hell am I doing!” she said to herself. “Why the fuck do I care if there is a scuff on these hooker shoes” and she kicked them across the room. She sat on the bed and put her head in her hands, trying to make sense of what she was feeling. Did she actually feel pride when that bitch 10 said she had done well and let her keep the stupid shoes? She looked at herself in the mirror over her sink and saw the unfamiliar woman who looked back at her. She rushed over and scrubbed the make up off, staring at her now recognizable face as it dripped with water. “You are Officer Susan O’Connell, of the LAPD.” She said over and over, and by the 5th time she started to believe it again.

The food slot opened and a tray slid into her cell. A few crackers, some cheese, a couple of carrot sticks and a glass of juice. She ate them all with relish, savoring the flavor of the familiar food. She had just downed the multi-vitamin when she heard 14’s voice through the door. “In 10 minutes I will be back to get you, make sure you are prepared.” Susan started. Dammit, she thought as she reached for her makeup kit.

She was still fighting with the fucking left eye swoosh when the cell door opened. She turned to see 14 standing there with a small bag in her hand. 14’s eyes widened as she took in Susan’s efforts and Susan wasn’t sure if she stifled a laugh or a sob. “Let me” she said as she moved into the cell and extended her hand.

“Is this my chance?” Susan thought. There didn’t seem to be anyone else around and she didn’t see a remote in either of the woman’s small hands. Then she remembered that she had no idea where Veronica was or how to get her out. To try to escape would doom her friend to death, or worse. Reluctantly, Susan handed over the eyeliner pencil and raised her face so 14 could do her work. A few minutes later and 14 stood back, nodding her head. “That will do” she said “but you must learn to blend and contour better. It is paint on a canvas, not mortar on a brick.”

10 came into the cell from where she appeared to have been lurking outside the door. “Good call” Susan thought. 10 wouldn’t be that stupid, I’ll have to remember that.

“That is sufficient. Cuffs and leash.” She commanded and 14 bobbed her head in acknowledgement. She reached into the bag that she had set on the bed and pulled out a set of cuffs. They were not the metal police cuffs Susan was familiar with. These were thick leather cuffs that wrapped around her wrists and ankles, and were secured with sturdy buckles. Despite the imposing appearance, the cuffs were lined with something that made them smooth, almost comfortable around her arms and legs. Susan was allowed to slip into her shoes before 14 fastened her cuffs together in front of her and clipped the leash to her collar. The last thing she pulled out of the bag was a large black ball gag which she held up to Susan’s shining red lips. Susan opened her mouth and 14 pushed the ball in, squeezing it behind her teeth and fastening it around her neck. 10 nodded and 14 picked up the leash, leading Susan out of the cell. The clicking of the now familiar 4” heels echoed off of the stone walls of the hall as they moved down towards the bedroom door she had been through yesterday.

They entered the room and Susan looked around again. It was the same high class hotel room that she had been in last night when that Senator had violated her. She supressed a shudder as she was pulled to the bed. 10 pushed her forward and she climbed on, thankful her hands were cuffed in front.

“On your back” 10 commanded and Susan settled herself in the middle of the bed. 10 pulled her cuffed hands up and secured them to a chain that was fastened to an eye hook at the top of the bed. At the same time 14 pulled her legs apart and fastened then to chains at the corners of the bed, pulling her into an inverted Y. Susan didn’t resist, there was nothing she could do and this wasn’t the time. She lay there as 10 moved around to the foot of the bed and let her eyes slide up Susan’s now helpless body. She still had her black heels on but other than that she was naked as 10’s gaze swept over her. Did Susan notice a glint of hunger in that look?

10 finished her assessment and stood back. “Yesterday, your performance was sufficient for the Senator, but it would not have fooled anyone else. Whether it was from lack of effort, or lack of experience is to be determined but you must improve if you are to advance in your training.” 10 cocked her head, looking at Susan with the look someone might give while assessing a used car.

“I am guessing it was experience. You do not look like someone who has taken much pleasure in your body.” She said, almost sounding sorry for Susan. “We will remedy that now. You will learn what you are supposed to act and sound like so you are able to better mimic it in the future.” She waived to 14 who moved back to the door they entered from and opened it.

12 moved in, leading another woman by their collar. To call her a woman was generous Susan thought, she couldn’t be much more than 18 as the girl was pulled reluctantly into the room. She was small, barely 5’ and probably weighed under 110lbs. Her hair was blonde, long and wavy, gathered into a pony tail that reached past the middle of her back. Her breasts were B cup at best and her hips barely flared past her waist. Her legs and arms were skinny and she had a coltish look as 12 pulled her toward where 10 stood. The girl looked at Susan and she saw her red rimmed eyes from where she must have been crying earlier. She had a collar and the tag read 22 in large black letters.

10 reached up to take the leash from 12 and pulled the girl close to her. The girl barely came up to 10’s shoulders and was pulled up onto her toes as 10 tightened the leash. 10 stared down at her and 22 flinched away from the large black woman’s gaze.

“You have failed in many of your assignments, 22.” 10 said in a calm, threatening tone. “I have been told by your handler that she is ready to have you discarded so that someone more suitable may take your place.”

The girl began to shake, Susan could see the tears start to well up in her eyes. “Please Mistress, please. I am trying, I am trying so hard.” The girl begged in a quivering voice.

“I know you are.” 10 replied “I have watched your sessions and seen your efforts, but trying and succeeding are two very different things.” 10 slackened the leash and the girl stepped back, fearfully trying not to look at the imposing woman in front of her.

“Do you want another chance? A final opportunity to prove that you have potential?” 10 asked.

The girl looked up hopefully. She fell to her knees and sobbed at 10’s feet. “Yes Mistress.” She said in a choking voice. “Please, let me show you that I can be useful. Let me show you what I have learned.” The girl began to crawl toward 10, kissing her feet in gratitude.

10 shoved her off and the small girl sprawled to the floor. “Not me, her.” 10 said and pointed to where Susan lay restrained on the bed. “This woman has never experienced a real orgasm before. If you are able to pleasure her to my satisfaction, I will intervene on your behalf.”

The girl looked at where Susan lay, a look of fear mixed with hope filled her face. She looked back to 10 “Yes Mistress, I will make you proud.” She said in a determined voice, then climbed up on the bed.

“Slowly” 10 directed, “This is not a race, but an experience.” Then she moved over to one of the arm chairs and settled in to watch the show.

The girl moved up to where Susan lay, sliding her hands along her bound arms and down her body. She leaned forward to flick her tongue over her ear. “I am sorry” she whispered as she nibbled on Susan’s earlobe. “If I don’t do this, they will have me killed. Please forgive me.”

Susan nodded, and closed her eyes. Another woman whose life depended on her doing what that black bitch wanted.

“My name is Sheilah. Sheilah Parker from Miami.” The girl whispered as she kissed her way along Susan’s neck and over to her other ear. “I have been here for at least 3 weeks and this is my last chance. Please help me.” She begged as her hands slid down to glide over Susan’s breasts.

Susan moaned, partially for show and partially in pleasure. This girl knew what she was doing. No groping, no coarse hands fumbling awkwardly in the dark. The girl’s smooth hands slid like a silk kerchief over Susan’s tits, bringing her nipples to firmness with their gentle caress. Susan stiffened as she felt Sheilah’s fingernails trace a line underneath her breasts, her hands gently cupping and squeezing them as her lips kissed their way down her chest. Sheilah moved to straddle Susan’s larger body and Susan felt the small mound of pubic hair tickle her as the girl slid down to take a nipple in her young mouth.

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